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Republic of the Phibippin Demenaledwaion Tao SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NUEVA ECA Oid Capstol Comyn Burgos Aveens, Cabsinstiat Cty, S10) RPMS Scoring Guide (For Teachers |-lll) Date: PORTFOLIO AND RUBRIC ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR RPMS EVALUATION Monet Teche Despaon Lange: Name of Schoo: District: Grade/Year Teaching: Note: The KRAs/Items to be assessed are based on the objectives reflected on the IPCRF of the ratee. naomae | Semaee | Ssa | sar [a Toe LTEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS (40%) ‘Lyset Phau ad 3 Femara lntreteel prasad | DLLaand Macnee | Oe Na APRS cs une [mower efDULson Ms | thn coped colt eerie zs 1D Teaching AidDevices 1D References Guides 1 Demonstration LPs 1D Schedule of Actual Checking of DLL. Timor Feourees wed Tor the intended sk or apne “Mesures wheter targets are accomplished wath 2 minimum amount of ‘quantity of waste expense or unnecessary effort Doing the thing ight Tinlians Time semaine Indicators show time Prepared DLLs on time “tilte, | €%Pectations ar met, practiced and valued Activities 1D Records of Teaching —— Established and made | Formulated own gtd hig | tenging aves and_| Nv sat nd = * _studient activities. Ztmmovative | TecniguevStateges | Tune or emus wed Tori ended tsk oF pase euing 1G Tehing strategies are -Mcnurs whether tres are scomplished wit minimum amount of Strategies (10%) Refleced oa DLL quantity of waste expease or unnccesary efor Doing the thing igh Timelines Time-bounded teaching | Showed ie Insitonalized Daily management hil Renee | a Taneured Tesroctored cssoom —] Casroom soned as classroom and provided equipment | model, conducive 10 mor than standard | leaning and appropiate ceney “Time or reson wed Torte tended sk oF purpose. = Measures wheter targets ae accomplished with a minimum amount of ‘quantity of mate, expense or unnecessary efor. “Doing the thing ight Timelines Wit peje completion | Accomplished goals] Resrocured dawoom deadlines. in advance time to time Stadnts and 3. Classroom scl ae tae Management eae ‘Learning Easiconmet and a0) Cire) Pn RRND) D Child Proton Policy Hatin and Natron ropes © Aatratying Progr Cia Schdn Supporingaivocasis | Provdal mechanism to] Taiaaionalioed PAPS ‘and implementing | make safe, well-discipline | on discipline, safe and class rules (Child- | child friendly and child endly friendly, ete) proctedenvironment.__| environment ‘Efficiency Time or resources sed Tor he intended ask or purpose Measures whether targets are accomplished with «minimum amount of quantity of waste expense or unnecessary effo. Doing the thing righ Timetines “Applied everyday. | Tndictors show time] Time senstve expectations management sll are met and practiced. “Average | ILPUPIL STUDENT OUTCOMES (40%) Pre aerate 1G Tot hem Bank G Test Rests with Anais Gi Class ReconGrading Sheet Quality ‘Complete accurate and Maintained student ‘Assess student more | prepare mechanism to records and progress. | than expected activities. | improve student Eiiceney “Time or resources wsed forte intended task or parpors jie “Memures whch gts ar accomplished wih a muon aout of Consent quantity of wast, expense or unecessary effort. ¢ Doing the thing right. “Tine “Accomplished in | Rebieved gals mare Peper and a sccomplibed student | MacedSsiat | than expected Baleroa une. oats ere : Taedinay Teel ot Saeed Prepared ADM mucils | achievements with — meta sd| ngenyoiy nd “Tin oF SoS el Tre tend oO OS S Aberaave esming “Measare whether pt are accomplished wh minimum amount of| many Gqaaiy of wate, expose or uneneaay flare + For secondary Doing the thing ig “Tinselnes Prepared and “Accomplished accomplished goal on | intervention programs | lattutonalzed/Daly tine. inadvance “average ‘Bypntarmeand Rear Quay Yom 1i-Forn | Prspared ured] Prepared form and] Fina et fm G SudentCredenials | suet forms and | conde morethan | and