Breimer 2006

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Molecular Mechanisms of Oxygen RadicaI Carcinogenesis

and Mutagenesis:The Role of DNA Base Damage
Lars H. Breimer
institute of Cancer Research, Chester Beatty Laboratories, London, England


Oxygen is essential for life but can also harm cells. This The majority of knowledge on the lesions induced by
is because active forms of oxygen such as hydroxyl (OH') reactive oxygen species has been derived from studies using
and superoxide (0): radicals, hydrogen peroxide (HzO,), ionizing radiation [I 0- 141.However, leukocyte-derivedreac-
and singlet oxygen (lo2)arise as byproducts and interme- tive oxygen species induce far greater yields of base mod-
diates of aerobic metabolism and during oxygen stress ifications than does ionizing radiation [35,361.Halliwell's
I1 -71. These can transiently or permanently damage nucleic and Dizdaroglu's laboratories together have initiated a care-
acids, lipids, proteins, and thiols. Free oxygen radicals have ful and comprehensive study of the chemical modifications
been implicated in degenerative and inflammatory disor- of the nitrogenous bases in DNA by various reactive oxygen
ders, aging, and cancer [ 1-1 01. They also function as the species generated under biologically relevant conditions
effectors of ionizing and some aspects of ultraviolet (UV) 1311. The products were analyzed by gas chromatography-
radiation, toxins, mutagens, and certain drugs [2,7,9- 141. mass spectrometry with selective ion monitoring, a highly
Activated phagocytes and other oxidant-generating systems sensitive technique by which the nature of the products is
reportedly transform mammalian cells and act as promot- determined from the molecular masses of ions produced
ersof carcinogenesis [7,9,15-171. Indeed, high concentra- by their fragmentation. There is no need to radioactively
tions of oxygen itself are mutagenic [ 181.Generally, before label the target DNA, which avoids the problem of auto-
causing damage reactive oxygen species are scavenged by irradiation 1371. It is also not dependent on synthesizing
enzymes such as catalase and superoxide dismutase and the lesions to compare in chromatographic systems. They
by antioxidants such as reduced glutathione and vitamins used the commonly employed hypoxanthineixanthine oxi-
C and E [1,2,7,19,20]. dase system to generate 0 ; and H202,which were fur-
Reactive oxygen species induce all forms of DNA damage, ther catalyzed to OH' by FeiEDTA (Table l). In absolute yields
including base modification, base-free(apurinidapyrimidinic the main products were imidazole ring opened guanine
(AP]) sites, strand breakage, and DNA-protein crosslinks, (FaPy-Gua) and 8-hydroxyguanine, followed by imidazole
ring opened adenine (FaPy-Ade)and cytosine glycol. How-
but the specific spectrum of products depends on the reac-
ever, the greatest relative increase in damaged base com-
tive species involved (1,3,4,7,10-141. For example, some
pared with background levels by far was detected for
lesions are similar to those induced by ionizing radiation,
FaPy-Gua, followed by dihydroxycytosine, FaPy-Ade, and
which exerts the bulk of its effects through free radicals,
cytosine glycol. When Fe3+ catalysis was allowed t o
in particular OH. [lo-141. The damage to DNA has been
proceed in the absence of EDTA (probably a more physio-
suggested to contribute to the pathogenicity of these logical condition), the overall yield in damaged bases
agents, which is further supported by the existence of was reduced by about 60%, and 8-hydroxyguanine, 8-
several independent repair processes [ 10,21-231. hydroxyadenine, and cytosine glycol were the main prod-
Damage to cellular DNA by oxidants has usually, partly ucts, but FaFy-Gua and dihydroxycytosine were still the
for technical reasons, been measured as strand breaks, a most increased products.
phenomenon also observed in cells in culture exposed to If H202was used as a source of radicals with FeiEDTA
cigarette smoke, toxins such as paraquat, and known car- (ferric), there was at most a twofold difference between
cinogenic metals such as chromium and nickel 124-301. the relative increases in the modified bases except for FaPy-
These agents have generally been considered to act by Gua, though in absolute levels the guanine derivatives still
increasing the intracellular formation of 0;and H2Oz. predominated [32]. However, when nitrilotriacetic acid
However, neither 0 ; nor H202 reacts directly with DNA (NTA), a powerful carcinogen and promoter [38],was used
[ 10, 31 -341. Instead, OH' generated by local transition
metal catalysis [1,4,7,28,31-341 is the likely effective agent.
