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Of the Future
tybenuare, DeLeaied
and Haman hemcting


ntelligent buildings are quickly becoming

COhesive and integral inhabitants of cyber-

Physical ecosystems. Modem buildings

adapt to intemal and extemal elements and
thrive on eveILincreasing data sources, SuCh
as ubiquitous smart devices and sensors,
While mimicking various approaches previously
known in software, hardware, and bioinspired
SyStemS. This article provides an overview of
intelligent buildings of the future from a range of

PerSPeCtives. It discusses everything from the

PrOSPeCtS Of U.S. and world energy consumption
to insights into the future of inte11igent buildings
based on the latest technoIogical advancements
in U.S. industry and government.

US and Wordnergy
Consumptiom Preditions
The U.S. Department of Energys (DOE9 Energy

Information dministration (EIA) estimates the

Share of total U.S. electricity use by major con-

Suming sectors in 2014 as foIIows: reSidential, 36%;
coImercial, 35%; and industrial, 28% (Figure l)

[1], [2]. In U.S. homes, the single largest use of elec-

tricity is for air-COnditi9ning @ooling), followed by
about 40% of electricity use by washers, dryers,

Dl Oecer /0 /IO.20I6 26I5575

Da/e ofpub/ica/10n. 2I Decebe 20]6


BugS COnSme 70% othe totaeectty

generatedd 50% of tota! nagas poducton

in the United States

and other appliances. In the commercial sector, lighting accounts for about 19% of energy usage and
is the single largest user of electricity. This is because lighting includes office, institutional, Public,
and government buildings as well as pubIic street lighting. Space and water heating (10%), SPace
COOling (11%), and ventilation (6%) together make up 27% of all electricity used. While electricity
use is projected to grow sIowly, efficiency improvements and new appliance standards are expected
to contribute to sIower future growth. The EIAs `Annual Energy Outlook 2015projected a total U,S.

electricity use growth of less than l% per year from 2014 to 2040 [1].
On the world level, the EI, in its International Energy Outlook 2013,projected that world ener-

gy consumption would increase 56% between 2010 and 2040, from 524 quadrillion to 820 quadrillion
British thermal units [3]. Most of this growth will come from non-Organization for Economic Coop-
eration and Development countries, Where demand is driven by strong economic growth. Renew-
able energy and nuclear power are the worlds fastest-grOWing energy sources, eaCh increasing 2.5%

Per year. However, fossil fuels are expected to continue to supply nearly 80% of the worlds energy
through 2040. Natural gas is the fastest-grOWing fossil fuel, aS global supplies of tight gas, Shale

gas, and coal-bed methane increase.

The industrial sector continues to account for the largest share of delivered energy
COnSumPtion and is projected to consume more than half of global delivered en-
ergy in 2040. Based on current policies and regulations governing fossil fueI
use, global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions are projected to rise
to 45 billion metric tons in 2040, a 46% increase from 2010. Economic
growth in developing nations, fueled by a continued. reliance on
fossil fuels, aCCOuntS for most of the emissions increases.
Buildings consume 70% of the total electricity generated
and 50% of total natural gas production in the United
States [4]. Hence, the potential impact of increasing
energy eciency, While continuing to meet cus-

tomer needs and comfort levels and simultane-

OuSly supporting grid operations, is substantial.

Smart Grids ad SmaHomes

The concept of smart buildings, While typi-
Cally referring to smart homes, Can be easily
extended to all types of buildings aesidential,
COmmerCial, and industrial)-in other words,
Smart Cities (Figure 2). The American Recovery
and Reinvestment ct of 2009 (Recovery cD,

Cited by the DOE, Office of Electricity Delivery

and Energy Reliability (OE), PrOVided the DOE
with US$4.5 billion to modemize the electric
POWer grid and implement Title XIII of the Ener-
gy Independence and Security Act of 2007. The
DOE OE was given the lead for modemizing the
more-than-a-Century-Old U.S. electric grid that
Currently consists of more than 9,200 electric-
ity-generating units, With over l million MW of
generating capacity connected to more than
300,000 mi of transmission lines.
The concept of the original one-Way COm-
munication and localized-generation-tO-home


llevjsions and Befrigerators and Heating Computerand EiectrochemicaI
ReIated Equipment Freezers 6%Reiated Equipment Processes
7%9% 7% 8%

(a) (b) (C)

Source: EiA, Annuai Energy Source: EIA, Annuai Energy Source: EiA, Manufacturing Energy
Outiook 201 5, Reference Case, Out10Ok 201 5, Reference Case, Consumption Survey 2010
Table 5 (Aprii 2015) labie 5 (Aprii 2015)

FiGURE l - ,S. electicity consumption in 2014 in the (a) esidentiai, (b) commeCiai, and O manufactuing sectos [1] (Coutesy of EiA.)

FiGURE 2 - A smat grid. (images courtesy of and adapted from

COmmunication concept has evoIved more ecient, SeCure, reliable, and generation and usage. The distribItiorz
toward two-Way electricity and infor- green, aCCOrding to, a intelence (a term coined by the DOE

mation exchange between utilities DOE information gateway. One of the OE) enables inteIligent and automatic
and their customers, Offering unprec- Pivota=deas of the smart grid para- COntrOIs leading to self-healing and re-
edented levels of consumer participa- digm is distributed generation, With Silience to both malicious and benign
tion and thus creating the essence of microgrids relying on typically renew- failures. Buildings, eStimated to be re-
the modem smart grid. The develop- able energy sources such as hydro, bio- SPOnSible for about 40% of all energy
ing symbiosis of communications, COn- mass, SOIar, Wind, and geothermal, the used in the United States, Play a pivotal
troIs, and automation makes the grid COnCePt enabling autonomous power role in smart grids.
lntera`tiveness of Buiidings
and Smart Grids
One of the key elements of smart grid

technoIogies is the interactive rela- e0
tionship between grid operators, utili-

ties, and consumers, Smart grids can
es S sea, 0
be viewed as interconnected resourc- s-0e0s, Ses.
es and consumers of energy, With
buildings as major entities of the equa-

gS ki
tion [mainly because of central hea also to help integrate variable renew- Simply referred to as s (Sam-

ing ventilation and air-COnditioning able power sources into the grid, Which Sungs home monitori

(HVAC) and lighting]. Hence, buildings With adequate financial incentives can aptly named Sma[7n they are

