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7/11/2017 Achvalite: Achvalite mineral information and data.

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Formula: FeSe

System: Hexagonal Colour: dark grey

Lustre: Metallic Hardness: 2

Member of: Nickeline Group

Name: Named after Luis Achval (June 8 1870, Crdoba - March 20, 1938), civil engineer. Professor at
Universidad Nacional de Crdoba. Author of "Geografia de Crdoba" with Manuel Rio and
president of Academia de Ciencia (Academy of Science).

Luis Achval

Never adequately described, in need of modern reinvestigation.

Massive granular.

A phase "Fe(Se,S)" is reported by Yakovleva et al. (2001).

The Fe analogue of freboldite; chemically also the Fe analogue of klockmannite, and sederholmite (all have the same space group). Also chemically
the Se-analogue of troilite.

Classification of Achvalite
IMA status: Approved, 'Grandfathered' (first described prior to 1959)

Notes: Renamed by the IMA

First Published: 1939

Approval Renamed by IMA in 2015 (IMA 15-E): Spelling changed from achavalite to achvalite.
Strunz 8th ed.: 2/C.19-60

Strunz 9th ed.: 2.CC.05

Nickel-Strunz 2.CC.05
10th (pending)
ed.: 2 : SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites,
C : Metal Sulfides, M: S = 1: 1 (and similar)
C : With Ni, Fe, Co, PGE, etc.

Hey's CIM Ref.: 3.9.8

3 : Sulphides, Selenides, Tellurides, Arsenides and Bismuthides (except the arsenides, antimonides and bismuthides of Cu, Ag and Au, which are
included in Section 1)
9 : Sulphides etc. of Fe

Physical Properties of Achvalite

Lustre: Metallic

Diaphaneity Opaque
Colour: dark grey 1/5
7/11/2017 Achvalite: Achvalite mineral information and data.

Streak: grey-black

Hardness 2
Density: 6.58 g/cm3 (Calculated)

Chemical Properties of Achvalite

IMA Formula: FeSe

Elements listed Fe, Se - search for minerals with similar chemistry

in formula:
Analytical Data: Fe and Se were the only elements detectable by blowpipe. Quantitative analyses not recorded.

Crystallography of Achvalite
Crystal System: Hexagonal

Class (H-M): 6/mmm (6/m 2/m 2/m) - Dihexagonal Dipyramidal

Space Group: P63/mmc

Space Group P63/mmc
Cell Parameters: a = 3.636 , c = 5.946

Ratio: a:c = 1 : 1.635

Unit Cell V 68.08

Z: 2

Type Occurrence of Achvalite

Type Locality: Cacheuta Mine, Cerro de Cacheuta, Sierra de Cacheuta, Cacheuta, Lujn de Cuyo department, Mendoza, Argentina

Geological selenide deposit

Setting of Type
Associated Calcite
Minerals at Type

Relationship of Achvalite to other Species

Member of: Nickeline Group

Other Members Breithauptite NiSb

of Group:
Freboldite CoSe

Kotulskite Pd(Te,Bi)

Langisite (Co,Ni)As

Nickeline NiAs

Sobolevskite Pd(Bi,Te)

Sudburyite (Pd,Ni)Sb 2/5
7/11/2017 Achvalite: Achvalite mineral information and data.

Related Minerals UM2007-26- (Ir,Cu,Ni,Pt,Rh,Fe) 9 S 11

- Nickel-Strunz 2.CC.
2.CC.05 Breithauptite NiSb

2.CC.05 Freboldite CoSe

2.CC.05 Kotulskite Pd(Te,Bi) 2-x (x~0.4)

2.CC.05 Langisite CoAs

2.CC.05 Nickeline NiAs

2.CC.05 Sederholmite NiSe

2.CC.05 Sobolevskite PdBi

2.CC.05 Stumpflite PtSb

2.CC.05 Sudburyite PdSb

2.CC.05 Jaipurite CoS

2.CC.05 Zlatogorite CuNiSb 2

2.CC.10 Pyrrhotite Fe 7 S 8

2.CC.10 Smythite (Fe,Ni) 3+x S 4 (x = 0 to 0.3)