Corresponding author: Institute of Cancer Research, Chester Beatty
The literature on free oxygen radical pathogenicity has Laboratories, Fulham Road, London SW3 6J8, UK.
grown explosively in the 1980s and has been the subject Abbreviations: OH , hydroxyl radical; 0 i, superoxide radical, Faqi-
of several detailed reviews [I-141. Here I review certain Gua, 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5-formamidopyrimidine (imidazole ring
opened guanine); FaPy-Ade, 4.6-diamino-5-formamido~rimidrne (imid-
recent data on the genotoxic effect of reactive oxygen spe- azole ring opened adenine); AP site, apurinidapyrimidinic, also known
cies, concentrating on the role of base damage. as base-free site, NTA, nitrilotriacetlc acid.


as the chelator the yields were almost 10-fold higher [32], of damage induced by various free radical-generating
supporting proposals that this representsthe carcinogenic systems in vitro and in vivo need to be established, and
mechanism of this compound [39]. Further, they found that some caution is needed when comparing results from dif-
Cu2+ in combination with HzOz was more efficient at ferent laboratories.
inducing base damage than was Fe3+,and this effect was
enhanced by the presence of ascorbic acid [401. Cytosine GENETIC EFFECTS OF DEFINED LESIONS
glycol, thymine glycol, 8-hydroxyadenine, and especially 8-H yd roxypu rines
8-hydroxyguanine were the major products. They con- 8-Hydroxyguanine and, by inference, 8-hydroxyadenine
cluded that the copper ions were bound to the DNA, where are the most likely mutagenic base lesions induced by reac-
they generated OH' that immediately attacked the DNA tive oxygen species [52-54].8-Hydroxyguanine has been
bases. Thus there would appear to be differences in the shown to directly miscode in model experiments and to
spectrum of damage induced by different free radical- induce miscoding of neighboring bases [52]. Thus it can
generating systems. potentially cause multiple amino acid substitutions. When
Their finding of a predominance of guanine and cyto- placed in a site-directed manner between T and C, the
sine modifications would predict that changes at these 8-hydroxyguanine residue directed the insertion of all four
bases should be overrepresented in mutagenesis induced bases with almost equal frequency, indicating that it lacks
by agents acting through an increased flux of reactive oxy- specific base pairing. In addition to misreading of the
gen species, if OH' generated locally by transition metal 8-hydroxyguanine residue itself, the pyrimidines next to it
ion catalysis is the critical event. This is at variance with were also misread. Thus, depending on its position in rela-
genetic studies that indicate that changes at A.T base pairs tion to the reading frame, 8-hydroxyguanine could cause
are of particular significance in oxidizing mutagenesis [41] paired amino acid changes. Such mutations would be
(see below). However, so far these chemical studies have unlikely to revert and would therefore not appear as
centered on fairly simple forms of base modifications and single base damage events in indirect assays. Mispairing
not more complex breakdown products such as 5-hydroxy- due to 8-hydroxypurines at intronlexon boundaries (AG
5-methylhydantoin in the case of thymine and urea, which and GT) would be expected to produce aberrant or in-
is a potential end-product of all bases in DNA [ I 0,141 but com plete messages.
the methodology to measure these lesions has now been 8-Hydroxyguanine disappears from DNA in vivo though
developed (Halliwell, personal communication). Moreover, the mechanism of repair is unknown [53]. Singlet oxygen
AP sites are known to be mutagenic [42-451, and the yield has been reported to induce G.C ---t T.A and G.C + C.G
of AP sites and any sequence specificity in their genera- transversions in the bacterial laczsystem, but the chemical
tion (i.e., "hotspots") needs to be determined. Studies using nature of the DNA lesion was not directly defined, though
ionizing radiation suggest that each base is equally prone it blocked DNA replication in vitro [50]. The frequency of
to generate an AP site and that this form of damage may frameshifts, which occurred in runs of Gs or Cs, and dou-
account for 10% of all damage [l1-1 31. ble mutations, which occurred at G.C base pairs, was spec-
One problem in the study of the action of free radicals tacularly increased. Although these changes may have been
on DNA IS that phenol, commonly used to purify DNA, due to 8-hydroxyguanine, other modifications were not
can partake in free radical reactions. Thus the level of formally excluded. Recently it has been demonstrated that
"background" lesions in DNA can vary considerably [31]. 8-hydroxyguanine can be specifically generated without
Indeed, it is in the nature of free radical reactions that an strand breakage in intact duplex DNA by the action of meth-
agent may protect against radicals in certain circumstances ylene blue and light in the presence of oxygen [51]. This
and to enhance damage in others [46]. Another problem will allow a direct assessment of its role in carcinogenesis
is that different free radical-generating systems appear to as well as detailed characterization of the mechanism of
cause different damage even if the same species of radical its repair.