Play roles in both energy usage and as accelerate their market penetration. quickly entering the con mer world.
energy generation entities avith stor- Gartner Analytics predi a30% in-
age capabilities). Through interaction Cometivity (Sart = Come`ted

With smart grids, Smart buildings @s AnaltiS)
building blocks of smart cities [5], [6]) Another key concept of smart build-
Can Perform load reduction and peak ings is connectivity In fact, in acontext 2020 (Figure 3).
Shaving (reducing demand for electric- Of smart buildings and smart devices,
ity during peak usage time?) and load the words smar[ and connec[ed are est energy consumers in b ngS, are
Shifting, and can reduce blackouts (to- being frequently and interchange- being highly modemized ugh the
ta=oss of powe) and brownouts (volt- ably used to denote Intemet of Things Penetration of IoT device The key is-

age drops). The concept of islanding in (Ic/) devices. However, Certain dis-
microgrids can be reduced to the level tinctions need to be made, The mean-
Of buildings, Where one or several of ing of comected is typically reflected
them can share distributed resources by the ability of buildings to commu- 1
frequently integrated with distributed nicate with other buiIdings, With the doing at what time. IoT devices pro-
energy storage systems. Examples of

grid (for reasons of scheduIing, island-
distributed resources can entail re- ing, and peak shaving), With utilities,
newables Guch as rooftop solar, Small With energy storage unitsater tanks

turbine/wind, and hydro projectS) and for hot or cold energy storage and tht hV nt Xistd bfr, Th

lately natural gas-based home fuel-Cell batteries), With occupants (through

SyStemS, Whereas distributed energy
StOrage SyStemS for buildings entail
water tanks. VionX Energy, a US$12
COmfort input by means o=ight, air,
heat, and cooling control?), With other
Smart devices (thermostats and sen-
O=uture behavior.
million DOE National Energy Tt:Chnol- SOrS), and so on. In other words, for
Ogy Laboratory project scheduled to the unit to be smart, it needs to be based on several attract e features:

be completed in 2018, aims at demon- COnneCted @.g., a thermostat needs to COnVenience (e.g., remOt OntrOl and
Strating competitively priced, multi- know about its environment through
megawatt, 6-10-h operation, 20-year an outside weather station or in-home
OPeration lifetime vanadium redox
battery energy storage systems [7].
Johnson ControIs LlOOO In-Building
usage pattems from sensor;). On the
Other hand, COnneCted does not nec-
essarily imply smart. For example, the
trol @utonomousntelli

and prediction of user

terns, and smart scheduli
nt learning
havior pat-
and the

Distributed Energy Storage System motion sensor may not be smart even ability to control and imp Ve energy
features 40-65-kWh storage capac- though it is connected to the thermo- efficiency. Comectivity is underly-
ity increments of lithium-ion (Li-ion) Stat, but the thermostat has to be con-
Cylindrical batteries with 20-year life nected for it to depIoy learning and
expectancy [8]. Another aspect of Prediction algorithms. Remote access
distributed load and generation are alone does not imply smart aspects

Plug-in electric vehides (PEVS). In the Of devices.

future, PEVs wi11 serve as distributed IoT devices feature intelligent algo-
SOurCeS Of stored energy that can put rithms and are constantly increasing
in local processing power. They oper- food expiration dates, nOify users of

POWer back into the grid, a COnCePt
Called L,ehCle Jo grid [9]. As mobile ate interactively and autonomously food that needs restocki
energy storage devices, PEVs have While being wirelessly networked
the potential to inject additional power
into the grid at critical peak times and
with other such devices or connected
to the Internet directly. Sometimes
uquO< S


Nest, Samsung, Sleep Number, and
Others improve quality of life and per-
e deveoping sybiosis oconications
SOnal health, One Of the major benefits
is energy efficiency, energy Savings, CO0s, andtomationakes the grid mor
and peak shaving, Starting with such
ecieSere, eabe, and gee
Simple tasks as deferring refrigera-
tor defrost cydes or dishwasher and
laundry deferral untiI off-Peak hours

[10, [11]. monitoring, and reporting on the and smart lock;) or larg' @.g., large
Theskyis the limit when it comes to lighting for any space in a building for energy storage batteries ld electric
energy efficiency and smart devices to- maximum energy efficiency, COmfort, Car?). As highly integra d as they
day. Windows, doors, and skylights can and productivity [16]. are, SuCh systems run hi( l eXPOSure

gain and lose heat through conduction An example of such concepts is so- risks. The same informati l flow that

(U-factor) or radiation (Solar heat gain Called doylight zJtOnOmy, a SuStain- enables users and mana!
COefficienO. In 1990 alone, the energy able concept driven by Lutron that building complexes and idential
used to offset unwanted heat losses adapts to its environment and claims home users to monitor Of COntrOl
and gains through windows in residen- reducing daytime lighting energy

tial and commercial buildings cost the use by 65% or more through the use
United States US$20 billion (One-fourth Of automated shades [16]. Designing
Of all the energy used for space heat- for daylight autonomy invoIves un-
ing and cooling) [12]. Smart windows, derstanding how the entire building ample, mOnitoring occu
Smart glass, Or SWitchable glass use is affected by the dynamic nature of Can tell when a person es home,
the technoIogy called s[ISpended po

ticle deices (SPD9 [13], adjusting ac

VOltage to the SPD film to quickly con-

daylight and creating a lighting con-
troI strategy to automatically adjust
to these changes.

trol the amount of light, glare, and heat

PaSSing through windows, Rayno win- Securit and Resiliene

dows use the polymer-dispersed liquid Of lmtelligemt Buildings
CryStal technoIogy, Which combines If intelligent buildings are the future, Cal infrastructure),

POlymers and liquid crystal materials then so too are cyberthreats to build- In the world of home
to control transparency [14], [15]. Be-
Sides their use for energy efficiency,
ing services [17]. According to Grand
View Research, a San Francisco-based
the security research firm

these technoIogies can be used in COnSulting firm, the inteIligent build-

Smart buildings for instant privacy, tO ing automation technoIogies market is devices, eValuating sim featu res

eliminate the need for curtains, tO filter expected to reach US$98,95 billion by SuCh as the encryption of
ultraviolet rays, Or aS a rear-PrOjection 2024 [18]. The technoIogy is expected
Surface for theaters or high-PrOfile cor- to grow rapidly due to benefits such as

