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Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

Shortage of Midwive
The regional consultants in obstetrics and gynaccology in the north-west
region of england are concerned about the increase in the birth rate and the
shortage of trained midwives. according to the report of the central midwives
board published in 1978, only 50, of midwives who quality in any one year
choose to continue with the practice of midwifery, and the number of pupil
midwives in training annually has remained unchanged for the past seven to
eight years.

Most midwifery divisions within the greater manchester area are short
staffed to the extent of at least 16. this shortage of midwives is accentuated by
the need for more midwives that has resulted from new hospitals with single
rooms and four bedded bays, which require increased levels of staffing. in
addition, the technicological advances made over the past few years in
obstetrics, anaesthetics, and paediatrics have increased the demand made on the
time and skill of the midwives. we foresee that the need for more midwives is
necessary not only in view of the increasing birth rate but also to meet the
change in the practice of obstetrics.

Furthermore, in many areas the community midwife service have been

reduced following the increase in the number of hospital confinements. within
the foreseeable future it would appear that we may be forced to return to the
unsatisfactory state of greater dependence on home confinements without the
back-up of adequat numbers of trained midwives to meet this need.

The obvious solution is to recruit more midwives. unfortunately, nurses

entering midwives are at a financial disadvantage, and once trained earn less
than those involved in such branches of nursing as health visiting. we request
that those interested bodies such as DHSS, the central midwives board, and the
royal college of midwives give urgent consideration to this present and
increasing problem.
Question :

1. What is the Solution to Overcome the shortage of midwives?

a. Removing midwifery schools or institutions in each region

b. Reducing Power of midwives in every health institution
c. Conduct training and recruiting MORE Many midwives to review
deployed in the regions is That Still less would Maternal Health
Services in particular aid delivery
d. Gave Permission for review showed to NURSE attending births
e. Theory hearts improve midwifery currently Educational Process in
Higher Education

2. why the increased amount and distribution of labor force trained midwives
should be spread evenly?

a. improving infrastructure has been used Maternal Health Services

b. Reducing Maternal and Child Mortality, provide delivery
assistance Safe, provide reproductive health education, especially for
a review of the Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, and to
meet the changing hearts prakteik review midwifery
c. A graduate student working fast midwifery
d. Depending on the power of society over midwives in health
e. to improve the health 'of society

3. What is expected to increase in the labor community midwives to address the

shortage of midwives in an area?
a. free pregnancy tests
b. midwives were more frequent visits to check on the patient
c. upgrading of skills of midwives and serve with timely
d. provide shuttle facilities for maternity patients
e. reward patients who often check
This text for the answer to question no 4-7 !
Each year, 350,000 women die from complications in pregnancy and
childbirth,over million infants die under one month,and 2.6 million babies are

Many of Reviews These deaths could be prevented by a midwife or other

skilled birth attendant.

However, 52 million births worldwide occur without one in attendance,

while in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa less than 50% of births are Attended by
someone with the right skills.

Midwives save lives and provide quality care during pregnancy and
childbirth. In recognition, global, regional and national initiatives Increasingly
focus on the training and retention of quality Midwives and other skilled birth

4. Which areas described in the text that less than 50% of births are attended by
a person with the right skills ?

a. Australia and Sub-saharan Afrika

b. Sub-Saharan Afrika and India
c. Asia and Sub-Saharan Afrika
d. Asia and Antarctic ocean
e. Rusia and Saharan Afrika

5. In the text above, paragraph 4 illustrates one of the roles that function

a. Midwives as executor
b. Midwives as manager
c. Midwife as educator
d. Midwives as a researcher
e. Midwives as an entrepreneur
6. In the text above, we know that both maternal and infant deaths in pregnancy
and childbirth worldwide could be prevented if?

a. provided healthcare luxury

b. There midwife or other skilled birth attendant
c. irregular obstetric care
d. midwives not only women but men
e. pregnant women are required to drink milk

7. How the number of women who die from complications of pregnancy or

during labor

a. 3500
b. 35000
c. 305000
d. 350000
e. 355000

This text for the answer to question 8-10 !

The World Health Organization recommends one midwife or skilled birth
attendant for every 175 pregnant women44 but this standard is far from being
achieved. In Rwanda, where 400,000 babies are born in a year, there are 46
public midwives (or one midwife for every 8,600 births). Uganda has 15,000
trained midwives with an estimated 1.5 million women having babies each year.
Some of the reasons for the shortage of midwives mirror those listed above. A
woman wishing to become a midwife faces the prospect of working in a poorly
staffed, poorly missing midwives equipped health centre in a remote or even
dangerous location with a huge caseload of pregnant women to look after. She
may have little support or opportunity for training and may be paid relatively
poorly. A midwife in Liberia is paid around 62 a month, in Burkina Faso a
midwife can expect around 125 a month, and in Nigeria around 300 a month.

8. why in liberia still be a shortage of midwives

a. remote and inaccessible location
b. no chance for another midwife
c. midwife rates at relatively low liberia
d. lack of support from the state to increase midwife liberia
e. correct all
9. In the above text has described the problem of shortage of midwives, other
issues that support the midwife shortage problem is?

a. Prospect of working in a poorly staffed, poorly equipped health

center Midwives missing in a remote or even dangerous location with
a huge caseload of pregnant women to look after, may have little
support or opportunity for training and may be paid are relatively
b. midwives are not given the home office
c. midwives do not receive the vehicle for official
d. workplaces in the city of more guarantees and more comfortable
e. residents, located away from the crowds

10. Of the paragraph above can be concluded that to meet the needs of
Midwives in each region, country, or the world must pay attention to several
aspects of?

a. Midwives trained personnel, spread evenly, and receive adequate

compensation from the government
b. Facilitating the official car for every midwife
c. A graduate student working fast Midwifery
d. Depending on the power of society over Midwives in health
e. to improve the health 'of society

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