Characterizing Steel Tube For Hydroforming Applications

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Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289

Characterizing steel tube for hydroforming applications

B.S. Levy1 , C.J. Van Tyne , J.M. Stringfield
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO 80401, USA
Received 8 January 2003; received in revised form 3 March 2004; accepted 3 March 2004


With the increased use of tubular steel products, especially for hydroforming applications, it is important to be able to predict the
performance of tube from sheet tensile tests. In the present study, two aluminum killed draw quality (AKDQ) steels and one high strength
low alloy (HSLA) steel were evaluated. Tensile properties and plastic strain ratios were measured on sheet material in the longitudinal and
transverse directions. Axial tensile tests were performed on material extracted from production tubes. Material from quasi tubes, which are
strip material bent to the same curvature as the tubes but not welded or sized, was also tested. Residual stresses in the production and quasi
tube were determined by displacement methods. A hydraulic burst test was performed on the production tubes to simulate a hydroforming
operation. Effective strains resulting from tubemaking are calculated for two discrete operations: bending and sizing. For the production
tubes, a linear relationship was found between a load factor (strength times thickness) and effective sizing strain. The relationship between
load factor and residual stress was also linear. Predictions of the maximum pressure and the strain at instability during a hydraulic burst
test are shown to compare favorably with experimental values, based on flat sheet properties and tubemaking strains. The prediction of the
yield strength in the tube based on flat sheet properties is shown to be fairly accurate when the effective sizing strain is small compared to
the effective bending strain.
2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Tubemaking; Steel tubes; Residual stresses in tubes; Instability of pressurized tubes

1. Introduction Dofasco [7], was used to provide a simplified assessment

of tube performance.
As the industrial use of tube hydroforming increases The objective of the present paper is to show (1) how the
[15], characterizing tubes for hydroforming applications mechanical properties of the steel evolve due to the tube-
becomes increasingly important [6]. In converting flat steel making process and (2) how the tube performance can be
sheet to tube, the sheet steel is deformed and residual predicted based on the mechanical properties of the sheet
stresses are produced. It is desirable to predict the per- and knowledge of the tubemaking operation.
formance of tubes during hydroforming operations based
upon mechanical properties measured in the steel sheet
before it is converted into a tube. In order to develop a 2. Experimental materials and procedures
reliable prediction based on sheet properties, it is necessary
to understand the changes in mechanical properties during For the present study, tubes with 76.2 mm (3 in.) outer
tubemaking operations. In this study, conventional tensile diameter (o.d.) produced from two thicknesses of drawing
tests on specimens in the axial direction extracted from a quality steel and one thickness of HSLA steel were evalu-
tube were used to measure the effect of tubemaking defor- ated. Flat sheet and resulting production tubes were secured.
mation on tube properties. Since no hydroformed parts were Quasi tubes with 76.2 mm (3 in.) o.d. were produced from
available for the present study, a hydraulic tube burst test, the flat stock, so that the effect of bending and sizing dur-
which is a circumferential tube expansion test developed by ing tubemaking could be differentiated. Tensile testing and
residual stress measurements were done on both the quasi
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-303-273-3793; fax: +1-303-273-3795.
and production tubes.
E-mail address: (C.J. Van Tyne).
The two aluminum killed draw quality (AKDQ) steels
1 He is also associated with B.S. Levy Consultants Ltd.,1700 E. 56th had nominal thicknesses of 2.11 mm (0.083 in.) and 2.42 mm
St., Suite 3705, Chicago, IL 60637, USA. (0.095 in.). The one high strength low alloy (HSLA) steel had