POrate and retail displays, increased energy efficiency, OCCuPant

Various manufacturers provide COmfort, and productivity as we11 as
automation and energy-efficiency Seamless operation of HVAC, electric-
COntrOIs. Companies like Lutron, Hon- ity, lighting, and other systems. Fur- forms. In addition to pote al software

eywell, and Johnson ControIs provide thermore, the increasing demand for exploitation, SuCh devices Suffer from
SOlutions ranging from commercial
Smart grid, Whole building, and resi-
SeCurity and life safety systems (e.g.,
SyStemS that indicate the presence
hardware security issue

Physical access @ univers hrough

dential solutions for energy efficiency. Of firO in education, hospitality, and booD, an attaCker can root ac-

Lutrons Quantum lighting controand large commercial complexes is ex- CeSS, aS Shown in 2014 Si m ilarly,

energy management system offers a

Smart decision for any building own-

PeCted to give a boost to the adoption
Of intelligent buildings automaLtion.
Modern buildings heavily rely on
Femandes et al, Publish
May 2016
two intrinsic design flaws ih Samsungs

erin terms of scheduling of lights SmartThings: 55% of app

and lowering shades for energy sav- SeVeral advantageous concepts: in- Privileged (given excessi
teroperability, COmeCtivity, doud ser-
ings and also for the comfort, Safety,
and security of occupants. Quantum Vices, remOte mOnitoring and control,
and EcoSystem solutions enable shed- Or PrOgrammable logic contro11ers. t On the enterprise le the risks
ding of a percentage of a buildings the heart of all these are the communi- grow higher. One sim ) PrOblem

lighting output during peak demand, Cations among sensors, hubs, and nu- is the introduction of IoT de-
instantly saving energy. The solutions merous smart devices, Whether smaIl vices into a network. exfiltra-

also provide control, COnfiguration, @.g., COffee machines, POWer Outlets, tion through any devic built-in

Plans should be drawn up for periods
during which intelligence is not avail-
VAa ing systS. tgSt nrgy able (known as plfor fIee tt)OrsO. To

COS rsn bugs, are beig higy modenized

maintain minimum acceptable levels of
SerVice, hardwired hardware may be a
o Penetration o=odevices necessary cost for the resilience of mis-
ion-Critical building automation sys-

network co a Department of Homeland Security tems, eVen at a COSt Of sacrificing the
and requir( alert [22]. intelligent part of the automation 7].

munications (e.g., if a SoIutions in this area need to take Resilience-a SyStems ability to

Smart rer into account various approaches. One bounce back after malicious or benign

Payment Ce ZOne) [20]. Another is- is increasing resilience by segmenta- failures or, from a business perspec-
Sue invoIve tion of the network of connected de- tive, the ability to maLintain continuity
application Vices (1imiting the exposur ), COuPled Of business operations-aSSumeS an
With the use of strong user/PaSSWOrd intelligent response that goes beyond

the netw Can PrOPerly handle in-

COmbinations. CIoud-hosted systems
relieve customers of the burden of se-
fault tolerance and is inextricably
linked with cybersecurity [24]. The da-
fluxes in volume of data, An ad- Curing sensitive data and web services. ta-driven techniques overviewed in the
ditional i the legality of storing Geographically separated redundancy following, SOmetimes referred to aso-
t hJ e r

increases resilience in case of cata- inspired, Selhealing, and recovring,

U.S. Federal Bureau StrOPhic events at data centers in one represent an integral component of
reported a memo on location. Cloud services must include resiIience. The interactiveness and
into the heating and multifactor authentication via various interoperability of modem buildings,
ng system of a New PrOOfs of identity-SOmething that us- along with the ubiquitous IoT devices
COmPany. Widely re- ers know, through a password; SOme- that generate large data streams, also
thing they possess, aS With a phone; bring bioinspired data mining and data
and something inherent to them, aS analytics into the purview of resilience
With fingerprints [23]. In addition to in the domain ontelligent buildings.

the best cybersecurity practices be-

ing made an integral part of the de- Atiicia nteigene

PIoyment of equipment and training in Buildings

for building managers, COntingency
e Need foreene
Due to the interactive, adaptive, and in-
terconnected nature of buildings, their
COmPOnentS, and outside environments,
modern buildings must be capable of
negotiating constantly changing scenar
ios. Continuous communications among
Smart hubs, SenSOrS, and appliances
Within buildings as well as communica-
tions among smart meters, reneWable
energy generators, StOrage units, and
utiIities generate massive, heterogeneous
data sets about every aspect of their op-
erations. These big data sets require
increasingly automated and adaptive ap-

PrOaChes to information processing and

reaI-time decision making.
Artificial intelligence @I) and ma-
Chine learning (ML) techniques ex-
hibit proven capabilities for leaming
from heterogeneous data sets [25].
Such techniques can identify pattems
Or trends that exist in data and extract
CruCial performance knowledge, make
accurate predictions of future system

StateS, and identify anomalous scenar-
ios that may lead to suboptimal behav-
ior due to benign or malicious faults.
These approaches can be effectively
used for tasks ranging from building
energy management and energy effi-
Ciency, Self-healing, and adaptation to
the securitynformation assurance,

and resiliency of such systems.

Brfef OveVfew of A/

AI and ML encompass a multitude of

algorithms and techniques. Tfaditional 1utionized a multitude of such as This section Very brief
techniquessuchasIogisticregression,SPeeChrecognition,natura=anguageintroductiontotraditionaLl ANNsand

artificialneuralnetworks@NN?),fuzzyprocessing,andcomputervisionappli-SeVeraldeepleamingar hitectures:

1ogicsystems(FLS;)(Figure5),SuPPOrtCationssuchasfacerecognition.convolutionalneuralnetwo ks(CNNi),

VeCtOrmachines(SVM?),anddiffer-Deeplearningextendsthecapabili-longshort-termmemOr (LSTM),

entBayesianprobabilisticmodelsaretiesofstandardANNsbyenablingar-andrestrictedBoltzman machines

We11-documentedmethodsandhavechitecturesofmanylayers.Therefore,(RBMi).Thesealgorithms reselected

beenextensivelyusedinawidearraydeepleamingenabIesleamingofcom-Sincetheyarerelevanttot econcrete

Ofdomainsforleamingpattemsandplexpattemsthatexistindatathroughapplicationandcasestudy iscussedin

trendsindata,Recently,theadventofmultiplelayersofabstraction.Thethenextsections"However, tshouldbe

moderndevelopmentofdeeplearn-nOtedthattherearemore deeplearn- ithmsthat

FuzzyLogic naturallyindinedresearcherstoinves-Canbeusedinbuildingene
inganditsrecentwidespreadusehaveingandtraditionalAIalgo gysystems.