2.CC.10 Troilite FeS

2.CC.15 Cherepanovite RhAs

2.CC.15 Modderite CoAs

2.CC.15 Ruthenarsenite (Ru,Ni)As

2.CC.15 Westerveldite FeAs

2.CC.20 Millerite NiS

2.CC.20 Mkinenite NiSe

UM1990-38- (Ni,Fe,Rh,Cu,Ir,Pt)S

2.CC.25 Mackinawite (Fe,Ni) 1+x S (x = 0-0.07)

2.CC.30 Hexatestibiopanickelite (Pd,Ni)(Sb,Te)

2.CC.30 Vavnite Ni 2 SbTe 2

2.CC.35a Braggite PtS

2.CC.35b Cooperite PtS

2.CC.35a Vysotskite (Pd,Ni)S

Related Minerals 3.9.1 Pyrrhotite Fe 7 S 8

- Hey's Index
Grouping: 3.9.3 Pyrite FeS 2

3.9.4 Marcasite FeS 2

2+ 3+
3.9.5 Greigite Fe Fe 2 S 4

3.9.6 Mackinawite (Fe,Ni) 1+x S (x = 0-0.07)

3.9.7 Smythite (Fe,Ni) 3+x S 4 (x = 0 to 0.3)

3.9.9 Ferroselite CoSe 2

3.9.10 Frohbergite FeTe 2

3.9.11 Lllingite FeAs 2

3.9.12 Arsenopyrite FeAsS

3.9.13 Gudmundite FeSbS

Other Names for Achvalite

Synonyms: Achavalite 3/5
7/11/2017 Achvalite: Achvalite mineral information and data.

Name in Other German: Achavalit


Simplified Chinese:
Spanish: Achavalita

Other Information
Health Risks: No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

References for Achvalite

Reference List: Olsacher J (1939) Achavalita, seleniuro de hierro. Nueva especie mineral. Boletin de la Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales,
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina 2, 73-78

Min. Abs. (1953), 12, 236.

Bernardini, G.P., Mazzetti, G. (1979) Phase relations in the copper-iron-selenium system at 900 and 700C. Rendiconti della Societa Italiana di
Mineralogia e Petrologia: 35: 71-90.

Franz, E.D. (1972) X-ray diffraction data on mixed phases in the pyrite (FeS2)-ferroselite (FeSe2)/pyrrhotite (FeS)-achavalite (FeSe) system. Neues
Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie, Monatshefte: 1972: 276-280.

Strunz, H., Nickel, E.H. (2001) Strunz Mineralogical Tables. Ninth Edition. Schweizerbart, Stuttgart.

Yakovleva, V.A., Nesterov, A.R., Belogub, E.V., Novoselov, K.A. (2001) Secondary sulfides, selenides and arsenides in the supergene zone of
Zapadno-Ozernoe massive sulfide deposit, South Urals. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo Universiteta, Seriya 7: Geologiya, Geografiya: 2001: 3: 73-
79. [in Russian]

Brodtkorb, M.K. (2002) Las Especies Minerales de la Repblica Argentina (1. edition) Asociacin Mineralgica Argentina, Buenos Aires.

Wyckoff, R.W.G (1963): Crystal Structures: 1: 85-237 (Second edition). Interscience Publishers, New York.

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Localities for Achvalite

This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in
the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

(TL) indicates type locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) indicates first recorded locality for everything else. ? indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. All other localities listed
without reference should be considered as uncertain and unproven until references can be found.

Argentina 4/5
7/11/2017 Achvalite: Achvalite mineral information and data.
Lujn de Cuyo department
Sierra de Cacheuta ? Econ Geol (1997) 92:468-484
Cerro de Cacheuta [Clark, 1993 - "Hey's Mineral Index, 3rd Edition"]; Ahlfeld Friedrich and Angelelll Vlctorio 1948 Las especies
minerales de la Republica Argentina Univ Nac Tucumftn Inst Geologla y Mineria Jujuy Pub no 458 p 47 48 49
Cacheuta Mine (TL)
50 54 67 69 70 71 120 121 133 134

Hubei Province
Enshi Autonomous Prefecture (E'xi Autonomous Prefecture)
Enshi Co. Handong Qian, Zhenghua Zhao, Xiang Zheng, Chengyi Lin, Jiahu Zeng, Xuemei Wu, and Wu Chen (2006):
Yutangba Se deposit Acta Geologica Sinica 80(11), 1706-1710

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