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(Part 1.

(Cpt 2. case test of the seven weapons as soon as
Seven major case interview format, and are of two types: 1. A quantitative
assessment; 2. scenario assumes that the case of job interviews.

1. Quantitative Assessment (quantitative assessments):

1) quantify test (the quantitative test, the mckinsey called problem solving" test,

The assessment is based on the mathematical: four operators, scores,

Data Interpretation: excel-based data - chart analysis;
Digital critical reasoning ability: Based on the excel chart to make a
commercial decision-making recommendations;
Visitexcel analysis capabilitiesin pursuit of computing speed and
precision, you can look at the case in[/url], do the exercise;

2) a quick estimate of the estimation question

Only the pen and paper, you do not have any sources of information, the
use of reasonable assumptions and simple operation, the market quickly
reasonable estimate, the focus is not accurate, and on the assumption that
the reasonableness, speculation;
The skills of the key values and applications is that quick reasonable to
answer customer questions;
The skills of the strengthened both require specific approaches, as well as
extensive accumulation of usual commercial information;
Simple Example: a quick estimate of a general gas stations one week for
the fuel consumption;
2. The hypothetical case scenario interview (hypothetical-situation
case interview):
3) Candidates to lead the case interview (the candidate-led case interview)

Applicants are presented only a vague, unless you take the initiative to ask
the specific data, otherwise the applicants are not given any prompts that
the entire 30-minute entirely by the leading candidates;
The issue is often extremely vague and broad, such as whether or not we
should enter the Latin American market";
This is the basis for other types;

4) the interviewer leading case interview (the interviewer-led case interview)

This is the mckinsey's favorite;

Issue does not too broad, the interviewer will guide the thinking and
portion is important, let you go to analysis;
The interviewer will frequently interrupted, not to allow you to follow a
fixed thinking order, contains a certain amount of pressure test;
With a comparison, to ensure that the strategic you will not
drift, visit your tactical capacity attainments;

5) Written case test (the written case interview)

5 Often to 40 Diagram Example 1 to 2 hours to analyze and then accept the

written test;
It is also possible that, and it should be given a copy of the case
information and then use the panel discussions or in the form of show PPT

6) case test group (the group case interview)

Usually the four-person team;

The interviewer show, some of the information submitted by an open-
ended question, and then ask the Team Collaboration solution;
He inspected who will be in a better position to help other
people,looking for the best team catalyst, rather than on the
individual strengths;

7) PPT show case test (the presentation-only case interview)

Combination of written case test, will analyze the conclusions and

recommendations of the PPT page forms;
The interviewer only on the content of the PPT show that it can clearly
reflect your ideas and results and not with you to conduct interviews;
InPPT production capacity;

(Part 2. Quantify test (quantitative

(Cpt 3. MCKINSEY PST (mckinsey problem
solving" test)
1. Visit the following capabilities

Mathematical operations andmathematical operators the speed

and accuracy of the king, and must be a large number of

training exercises, or else the Harvard School as they may not be able
to pass the test;
Data analysis,including data modeling and quick estimate, if the
answer given in context should be applied which the mathematical
formulas; or
Logic, including critical reasoning, if the judgment which provide data and
charts can support given and which are irrelevant data;
2. Examination Preparation Points

Does not require commercial background, but a commercial background

and data analysis experience can benefit more;
Do not rashly make a reply, be sure to carefully analyze the literal behind
the subject of study, and are based on the intention of the data provided to
Activity information, but very few is
available on the latest from mckinsey analog entitled;
Mathematical operators the speed and accuracy of the king, and must be a
large number of training exercises, they can use the tools on the can also go to brush GRE activity;

(Cpt 4. A quick estimate of the estimation

Main application is the use of reasonable assumptions for the customer to quickly
estimate the cost-benefit 80%, effective exclusion invalid commercial envisaged
that the value to the customer.
Split into two types: 1. Estimates; 2. Strategic and Tactical estimates.

1. The tactical calculations (computation-level estimates)

The data in support of the specific issues be estimated and the capacity required
to read as follows:
1) Maximum number of actuarial capacity (doing precise arithmetic with large

Would be able to contain millions of and a score of themaximum

number of four operations mental arithmetic, and calling for the

speedy and accurate;
In his first listing the formula, and thenconduct the simplified, and
finally, vigilance decimal point error;
You can use the tools on the to practice,
improve the speed and accuracy rate;

Maximum number of 2 rounded estimate (rounding numbers intelligently)

In estimating the cost of benefits - frequently encountered, benefits and

costs for the middle class, you will now be able to estimate the maximum
Typically have been rounded up in a number of the decade, such as 54,
17.5% 50 homes into 20%;
Can be complemented by the R.h. stationary, first turn the small and the
second number is turned on, and vice versa;
It is the practice of the consultant, the results of the calculations of
thedeviation in 20% ofthe balance is reasonable;

