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Name: Miss Beer Date: 20/06/2017

Subject: English Class:9ENG1 Period: 2

Topic: Preparing for speeches

Period Begins: 9.30 Period Ends:10.30 No. of Students: 29

Syllabus outcomes addressed:

EN5-2A Effectively uses and critically assesses a wide range of processes, skills, strategies and knowledge
for responding to and composing a wide range of texts in different media and technologies

plan, rehearse and deliver presentations, selecting and sequencing appropriate content and
multimodal elements to influence a course of action (ACELY1741, ACELY1751)

Lesson outcomes:
Developing the skills need to deliver a speech
Identifying the elements required to deliver a speech

Links to previous lesson:

Developing skills to assist with their assessment task.

Assessment of Learning:
Verbal assessed

Are there students with special needs that need to be catered for? If so how?
Give pre warning of any changes in routine.
Notes are provided with certain sections missing for them to fill in.

Equipment/resources required:
Stop watch

Links to next lesson & Follow-up activities/homework:

Develops the students confidence, self esteem and skills in how to present their speech due in the
next lesson.
Time: Lesson Plan: Teacher activity: Student Activity:
Stages of the lesson:

Intro- Recap of last Students raise hands and

lesson and answer What did we do
previous last lesson and the lessons
lessons. before it?

Have students Students list what they

understanding need to do to present a
by identifying good speech.
what they need
to do to present
a good speech.

Discuss it as a Students listen and write

class. down any of the tips
provided by other students
or myself to their list.

I present why Students copy notes in

each speech tip work books. (IEP students
is important in are provided with
having to alternative sheets and ICT
effective delivery in the form of an IPAD for
their speech the student with the broken
wrist provided.)

Peer activity
time. Students Student participate with
will be placed them find their partner to
into peer work. talk to about a topic of
Students will interested.
have 1 min each
to talk about a
topic of choices
to each other.
I model the peer

Uses counting
down from 5 to 1
to get the

Students participate. By
students doing this they
develop the skills need to
Activity time. present their speech.
Explain the
activity and the
ground rules.
(I model this

Activity- Students
names are randomly
drawn out of a hat or
students can volunteer
to speak.
They randomly draw out
a topic from the hat or
think of a topic they
want to talk about. They
then will need to talk
about that topic for as
long as possible.

Their time will be record

and written on the
Students are aiming to
get a prize.

(By students
participating in the
activity they will gain
more confidence/ self-
esteem and practice the
skills needed to present
their speech to the class
on the Thursday)
Agree Agree Neutral Disagree
Evaluation (Aspects you are targeting
improvement add or substitute your own)

T & L strategies were effectively implemented

I was able to generate a sense of purpose
A high level of student participation was achieved
My questioning was clear, concise and logically
Pupils were interested and self disciplined
Instructions were clear and easily understood by
I recognised and catered for individual differences
I established and maintained and effective learning

What were the most effective elements of the lesson? Why?

Participation levels were amazing with all the class giving the speaking activity ago.

Rapport and a sense of inclusiveness was great

Classroom management work with counting down from 5 to 1 to gain students full attention

Time management was on point with the activities flowing from each other

What were the least effective elements of the lesson? Why?

Students were reluctant at first but that was overcome with my own enthusiasm putting them at
ease with the lesson activities

If I were to repeat the lesson what would I change? How could I improve?

Shorten the writing aspect.

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