Shadowfell Despair

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Shadow World Despair

DC 10 Wisdom save. On a fail, the character is affected by despair. Roll 1d6

1-3: Apathy: Dis. on saves vs. death and Dex checks for Initiative.
4-5: Dread: Dis. on all saves.
6: Madness: Dis. on ability checks and saves that use Int, Wis and Cha.

New effects replace old ones.

After a long rest the character can attempt to overcome the effect (DC 15). A calm
emotions spell removes despair.

You are affected by apathy. You gain the following flaw:

I dont believe I can make a difference to anyone or anything.

You are affected by apathy. You gain the following flaw:

I dont believe I can make a difference to anyone or anything.

You are affected by apathy. You gain the following flaw:

I dont believe I can make a difference to anyone or anything.

You are affected by dread. You gain the following flaw:

I am convinced that this place is going to kill me.

You are affected by dread. You gain the following flaw:

I am convinced that this place is going to kill me.

You are affected by dread. You gain the following flaw:

I am convinced that this place is going to kill me.

You are affected by madness. You gain the following flaw:

I cant tell whats real anymore.

You are affected by madness. You gain the following flaw:

I cant tell whats real anymore.

You are affected by madness. You gain the following flaw:

I cant tell whats real anymore.

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