is thought to be the effector. For example, Fe/EDTA-catalyzed
cleavage of RNA and DNA shows similar reactivity toward Ring-Saturated Pyrimidines
single and double stranded forms, but Cu/phenanthroline Partly for technical reasons, however, most studies have
preferentially cuts duplex 5-form DNA [47]. However, stud- concentrated on the fate of thymine in DNA, in particular
ies with scavengers indicate that Fe/EDTA generates OH' out- thymine glycol, which can be simply generated specific-
side DNA, whereas Cu/phenanthroline intercalates into the ally in DNA by oxidation with alkaline osmium tetroxide
nucleic acid [48]. It has been reported that nickel-catalyzed [reviewed in lo]. It used to be considered the main product
hydroxyl radical DNA strand breakage is seen at C, T, or G of oxidizing injury, though its yield in free radical reactions
but not A, though C is preferred, whereas Fe-catalyzed varies and has probably been overestimated [l1-13.531.
hydroxyl radical generation caused breakage at all bases, Indeed, Halliwell and coworkers found comparatively lit-
but favored G and T [29], though these subtle differences tle generation of thymine glycol under physiological con-
have yet to be independently confirmed. Singlet oxygen ditions (Table 1). Thymine glycol has been regarded as a
appears to damage G specifically but, depending on the lethal rather than mutagenic lesion. A curious observation
catalyst, the reaction is specific for single- or double- has been that mutants deficient in the nth gene product,
stranded DNA [49-511. Depending on the catalyst it may endonuclease Ill which acts as a thymine glycol-DNA
also induce strand breakage. Thus the "finger prints" glycosylase, are not more sensitive to HzOz and ionizing

Table 1. Yield of Base Products in DNA by Hydroxyl Radical Treatment*

Xanthine/xanthine oxidase [31]t Hydrogen peroxide l321t
Fe3'(11)-EDTA Fe3+(11)- no EDTA Fe3 +(ll)-EDTA Fe3+(II)-NTA
Yield Relative Yield Relative Yield Relative Yield Relative
Base product ( n m o h g ) increase (nmolirng) increase (nmolimg) increase (nmolimg) increase
FaF yG ua 8.8 900 0.14 15 1.1 60 5.9 300
8-Hydroxyguanine 4.3 9 4 1.4 3 13.4 30
FaPy-Ade 1.6 40 i::7 2 0.3 5 1.8 30
Cytosine glycol 1.5 20 0.32 4 0.1 2 1.3 25
Dihydroxycytosine 0.9 90 0.08 8 0.1 3 1.3 65
8-Hydroxyadenine 0.9 3 0.5 1.5 0.2 3 1.9 27
Thymine glycol 0.9 4 0.2 - 0.25 3 1.4 18
*Significant levels of 8-hydroxyguanine, &hydroxyadenine, and thymine glycol were present in the DNA before free radical treatment. Adapted
from Aruoma et al. [31,32].
tfree radical generator.
FaPy-Gua, imidazole ring opened guanine; FaPy-Ade, imidazole ring opened adenine, NTA, nitrilotriacetic acid.

radiation [55]. Two independent roups have now shown in interpreting the action of mutagens and carcinogens in
that DNA containing thymine i y c o l is a substrate for vivo it should be remembered that the radical and hydro-
UvrABC exinuclease 156,571. This would explain those peroxide base derivatives that are intermediates in dam-
results, and consequently further . coli studies extended age can be restituted or modified by cellular processes
to multiple mutants are necessary. However, a uvrABCnth before being fixed [62,63].
double mutant may not be viable under oxic conditions.
