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College of Accountancy, Business and Entrepreneurship

CABEbuhan 2017
College of Accountancy, Business and Entrepreneurship

Uncovering Talents through Competitive Acquaintanceship

I. General Guidelines:

1. The participant should be a bona fide student of student of Cor Jesu College for
the current semester and school year, and should be an official member of College
of Accountancy, Business and Entrepreneurship (CABE).
2. Contest participation must be done through endorsement by the assigned officer
from the club presidents.
3. The list of participants should be submitted to the academic committee one (1)
week prior to the actual contest.
4. The participants should be present at the venue on or before the contest starts (as
based on the schedule). A fifteen-minute extension will be given to the late
participants. After the grace period elapses, participants who are not yet present
shall be forfeited.
5. Ranking System shall be used to determine the winners of all academic events
except for the Quiz Bowl.
6. Any queries, protest, and clarifications should be raised in a proper manner, any
offensive acts or words would be subject to technical disqualifications.
7. Any objections on these guidelines, which copies were provided to the presidents
from each club, should be raised to the academic committee not more than one (1)
week before the competition proper. Absence of any objections within the
bounded time would mean that the participants agree with all the stipulations in
this document. Moreover, any objections made beyond the provided time shall not
be entertained anymore.
8. Objections must be written and shall compose of the signatures of the legitimate
officers only: President and Vice President of the club. Otherwise, failure to
stipulate the required signatures, the CABE Academic Committee shall not honor
the raised objections.
9. Only the academic committee has the authority for the discretion, modification,
and omission of the unnecessary and unconstitutional guidelines in cases of
protests and confusions.
II. Events

1. Poetry Interpretation 8. On-the-Spot Feature Writing

2. Oration 9. On-the-Spot Essay Writing
3. Extemporaneous Speech 10. Rubiks Cube Challenge
4. Declamation 11. CABE Einstein 2017
5. Story Telling 12. CABEbe sa Radyo
6. Poster Making Contest 13. Family Feud
7. Quiz Bowl
8. Board Games (Chess, Scrabble, Games
Of the Generals, Word Factory)

1. Poetry Interpretation

a. Each team must have only one entry composed of one (1) participant only, either
male or female.
b. All pieces should be restricted to English poetry only whether lyric, narrative, epic
romance or ballad. The poetry pieces must be authorized by Filipino writers and/or
poets. No original composition is allowed in this competition
c. All pieces shall be in a long bond paper (8.5 x 13), (using 12 pt. Times New
Roman) 1.5 spacing, centered.
d. Four (4) copies of the story must be submitted to the Academic Committee three (3)
days before the actual contest; otherwise three (3) points will be deducted from the
total points of the contestant.
e. The participants will deliver their piece at the minimum of six (6) minutes and at the
maximum of seven (7) minutes. The bell shall be rung at the fifth minute. One (1)
minute under time or overtime shall equal to a one (1) point deduction; two (2)
minutes under time or overtime shall be equal to two (2) points deduction on the
score earned by the contestant, three (3) points for three (3) minutes under time or
overtime also.
f. Appropriate costume to identify the character should be used. Props are optional.
g. All contestants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the contest proper. Late
entries will be disqualified from the competition.
h. In case of a tie, the board of judges shall convene and break the tie through point
i. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
j. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Delivery 50%
Power of expression 20%
Pronunciation and Diction 15%
Voice 15%

Mastery 20%
Style and Content of Piece 15%

Costume 15%

Total 100%

2. Oration

a. Each team must have only one entry composed of one (1) participant only, either
male or female.
b. The speech of the contestants shall be based on the CABEbuhan theme, must be
original and must be written in English language.
c. The delivery time shall be between four (4) and six (6) minutes.
d. Appropriate costume to identify the character should be used.
e. All speeches shall be in long bond paper (8.5 x 13), 500 to 2000 words in length
(using 12 pt. Times New Roman) 1.5 spacing, justified.
f. Four (4) copies of the contestants piece must be submitted to the CABE Academic
Committee three (3) days prior to the event. Otherwise, three (3) points will be
deducted from the contestants total score.
g. There will be one (1) point deduction from the points for one (1) minute overtime,
two (2) points for two (2) minutes and three (3) points for three (3) minutes under
time or overtime.
h. Late entries will be disqualified from the competition (15 minutes after the allotted
i. In case of a tie, the board of judges shall convene and break the tie through point
j. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
k. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Delivery 45%
Mastery 15%
Voice 15%
Articulation/Pronunciation 15%