0924-0136/$ see front matter 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289 281

a nominal thickness of 2.22 mm (0.088 in.). The designation length of 19.1 mm (0.75 in.) was scribed lightly on each
for the three steels used in the paper is the nominal thickness tensile bar and measured with a traveling microscope after
and steel type. deformation. The width was measured with a micrometer at
The flat sheets used in this study were secured from the five locations along the gauge length and averaged. Table 1
heads and tails of the mult. coils used to produce the 76.2 mm shows the mechanical properties for the steels determined
(3 in.) o.d. electrical resistance welded (ERW) tube. As ex- from the tensile testing. The plastic strain ratios for the
pected, wall thickness varies around the tube perimeter. The steels are given in Table 2. It should also be noted that the
resulting thickness profiles exhibit minima at 90 and 270 three steels exhibited distinctly different yield behavior;
and maxima at 0 (360 ) and 180 , where the 0 position specifically the 2.42AKDQ exhibits round house yielding,
is taken at the weld. All three lots of tube were produced the 2.11AKDQ exhibits about 1% yield point elongation,
consecutively using a single tube mill setup. and the 2.22HSLA exhibits a pronounced upper yield point
The 76.2 mm (3 in.) o.d. quasi tube was produced on a and about 5% yield point elongation. During the study,
three-roll bender from the flat sheet with the rolling di- other types of tensile specimens were evaluated. The re-
rection in the sheet corresponding to the axial direction sults of these various tensile tests are presented in another
of the tube. The tube curvature was constant, with the ex- paper [10].
ception of material near the open edges of the quasi tube. The hydraulic burst test used in the present study is a free
The material near the edges was not used in subsequent expansion of a tube with end force controlled so that the
testing. axial strain in the central portion of the tube is essentially
Tensile testing of sheet and tube specimens was done at a zero. The result is a near plane-strain condition in the region
strain rate of 0.028 s1 using subsized specimens (a gauge where the circumferential strain component is determined
length of 25.4 mm (1.00 in.) and a width of 6.4 mm (0.25 in.) from direct measurements of tube diameter expansion. For
per ASTM E 8-99 [8]. Plastic strain ratios (R-values) were purposes of analysis, plane-strain is assumed, which implies
determined with the same subsize specimens using the man- that the true circumferential strain component is equal to
ual method per ASTM E 517-98 [9]. Specifically, a gauge minus the true thickness strain component.

Table 1
Mechanical properties of flat sheet and tubes
Condition Yield strength Tensile strength Uniform elongation n K (MPa) Total
(MPa) (MPa) (true strain) elongation (%)
Sheet average 243 348 0.250 0.214 600 44.2
Transverse (circumferential) 251 348 0.205 0.213 600 44.1
Longitudinal (axial) 234 347 0.205 0.215 600 44.4
Quasi tube (axial) 239 354 0.196 0.202 593 43.4
Production tube (axial) 268 358 0.209 0.192 593 41.7
Sheet average 260 356 0.181 0.183 579 42.2
Transverse (circumferential) 264 355 0.181 0.184 579 42.2
Longitudinal (axial) 256 358 0.181 0.182 586 42.2
Quasi tube (axial) 288 360 0.182 0.177 579 42.4
Production tube (axial) 300 361 0.184 0.176 579 41.9
Sheet average 416 477 0.156 0.158 758 31.4
Transverse (circumferential) 429 479 0.153 0.144 752 30.2
Longitudinal (axial) 403 474 0.160 0.172 758 32.6
Quasi tube (axial) 395 479 0.145 0.144 731 30.4
Production tube (axial) 415 486 0.128 0.126 717 29.8

Table 2
Plastic strain ratios, R-values (tested at strain rate of 0.028 s1 )
Steel RL -longitudinal (axial) RT -transverse (circumferential) RD -diagonal Ra Rb

2.11AKDQ 0.87 0.88 0.99 0.93 0.12

2.42AKDQ 0.88 0.93 0.86 0.90 +0.05
2.22HSLA 0.70 0.81 0.94 0.85 0.18
a R = (RL + RT + 2RD )/4.
b R = (RL + RT 2RD )/2.
282 B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289

