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Final Level of Completion

1- Elementary
Can generally express and respond to immediate needs sufficiently enough to be understood, where
intentions are predictable, and communication is on familiar topics. Can use learned phrases and say
some simple sentences. Can recognise the essentials of short and simple written texts on familiar
topics and can write some simple phrases and basic sentences about self and others.

2- Pre-Intermediate
Can communicate basic personal daily needs, despite inaccuracies, and can start and maintain a series
of very simple conversational exchanges within very familiar contexts. Can understand and extract
essential information from simple written texts on familiar topics, and can write short simple
sentences sufficiently enough to get meaning across in most situations.

3- Intermediate
Sufficiently competent to satisfy most daily language needs and can hold simple face-to-face
conversations on familiar topics. Communication does not rely on the context and goes beyond basic
personal information and survival needs. Can understand and write simple texts on familiar topics
with sufficient accuracy to conduct simple social correspondence.

4- Upper Intermediate
Has sufficient control of the language for routine needs and participation in most basic social
situations. Can use a range of complex sentences. Can get the gist of a variety of written texts. Can
convey meaning in writing with some precision and can use a range of writing styles. Can generally
handle basic communication of a routine nature related to own vocational field.

5- Advanced
Can participate effectively in social situations and in vocational areas which are not too linguistically
demanding. Can sustain lengthy conversations, especially on familiar topics, with a fair degree of
complex language. Can read and understand authentic texts with some ability to see beyond the
surface meaning. Can tailor writing sufficiently well to meet all social needs and most basic vocational

Grading system
Grades represent the students level of ability within their final level of completion.

Excellent An outstanding level of performance that is significantly superior to the abilities

identified for the final level of completion

Very Good An exceptional level of performance that demonstrates a sound grasp of the abilities
identified for the final level of completion.

Good A good level of performance that demonstrates some of abilities identified for the
final level of completion.

Satisfactory A satisfactory level of performance demonstrating a degree of competence that

meets the abilities identified for the final level of completion.

Needs improvement A limited level of performance that demonstrates little competence or that a
student is at a beginning point of the final level of completion

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