Content 30%
Substance or Relevance to the theme 20%
Organization 10%

Craftsmanship 15%
Stage Presence

Personality 10%
Bodily Behavior
Eye Contact

Total 100%

3. Extemporaneous Speech

a. Each team must have one (1) entry only, male or female.
b. There shall be one question to be analyzed which is to be determined by the CABE
Academic Committee during the event.
c. Each participant shall be given three-minute (3 min.) preparatory period before he/she
will deliver his/her speech.
d. Other participants shall be isolated in an area until it would be time for him/her to
have his/her turn.
e. All contestants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the contest proper. Late
entries will be disqualified from the competition.
f. The participants will deliver the piece at the minimum of four (4) minutes at the
maximum of five (5) minutes. The bell shall be rung at the fifth minute, one (1)
minute under time or overtime shall equal to one (1) point deduction; 2 minutes
under time or overtime shall equal to 2 points deduction on the score earned by the
contestant; 3 points for 3 minutes under time or overtime also.
g. Cell phones are to be surrendered during the contest proper.
h. The style of delivery may also be conventional, oratorical, or a combination of both;
however, the speech must have an introduction, body, and conclusion.
i. Late entries will be disqualified from the competition. (15 minutes after the allotted
j. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
k. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Content 40%
Substance or Relevance to the topic 20%
Organization 10%
Provocativeness/Comprehensiveness 10%

Delivery 30%
Voice 15%
Articulation/Pronunciation 15%

Craftsmanship 20%
Use of appropriate language 10%
Stage Presence 10%

Personality 10%
Bodily Behavior
Eye Contact
Total 100%

4. Declamation

a. Each team must have only one entry composed of one (1) participant, either male or
b. There should only be one piece to be used which should be provided by the CABE
Academic Committee.
c. Prior to this, three (3) pieces must be presented to the year level mayors, councilors
and participants for them to come up with a consensus on what piece should be used.
d. The participants will deliver their piece at the minimum of six (6) minutes and at the
maximum of seven (7) minutes. The bell shall be rung at the fifth minute. There will
be one (1) point deduction from the points for one (1) minute overtime, two (2) points
for two (2) minutes and three (3) points for three (3) minutes under time or overtime.
e. Appropriate costume to identify the character should be used. Props are optional.
f. All contestants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the contest proper. Late
entries will be disqualified from the competition
g. In case of a tie, the board of judges shall convene and break the tie through point
h. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
i. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Delivery 40%
Voice Projection
Character Portrayal 30%
Mastery 20%
Stage Presence & Impact 10%

Total 100%

5. Story Telling

a. Each team must have one (1) entry composed of 1 participant only, either male or
b. All pieces should be restricted to English stories. The stories must be authorized
by Filipino writers and/or story tellers. No original composition is allowed in this
c. All entries must be 800 to 1,500 words in length, long bond paper (8.5 x 13),
using 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, justified.
d. Four (4) copies of the story must be submitted to the Academic Committee three
(3) days before the actual contest, otherwise three (3) points will be deducted
from the total points of the contestant.
e. Each contestant is given six (6) minutes to deliver the story. There will be one (1)
point deduction from the average points for every one (1) minute overtime.
f. All contestants must be at venue 15 minutes before the contest proper. Late
entries will be disqualified from the competition.
g. In case of a tie, the board of judges shall convene and break the tie through point
h. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
i. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Mastery 30%

Craftsmanship 30%
Stage Presence

Voice Quality 25%

Story Content 15%

Total 100%

6. Poster Making Contest

a. Each team must have only one entry composed of two (2) participants.
b. The participants will provide for their materials, e.g. oil pastel.
c. The participants should use an illustration board (the participants shall provide for
their own illustration board ).
d. The participants are not allowed to borrow any materials from the other participating
e. The participants are only given four (4) hours to finish their work. After the given
time, they should pass their work, finished or unfinished.
f. No name or any marks identifying the participants or the team shall be included in the
poster itself. However, upon submission, all entries shall bear only the Poster Entry
g. The theme to be used in the poster making will be the theme of the CABEbuhan
h. Late entries will be disqualified from the competition. (15 minutes after the allocated
i. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
j. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:
Relevance to the theme 40%
Loyalty the Theme 20%
Clarity of the Message 20%
Aesthetic Excellence 40%
Creativity and Artistry 10%
Originality 10%
Substance 10%
Color Combination 5%
Use of Dynamic Symbolism 5%
Quality Consideration 20%
Neatness 10%
Over-all Impression 10%
Total 100%