3. Analysis of tubemaking the maximum circumferential bending strain. The effective

strain due to bending is then calculated using the average
Tubemaking is typically comprised of the following oper- circumferential strain, along with Hill 1948 yield criterion
ations: (1) decoiling, (2) leveling, (3) side trimming, (4) roll assuming plane-strain (i.e. no axial strain) by the following
forming, (5) edge guiding and welding, (6) sizing, and (7) equation from Hosford and Caddell [13]:
straightening [11]. Significant deformation occurs during the
roll forming and sizing operations. Roll forming produces (RL + 1)/RL
= (RT (a RL t )2 + RL (RT t c )2
the basic tube shape using break-down rollers, side rollers, RL + R T + 1
and fin passes. In roll forming, the shape change from flat to + (RL c RT a )2 )1/2 (2)
tube is accomplished by bending with some extra deforma-
tion to prepare the edges for welding. Because of the bend- where RT is the plastic strain ratio in the transverse (cir-
ing as well as the two edges being pushed together for the cumferential) direction, RL the plastic strain ratio in the
welding operation, residual stresses can be produced in the longitudinal (axial) direction, c the circumferential strain
tube. The sizing operation slightly decreases the tube diam- component, a the axial strain component, and t the thick-
eter and slightly increases wall thickness and tube length, ness strain component.
and can affect residual stresses. In contrast to bending, sizing It is also assumed that the effective strain due to bending
does not produce significant through thickness strain gradi- in producing the quasi tubes and production tubes is similar.
ents. Table 3 provides values for the average effective strain due
Specific pass practices vary among producers. Even dif- to bending.
ferent roll forming lines at the same producer may have dif- In determining the effective strain due to sizing in a tube
ferent pass sequences. Since the three lots of tube evaluated mill, it is assumed that the change in wall thickness is entirely
in this study were produced consecutively with the same tube due to sizing. Given that the wall thickness varies around
mill setup, the results are only representative of the specific the perimeter of the tube, careful measurements were made
pass practice that was used in producing these tubes. at 10 intervals, and the results were averaged to determine
the average wall thickness. Thickness strain is calculated
3.1. Strains due to tubemaking from the as-received strip thickness and the average tube
wall thickness. Table 3 lists the thickness strain for sizing
Bending in a tube mill can be approximated as a of each tube.
plane-strain process with zero axial strain and a circumfer- Since the magnitude of the other two principal strain com-
ential strain gradient from tension on the outside surface to ponents during sizing are undetermined, the principal stress
compression on the inside surface of the tube wall. The max- components must be estimated in order to calculate effec-
imum circumferential bending strain (c )max is calculated tive strain due to sizing. The following approximations are
using the following equation from Marciniak et al. [12]: used in the determination of the other two strain compo-
(c )max = ln 1 + (1) The axial stress equals zero.
The circumferential stress equals the transverse yield
where t is the sheet thickness, and r the inside radius of the
strength of the as-received steel.
The through thickness stress equals the circumferential
Table 3 gives the values for circumferential strain com-
stress divided by the R-value in the rolling direction.
ponent on the outside (tension) surface of the tube as calcu-
lated by Eq. (1). The axial strain component is zero due to From the three strain components and the directional
plane-strain, and the thickness strain component is equal to R-values, the effective strain due to sizing is calculated
the negative of the circumferential component due to vol- from Eq. (2).
ume constancy considerations. Table 3 shows the values for the average effective bending
With the assumption of a linear strain gradient, the average strain and effective sizing strain, b and s , respectively. The
circumferential bending strain can be approximated by half total of these two strains is the effective prestrain, p .

Table 3
Bending and sizing strains
Steel Bending strain components on tensile Sizing strain components Effective Effective Total effective
surface of tube bending sizing strain
strain b strain s p = b + s
c a t c a t

2.11AKDQ 0.0281 0.0 0.0281 0.0232 0.0021 0.0253 0.0159 0.0274 0.0433
2.42AKDQ 0.0323 0.0 0.0323 0.0113 0.0010 0.0123 0.0183 0.0134 0.0317
2.22HSLA 0.0296 0.0 0.0296 0.0036 0.0009 0.0045 0.0164 0.0045 0.0209
B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289 283