Ofintelligentbuildings.ThecapabiIityprehensivereviewofde Pleaming

OfleamingcomplexpattemsusingthetechniquesandmethodoIo ies.

multilayeredarchitectureenablesdeepANNsareAIarchitect resbased

learningalgorithmstoextractpatternsonbioIogicalneuralnet Orks(See
Fuzzy tigateitseffectivenessinthedomainReadersarereferredto[26

Ruies datastreamsofintelligentbuildingsunitofanNNisaneuron. bioIogical

Ofthefuture.Therefore,throughneuronproducesanoutp tbycom-

FiGJRE5-FLS[35].theeffectiveuseofdeeplearning,theparingaweightedsumof lnPutStOa

Axon utput ayer

(Ac tivationFunction)


X2W2output ;1y lnputsxsummatinfWightdInptS+1+1+1

XnandA CtivationFunction


FIGJRE6-AnANNachitectue[35L MAGAZiNE39
threshold. image classification, and time series at the grid level as well as at the in-
ics the bi neuron through a data modeling. dividual building level [33]. Modern
Similar methodoIogy of using weights LSTMs and RBMs are increasingly building design is heading in a direc-
and a thr Old value to produce an used in the literature as generative tion to incorporate energy storage de-
deep leaming algorithms. LSTM algo- Vices, SuCh as thermal energy storage
l rithms, introduced by Hochreiter and tanks [34], and/Or reneWable energy
rorlS is arranged to produce Schmidhuber [30], are a tyPe Of recur- generators, SuCh as photovoltaics or
given an input vec- rent neural network (RNN) composed Windmills. Thus, Smart buildings will
nnected network has Of memory cells with self-COnneCtions. have to make decisions on what pro-
leaming the interde- Figure 8 shows an LSTM architecture POrtions of utility energy, StOred en-
Ween the inputs and With multiple LSTM cells. These can ergy, and locally generated energy to
Well-trained ANN has be stacked in a multiIayer architecture use to attain optimal energy eficiency

to create a deep network. LSTMs have [35], Therefore, at the building level,
ltS for inputs it has not been shown to be extremely useful in accurate energy load forecasting helps
lSt. ANNs are we11 docu- generative models, eSPeCia11y in the make building-level decisions, SuCh
roven for being useful in natura=anguage processing domain. as optima=ocal energy storage con-
ions, RBMs [31] are shallow two-layer neural trol [34] or renewable energy control.
a special type of neural networks. The first layer of an RBM is From a grid perspective, Smart grids
network anq are mainly used to process Called the L)isib[e /qyer and the second have to optimally utilize the various
topoIogy (Figure 7) [29]. is thedden /qyer RBMs can learn fea- energy sources, including renewables
The CNN ning process is a great ex- tures that exist in data in an unsuper- [36]. Smart grids promise an unprec-
ample of deep learning algorithms Vised fashion. Therefore, they do not edented level of flexibility in energy
learn thr layers of abstraction. As need preamotated data to leam the management, making power genera-
features. RBMs are the building blocks tion and distribution more efficient
Of deep belief networks (DBNi) [32] and minimizing energy waste [33],
and have been used in a range of do- [38], [39]. Therefore, at the grid level,
mains, including image processing and accurate future predictions of individ-
time series data modeling. ual demand help the grid adapt to the
Variable demand, and having individ-
Concree Appat;on ofA/: De ual building-level energy forecasting
Leaming-Based Loademd helps the grid carry out the demand
tence of a erent feature. Hence, When eCOng h Bu()gS response locally [33]. In other words,

Put tOgethet, CNN layers have the capa- Load/demand forecasting is predict- local demand can be met with locaI
bility of le ing very complex patterns ing the energy consumption of an indi- distribution, Which leads to more e

and trend data. Figure 7 shows the Vidual building or an aggregate, SuCh ficient energy transmission and distr

arch itectu r Of a standard CNN. CNNs as a city or a county, for a future time bution. Therefore, it can be seen that
have been hown to be extremely use- SteP. Accurate load forecasts are ex- demand prediction can be discussed
fu=n fields SuCh as computer vision, tremely beneficial for decision making from an aggregate standpoint and an

Functions of a Convolutional Layer (Expanded) ConvoiutionaI Connected
Laye Laye r(S)

NN aChitecture [28].
individual standpoint. Howevern

the interest of brevity and of remain-

Deepeaming has revolutioized altitude of
ing consistent with the theme of this
article, the discussion in this section fields SuCh as speech recognition, natuaa guage
is focused on recent developments in
building-leve=oad forecasting. PrOCeSSing, and face recognition
Load forecasting can be classified
into three classes: 1) short-term load
forecasting, 2) medium-term load fore- the potential of having a significant im- residential energy con umer. The
CaSting, and 3) long-term load forecast- PaCt On the smart grids, Smart homes, Same data set that was uSed in [33]

ing [33], [39]. Regardless of the type of and smart cities of tomorrow Next, We
forecasting, tO aCCurately predict ener- look at a case study conducted by the

gy consumption, the forecasting meth- authors to compare the performance of Pared to the FCRBM met . Further-
OdoIogy should be able to accurately deep leaming techniques. more, tO keep the tests form. the
model the dependencies between build- Same training and testin data were
ing factors and energy consumption. Re- Case Study: Compahson of Deap used as in [33].
SearCh has shown that load forecasting Leamhg Aohms for Demond
is an extremely difficult problem [33], forecasfg h Bui/di/)gS Data Set

[40]. Hence, a range Of methods-Phys- s mentioned, deep learning method- The data set contains el(
ics principles-based and statistics and OIogies have been shown to be ben-
AI based-have been proposed in the eficial in the domain of building-level
literature. This articIe focuses on the demand forecasting. However, the
recent advancements in AI-based build- Published studies lack compara-

ing-leve1 1oad forecasting. tive analyses among deep learning
One of the most recent advances techniques. The presented case tudy

in building-leve=oad forecasting has discusses the work conducted by the

been the introduction of deep learn- authors to bridge that gap. In this
ing into the domain. Several recent e WOrk, We discuss the effectiveness of training data and th
forts exist in the literature that inves- deep leaming-based demand forecast- used as testing data,
tigate and prove the effectiveness of ing using three deep learning architec- tectures, the electricit

using deep learning techniques over tures implemented on the same data forthe next 60 hwas pr
traditional techniques. Mocanu et al. Set. The architectures were: Figure 9-(o illust

tested two variations of the RBM: the the standard LSTM-based load abiIity present in the
factored conditional RBM (FCRBM) forecasting architecture ure 9(shows the
and the conditional RBM (CRBM) the LSTM-based Sequence-tO-Se- COnSumPtion across

[33]. In the study, the CRBM and the quence architecture (LSTM S2S)
FCRBM were compared to the NN, the CNN-based architecture.