The E. coli double mutan4 nfo xth is deficient in two GENETIC CONSEQUENCES OF REACTIVE OXYGEN
enzymes (endonuclease IV and exonuclease Ill) involved SPECIES IN MAMMALIAN CELLS
in repair of DNA damaged by reactive oxygen species and Studies Using Chemical Agents
is sensitive to oxidant stress [45,581. Dose-dependent mutagenesis has been observed at the
Essigmann's group has shown that thymine glycol placed X-linked hprt locus and at a stably integrated E. coli gpt
in a unique site resulted in targeted mutations a t a fre- gene when mammalian cells in culture have been exposed
quencyof 0.3%, which was exclusivelyT -,C when single- to hyperoxia and KO2, but no molecular analysis was under-
stranded bacteriophage was replicated in . coli (591. taken [25]. Tyrrell's group has reported a substantial dif-
Thymine glycol was not mutagenic in duplex DNA, and ference in the effect of reactive oxygen species, in particular
the effect was independent of SOS and nth repair. This hydroxyl radicals, on a target gene depending on whether
is consistent with the property that endonuclease 111 acts the mutagenesis was carried out in vivo or in vitro (Tables
on single-stranded DNA at only about 2-3% the rate of 2 and 3) [34,64]. In brief, they analyzed alterations in the
its action on double-stranded DNA [601, and UvrABC supF gene in a shuttle vector. (Shuttle vectors can repli-
requiring double-stranded substrate. However, mutations cate both in mammalian and bacterial hosts thereby sim-
were not a random event but occurred in positions where plifying analysis.) Either the vector was treated with H202
the 3' residue was an adenine, in keeping with the require- with or without FeiEOTA t o catalyze a Fenton reaction to
ments of a 3' purine to allow in vitro bypass [10,42,61], generate OH' before transfection into the mammalian
and which by wobbling allows a thymine glyco1.G mispair cells, or cells carrying the vector were exposed to H20z,
to form. Thus, if thymine glycol were to arise a t or near a the resulting mutations being analyzed and compared with
replication fork it could direct T + C transitions. In view spontaneously arising mutations. They confirmed that
of the considerable yield of 5-6 bond-saturated cytosine H202itself does not induce mutations, which is in agree-
derivatives reported by Aruoma et al. [3 1,32,40,481, similar ment with other work showlng that H202 does not react
studies on the role of these lesions are needed. Never- directly with DNA.
theless, by analogy, they should not be expected to be They found that when HzOz and Fe/EDTA was used in
mutagenic. This may partly explain why mutations at G.C vitro (i.e., exposing the plasrnid to OH' prior t o trans-
base pairs are not as overrepresented in free oxygen fection), the main mutation was a combination of a base
radical-induced mutations. pair change and a deletion, and there were less pure
base changes than in the spontaneously arising mutants.
Ring-Fragmented Bases However, when HzOzwas used in vivo (i.e., added t o the
The more complex ring-fragmented and ring-contracted cells containing the plasmid) the increase in combined
pyrimidine derivatives and imidazole ring-opened purines deletion and base change was less marked and took
are non-informative lesions that block DNA replication in place at the expense of pure deletions. In either case the
vitro [lo-141 and are considered to play little part in muta- most common deletion was the loss of one base pair
genesis. In view of Essigmann's work on the role of thy- (i.e., a simple frameshift), most deletions were less than
mine glycol, this concept should be reassessed. However, 4 bp in size, and the frameshifts tended to occur in runs
Table 2 . General Classification of Mutations in a Table 4. General Classification o f Mutations
Shuttle Vector Arising Spontaneously or at the CHO aprt Locus Arising Spontaneously or
Following Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment* Following y Irradiation*
Treatment Mutation Spontaneous (%) y Irradiation (YO)
H202 H202 Altered mobility 10 23
Mutation Spontaneous (%) in vivo (YO)in vitro (YO) Base change 63 42
Altered mobility 17 11 15 Deletion 20 25
Deletion only 28 18 25 Multiple 1 9
Base change Duplication 5 1
only 52 53 36 Frarnwhifts 7 11
Deletion & *Derived from Miles and Meuth [681and Phear et al [71 I
base change 3 16 23
Insertion only <1 1 -

Deletion & to the nature of the frameshifts (see below) and illustrates
insertion 0 1 1 the difficulty of extrapolating between not only different
Frameshifts 12 50 60 free radical-generating systems but genetic targets.

*Derived from Moraes et al [34,641 Studies Using Ionizing Radiation

A difficulty in interpreting the effect of exposing cells in
Table 3. Distribution of the Relative Frequency of
culture to chemical agents generating reactive oxygen spe-
Base-Pair Changes Arising at the Right-Hand Base of
Certain Sequences in a Shuttle Vector After Mutagenesis* cies are the quenching effects of media components, and
also plasma membrane damage. Thus, it would be desir-
Treatment able to develop a system of caged free radical release
H202 H202 whereby the component can enter in an inactive form and
Sequence Spontaneous (%) in vivo (YO) in vitro (YO) be released through an innocuous signal such as a flash-
5'-TC-3' ing light [67]. Ionizing radiation represents a partial means
51 66 28
3'-AG-5' of achieving such intranuclear or, at least intracellular, re-
5'-CC-3' lease of reactive oxygen species. This is because ionizing
44 29 36 radiation does not act as a physical agent to damage DNA,
like a bullet cutting through a fiber, but instead exerts the
Other 5 5 36
bulk of its effects through free radicals, in particular OH'.
*Derived from Moraes et al. [34,641.