Given the relative similarity in the thickness to bend-

ing radius ratio for the three different tubes, it is expected
that the effective bending strains should be relatively simi-
lar. However, Table 3 shows that the effective sizing strains
exhibit substantial variability. Since the three lots of tubes
were produced sequentially with the same pass practice, it
is reasonable to expect that the difference in effective sizing
strain could be the result of increasing the load separating
the sizing rolls and reducing the magnitude of the deforma-
tion imparted to the tube during sizing.
The load factor, which affects sizing strain, could be either
yield strength times thickness or tensile strength times thick-
(a) (b)
ness. The two load factors are calculated using as-received
values of the strength properties. Fig. 1 shows effective siz- Fig. 2. Schematics of tube specimens used for (a) circumferential and (b)
ing strain as a function of these load factors. Fig. 1 shows axial residual stress measurements.
that there is a distinct monotonic decrease in effective sizing
strain with increasing load factor. These results are physi- ferential residual stress. Table 4 also shows that the residual
cally reasonable. stresses are a significant fraction of the averaged as-received
yield strength. The ratio of axial residual stress to average
3.2. Residual stresses due to tubemaking as-received yield strength is in the range 0.260.32 for the
quasi tube. In contrast, the ratio of the axial residual stress to
Residual stresses were determined experimentally using as-received yield strength for the production tube is higher
displacement methods. The specimen geometry and calcu- and varies over a larger range. By comparing Tables 3 and 4,
lation method for determining axial residual stress follows it can be seen that this ratio increases as the sizing strain de-
that of Anderson and Fahlman as described by Sachs and creases. Fig. 3 shows the relationship between axial residual
Espey [14]. The specimen geometry and calculation method stress to load factor. Fig. 4 shows the axial residual stress as
for determining circumferential residual stress adheres to a function of sizing strain. As the load factor decreases or as
ASTM E 1928-98 [15]. Given the nature of the quasi tube, the sizing strain increases, the ratio of axial residual stress
circumferential residual stresses were not determined. Fig. 2 to average as-received yield strength decreases. Also, the ra-
shows the cutting patterns used in the residual stress testing. tio of circumferential residual stress to average as-received
Table 4 shows the experimental results from the resid- yield strength is fairly constant for the three steels.
ual stress measurements. From the quasi tube, it is seen Analyzing the residual stress to average yield strength ra-
that bending creates an axial residual stress. For the pro- tios provides some insights on the effect of tubemaking prac-
duction tubes, axial residual stress is greater than circum- tice on residual stress. Specifically, the bending operation


Yield Strength x Thickness

Tensile Strength x Thickness

Effective Sizing Strain



400 600 800 1000 1200

Load Factor -- Strength x Thickness (N / mm)

Fig. 1. Effect of load factor (average sheet strength thickness) on sizing strain.
284 B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289

Table 4
Residual stresses
Condition Maximum residual stress (MPa) Fraction of as-received yield strength

2.11AKDQ 2.42AKDQ 2.22HSLA 2.22HSLA 2.11AKDQ 2.42AKDQ

Quasi tube axial 69.0 66.2 128.2 0.29 0.26 0.32

Production tube axial 125.5 162.7 280.0 0.54 0.64 0.70
Production tube circumferential 103.4 106.2 160.0 0.41 0.40 0.37

Ratio of Axial Residual Stress to Yield Strength

Yield Strength x Thickness

0.75 Tensile Strength x Thickness





400 600 800 1000 1200

Load Factor -- Strength x Thickness (N / mm)

Fig. 3. Ratio of tube axial residual stress to load factor based on transverse sheet tensile properties.

Ratio of Axial Residual Stress to Yield Strength






0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

Effective Sizing Strain

Fig. 4. Ratio of axial residual stress for production tube to as-received transverse sheet yield strength as a function of sizing strain.
B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289 285

is not affected by a load factor. Thus, for a given tube mill 0.20
setup, axial residual stresses from bending depend on the
Predicted Effective Strain at Maximum Pressure

strength of the material. In contrast, the sizing strain data

suggest that a load factor, i.e. the position of the sizing
rolls, affects axial residual stress. This behavior is proba- 2.11AKDQ

bly a consequence of increasing uniform through thickness 0.16

strain, which decreases the axial residual stress. Circumfer-
ential residual stress is some combination of bending and
distortion due to welding. So, the ratio of circumferential 0.14
residual stress to average yield strength should depend on
strength of the steel and not a load factor. However, given
the interaction of various deformation modes on residual
stresses in both in-plane principal directions, it is somewhat
surprising that the magnitude of the sizing strain appears to 0.10
have no effect on circumferential residual stress.