SVM, and RNN. The aLuthors conclud- All three architectures were tested
ed that the FCRBM outperforms all the On a benchmark data set for a single
Other methods.
In another study, DBNs, Which are
architectures built with layered RBMs,
Were uSed for electricity load fore- O-1]iLSMCii y(t)

CaSting by Dedinec et al. [41]. The au-

thors concluded that the DBN-based f(02)

method outperforms traditional ANNs.

Qiu et al. used an ensemble of DBNs LSTM
COuPled with a traditional SVM-based I 0[ SigmOidForgetGatel i (t,d q -11 Layer2
regression technique [42] The authors
t) 01
Showed that the presented ensemble
DBN method outperforms methods
[mOidEmOid LSTM Layerl
SuCh as ANN, SVM, and even single DBN
for the data set it was tested on. There-
fore, it can be seen that deep leaming _-,,t ]
techniques have shown promise in im- (a) (b)

PrOVing the performance o=oad-fore-

CaSting methodoIogies and hence have F-GURE 8 (a) An LSTM ce-i and (b) a mu-tiIaye LSTM netwo9].l

..EMBER 2,6,NR.A=..C,RN,MAAZ,N. ,,
the previous step and time stamp data
are fed into the model. Table l lists
1.2 the time stamp data used as inputs to
$3,500 3,000 2,500 .1 a11 three models. The output from the
LSTM network is the predicted power
COnSumPtion for the next time step.
Tb predict further into the future, the

02 Prediction of the next time step can be
0 0 2,2 2
1,8 0 used. The mode=s trained using the
Standard backpropagation through
time (BPTT) method [44] with gradient
descent. For the elaborated methodo
(a)(b) e-Mon. ee. e-Wed. --hu. Fi.
Ogy, readers are referred to [39].

LSTM-Based S2S Achitecture

for Load Forecasting

"6 ) . .
S2S architectures for neural networks
Were PrOPOSed by Sutskever et al. [45]
as a method of mapping sequences of
arbitrary lengths. The LSTM S2S archi-
tecture for load forecasting contains
two standard LSTM networks, namely,
1 the encoder and decoder. The objec-
0.8 0.2 0 - iiii tive of the encoder is to convert input
SequenCeS Of variable length into a

Predefined, fixed-length vector. This

fixed-length vector is then used as the
input for the decoder. The decoder

PrOduces the output vector, Which is

23456789101112131415161718192021222324 the energy load forecast for the next
Tjme(HourofDay) n steps, This architecture enables in-
PutS Of arbitrary length. In the energy
load forecasting context, this means
FIGURE9 - (a) e monthly energy use [46]. (b) The enegy use pe day ofthe week [46]. (C) The
Change in ene use pe hour pedayoftheweek [46]. that an arbitrary number of historical
energy consumption data can be fed


into the architecture as inputs. The
encoder network is trained alone as
a preprocessing step, uSing the same
methodoIogy mentioned in the stan-
dard LSTM method. Then the encoder
Houoftheday HourofthedayfoJthefirstpediction [1,24] is plugged to the decoder, and both
networks are trained together using
Month Monthofthefistpediction [1,12!
BPTT. For the eIaborated methodol-
DyOftheweek Dayoftheweekfothefistprediction [17]
Ogy, readers are referred to [39].
DyOfthemont Dayofthemonthfo=hefirstpediction Il,]

Weekendfiag aVerageen rgy Flagthatissetifthedayofthefistpedictionisaweekend COnSumPtionacrossFurthermore,itshows IO,1] thattheweek- CNN-Based Load Forecasting
Time series energy consumption
data are viewed as a one-dimensional

grid. To perform the CNN-based en-

thesevend,ySOftheweek.Itcanbedaysshowasimilarusepatternwhile ergy prediction, the CNN is fed with
tht th! wknd has higher en-Weekends are derent. a predefined number of historicaI
Ption compared to the energy consumption data. Only the
Weekdays. igure 9 illustrates the Standard LSTM-BasedOad Foecasting historical consumption data are fed
Variability f energy use across the The standard LSTM algorithm was into the convolutiona=ayers. The
hours of tergyCOnS day for the seven days used as the first architecture to per time stamp data are not used in this
of th Wk. A signifi.ant vrin fm th building-levI ele.tiityld Phase. Once the historical energy
in us r!s th 24 h n b Sn. frSt.Thl.trilnSumPtinf COnSumPtion data are subjected to


the convolution and pooling phases,
the output is fed into a fully con-
Mechanisms shoud exist fohumans to interatt
nected network. Time stamp data are
introduced into the system at this Wad provide feedback to the buildng
Phase. The training of the architec-
anageent system`
ture is carried out using BPTT with
a gradient descent model. For the
elaborated methodoIogy, readers are
referred to [46]. Significant portion of occupants are the occupants plays a sigpificant role
still left dissatisfied with the comfort in energy consumption land green-
ExperimentaI ResuIts PrOVided by building thermal condi- house gas emissions [47]. Occupant
As mentioned, a11 three architectures tions [47]. Hence, it is evident that behavior is a combination of human
were tested on the benchmark data mechanisms should exist for humans activity and preferencesl [50]. Occu-
Set On the single residential customer, to interact with and provide feedback PantS thus have a huge impact on a
With an identical training/testing split. to the building management system. buildings energy demand. Therefore,

Figure lO shows a sample prediction Humans in the building can be divid- the human element from the perspec-
obtained from the standard LSTM. It ed into two main categories: 1) occu- tive of the occupants shod be taken

can be observed that the LSTM is able PantS Or uSerS Of the building and 2) into consideration on the following
to follow the general trend of the pre- building managers. The behavior of two fronts to optimize d buildings

diction. However, it can be seen that the

LSTM fails to adapt to certain changes.
Figure ll shows a sampIe prediction i

PrOduced by the S2S architecture. It

can be observed that the S2S model
5 4 3 2 1 0 !i 0
manages to estimate the rapid chang-
es that appear in the data. Figure 12
Shows a sample CNN prediction. It can
be seen that the CNN performs in a
similar fashion. A standard ANN was
implemented on the same data set,
and the prediction was carried out for
the purpose of comparison. Figure 13
Shows a sampIeANN prediction. Table 2
PreSentS the average prediction errors
in terms of root-mean-Square-errOr Val-
ues obtained for the three deep learn-
ing architectures and the ANN. It can
FiGURE lO - The prediction esuits forthe standad LSTM [39].
be seen that all three deep leaming
architectures outperformed standard
ANNs for the tested data set. Further-
more, it can be seen that all three
deep leaming architectures produced
4.0 3.5 30 15 1.0 0.5 0,0 0
results comparable to each other and
also comparable to [46].