2. Strategic big-picture estimate (estimates)

3) Look for Reference Model (finding a proxy)

On market size estimates of these types of issues, such as petrol filling

station one day of oil fill quantity, the first step is to locate the key factors,
such as the number of pump, urban population, etc.;
Most of the key factors on the common sense, cannot be estimated
estimated encountered, to find a reference system, in the light of the other
data known similar models;
Reference Model is the most important strategic estimates
methodology, on the basis of known and unknown, but there is a need
to analyze the clear analogy, the basis, similar to the point;
Or would need to be supplemented by a commercial background reserves,
concern mainstream business magazine;

4) Analysis Reference Model deficiencies (identifying how your proxy is imperfect)

Reference Model is usually has already happened to a similar event, or a
more simplified model and not necessarily to be fully applicable imported;
To accurately position the cause of the current problem with the reference
model is not consistent with the factors;

5) cutting sub models (segmenting estimates to minimize imperfections proxy)

Positioning to the distinction between the factors, such as the growth in

passenger volume, you can follow the cutting element sub models, such as
the peak period, non-peak hours, rest breaks.
Because of the amount of the estimated level, you need to determine a
dominant sub models that the calculation of the value of the results of the
most dominant last volume-level child models;

6) with a reasonable presumption that estimate sub models (solving the sub-
estimates via assumptions (aka guesstimating))

The amount is estimated strategy level estimation, first

calculates the dominant sub models;
The calculation process can only rely on the pen and paper, no data
sources and Calculator, data isbased on life experience and
knowledge reserves to make reasonable to assumethat the
calculation is just four operators;
The calculation process is to study the important factors like just like
writing about the calculation process to show to the interviewer or the
future of the Customer;
Because of the amount of the estimated level of dominant sub modelsfor

the calculation results in a very simplified, i.e. rounded;

Because of the amount of the estimated level of the other sub-
modelshould not repeat calculations, simplify the analysis it with the
dominant sub models the proportional relationship between prorating that
does not affect the volume level;
On the other sub-model calculations also tothe simplified, keep in mind
that the last four, the next five into, and so on;
Familiar with 3.

Modeling and maximum number of Calculations Lab see

Because there are only four operators, is actually one of the most simple
mathematical modeling and may behigh school of competition-

level mathematical modelingto practice speed, University are too

Reviewof the IT area algorithm designshould also be able to greatly
improve modeling capabilities and certainly better than these difficult;
The GRE tunnel which was related to the activity, you can improve the
English reading and understanding the speed of the entitled;

(Part 3. case basis as soon as the

(Cpt Case 5. interview from (why case interview
1. The case interview is simulated job scenarios (case interviews to
simulate on-the-job experience)

The work of the consultant is daily by client interview hundreds times, all of
the sudden pressure testing, the attacks were the work in order to simulate
The interview in mind your relationship,you are consulting

architects, the other side is customer, not the applicants and the
interviewer toCounselor to the customer in a tone accomplish

We are "customer abuse I, I question hundreds customers such as First
Love' mentality, the interviewing process, in order to maintain and enhance
the reputation of the consulting firms is committed;

2. How to win the trust of the customers to area attractions

( yourself as a consultant)

Where are the genocide, too, cling to the unjustified's hostile attitude,
expecting you mess up all back home, his way home to continue deprived
of food, Tsutsu;
The consultant of the most common way of makingbuckling

customersandconclusion without the foundation of data, and

it is also the most vulnerable to the customer for recriminations manner;
In response to the difficulties, the consultant customershould be good

at analysing problems and to understand the Yao adaption,

communication and negotiation skills is more important than the
calculated capacity indicators;
The interview, consulting, why did you say that what is more important,
even if the heart, must show the empties with earth as "My dear, I want

to ask you, I know what" and must not stress;

Real Customer. The first is the professional qualities, and the second is the
higher expectations of their customers, to rely on the analytical capacity of
professionalism, win the trust of the United Nations ability to rely on the
analysis of the customer's eyes;

3. How to United Nations clients eyes

Make the customer never thought, and stimulating issues;

From the same data to parse the customer never discovered issue,
associated or conclusion;
Make the customer expected that it would be inconsistent with, guide the
direction of the different decision-making, with solid data support, it is the
conclusion of the counter-intuitive displays your mindset than the
customer open;
In short, the astonishing remarks;
6 tools every business consultant should know
Business experts have a number of tools at hand to analyze company performance. here are
six frameworks that consultants and business analysts , use, and that you might consider
adding to your own set of receive a "


Benchmarking is the process of comparing your company metrics to the metrics of your
industry competitors or to those of innovative companies outside the industry.