0.08 0.10 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.20
4. Analysis of tube performance
Measured Effective Strain at Maximum Pressure
There are several parameters, calculated based on sheet Fig. 5. Effective true strain at maximum pressure for hydraulic burst test.
properties and the deformation due to tubemaking, that can
provide an assessment of tube performance in a hydroform-
ing process. In this study the actual tube performance in a hy- rial this criterion reduces to = n. For an empirical pre-
draulic burst test is predicted and compared to experimental diction of effective true strain at maximum pressure in the
values. The parameters of strain at maximum pressure and hydraulic burst test, the total effective prestrain during tube-
the value of maximum pressure are predicted. Also, the yield making is subtracted from the average sheet n-value. The
strength in the tube is predicted based upon the tubemaking results of these calculations are shown in Table 5 and plot-
parameters, and the predicted yield strength is compared to ted in Fig. 5. Fig. 5 shows that the predictions for the strain
experimental values of yield strength from tensile specimens at instability compared to the experimentally measured val-
extracted from the tubes in the axial direction. In predicting ues are excellent for the two AKDQ steels, but poor for the
the strain at maximum pressure and the maximum pressure HSLA steel.
in the hydraulic burst test, as well as the axial yield strength For a material with planar isotropy and normal anisotropy
in tubes, the basic premise is that the average properties the maximum pressure in the tube can be related to the cir-
from sheet tensile tests should be used for the calculations. cumferential strain at instability by the following equation:
KB ti
4.1. Prediction of strain and pressure at instability during pmax = (c )nmax (3)
hydraulic burst test
where p is the internal pressure, ti the thickness at maximum
When the internal pressure attains a maximum value dur- pressure, where ti = t0 exp(c ), ri the radius of the inside
ing the hydraulic bust test, an instability point is reached. surface at maximum pressure, where ri rinit exp(c ), c
The strain at maximum pressure in the hydraulic burst test is the circumferential strain, n the strain hardening
the instability strain. Given the nature of the hydraulic burst K the strength coefficient, B = (1+ R)/ 1 + 2R with t0 the
test, the maximum load at instability can be determined by initial thickness of the tube, rinit the initial inside radius of
the criterion d/d = . For a power law hardening mate- the tube, and R = (RL + RT + 2RD )/4 the average R-value.

Table 5
Prediction of effective true strain at maximum pressure for hydraulic burst test
Property 2.11AKDQ 2.42AKDQ 2.22HSLA

Average sheet n-value, nave 0.214 0.183 0.158

Effective prestrain during tubemaking (p ) 0.0433 0.0317 0.0209
Circumferential strain at maximum pressure during burst test (c ) 0.143 0.132 0.082
Predicted effective strain at maximum pressure = nave
p a 0.171 0.151 0.137
Measured effective strain at maximum pressure = (2/ 3)c 0.165 0.152 0.095
Predicted actual +0.006 0.001 +0.042
a This predicted value is used as the strain at instability for calculations in Table 6.
286 B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289

34 450

Quasi Tube
Production Tube
32 2.22HSLA
Predicted Maximum Pressure(MPa)

Predicted Yield Strength (MPa)

30 2.22HSLA


26 300


200 250 300 350 400 450
20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34
Measured Yield Strength (MPa)
Measured Maximum Pressure (MPa)
Fig. 7. Axial yield strength of tubes.
Fig. 6. Maximum pressure during hydraulic burst test.

