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Dosis lazim :
1 X P = 10-40 mg (DIH)
1 X H = 20-80 mg (DIH)

Dosis maksimal = 600 mg untuk udema (AHFS 2011).

Dosing: Adults (DIH EDISI 17)

Edema, CHF, or hypertension (diuresis):

Oral: 20-80 mg/dose initially increased in increments of 20-40 mg/dose at intervals of

6-8 hours; usual maintenance dose interval is twice daily or every day

Usual dosage range for hypertension (JNC 7): 20-80 mg/day in 2 divided doses

I.M., I.V.: 20-40 mg/dose, may be repeated in 1-2 hours as needed and increased by 20
mg/dose with each succeeding dose up to 1000 mg/day; usual dosing interval: 6-12
hours. Note: ACC/AHA 2005 guidelines for chronic congestive heart failure
recommend a maximum single dose of 160-200 mg.

Adults (AHFS 2011)

Oral: 20-80 mg given as a single dose, preferably in the morning.133, e If needed, repeat same
dose 6-8 hours later or increase dose by 20- to 40-mg increments and give no sooner than 6-8
hours after last dose until desired diuretic response (including weight loss) is obtained.133, e
May titrate carefully up to 600 mg daily in severe cases.133
The effective dose may be given once or twice daily thereafter, or, in some cases, by
intermittent administration on 2-4 consecutive days each week.133, e Dosage may be reduced
for maintenance therapy.


Dosis lazim (martindale)

1 X P = 8 mg

1 X H = 8 mg

Dosis maksimal = 32 mg (martindale)

Uses and Administration (martindale)

Candesartan is an angiotensin II receptor antagonist with actions similar to those of losartan
(p.1327). It is used in the management of hypertension (p.1171) and may also be used in
heart failure in patients with impaired left ventricular systolic function, either when ACE
inhibitors are not tolerated, or in addition to ACE inhibitors, (see under Losartan Potassium,
p.1327). Candesartan is given orally as the ester prodrug candesartan cilexetil. Onset of
antihypertensive action occurs about 2 hours after a dose and the maximum effect is achieved
within about 4 weeks of starting therapy. In the management of hypertension the usual initial
dose of candesartan cilexetil is 8 mg once daily in the UK, or 16 mg once daily in the USA.
The dose should be adjusted according to response; the usual maintenance dose is 8 mg once
daily, but doses up to 32 mg daily, as a single dose or in 2 divided doses, may be used. Lower
initial doses should be considered in patients with intravascular volume depletion; in the UK
an initial dose of 4 mg once daily is suggested. Patients with renal or hepatic impairment may
also require lower initial doses (see below). In heart failure, candesartan cilexetil is given in
an initial dose of 4 mg once daily; the dose should be doubled at intervals of not less than two
weeks up to 32 mg once daily if tolerated.

Adults (AHFS)
Oral: Initially, 16 mg once daily in adults without intravascular volume depletion.1, 2, 3
Adjust dosage at approximately monthly intervals (more aggressively in high-risk patients) to
achieve BP control.4, 46
Usual dosage: 8-32 mg daily, given in 1 dose or 2 divided doses;1, 2, 5 no additional
therapeutic benefit with higher dosages

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