Buildings and Huans

As discussed before, elements such
a COnneCtivity and AI are essen-

tial for achieving energy-efficient

and smart buildings and the cities
Of the future. However, While those
elements play a huge role in er)ergy
efficiency, anOther important aspect
Of buildings is ensuring occupant 020406080100 12
COmfort [34], [47]-[49]. Even with the Time(Hours)
recent advances in inte11igent controI
SChemes, it has been shown that a FGURE = - The pediction esuits fo the LSTM-based S2S [39].


) --X--ReaiMeasurement energy usage while maintaining occu-

Pant COmfort:
mOdeling occupant activity

enabling personalized comfort feed-

back and mechanisms to optimally
incorporate subjective comfort feed-
3 2 < 1 4 ( [; "; -CNNEstimation
In addition to the occupants, from
a building managers perspective, au-

tomated building controIs can be sup-

Plemented with human-in-the-loop,

Semiautomated controI strategies.
Such strategies have the capability of
using the knowledge of an experienced
building manager to supplement the
intelligent controI schemes in place.

Human-Buing /ntemcfron for
Comfortdey Efenay
While data-driven intelligent algo-
FIGURE 12 - The pediction esuIts fo the CNN [46]. rithms can provide contro=or in-
CreaSed energy efficiency, balancing

Performance with occupant comfort

invoIves acquiring data at the individ-
ual workstation level. However, Cur-
rent building energy-SyStem designs
lack the implementation of sensors at
4 i.: --ReaIMeasuement
individual work locations. Therefore,
l these systems are dependent upon ag-
l gregate or zone understanding of the

l )l l i ll l ParameterS for achieving individual

COmfort. Individual occupant feedback
is extremely important for maintain-
2 15 1 05 0 O-ANNEstimation ing comfort levels because human
COmfort is subjective. Accurately un-
derstanding the impact on individuals
and variables such as radiation from
Windows or inaLdequate airflow is of
the essence, eSPeCially since those
factors are subjective. Therefore, the
unavailability of highly granular in-
formation for the entire buiIding may
Iead to areas of low comfort and low
energy dissipation going unnoticed.
FIGURE 13 - The pediction esuIts for the ANN [46], To alleviate this, aL method of acquiring
individual comfort feedback is neces-
Sary. Therefore, methods need to ex-
ist that enable direct communication
between occupants and the building


Human-COmPuter interaction meth-
Odologies should be incorporated to
0 72

PrOVide easy-tO-aCCeSS and intuitive

interfaces for occupants to send their
COmfort-level feedback to the BEMS.
While automating building con-
trol is crucial for achieving building
energy efficiency, it is difficult to ig-
nore the impact that an experienced
VISua =Za [OniyPeAHU-LeVe VI eWOneSl
building manager can make in opti-
mizing and supplementing the auto-
mated controI. For this to be possible, Anoma-ylndfatOrLeW F, l
it is imperative to have an apI)rOPriate il
interface between the human manager :: -: (Ia
:i+ i} =! =;
and the controI system. The interface
- [
Should be able to provide the building

manager with data streams from dif-

Ction =ty S /-:-- ; l
ferent building sensors (information
PrOCeSSing being an essential task : l
in automation [51]) and information
about the controI system. In addition,
1 r

the interface should be able to provide l . i 1

the manager with information about .___ l

the control actions in real time. ends

LingisticsmmaryofSe ectedAnomai eS Dat

Case Stu(m-Machhe
eCnrO)g O FIGURE 14 - The inteface of the deveioped tooI fo incopoating the building manager

Human E/emenf (Windows and Andoid Versions).

The main objective of the performed

Study was to devise strategies to in-
COrPOrate the human in the building
automation and control to increase
energy efficiency and occupant com-
fort. Two types of human interaction
With the building and the BEMS were
identified: 1) by building managers
and 2) by building occupants. There-
fore, Strategies were developed to in-
COrPOrate human interaction with the
BEMS using two different methods: 1)
incorporating expert control through
building managers to supplement the
automated control for increased en-
ergy efficiency and 2) incorporating
OCCuPant feedback for increasing oc-
CuPant COmfort.

Building Mnage inteaction

A user-friendly visualization tooI was

FIGURE 15 - The webeface of the building manage tool"
developed that presents a real-time
data stream from sensors, anOmaIies
in the data streams, and linguistic sum- using human-interpretable linguistic The visualization tooI was devel-
maries of the data. nomalies in the terms. Therefore, a Summary Of data OPed for different platforms. First,
data are identified using an AI-based trends pertaining to building perfor- the interface was developed for a Mi-
framework [52]. In the anomaly detec- mance is given to the building manger CrOSOft Windows-based platform. Tb
tion process, AI-based data-mining al- in an understandable manner. Both PrOVide mobile capability, the inter-
gorithms extract and model the normal AI-based frameworks were developed face was developed as an ndroid ap-

behavior of the building and thus are by the authors. However, those frame- plication. The functionality was kept
CaPable odentifying behavior that WOrks are out of the scope of this ar- identical across the two versions.
is anomalous and potentially harm- ticle. The developed visualization tool Figure 14 shows the interface for the
ful. Similarly, linguistic summaries of focuses on increasing the building Windows and the Android versions.
data are generated using an AI-based managers situational awareness by Furthermore, the tooI was extend-
framework [52]. In this framework, the PrOViding a comprehensive overview ed to a web-based version to make
data from the building are summarized Of building performance. it platform independent. Figure 15
lighting, temPerature, and ventilation

