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JESUS is a PAGAN GOD Name given to us by the ROMAN CATHOLIC

Ahayah Yashiya's Blog



Christ was a Hebrew, therefore he would have a Hebrew name. Names have
meanings and Christ's name means SAVIOUR.The ORIGINAL 1611 King James
Version (KJV) of the bible does not use Jesus.The name used in the
1611 version is Iesus. The Name Jesus/Iesus doesn't translate to mean
saviour. The greek word for Saviour is Soter. But Christ wasn't Greek.

The name Jesus came into existence approximately 19 years after the 1611

The Letter "J" didn't come into wide spread usage until after the year
1630 A.D.

There isn't a letter "J", "J" equivalent or "J" sound in the Hebrew, Latin
or Greek languages.The Letter "J" is one of the newest letters to the
English Alphabet.

2000 years ago there was not a Israelite man on earth named JESUS.

2000 years ago there was no place on earth called Jerusalem nor was there a
god name Jehovah or a people called Jews.The name Jesus is approximately 378
years old.

The new testament writings are over 2000 years old.The name Jesus is from
the Greek Iesus, which is derived from a Greek goddess. It's also connected
to the Greek god Zeus. In Spanish the name Jesus is pronounce Hey-ZEUS.

The name Jesus was given to us by the Romans who is Zues in

Greek, the son of Zeus and in Spanish we say Hey Zeus. Zeus is
a Pagain Diety and another name for Osiris who they worshipped
as one of their Sun Gods.

YASHA or YASHI means "SAVIOUR" in hebrew, now YA means "my" which is

added at the end of YASHA or YASHI = YASHIYA = GOD MY SAVIOUR.

So in John 5:43, when it said I come in my Fathers name, if you take

the primitive root "HAYAH" of the Fathers name AHAYAH and add it to
the primitive root "YASHI/YASHA" of Christ name YASHIYA/YASHAYA, then
Christ was a man of color and this is confirmed In Revelation
1:14-15 and in Daniel 7:9. Now if you looked at your so-called
Jesus today, you will see that he is a so-called white man.
This was a big lie painted to everyone and I can prove this, not
only with the above scriptures but who this so-called Jesus
person is. Now, Pope Alexander V1 had a son called Cesare
Borgia who was a pervert and he hired Leonardo Davinci to paint
Cesare Borgia as the Christ and called him Jesus.
This was all done by the KHAZAR ROMANS after they took the
Israelites into captivity and stole their identity and hid it
from them, so they would not know who they are as a nation of
people. When the Romans got their hands on the Hebrew
Israelites Scrolls, they changed the Most High and his Son
Christ names and injected their Pagan Gods/Satan/Lucifer names
into the Doctrine. It was trickled down from the Catholic
Church/Vatican. They also took 14 books out of the Old
Now the story about Cesare Borgia is confirmed in the Apocrypha
that was removed from the Old Testament in
Wisdom of Solomon chapter 14:12-14, it stated, For the devising
of idols was the beginning of spiritual fornication, and the
invention of them the corruption of life.
13 For neither were they from the beginning, neither shall they
be for ever.
14 For by the vain glory of men they entered into the world,
and therefore shall they come shortly to an end. Continued,
VERY IMPORTANT, the story about Cesare Borgia is confirmed in
the Apocrypha that was removed from the Old Testament in
Wisdom of Solomon chapter 14:15, it stated, For a father
afilicted with untimely mourning, when he hath made an image of
his CHILD soon taken away, now HONOURED him as a GOD, which was
then a dead man, and delivered to those that were under him
ceremonies and sacrifices.
VERY IMPORTANT, the story about Cesare Borgia is confirmed in
the Apocrypha that was removed from the Old Testament in Wisdom
of Solomon chapter 14:16, it stated,Thus in process of time an
UNGODLY custom grown strong was kept as a law, and graven
images were worshipped by the commandments of kings.

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