Beyond FRAX Its Time To Consider Sarco-Osteopenia

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Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health, vol. 12, no.

4, 413e416, 2009
Copyright 2009 by The International Society for Clinical Densitometry
DOI: 10.1016/j.jocd.2009.06.004


Beyond FRAX: Its Time to Consider Sarco-Osteopenia

Neil Binkley* and Bjoern Buehring
University of Wisconsin-Madison Osteoporosis Clinical Center and Research Program, Madison, WI, USA

contributor to age-related fracture risk. We ac-

Alas, our frailty is the cause ..
knowledge that the increase in fracture risk with ad-
vancing age doubtlessly reflects multiple factors
William Shakespeare including, among others, innate bone quality.
A dictionary definition of frail includes easily However, we believe that it is appropriate to em-
broken, fragile, and physically weak, the descriptors phasize that muscle mass loss (often referred to as
often used to explain osteoporotic bone. However, sarcopenia) plays a key role in fracture risk, as
physicians recognize that it is not simply bone ab- this leads to a reduction in strength/power, func-
normalities, but rather the simultaneous presence tional impairment, and falls (2,3).
of muscle and bone weakness, often associated The term sarcopenia (which literally means loss
with overall frailty, which contributes to high frac- of flesh) was coined a decade ago (4) to describe
ture risk in their older patients. How can clinicians the age-related decline in amount and function of
optimally identify which patients are at highest skeletal muscle. Although often appreciated by
risk for fracture? clinicians, sarcopenia is rarely formally diagnosed.
Bone mineral density (BMD) measurement by This is not surprising, as there is currently no agree-
dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) has been ment on an easily clinically applicable definition of
a key advance in care for patients at risk for fragility sarcopenia. One suggested approach is to assess
fracture. Although DXA-measured BMD is excel- appendicular muscle mass by DXA, adjust this
lent at identifying those at higher risk, its use alone value for height, and compare to a young normal
is not optimal and including clinical factors im- population. Sarcopenia would then be diagnosed
proves fracture risk estimation. To this end, the when an individuals value is 2 standard deviations
World Health Organization (WHO) FRAX tool im- or more below young normal (5). Other work mod-
proves targeting of pharmacologic therapy by com- ifies this approach by adjusting for fat mass (6,7).
bining clinical risk factors and estimating 10-yr Comparing DXA data with those of a young normal
fracture probability. Clearly, fracture risk increases population is identical to the approach used in the
dramatically with advancing age (1); that this risk 1994 WHO classification of low bone mass/osteope-
markedly increases at the same BMD is easily nia and osteoporosis. As such, this road has previ-
quantified using FRAX (depicted in Fig. 1). We ously been traveled by the bone community and
recognize the major contribution of FRAX to found to be fraught with pitfalls, including differ-
patient care and further suggest, in addition to using ences in measured parameters between instruments,
FRAX, that the time has come for clinicians differences in region of interest placement, and lack
to consciously recognize muscle weakness as a of a standardized reference comparator population.
Moreover, this approach would cause healthy young
Received 5/19/2009; Revised 6/10/2009; Accepted 6/18/ individuals with genetic low peak muscle mass to be
2009. classified as low and therefore potentially receive
*Address correspondence to: Neil Binkley, MD, University
of Wisconsin Osteoporosis Research Program, 2870 University a disease diagnosis. Such a phenomenon is well
Avenue, Suite 100, Madison, WI 53705. Eemail: nbinkley@ known to the osteoporosis community whereby young individuals with low bone mass have been


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414 Binkley and Buehring

simple muscle mass measurement by DXA

(16e19). Again, one is reminded of the osteoporosis
field where evaluation of bone structure and qual-
ity, and incorporation of these parameters into
clinical care, continues to evolve.
Currently, sarcopenia remains a condition without
consensus definition or optimal tools to identify and
monitor it and lacks consensus outcomes on which
to base efficacy of proposed therapeutic interven-
tions. Given the multiple existing uncertainties in
this area, is it premature to consider sarcopenia
when one is evaluating a patients fracture risk? We
Fig. 1. Effect of advancing age on fracture risk. The think that such consideration is not premature. More-
fracture risk for a 64-inch tall white US female weighing over, as falls and fractures are well defined and are ac-
135 pounds with a femur neck T-score of 3.0 was cepted outcomes, with quantifiable clinical costs and
calculated for various ages. A progressive increase in 10- consequences, we suggest that falls and fracture be
year fracture risk for both major osteoporosis-related considered as important (potentially the most impor-
fracture and hip fracture with advancing age is evident. tant) clinical consequences of sarcopenia. Although
Specifically, from age 50 to 80 year, the risk of major frac- astute physicians may consciously, or subcon-
ture increases approximately 3-fold from 11% to 32%. sciously, include the combined concept of bone weak-
ness and sarcopenia into their treatment decisions, we
believe that the time has come to emphasize the im-
diagnosed with osteopenia and inappropriately
portance of this duality, and suggest that the condition
prescribed therapy. Thus, we suggest that caution
of sarco-osteopenia or sarco-osteoporosis be
is required before embracing DXA-measured mus-
cle mass, and comparing the result with a young
normal referent, as the sole diagnostic criterion for
It seems probable that a consensus definition of
sarcopenia will emerge including not only muscle
mass but also muscle performance and quality (8)
(again, similar to the constructs of bone mass, struc-
ture and quality in the osteoporosis field) (9). DXA
does have advantages for the clinical diagnosis of
sarcopenia in that it is quantitative, widely available,
uses only a minimal amount of radiation, and carries
only modest expense. However, disadvantages to
a simple muscle massebased approach are worthy
of consideration, as (again, similar to bone) mass
is only part of the equation in muscle function. In
fact, while muscle mass declines with advancing
age, loss of strength is much more rapid than loss
of mass, documenting a decline in muscle quality
(10,11). As such, functional tests of muscle power/
function, for example, the timed up and go test, Fig. 2. We propose that patients with both low bone
chair-rising test, or tandem stance, more closely cor- mass and low muscle mass and/or performance be diag-
nosed with sarco-osteopenia or, if there is a clinical or
relate with subsequent risk of adverse health events,
densitometric diagnosis of osteoporosis, with sarco-
including functional limitation, hospitalization, and osteoporosis. This combination could be expected to
even death, than does muscle mass (12e15). Addi- identify individuals as being at higher fracture risk than
tionally, other age-related changes in muscle quality currently appreciated. Identification of this high-risk
occurring at the neuromuscular, tissue/cellular (e.g., group could lead to nonpharmacologic and ultimately
fiber composition/ muscle fat infiltration), or subcel- to use of pharmacologic treatments that enhance bone
lular (e.g., mitochondrial) level will be missed with and muscle function.

Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health Volume 12, 2009

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Beyond FRAX
proposed to facilitate identification of patients at high Foundation Clinicians Guide clearly states Deci-
fracture risk. Using this approach, sarco-osteope- sions on whom to treat and how to treat should be
nia would be appropriate for individuals with low based on clinical judgment using this guide and all
bone mass and low muscle mass, whereas sarco-os- available clinical information. We suggest that low
teoporosis would be applied to those with low mus- muscle mass/function in the setting of low bone
cle mass and clinical or densitometric osteoporosis. mass (i.e., sarco-osteopenia) falls into the use of
Combining loss of bone and muscle strength into all available clinical information category.
a single diagnosis of sarco-osteopenia (schemat- How to optimally define sarco-osteopenia remains
ically represented in Fig. 2) seems rational, given to be determined. Despite this, the sarco-osteopenia
the abundant literature documenting the positive re- concept can be clinically applied at this time to en-
lationship of muscle and bone mass, due in part to courage use of readily available options to reduce
muscle-induced skeletal strain (20e22). Addition- falls and fracture risk. Although review of such ap-
ally, age-related declines in bone mass and muscle proaches is beyond the scope of this article, activities
mass/strength often coexist and may well result to reduce falls risk and enhance muscle strength can
from common pathophysiologic mechanisms, such be encouraged once sarco-osteopenia is recognized.
as inflammation (23) or low vitamin D status (24). Such interventions include, but are not limited to, nu-
Moreover, that sarco-osteopenia is a reasonable tritional evaluation and correction of deficiencies, in-
diagnostic and therapeutic consideration is sup- cluding optimization of vitamin D status, physical
ported by observations that falls cause fractures, therapy, strength and balance training, gait-assistive
that fracture risk increases with aging (even at the devices, home environment alterations, and discon-
same BMD as noted above), and that virtually all tinuation of medications associated with increased
osteoporosis therapies reduce fragility fracture risk falls risk. These approaches are currently part of com-
by only approximately 50%, perhaps implying that prehensive fracture reduction care but are easy to
medications affecting only bone to the exclusion overlook; formal appreciation of the sarco-osteopenia
of other patient factors, for example, muscle, may concept may enhance use of these interventions. Al-
have reached a near maximal benefit. Consistent though we believe that appreciation of sarco-osteope-
with a need to consider muscle parameters in frac- nia will enhance fracture reduction, we recognize that
ture risk assessment, we find the recent report of it is not an all-encompassing diagnosis to identify
Lang et al (25) to be a landmark work documenting those at increased fracture risk. Importantly, it does
that combining muscle size and a measure of intra- not include other morbidities amenable to existing
muscular fat, as determined by quantitative com- therapies (e.g., visual and cognitive impairment)
puted tomography (QCT) with age, height, body that must be addressed. It is apparent that evaluation
mass index, and BMD, maximized the true-positive of the patient, rather than just the bone or bone and
rate of identifying those with hip fracture. muscle status, is essential for optimal fracture
Is it feasible to bring the sarco-osteopenia concept reduction.
to clinical care? If so, how can this be accomplished? In conclusion, we suggest that the sarco-osteope-
In this regard, DXA may well be an excellent technol- nia concept be consciously incorporated into routine
ogy to identify sarco-osteopenia. Obviously, appen- clinical care. It is not the purpose of this perspective
dicular lean mass, perhaps limited to the legs, or to recommend precisely how, or in which patients,
altered by fat mass or other yet to be defined to do so at this time. Rather, it is our goal to promote
approach, could be formally obtained by total body this concept, to call for additional research to further
measurement at the time of routine clinical DXA. Ad- refine the relationship of muscle mass/performance
ditionally, routine hip DXA can provide not only with fracture risk, and to define how to optimally in-
BMD data but also an estimate of lean muscle mass. corporate the sarco-osteopenia model clinically,
With such DXA measurements of muscle mass, it thereby reducing morbidity, mortality, and expense
seems likely that no one cutpoint approach to de- of fragility fractures. Additionally, based on the his-
fine sarco-osteopenia will apply to all individuals tory of osteoporosis diagnosis, we suggest that if
and that clinical judgment/individualization of care DXA becomes a key tool in diagnosing sarcopenia
will be required, an approach very analogous to or sarco-osteopenia, it is essential to determine
BMD. Although it is premature to recommend thera- whether results obtained by densitometers of various
peutic interventions based on sarco-osteopenia cut- manufacturers provide comparable results. More-
points, we note that the National Osteoporosis over, if comparison with a young reference

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416 Binkley and Buehring

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