Appendix A provides the full derivation of Eq. (3). 4.2. Prediction of yield strength of steel in tubes
From Eq. (3) the maximum pressure in the hydraulic burst
test is calculated, and the predicted and actual pressures The yield strength of the steel in the tube can be cal-
are shown in Table 6 and plotted in Fig. 6. The predicted culated based upon the power law hardening relationship,
effective strain at maximum pressure during burst testing, using average K- and n-values from the flat sheet (Table 1)
nave p , for each tube is used for the calculations in Table 6. and prestrain (Table 3). Predicted yield strengths for axial
The predicted effective strain can be determined from sheet tensile tests from tubes and the corresponding experimen-
properties and tubemaking parameters, and does not require tal values are shown in Table 7 and plotted in Fig. 7. For
any measurements from the burst test itself. As Fig. 6 shows, ratios of effective sizing strain to effective bending strain
the predicted pressures are quite good. in tubemaking of 0.73 or less, the predicted yield strength

Table 6
Predicted and actual maximum pressure from burst test
Steel Predicted pressure (MPa) Actual pressure (MPa) Difference in pressurea (MPa) Difference in pressure (%)

2.11AKDQ 20.96 21.15 0.12 0.19 0.9

2.42AKDQ 24.53 24.90 0.07 0.37 1.5
2.22HSLA 30.54 31.58 0.24 1.13 3.6
a Predicted actual.

Table 7
Prediction of axial yield strength in tube from sheet tensile properties
Steel Predicted yield Experimental yield Difference in yield Difference in yield Ratio of effective sizing strain
strength (MPa) strength (MPa) strengtha (MPa) strength (%) to effective bending strain, s /b
Quasi tube 247 239 +8 +3.5 0
Production tube 308 268 +40 +14.9 1.72
Quasi tube 278 288 10 3.3 0
Production tube 308 300 +8 +2.6% 0.73
Quasi tube 396 395 +1 +0.2% 0
Production tube 411 415 4 0.9% 0.27
a Predicted actual.
B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289 287

C (+) Circumferential
strain maps for other types of tube tensile tests are given in
Strain another paper [10].
Fig. 9 shows that the only condition where a significant
Bauschinger effect would be expected is the tensile sur-
face for the production tube. In this case, the sizing strain
A (-) A (+) Axial reverses the bending strain. As the magnitude of the siz-
ing strain increases relative to the bending strain, the larger
the Bauschinger effect. For a larger Bauschinger effect, a
greater reduction in axial yield strength in a tube would be
expected. Since the calculation method does not account
C (-)
for the Bauschinger effect, it is logical that the larger the
Fig. 8. Illustration of vector strain map for circumferential and axial strain. Bauschinger effect, the greater the over-prediction of yield
strength. Thus, the Bauschinger effect qualitatively explains
the single case of over-prediction of yield strength in Fig. 7.
provides an accurate estimate of the actual yield strength.
However, as the magnitude of this strain ratio increases,
predictions of yield strength become progressively less 5. Summary
The ratio of sizing strain to bending strain is a rough mea- Methods have been developed for calculating effective
sure of the magnitude of the Bauschinger effect [16]. The bending and sizing strains as well as measuring residual
Bauschinger effect occurs during deformation upon strain stresses in steel tubes due to tubemaking. Both bending and
path changes. Studies of the Bauschinger effect usually ex- sizing strains must be known to accurately estimate prestrain
amine strain reversal deformations. When deformation is re- from tubemaking. It has been shown that for a constant
versed, the strength exhibited by the metal is usually less tube mill setup, an increasing yield or tensile strength times
than would be expected due to the work hardening in the thickness (i.e. load factor) reduces effective sizing strain.
initial direction of deformation. Bauschinger effects can be Also, an increase in sizing strain reduces axial residual stress
graphically illustrated using vector strain maps. Fig. 8 shows from tubemaking.
an example of the coordinate system for the vector strain Average sheet n-value and the effective prestrain from
map used in this paper. Fig. 9 shows strain maps for the tubemaking can be used to predict the strain at instability
quasi and production tubes including tensile testing. The (i.e. at maximum pressure) in a hydraulic burst test. From