records with Report Cards cretenialvecoie. | expected G rom i Eiceney 6 Records 1G Seoden Ponto “Tite or esr wd Tor the teed ak oF pups Management -Mavutes whether tarpts are accomplished with minim amount of avs quam of wast, expense or unecessary efor “Doing the thing tg “Tinelnes cords nace] Stade records are] Reporcd wo acho updated. catime. average ees ‘Guat ils ort Pe Taga TOG oT He] Tage 0% of he] Tag TOO oe G cuanery Report or | required competencies | required competencies | required competi Mastery Level Reflected | with 78% masery level | mastery level With 86% and above oe Imai level Lis of Competencies Eiicensy Z-Learniog |G) Badgetor Work “Time or estes wed To ented ask 0 purpoe o-_ “Mente whether gts are accomplish wih a mim amount of quantity of waste, expense or unnecessary efor. Doing the thing right “Timelines ‘Met objeciveson | Finished competencies = fs Insitutionalized Daly ‘Average COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT (15%) & Schoo! Relations (5%) ‘Homervom PTA and Class BPP Otzmica PTA, Ca Othe organization Quality ‘Greaied PTA and Class] Community, PTA and | Put extraordinary Organization and (Class officials are projects with iniiaive, community projects. | performing more than | creativity and ingemuity expected. Mines of Meting Community volvement In Classroom Projects 1D List of Donation DB Classroom Project ‘Eficieney “Time or resources wed forthe Intended took or parposs. “Measures whether targets are accomplished with a minimum amount of ‘quantity of waste, expense or unnecessary effort. Doing the thing right. io SS Scomtateet | chee Achieved pa with mee = Average Toad play ane ications | Eomhentciset | pete, | slam tion Vt cond Siac ton | seer wa © intervention Program — ‘standards. mechanism. GD Natrisional Status Efficiency Stans ana | Gh Prope Tiara maa bel re ledel wk F Guidance on Measures whether targets are accomplished with a minimum amount of Program = ak eee nny ane “tr cntny Dos he hn eb _ Fag ae accompli avon | Screen | dan apd mene Sr [reer bom Parrett | Pat Proj bay wie | waitin Stakeholders Project a expected and standards. | Creativity and ingenuity. | GD Request Leners Efficiency 10. Social © Resolutions: “Time or resources is used for the intended task or purpose. Manton and ‘Shes cba tges venga wih som anc of uty amie ego ran a ie ‘Bony ng woh Tae Fao = = abate Soviets | mlitntentin | SO Average IN FROFESSIONAL GROWTH (5%) a i incrvention Progam — | IGP implersoted. ‘and renued with groser OD. Income Generating impact. 1D traovatve Project Tiiceney Time or resources suse forthe intended task or purpose 11. Conduct af, Research and Measures whether targets are accomplished with a minimum amount of Innovation. ‘quantity of waste, expense or unnecessary effort | Doing the thing right, Timeliness Saal Tmplemented best] Tnstituionalized best Finished projet on time. | PPD ‘Average Quality Participated im co- | Tiiated co-curcular Chaired and won in any ccuricular activities | advanced activites. | co-curricular activities. (District level up) Eiiceney “Time or resources is wed forte intended ask or purpose. “Measures whether targets ate accomplished with a minimum amount of ‘quantity of wasc, expense or unnecessary effort Jounal Magazine 1 HandbooldModule G Published Bok | Doing th thing ih Tinincs Taastpasicipaal | Na pepeatns on time. _advance for the activity. Quality Wittenananicieor | Public and wd bookerereivebook. | leaing material above Sanda ciency Time or resources Is used forte intended task or purpose. 13. Publication O Leaflet/Flyers --Measures whether targets are accomplished with a minimum amount of Manatees “quay of waste expec or annecemay elo | Doing th thing ih ii Win oo bce Publced in vance. | lnstatonaize. Average: TOTAL: CONFORME: Ratee: Rater: DDEPED TAMBAVAN, ‘Signature Over Printed Name of the Teacher ‘Signature Over Printed Name (of the School Head

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