7. Quiz Bowl

a. Each team must have three (3) participants who will compete individually.
b. A maximum of thirty questions (10 for Easy Round, 10 for Average Round, and 10
for Difficult Round) would be asked, however, in case of a tie, tie breaking questions
would be given.
c. The questions will be taken from different categories, such as Mathematics, Science,
Religion, Current Events, and General Information. The participants are allowed to
use extra sheet of paper for their calculations on Mathematical questions however,
extra sheet of paper shall only be provided by the CABE Academic Committee.
d. The participants will write their answers on an illustration board provided for ten
seconds (10 sec) for easy round, twenty seconds (20 sec) for average round, and thirty
seconds (30 sec) for difficult round. There will be twenty seconds (20 sec) extension
for all mathematical questions. Failure to raise the flash card after the bell rung means
that the team has no answer.
e. The scoring for each round shall be as follows:
Easy Round 1 point
Average Round 3 points
Difficult Round 5 points
f. The participant with the highest number of accumulated score at the end of the
contest shall be declared as a winner.
g. Late entries will be disqualified from the competition. (15 minutes after the allotted

8. Board Games

a. Each team must have two (2) entries only; male and female
b. Double Elimination shall be used in the entire game.
c. The bye shall be determined by drawing of lots.
d. The elimination round is among the participating year levels.
e. The winner will move on to the championship round.
f. The games are:
Games of the Generals, and
Word Factory
g. All contestants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the contest proper. Late
entries will be disqualified from the competition.

9. On-the-Spot Feature Writing

a. Each team must have only one (1) entry, male or female.
b. The topic shall be given by the CABE Academic Committee during the competition.
c. The participants shall write their pieces on the paper provided by the CABE
Academic Committee.
d. Each participant shall make the title of the feature relevant to the provided topic.
e. Entries shall not be less than five hundred (500) words and not more than one
thousand (1000) words.
f. Entries shall be written in Filipino.
g. The participants are only given three (3) hours to write their pieces. After the given
time, they should pass their work, finished or unfinished.
h. All contestants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the contest proper. Late
entries will be disqualified from the competition.
i. No name or any marks identifying the writer or the year lvel shall be included in the
feature itself. However, upon submission, all entries shall bear only the Feature Entry
j. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
k. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Logical Development of Ideas 40%

Concrete and Developed Ideas 20%
Addresses the assigned topic 20%
Style and Quality of Expressions 30%
Appropriateness of Vocabulary Usage 10%
Use of Parallel Structures 10%
Grammar , Spelling and Mechanics 20%
Organization 20%

Total 100%
10. On-the-Spot Essay Writing

a. Each team must have only one (1) entry composed of one (1) participant ONLY, male
or female.
b. B. the participants shall write their essays on the paper provided by the CABE
Academic Committee.
c. The topic of the essay shall be given by the CABE Academic Committee on and
during the competition.
d. Entries shall be written in English language only.
e. Entries shall not be less than five hundred (500) words and not more than one
thousand (1000) words.
f. The participants are only given three (3) hours to write their pieces. After the given
time, they should pass their work, finished or unfinished.
g. No name or any marks identifying the writer or the team shall be included in the
paper itself. However, upon submission, all entries shall bear only the participants
entry number.
h. Late entries will be disqualified from the competition. (15 minutes after the allotted
i. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
j. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Logical development of ideas 40%

Concrete and Developed Ideas 20%
Addresses the assigned topic 20%

Style and Quality of Expressions 30%

Appropriateness of Vocabulary Usage 10%
Use of Parallel Structures 10%

Grammar, Spelling and Mechanics 20%

Organization 20%

Total 100%
11. Rubiks Cube Challenge

a. Each team must have two (2) entries only, male and female.
b. There will be two categories which will be judged separately, the male and female
c. The participants will be provided with the Rubiks cube to manipulate with.
d. The participants will be ranked according to the time consumed in solving the
Rubiks cube. The participant with the lowest time consumption will be the winner.
e. All contestants must be at the venue 15 minutes before the contest proper.
f. Late entries will be disqualified from the competition.