Quasi Tube Production Tube

1 25.0 1

Outer Surface 4
of Tube Wall 65.0 25.0
C (+) Axes 5.2

A (+)
Inner Surface = 0.01 Strain
of Tube Wall

1 1
4 2
KEY 65.0 25.0
1 Bending 70.2
2 Sizing
4 Tensile Testing
Fig. 9. Strain maps for axial tensile tests. Strains are for the 2.11AKDQ steel. Strain vectors are to scale. Step 3, which does not occur in these tensile
tests, would be the flattening of the specimen after extraction from the tube.
288 B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289

the predicted strain at instability and Eq. (3) the maximum Substitution of Eq. (A.5) into Eq. (A.4) yields
pressure in the hydraulic burst test can be accurately pre- 
dicted. The axial yield strength for tube can be predicted us- 2R R R
= 1 + (A.6)
ing: (1) average sheet tensile properties, (2) prestrain from 1 + R 1 + R 1 + R
tubemaking, and (3) the ratio of effective sizing to effective
bending strains in tubemaking as a measure of the mag- which reduces to

nitude of the Bauschinger effect (the higher this ratio, the 1 + 2R
larger the Bauschinger effect). = (A.7)
1 + R
For an isotropic material (i.e. R= 1) Eq. (A.7) reduces to
Acknowledgements the usual plane-strain factor of 3/2.
Substituting Eq. (A.7) into Eq. (A.3) yields

The authors thank Ispat Inland for the quasi tubes, the 1 + 2R
Auto Steel Partnership for providing the production tubes = c = Ac (A.8)
and flat sheet, Dofasco for the burst test data and the Ad- 1 + R
vanced Steel Processing and Products Research Center at The relationship between effective strain () and the circum-
the Colorado School of Mines for support of this work. We ferential strain component (c ) is
also thank Dr. Timothy Hylton of LTV Copperweld, Prof.
= c (A.9)
Matthew Miller of Cornell University, Prof. Il-Dong Choi
of Korea Maritime University, and Prof. David Matlock of with
Colorado School of Mines for helpful discussions. 
1 + R 2R
=  1+ + 2 (A.10)
1 + 2R 1 + R
Appendix A. Derivation of maximum pressure
For the plane-strain condition with = 0, Eq. (A.9) becomes
1 + R 1
=  c = Bc = c (A.11)
With the use of Appendix A in Stoughton [17] for Hills
1 + 2R A
quadratic normal anisotropic plastic potential one can define
the principal strain component ratio (minor strain to major where A and B are the factors in Eqs. (A.8) and (A.11),
strain ratio) as respectively.
2 a For a material that strain hardens by a power law rela-
= = (A.1) tionship
1 c
= Kn (A.12)
assuming that the circumferential strain (c ) and axial strain
(a ) are principal strain components. The principal stress Substituting Eqs. (A.8) and (A.11) into Eq. (A.12) yields
component ratio (minor stress to major stress) is
KBn nc
c = = KBn1 nc (A.13)
2 a (1 + R) + R A
= = = (A.2)
1 c 1 + R + R The pressure (p) inside a thin walled tube is related to the
circumferential stress in the tube wall by
where R is the average plastic strain ratio. The assumption
is normal anisotropy exists but planar anisotropy is zero. pti
c = (A.14)
For the burst test the effective stress () in terms of the ri
circumferential stress component ( c ) (i.e. major stress com- where ti is the wall thickness and ri is the inside radius of
ponent) is the tube.
= c (A.3) Substituting Eq. (A.14) in Eq. (A.13) and solving for p
with  n1 
 KB ti
  p= (c )n (A.15)
2R ri
= 1 + 2 (A.4)
1 + R At the point of instability in the hydraulic burst test the
pressure is at a maximum. The circumferential strain at
Since the burst test occurs under plane-strain conditions
the instability can be found from the instability criteria.
(a = 0) then = 0 so Eq. (A.2) becomes
Inserting the maximum pressure and the circumferential
R strain at instability into Eq. (A.15) produces Eq. (3) in the
= (A.5) paper.
1 + R
B.S. Levy et al. / Journal of Materials Processing Technology 150 (2004) 280289 289

References American Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken,

PA, USA, 1999.
[9] ASTM E 517-98, Standard test method for plastic strain ratio r for
[1] M. Mason, Hydroforming of high strength steel tubes for body
sheet metal, Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Section 3, vol. 03.01,
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