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Setiawan, Mokhammad Dedik. 2017. Analysis of Factors Affect Capital Structure (Case
Study in UMKM Handmade Batik Lasem in the Rembang District). Thesis. The Department
of Economic Education. Faculty of Economics. Semarang State University. Supervisor Dr.
Ade Rustiana, M.Si.

Keywords: Capital Structure, Profitability, The Size of the company, The Fixed Assets,
Sales Growth

Each company in principle requires capital to run their business activities. One
important decisions taken is related to the decision of funding or decision capital structure.
This related to many considerations to use sources of funds internal or external company.
Capital structure is spending permanent consisting of debt and their own capital. Capital
structure can be influenced by various factors, including profitability, the size of the
company, the fixed assets, and sales growth. The purpose of this research is analyze the
influence of profitability, the size of the company, the fixed assets, and sales growth to
structure capital.

Object research is UMKM handmade Batik Lasem in the Rembang District registered
in the cooperative Handmade Batik Lasem 2017. Sample selection was conducted using
technique purposive sampling, a result is obtained that the meet the criteria samples have
been determined with 33 UMKM, so that unit analysis as many as 165. This research using a
technique analysis descriptive statistics and analysis linear regression multiple with on the
SPSS 20.0.

The result of the research indicated that the variable profitability have a negative
influence and significant to structure capital, the size of the company having influence
negative and significant impact on capital structure, while variable fixed asset have had a
positive impact and significant to structure capital, sales growth have had a positive impact
and insignificant to structure capital.

Conclusions research from fourth a hypothesis that tested, only one hypothesis
received that is fixed asset. To investors should see the size of the company and assets remain
in invest, while for researchers next should increase variable other than variable the

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