Bdings wi conue theevoio at their specific Iocation. Once the

necessary information is acquired
toward becoingnd baing from the occupants, the imprecise
human feedback is handled in lin_
guistic terms [52]. Then the feed-
back is incorporated in the build-
Shows the interface for the web- for optimal comfort and efficiency ing control to improve the comfort
based appIication. through the interface elaborated in level of the individuaIs.
The tooI was designed to be inter- the section above. In addition to reporting comfort
active so the user would be able to se- Therefore, a uSer-Centric data col- data, uSerS are able to use the mobile
lect different information to visualize. 1ection methodoIogy was developed application to report system failures
Furthermore, the user is able to use to acquire highly granuIar readings to the managers. This method can
the tool to update the anomaly detec- Of the ambient environmental condi_ be used to send specific information
tion algorithm. That is, the building tions in buildings and the subjective about which system failed, COmmentS
manager is able to provide feedback COmfort levels of users. To acquire regarding the failure, and even images
On the detected anomalies. For ex- highly granular recordings of ambient Of the failure. This information can be
ampIe, the building manager is given environmental conditions in the build- used with the anomaly detection algo-
the capability of validating a detected ing, a Iow-COSt SenSOr WaS developed rithms mentioned in the previous sec-
anomaly" If the detected anomaly is [53] The sensor has a modular design tion to provide the building manager
a false positive, the anomaly detec- SO that new components can be added With more information on the subop-
tion algorithm wil=earn that and will to it without much effort [53]. The de- timal behavior of the building, Fur-
refrain from tagging that behavior as Signed sensor includes measurements thermore, the developed smartphone
an anomaly thereafter. Therefore, the SuCh as temperature, humidity, CO2, application connects to the developed
knowledge of the experienced build- and visible light. Figure 16 shows the modular sensor to acquire the data for
ing manager is incorporated in the designed sensor. localized details.
building automation through the de- Even though depIoying sensors
Veloped interface. at individual workstations can help 00king into the Futue
Obtain highly granular data, it does Buildings wi continue their evolution
Occupant Interaction not factor in the subjective human toward becoming living and breathing
Implementing an extensive sensor feedback. The current BEMS systems Cyberphysical mechanisms. The U.S.
network to achieve individual work- lack a methodoIogy for the users to Green Building Council, under its Lead-
Station thermal environments is interact with the building managers. ership in Energy and Efficient Design
time consuming and entails a signifi- Therefore, tO PrOVide a method for PrOgram, may be only the beginning
Cant financial commitment. There- the users to interact with the building Of the transition toward the concept
fore, the cost-effective and feasible COntrOl, a SmartPhone app was de- Of living buildings. The Living Building
method of acquiring the required Veloped because of the ease of ac- Challenge certification program that
data is a user-Centered approach. A CeSS and use. Figure 17 shows the Started in 2006 continues the promo-
user-Centered approach will ease developed smartphone application. tion and advocacy of sustainability in
the task of building managers and Through the developed comfort app, the building environment. While net-
the automated building controller to the users are able to report back to ZerO buildings (buildings with zero
PrOaCtively monitor occupantscom- the building managers about com- net energy consumption, i.e., nOt uSing
fort levels and adjust building states fort levels in terms of such things as more energy then they themselves gen-
eratO are still rare, they may become
more common with advances in renew-
ables and distributed storage technoIo-

gies, SuCh as Li-ion batteries and PEVs.

In the future, buildings with a surplus of
energy may be able to buy and se11 that
energy to the grid or to other buildings.
The concept of living buildings will
likely further the analogy with hu-
man beings. Just as the human body
SWeatS tO release excess heat, build-
ings may use evaporative roof sys-
tems. Rain-absorbing matting could
FiGURE 16 - The deveioped modulr Wieless senso. act in the same way as perspiration to


COOl the buildings as the rain evapo-
rates. Similarly, aS blood vessels
th the growth of ubiqoSdevices,Ode
COnStrict or dilate to preserve or re-
lease heat, buildings will be using in- bugs seamteSly iegrate whe environme
telligent adaptive insulation systems
and smart transparent windows and
oweg eegeated expSeS and ieasg
Shading. Although natural breath-
producty ad the quty ofe
ing systems such as wind towers and
Wind catchers have been used in
buildings for centuries, mOdern tech- SenSOr SyStemS Wil=ead to the seam- resources (e.g., Smart homes, local re-
noIogies will enable more effective, less integration of buildings into the newables, and PEV?) can increase the
automated, and predictive controIs, everyday live Of humans. The novel COrrelation between resources and en-
using modern polymers and bioma- interaction technoIogies emerging able greater flexibility, While decreas-
terials (SuCh as sehealing concrete) With smart devices via sound, VOice, ing the uncertainty associated with
and architectures of such structures. and three-dimensional touch wi11 be- individual resources used in isolation
Modern renewables generators, tur- COme a nOrm for communicating with [54]. The aggregated resources could
bine designs, and wind energy towers Smart building components. A home- be bid into wholesale electricity mar-
Wil=ncrease buildingsautonomy and owners arrival at his or her house will kets and provide other grid services if
building grid islanding. trigger preset rules, and the owner allowed. One emerging concept is the
At the smart grid level, Smart loads Will be able to ask for the curtains to Distributed Energy Resource Manage-
Will interact with utilities to reduce peak be cIosed or the lighting and music ad- ment System software platform.
demand or respond to demand dispatch justed. Interesting questions will arise, I techniques are expected to con-

(increasing loads at times of excess gen- SuCh as the personification of smart tinue their way into the buildings of
eration). Grid-interactive hot and cold building components @s with thera- the future. From automation and occu-
thermal energy storage systems (tanks) Peutic robots like ParD, Or queStions Pant behavioral pattem learning and
Will further advance load shifting and in- Of human changes in response to con- Prediction to processing of the big data
CreaSe the sustainability and autonomy tinuous interactions with buildings. generated by buildings and smart grids,
Of smart buildings. Advanced power Software will play an increasing role AI techniques have already been estab-
electronics wi11 be able to provide sub- in the buildings of the future. Similar 1ished as an approach to the autono-
minute load management [54]. to software virtualization (hard disk mous execution of routines on behalf of
When it comes to human-building drives or software-defined network?), users. With regard to energy efficiency
interactions, the increase of modali- the virtualization of power plants that as one of the most important aspects
ties and platforms of heterogeneous COmbines geographically dispersed Of future smart cities, aPPrOaChes such

FIGJRE 17 - The smartphone appiication and its featues.