Common metrics for benchmarking: include:

Production costs
Employee turnover
Process cycle time

Read more about benchmarking at Bain & Company Business Insights:

Benchmarking and Harvard Business Review blog: Beyond Benchmarking: Why Copy the


The balanced scorecard is a framework for tracking important aspects of company strategy
and for organizational improvement or change was it you perform metrics beyond typical
financial metrics to help companies keep long-term strategic goals in focus and spot trouble
before it appears in the financial statements.

The scorecard is a comprehensive and quantitative set of objectives that can be measured
over time. common components include:

Market share
Employee morale
Customer satisfaction metrics

Read more about the balanced scorecard at Bain & Company Business Insights: Balanced


Developed by michael E. porter, lawrence university professor william bishop at the harvard
business school, porter's five forces is a framework for industry analysis that is used as an
input to a strategic plan.
The five competitive forces that influence profitability in any industry are outlined in porter's

Competitor rivalry
The bargaining power of buyers
The bargaining power of suppliers
The threat of new entrants
The threat of substitute offerings

Learn more at the Five Competitive Forces That Shape Strategy: A video interview with
Michael E. Porter.


This matrix was developed by mckinsey & company in the 1970s to help prioritize general
electric its investments in its numerous units. business it's widely used to help companies
assess the relative merits of various opportunities.

Business units or opportunities are categorized as "high," ", medium," or "low" within the
two axs of the matrix which are "industry" and "attractiveness to the competitive strength of
the business unit."

For more information, read McKinsey Quarterlys Enduring Ideas: The GE-McKinsey nine-box


This quadrant matrix developed by the boston consulting group (BCG), is a tool companies
use to assess the relative strength of product lines within their portfolios.

Product lines are assigned to one of four quadrants:

Cash cows
Question marks

Read BCG: The growth share matrix or the product portfolio.


The process of identifying your company's core competencies helps you define your
company's positioning and competitive advantage. A core competency is a proficiency in an
area that is not easily replicated by competitors. it allows your company to deliver unique
value to the company, customers, north ayrshire giving a "leg up" on the competition. one
example is how the employees and unique culture of southwest airlines allows them to
provide better customer service and faster turnaround times for planes.

Read more about this framework at Bain & Company Business Insights: Core Competencies.
5 books for aspiring consultants

In the spirit of back-to-school, we' ve curated several professional reading lists that will be
featured throughout the next todays picks focus on at consulting. If you've been
contemplating a shift to the world of consultancy, the following titles will help you build
foundational knowledge assess fit, identify your niche, and gain practical skills and receive a

HBR's 10 Must Reads: The Essentials

The harvard business review , different kinds through their exhaustive editors archives and
collected the 10 most seminal reads on management from nearly 100 years of publishing.
you' ll get a firm grounding, in the fundamentals of modern management from such experts
as michael porter (on strategy), clayton christensen (on disruptive innovation), and peter
drucker on managing yourself).

The McKinsey Way

Wondering if working at a consulting firm is right for you? Author ethan rasiel - former
associate of mckinsey - provides an insider look at the with consulting firm. he also offers
practical advice for succeeding in the intense environment. You' ll learn about
mckinsey hypothesis-driven's approach to problem solving. and you ' ll gain insight into its
process for forming teams, conducting interviews and research and managing organizational

Flawless Consulting

Peter block's approach to consulting emphasizes the importance of developing and

maintaining the authentic relationships. he is truly invaluable consultants to be inquisitive
partners, able to ask good questions to discover the strengths and unique values of their
clients. He also provides a step-by-step outline of the presenting consulting process.


One key to success as a consultant is to carve out a niche fueled by your expertise. in this
book, author and entrepreneur seth godin advocates for us all to see our work as art - as
an endeavor we pursue with passion,, and a unique vision. you' re sure to find the
inspiration you need to seize your talents and strike out on a new career path with

The Back of the Napkin

As a, you will encounter times when the solution to a challenge may seem to elude you. In
those moments, author dan roam will tell you to pick up a pen and paper and draw. in this
book, dan roam the firm of the power of visual thinking for working through complex
problems and clearly communicating ideas. discover how pictures can inspire new ways of
seeing and solving even the most difficult challenges.
8 books every consultant should read at least once
You probably already know that being well-read is a must in the consulting world. consultants are
expected to have a broad knowledge of management, as well as good understanding of finance,
vol. strategy, and communications - among other things.

But if you' re looking to up your consulting game , it's hard to know where to start among the
wealth of resources out there. So this week, I rounded up the eight books that have read me along
my journey and career. consultant whether you're applying for a job, trying to develop new
skills ,or just trying to kill some time, these books will help you learn more about the indicating
the field.