Selectable Loci
of Gs or Cs. Spontaneously arising mutants exhibited an The effect of ionizing radiation on a number of mam-
increase in aeletions that were larger than and different malian loci is now well established [reviewed in 10.681.
from those arising by H202treatment in that they gener- Gross gene rearrangements have been generally observed,
ally occurred between two repeats, one of which was left but the proportion varies considerably (1 5-80%). which
in the genome [65]. may reflect differences between the actual targets, their
The specificity of the base pair changes was also remark- flanking regions, or the mammalian species or cell lines
ably different (Table 3). In the in vivo-induced mutants vir- employed. Comparisons of the changes at the aprt locus
tually all arise at G.C base pairs. Indeed, not only do the of CHO cells developed by Meuth in spontaneously arising
HzOzand the spontaneous base changes arise at the right and ionizing radiation-induced mutants have shown that
hand base pairs of Sf-TC-3':3'-AG-5' or 5'-CC-3':3'- ionizing radiation caused an increase in gross rearrange-
GG-5' but G.C + A.T transitions are by far the predomi- ments [10,68-761. When mutants of unchangedgenestruc-
nant form. The base changes in the in vitro-treated plasmid, ture were analyzed a t the DNA sequence level, the majority
on the other hand, represented an increase of alterations were found to be simple base substitutions, which hence
at A.T base pairs. This is consistent with other reports that overall were the most common class of lesion induced at
A.T base pairs are more prone to oxidizing mutations at this locus (Table 4). There was no statistically significant
least in prokaryotic systems [41]. However, they are not in difference in the pattern of distribution of type of base
agreement with the chemical studies of Halliwell's group, change between spontaneous and ionizing radiation-
which would indicate that changes at G.C base pairs are induced changes. These results are more similar to the
more likely to occur. mutants of the supF system that arose spontaneously or
The generation of frameshifts is consistent with free radi- were generated by HzOzexposure in vivo but are in marked
cals causing strand breaks with the loss of one base and contrast to those obtained when the plasmid was treated
with increased risk of slippage in regions of repeated with OH' in vitro prior to transfection. More radiation-
purines [66]. But these results are clearly different from induced mutants had multiple local substitutions, proba-
the results obtained by ionizing radiation (which is gener- bly reflecting localized release of energy [I 1-1 31.
ally considered to act mainly through OH') at the Chinese Frameshiftswere induced at about twice the frequency
hamster ovary (CHO) aprt locus, particularly with respect by ionizing radiation, but the mechanism involved in their

generation is unlikely to be the same. Spontaneousframe- investigating this hypothesis would be to repeat the in vitro
shifts occurred in runs of Cs or Gs, presumably because shuttle vector experiments using the methylene blue dye
of slippage of DNA polymerase during replication, but method, which generates 8-hydroxyguanine specifically
radiation-induced frameshifts did not show such specific- [51I, and to compare the spectrum of mutations with those
ity, suggesting imperfect repair of strand breaks. Thus the obtained with hydroxyl radicals. Also, if different chelators
frameshifts induced in vitro by OH' in the shuttle vector were used to give different yields of base damage in the
did not resemble those induced in vivo by ionizing radia- DNA (cf. Table 1) it may be possible to estimate the rela-
tion, which is considered to exert the bulk of its effects tive mutagenic importance of the various modifications.
through OH'. This implies either that the frameshifts (It is unlikely that the methylene blue dye method can be
induced by ionizing radiation are created through some used on cells in vivo.)
other active species or intermediary, or that the data
obtained using the shuttle vector system are not a good
Transforming Genes
model for autosomal mammalian genes. Activation of oncogenes is often associated with the
Small deletions were slightly more common in the development of both experimentally induced tumors and
radiation-induced group of mutants but were found in human cancers [771. The transformation of cells into can-
different sections of the gene. Spontaneous deletions cerous growth is a complex multistep process, and onco-
clustered in a region rich in direct and inverted repeats, gene activation is not necessarilya primary event [78-801.
which can potentially form stable secondary structures and Several groups have now reported that there are distinct
occur between short direct repeats, suggesting that this transforming genes involved in ionizing radiation-induced
region might be particularly prone to distortion or slippage tumors or transformation of cells in culture [81-831.