as deep learning (Googles DeepMind) He has over 20 years of academic and in embedded pIatforms and concur-
Were rePOrted in July of this year to industrial experience leading over 30 rent testing of complex systems from
have cut cooling energy use by 40% research grants focusing on computa- digital to industrial electronics. He has
and total energy use by 15% in Googles tional intelligence in energy, reSilience, authored over 140 journal and confer-
data centers. Cybersecurity, and human-SyStem ence articles and holds several Span-
interaction in buildings and critical ish, European, aLnd U.S. patents. He is
Con`!usion infrastructures. He is a cofounder of an IEEE Senior Member and an IEEE In_
This artide presented an overview of the IEEE Ttchnical Committee on Re- dustrial EIectronics Society member.
the state of the art and the future of Silience and Security in Industry. He egt? (Craig.rieger@inl.go
Smart buildings, Starting with U.S. and has pubIished over 150 refereed ar- received his B.S. and M.S. degrees in
WOrld energy consumption predictions, ticles in international journals, books, Chemical engineering from Montana
We OVerViewed the most important as- and conferences and holds several U.S. State University in 1983 and 1985, re-
PeCtS Of smart grids and smart build- PatentS. He built his expertise through SPeCtively, and a Ph"D. in engineering
ings, elaborating further on the interac- research on a number of U.S. Depart- and applied science from Idaho State
tiveness and interoperabiIity between ment of Energy and industry-funded University in 2008. He is the chief con-
the two. We then discussed the emerg- PrOjects. He is an IEEE Senior Member troI systems research engineer at the
ing aspects of smart homes-COnneC- and an IEEE Industrial Electronics So_ Idaho National Laboratory (IND, Pio-
tivity and analytics-While recognizing Ciety member. neering multidisciplinary research in
the increasingly evident issues of the KasAaSiIe @marasinghek the area of next-generation resilient
SeCurity and resilience of intelligent received his B.Sc, degree COntrOI systems. He has 20 years of soft-
buildings and the corresponding need in computer science from the Univer- Ware and hardware design experience
for research in these areas. The article Sity of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 2011. for process controI system upgrades
additionally overviewed the cutting- He is currently pursuing his doctoral and new installations and has been a
edge AI techniques, reflecting on the degree in computer science at Virginia technica=ead for several INL nuclear
recent hot topics in deep leaming. AIso Commonwealth University, Richmond. facilities and various controI system ar-
PreSented were the results of case stud- His research interests include machine Chitectures. He is an IEEE Senior Mem_
ies done by the authors on two highIy learning, artificial neural networks, ber and a member of the IEEE Industrial
relevant problems: load/demand fore- fuzzy systems, deep learning, data Electronics Society.
CaSting for buildings and human-build- mining, and natura=anguage process-
ing interaction. The article concluded ing. Furthermore, his interests extend ReereeS
With insights into the future of intelli- to applications of such algorithms to a U S EnergyInformationAdminlStratlOn. (2015,
Ap) Amual energy outlook 2015 U.S. Dept.
gent buildings. multitude of domains, including build- Energy, WashlngtOn, D.C., Reference case,
Modern intelligent buildings are 1ng energy-management SyStemS. He Table 5. [Onlinel. Available: http.www.eia
becoming cohesive cyberphysical has gained experience on building electricity_uSe

ecosystems that live and breathe with energy-management SyStemS from 2] US Energy Informationdministration.
(2010) Manufacturing energy consump-
their surroundings. Intelligent build- multiple research projects funded by tlOn SurVey U.S. Dept. Energy, WashlngtOn,

ings adapt to external (ieasonal) and the U.S" Department of Energy and in- D.C. [Online]. Available: http:www eia.govI
COnS umPt lOn/manufactu r lng
intemal (OCCuPanCy and usage pat- dustry leaders. He is an IEEE Student [3] U.S. Energy Information Administration. Ouly
tem9 changes and are doing so with Member and a member of the IEEE In_ 2013). !nternationaLl energy outIook 2013 U S.
Dept. Energy, Report DOE/EIA-0484. [Online.
lnCreaSing autonomy and sustainabil- dustrial Electronics Society. Available

ity" Modem buildings thrive on data Jn J: RigrIe2noa (jjrdguez detail.php?jd=12251

M. Manic (2014, Dec). Integrated and col-
SOurCeS that were previously nonexis- @uvigo.e;) received his M.Sc. degree laborative building energy management
tent (!ensor?) or ignored and feature from the Ttchnical University of Ma- SyStem.Smart Grld NelSIetler [Onlme].
Available http:smartgrid
highly reconfigurable infrastructure drid, Spain, in 1990, and his Ph.D. de- 2014/1 1 93-integrated-and-COllaborative-bulldlng-
and control elements. With the growth gree from the University ofVigo, Spain, energy-management-SyStem
[5] D. Bruckner,JHaase, P Palensky, and G. Zuck-
Of ubiquitous IdT devices, mOdem in 1996, both in electrical engineering.
er`Latest trends in integrating building auto-
buildings seamlessly integrate with the He is an associate professor in the De- mation and smart grids:in Proc. 38th Amc/
bnfdusO/ec/romCS Soc(e/y, 2012,
environment, lowering energy-related Partment Of EIectronic TechnoIogy, pp. 6285-6290.
expenses and increasing productivity University of Vigo, In 2010-201l, he [6] F Kupzog, T. Sauter, and K. Poammer, IT-
enabled integration of renewables: A concept
and the quality of life, WaS On Sabbatica=eave as a visiting
for the smart power grid:EA,J Embed-

PrOfessor at the Advanced Diagnosis, dedSysVOl. 201l, PP. 1-8, Jan. 2011.

Biographies Automation, and ControI Laboratory, [7] D. Alderton, Vionx Energy Corporation distrib-
uted energy storage system demonstration:in
Ms Mic is a Electrical and Computer Engineering Proc. DOE OEeI 5tomge Pkmm fieeRe!e
and (drMeeg, Portland, OR, Sept. 2015.
PrOfessor in the Computer Science De- Department, North Carolina State Uni-
[8] Johnson ControIs. (2016, July). Distrlbuted
Partment and director of the Modern VerSity, Raleigh. His research interests energystorage system: L1000 In-Bulldlng [On-
Heuristics Research Group at Virginia include the implementation of compIex 1ine]. Avable: http:www.johnsoncontroIs
Commonwealth University, Richmond. COntrOl and processing algorithms 11000seIIsheeL_uPdatedO716.pdf

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