1. The McKinsey Way

While this book is focused on a specific firm, the insights and recommendations from it are
applicable across the entire industry. the book doesn't go very deep into specific frameworks or
methods and instead focuses on how to survive at the firm" and some of the cultural
considerations of working and succeeding in at consulting. It s a good read for those just getting
into the industry who want to understand more about the mindset and work of-space (source)

2. HBR'S 10 Must Reads: The Essentials

It ' s important to have at least a basic understanding of major theories and academic thought
within the business and for this,( HBR's 10 must reads is a great place to start this book compiles
the top 10 articles on management and covers topics such as innovation, strategy, analytics, and
managing change once you finish the essentials, HBR also offers Top 10 reads on specific topics ,
like strategy or change management, to deepen your knowledge.

3. Valuation: Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies

This tome is an essential read from a technical standpoint and also aids in understanding the
underlying drivers of major corporations. If you are new to how organizations are valued, it will
walk you through tactics on how to approach it. If you just want an overview on how financial
statements tie to the share price and the decision making process of
organizations, you ' ll get a great overview. and if you ve been asked to value a company or to gain
a deeper understanding of the financial organizations, this book is the ultimate reference.
4. Key Management Models: The 60+ Models Every Manager Needs to Know

Because consulting is all about structured problem-solving, it ' s important to become familiar
with the tools that you can use to help solve your clients' problems the book covers a range of
linan from strategic to operational, and provides information on how and when to use each of
them. I use it as a quick reference guide when faced with a new problem or question. client

5. Pyramid Principle: Logic in Writing and Thinking

Ive talked about the Pyramid Principle before As it is, one of the most widely quoted and used
frameworks for structuring communications in at consulting. plus they are it explains that, in any
communication, you should start with your recommendation, arrange supporting ideas into
groups, and then provide detailed evidence in order to effectively support your
story. if you have read the cole's notes on the framework and want to go deeper into how to apply
it, then I would recommend diving into the full workbook

6. The Back of the Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures

In the work of a-space, you will participate in a number of planning sessions, meetings, and
restructuring that require you to explain complex ideas or processes simply. this book gives you
the tools to do that with the help of of graphics and pictures. I love it as a reference guide when
planning a meeting or presentation

7. Case Interview Secrets: A Former McKinsey Interviewer Reveals How to Get

Multiple Job Offers in Consulting

If you haven't heard of victor chang yet, he's a case interview guru who has read many people
secure prime offers. consulting in his book, he outlines how to approach case interviews and
provides tips and tricks on what interviewers look for - as well as the common mistakes that
candidates adapt it accordingly it ' s a must-read for anyone going through the interview process.

8. The Consultant With Pink Hair

This story about the management of a struggling consulting practice provides an entertaining
look at the lives of consultants - working late nights, struggling with client management and
managing competition. while it ' s fictional, technically it ' s very based in truth, and there is a lot
of real learning you can get out of it.
Steve ShuThe author of the consulting apprenticeship,
Updated Sep 11, 2016

There are four books that I recommend as the core to the generic practice of at consulting. These

1. The mckinsey way by ethan rasiel -

2. Process your consultation by edgar schein read):
3. Flawless consulting by peter block (optional and highly recommended for those
coming from engineering versus backgrounds):
4. Logic in writing and thinking (for managers & consultants especially): the pyramid
principle by barbara
minto: or

Beyond the generic core, there are three major dimensions that come to the top of my mind when
considering practitioner-level knowledge of the management consulting space:
(A) developing specialty and functional-area skills
(B)nurturing marketing and selling skills for consulting (for example, I highly recommend books
like Winning the Professional Services Sale by Michael McLaughlin)
(C) developing knowledge and skills specific to managing both consulting practices and different
organizational structures (for example, I like david maister's Managing The Professional Service

I have developed a working reading list that attempts to cover many of the areas above it is a list
for entry-level to advanced management (source) it can be
found at

And for those readers seeking books and information on getting a job with a consulting firm,
there are a number of other books out there. one site that sells such a book ("bible") consulting
is As an aside, back in 2009 kevin gao (ex-
mckinseyite) interviewed me for managementconsulted's life as a consultant series.

The best historical account of the consulting industry I've read is the lords of strategy: the secret
intellectual history of the new corporate world by
walter kiechel

I just released a book entitled the apprenticeship. consulting the book focuses on nuances passed
on during apprenticeship and complements the four books I mention at the beginning of this post
or can be read standalone. more info at The Consulting Apprenticeship: 40 Jump-Start Ideas for
You and Your Business: Steve Shu: 9781514217160: Books.


Steve shu specializes in incubating new initiatives with a primary focus on strategy, technology
and behavioral changes science. he is author of Inside Nudging:
Implementing Behavioral Science Initiatives and The Consulting Apprenticeship: 40 Jump-
Start Ideas for You and Your Business.

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