of the template during replication or could, after damage, Genomic DNA was extracted from cells exposed to or
serve as substrates for the recombinases involved in immu- tumors induced by ionizing radiation and used to trans-
noglobulin switching [65,66,7 11. The ionizing radiation- form NIH 313 cells in standard assays. The same transform-
induced deletions were clustered in a different region, and ing gene appeared to be present in each of the donor cells
only half involved direct repeats [681. Thus as far as dele- because digestion prior to transfection of the DNA with a
tions are concerned the only similarity between the shut- panel of restriction endonucleases gave distinct patterns
tle vector data and aprrdata applies to spontaneous events. of inactivation. It is noteworthy that none of the studies
In view of these differences the molecular changes in revealed evidence of rearrangement or amplification of the
the aprtgene induced by exposing cells to H202 (or its less commonly studied oncogenes including Ha-ras, Ki-ras,
membrane-damaging derivative dibutyryl peroxide) need N-ras, rnyc, raf, src, fes, abl, mos, erbA, erbB, myb, fos,
to be determined and compared with the effect of ioniz- sis, neu, and trk [81-831. Little's group also reported a tem-
ing radiation in the shuttle vector system. poral correlation between the appearance of transforma-
It would appear that spontaneous mutations occur pri- tion of cells at about three weeks after irradiation and the
marily at G C base pairs but that several processes are ability of the extracted DNA to induce transformation [831.
involved. Under resting conditions spontaneous mutations These results are consistent with previous work showing
presumably arise through a mixture of reactions, includ- that transformation is not a direct consequenceof the expo-
ing deamination of cytosine and 5-methylcytosine, meth- sure to ionizing radiation but occurs as a rare event in the
ylation of pyrimidines, hydrolytic depurination (as well as progeny of the irradiated cells at some later time [78,79],
by repair enzyme action), and free radical attack. The envi- presumably owing to delayed activation or rearrangement
ronment of the nucleus is likely to be hypoxic [reviewed in of certain genes. Identification and subsequent character-
71. Indeed, Breimer and Lindahl[60] found that when cells ization at the level of DNA sequence of the gene (or genes)
were irradiated under conditions that minimized DNA responsible for these events is now a top priority.
repair, the pattern of thymine lesions in their DNA was sim- Partly for historical reasons, as well as convenience, the
ilar to the spectrum seen under hypoxic conditions in vitro. rasgene family is probably the most extensively studied of
Treating cells with H202may cause a small increase in the oncogenes [84]. In contrast to the above findings, Pellicer's
flux of OH' near DNA. 8-Hydroxypurines and formamido-
group has reported evidence of fa5 activation in mouse
pyrimidines represent oxidation and reduction products of
thymomas induced by ionizing radiation [85-871. When y
the same purine radical resulting from addition of OH' to
rays were used the changes were found to be G.C + A.T
the carbon-8 of the purine ring [321. The relative yields of
transitions mainly in Ki-ras. However, when they used neu-
the two purine derivatives varies between different transi-
tion metal ion-chelator complexes, but in general the trons, a different spectrum of alterations was seen: there
8-hydroxypurines appear to be favored by chelators that were two Ki-ras (codon 12) and one N-ras (codon 61) G.C
+ T.A transversions, but also one Ki-ras G.C + A.T trans-
have been shown to be carcinogenic [32,38,39]. Thus treat-
ment of cells with H20z or other forms of oxidant stress ition a t codon 146. Changes in H a - m a t codon 146 have
may represent a supply of oxidizing power to the nucleus been created artificially and shown to have lower mutagenic
adequate to favor formation of 8-hydroxyguanine. (When activity than codon 12 changes [88], and these nude mice
OH' are generated in vitro and allowed to interact tumors also had a 30% longer latency [87]. G.C --t T.A
with pure DNA, the subtle conditions of the eukaryotic tranversion is consistent with a singlet oxygen mechanism
nucleus may not be adequately represented.) One way of as deduced from prokaryote work 1501.
Neutron irradiation transforms cells in vitro [89,90] and regulation. The effects of reactive oxygen species on pro-
inducestumors in animals [91,92]. Neutrons result in denser teins are poorly understood but include direct degradation
clusters of ionized molecules than y irradiation, which and stimulation of proteolysis but also subtler modification,
should produce greater damage that would possibly be including loss of phosphatefrom phosphoserinesand modi-
more difficult to repair and intuitively ought to result in fication of glycosylation side chains [ I 00-1 021. At least
more complex changes such as deletions and rearrange- some transcription factors are dependent on posttransla-
ments. However, the ra5 system will only tolerate base tional modifications [93]. It has recently been proposed
changes (i.e., it is equivalent to reversion at a nonsense that the oncogenic activation of the myb proto-oncogene
codon), and G.C --t A.T transition is a common sponta- is a result of an inability to phosphorylate a regulatory site
neous change, owing to either depurination, or deamina- because this site is deleted in the oncogenically activated
tion of 5methylcytosine, or 06-methylation of guanine. Myb protein [I 031, and free radical-induced dephosphor-
These results stand in apparent contradiction to those above ylation could have similar consequences. An oxygen radi-
reporting as yet unidentified oncogene involvement in ion- cal mechanism has been proposed to regulate some mRNA
izing radiation transformation. One explanation is that in translation by a sulfhydryl switch of reversible modifica-
lymphoid tissue a ras mutation gives a selective advantage tion of a regulatory protein, indicating a functional role
to a clone without being the primary event. for reactive oxygen species in metabolism [1041. A similar
mechanism might be involved in some forms of regula-
IS MODULATION OF THE ACTION OF tion of transcription.
TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS THE BASIS OF TUMOR The effect of alteration to protein-nucleic acid interaction
PROMOTION BY REACTIVE OXYGEN SPECIES? can only be expected to be transient. Only if it was preceded
By contrast with the data on the mutagenic effects of by or occurred concomitantly with a genetic alteration or
reactive oxygen species that has been accumulated, much premutagenic DNA lesion could a selective advantage be
less is known about the promotional activity of these expected to develop. However, these mechanisms represent
agents. a possible aspect in multistep models of carcinogenesis.
The regulation of gene expression involves the nonco-
valent binding of protein transcription factors to specific POSSIBLE FUTURE DIRECTIONS
DNA recognition sequences [93]. Reactive oxygen species To prevent and treat cancer the molecular action of car-
may influence these processes at the level of DNA-protein cinogens must be elucidated [105]. Our understanding of
interaction, protein-protein interaction, and RNA-protein the role at the molecular level of reactive oxygen species
interaction. in carcinogenesis is hampered by the fragmented nature
Modification of a base in a recognition sequence may of the studies. Consequently,complementary investigations
alter the binding affinity. The effect would depend on are urgently needed to harmonize the information. An obvi-
whether the factor was a positive or negative regulator. ous place of departure is the autosomal CHO aprtand the
Inhibition of binding can be achieved in vitro by N7-methyl- supF shuttle vector systems, which have provided a large
ation of guanines (so called methylation interference, a tool body of data of spontaneously arising mutants, but in the
commonly used to characterize transcription factors). case of the CHO system, H 2 0 z studies are needed to com-
Reactive oxygen species could also covalently cross-link pare with the supF data and vice versa for ionizing radiation.
a factor to a base in its binding site, causing a more last- Because of the apparently contradictory results of the spe-
ing effect on gene expression. Hydroxyl radicals induce cificity of the base changes induced when the supF shuttle
covalent DNA-protein cross-links between thymine and vector was treated with H202in vivo or in vitro (Table 3). a
cytosine and various aliphatic and aromatic amino acids comparativelysimple study of the changes in DNA sequence
in vitro, involving the carbon-6 atom or the 5-methyl group of mutations induced by H202should be performed at the
of thymine and cytosine [94-961. Cross-linking a t the autosomal locus aprt of CHO cells, which is still the most
5-methyl group was favored by anoxic conditions. Experi- powerful mammalian locus for such detailed analysis. This
ments with nucleosomes showed that histones H2A, HZB, could be complemented by a combined study of the effect
H3, and H6 could be cross-linked to DNA. Little is known of K02, which generates 0 ; on the shuttle vector and
about the repair of these lesions, but it would require the aprt locus, and certainly a study of the effect of ionizing
excision of at least one base and probably a stretch of radiation on the shuttle vector system. Such studies would
nucleotides (see below). demonstrate the validity of the shuttle vector approach,
Tsos group was abie to induce malignant transformation and the lesions found would indicate the mechanism
and mutations in cells in culture by allowing them to incor- involved. Thus exposure of CHO cells to Hz02would be
porate 5-bromodeoxyuridine into their DNA and irradiating expected, when compared with spontaneously arising
with UV light 1971. This was interpreted that cancer could mutants, to increase the number of mutants showing a
be induced by direct action on DNA not involving other base pair change at the righthand base of 5-TC-3 at
macromolecules. However, a similar protocol has been used the expense of mutations at 5-CC-3. Further infor-
to cross-link transcription factors to DNA in vitro [98, 991. mation might be obtained from repeating the shuttle
Reactive oxygen species could also modify the transcrip- vector protocols using ionizing radiation. If, as is generally
tion factor itself, for example, by altering its protein-protein assumed, ionizing radiation exerts the bulk of its effects
interacting domain, which could lead to inappropriate gene through O H , the results of exposure in vitro should

be similar to those reported for Fe/EDTA/H202.The results established and compared with the various patterns of dam-
of irradiation in vivo would be particularly valuable be- age induced in vitro by different systems.