12. CABE Einstein 2017

a. Each team must have 1 entry composed of one representative only, either male or
b. Each representative must submit a picture of himself/herself to the Academic
Committee 3 days prior to the CABEbuhan.
c. The picture which gained the highest number of love reaction on facebook will
receive the Pinusuan Award.
d. The game consists of 2 rounds. Each representative is given 2 minutes to answer,
there will be 3 sets of question on the 1st round, and the distinct set of question to be
answered by each participant will be determined by drawing of lots.
e. The set of questions are from various categories (Gen. Info., English, Math, Science,
and Religion).
f. The participant who has the least number of correct answers on the first round will be
g. On the 2nd round, there will be 2 categories. The participant who has the highest
number of points on the 1st round will have the chance to choose his/her desired
category. The pointing system on the 2nd will be back to zero. The remaining category
will be given automatically to the other participant.
h. Among the 3 representatives, the one who showcased confidence over pressure will
receive the
Confidently Beautiful with a Wit Award, which will be determined by the
Academic Committee.
i. The winner on the 2nd round who gained the highest number of correct answers will
be declared as CABE EINSTEIN 2017
13. CABEbe sa Radyo
a. Each team must have only one (1) entry composed of five to ten (5-10)
b. Each participating team must use CABEBE SA RADIO as their station name.
c. The team must record their performance

d. The recording must be a Radio Drama which includes informative commercial

and an endorsement of Academic Events.
e. They are free to choose the topic of their drama.
f. The piece must be original and should be written in English, Filipino, or Bisaya.
g. Piece shall not contain lewd words or scenes.
h. Each participant shall be given seven to ten (7-10) minutes to deliver the story.
i. One (1) minute under time or overtime shall equal to a point deduction; two (2)
minutes under time or overtime shall equal to two (2) points deduction on the
score earned by the contestant, three (3) minutes under time or overtime also.
j. The performance must be recorded and to be saved in a flash drive to be
submitted to the Academic Committee on the 1st day of CABEBUHAN 2017
k. The decision of the board of judges shall be final and irrevocable.
l. The criteria for judging shall be as follows:

Craftsmanship 30%
Use of voice effectively 15%
To match the scenes meaning
and mood
Quality performance 15%

Creative Delivery 20%

Phrasing 5%
Blending 5%
Intonation 5%
Articulation 5%

Content 25%
Drama 15%
Endorsement of Academic events 5%
Infomercial 5%

Over-al impact 25%

Sound effects 10%
Originality 15%

Total 100%

14. Family Feud

a. Each team must have 1 entry composed of two representatives only, either male or
b. The two representatives must come from different courses.
c. There will be two competing families composed of only three members.
d. The two representatives will be grouped separately.
e. There will be two rounds; the first and the double money round.
f. The family with the most points at the end of the main game moves on to the Fast
Score round.
g. The members from the winning family will compete individually and they have to
represent their team in the fast score round.
h. The highest points accumulated by the contestant from this round shall be the winner
of the game.
i. The team where the winner belongs will be declared as the champion.

The answers to the questions are unique in that they aren't factual "answers" at all.

They are based on the answers provided by a 100-corjesians survey panel. Contestants are
challenged to come up with the most popular answers to each question, which are placed on the
game board and revealed as teams provide them. Since the answers are provided by surveys, this
is where the line, "Survey says!" comes from.


The main game starts off with one family member from each team coming to the podium and
facing off on the first question. The contestant who buzzes in first gets to provide the first

The team who wins control of the question then provides more responses, one at a time. They are
not permitted to consult with one another during this part of the game. If a given answer is not
one of the most popular, the family gets a strike. If the team can guess all of the most popular
answers on the board before getting two strikes, they win the round.

If a team ends up with two strikes, control of the round goes to the opposing family. That team
then has one chance to come up with one of the remaining responses on the board to win the
round --- if they fail; the other team gets the points.

Generally speaking, two main rounds are played in the game.


The team with the most points at the end of the main game moves on to the Fast Money round.
Money is equivalent to points.

The winning representative from the winning team plays this round. The first member stays with
the host while the other disappears backstage. The first contestant is given 20 seconds to answer
five survey questions, which are scored by how many people gave that same response in the

The first player's scores are revealed and tallied. The player comes out to play with the same set
of questions and time allotment then followed by the third player. The highest points
accumulated by the contestant from this round shall be the winner of the game. The team where
the winner belongs will be declared as the champion.

The point values assigned to each answer come from the number of people who responded with
that answer in the survey.

Only the most popular answers make it to the game board, so the points don't always add up to

The current format of the game assigns single point values to the first round, with points
doubled in the second round.

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