cause the pattern of mutations can be expected to be The biological role of 5-hydroxymethylpyrimidines in
different if the aprt data are generally applicable. They mammalian DNA needs to be resolved. Is the hydroxyl
may also help answer the question of the microenviron- group substitution at the methyl group of thymine (and
ment of the nucleus. Thus oxic conditions should favor the 5-methylcytosine) merely generating an inefficient model
generation of 8-hydroxypurines and ring-saturated pyri- of the true substrate of this intriguing enzyme? 5-Hydroxy-
midines, whereas anoxic conditions would favor the open- methyluracil (a-hydroxythymine) is not only a product of
ing of the imidazole rings of purines and protein-DNA OH' attack on the methyl group of thymine, but it is the
cross-links. natural DNA base residue of certain bacteriophage genomes
Another simple study applicable to the shuttle vector [reviewed in 10,12,14,23]. Eukaryatic but not prokaryotic
protocol would be to induce 8-hydroxyguanine lesions in cells possess DNA glycosylase activities directed against
vitro [51I and analyze the mutations induced by passage 5-hydroxymethylthymine and -cytosine [ 10,231. However,
through the mammalian cells. As these lesions are con- the activity of the enzyme on DNA containing 5-hydroxy-
sidered miscoding rather than blocking DNA replication methyluracil residues is exceedingly low [231. These two
and if FaPy-Gua (or, less likely, cytosine glycols) are involved observations suggest that the true substrate may be an
in generating frameshifts, a preponderance of base pair alternative modification of the 5-methyl group that only
changes, either singly or adjacent pairs, without deletions arises in eukaryotic cells. One possibility is that the enzyme
may be seen. incises the glycosyl bond of thymines that have been cross-
One limitation of CHO aprtsystem is that it appears to linked by their 5-methyl to an amino acid residue, such as
permit deletions only in one direction and therefore under- tyrosine, which may be part of a polypeptide. Dizdaroglu's
estimates the frequency of deletions. The supF shuttle vec- group 1951 have shown that the formation of such cross-
tor system used by Tyrrell's group can, owing to the size links depends on OH' attack in an anoxic or hypoxic envi-
of the supF reporter gene and essential flanking plasmid ronment, which is likely to exist in the eukaryotic nucleus
sequences, only cope with deletions of about 100 bp in [7,60].To test this hypothesis, techniques t o synthesize
size. For completeness mutations should be collected in relevant analogues and incorporate them into (or selec-
parallel a t another locus such as hprtor dhfr, though they tively modify the bases in) synthetic oligonucleotides
do not allow such detailed analysis (101. However, Little must be developed.
[lo61 has pointed out that all the autosomal loci commonly It is mandatory to relate data on mechanisms obtained
used underestimate large scale events, including chromo- by studying prokaryotes and eukaryotic (often transformed)
some loss, because (partly for practical reasons) they are cells in culture to the whole animal [ l l 11. One approach
hemizygous for the locus and neighboring regions (in the is to use a shuttle vector established in a transgenic animal
case of hprt, which IS located on the X chromosome, this [112,1 131. Physiologically relevant aspects of carcino-
is an inherent problem [lo]). genesis can then be studied because the mutagenic action
The mutagenic effects at the level of DNA sequence of any carcinogen in any tissue could potentially be as-
change of known carcinogenic compounds such as chro- sessed at the level of DNA sequence changes. As yet there
mium and nickel should also bedetermined in these mam- are no data on agents considered to act through free
malian systems, because of the reported sequence specificity oxygen radicals.
of the DNA damage induced by these agents in vitro. These Identification of the role and identity of transforming
studies may also be extended to compounds such as acet- genes implicated in free radical transformation, including
aldehyde and formaldehyde, which are implicated in the differences owing to various types of radicals such as those
carcinogenesisof alcoholic liver disease through a free radi- generated from neutrons as opposed to y rays, would
cal mechanism, though little if anything is known of its appear to be a fruitful avenue of research.
action [107-1 101. The effect of reactive oxygen species on transcription
The pattern of mutations in cell lines with altered oxy- factor DNA interaction can comparatively simply be assessed
gen metabolizing systems should also be assessed. Though in vitro by exposing pure transcription factors to free
such bacterial mutants are available, mammalian mutants radical-generating systems and assess the effect by band
that also allow detailed analysis of the genetic effects are shift assays, methylation interference, and DNase protec-
not yet established. For example, mutants with altered lev- tion assays [93]. Such work can be extended to in vitro
els of superoxide dismutase would change the flux of Ot, transcription protocols.
and similarly, catalase mutants would affect the intracel-
Mar levels of HzOz.As the OH' is highly reactive and does
not diffuse significant distances it must be formed locally Cells can cope with reactive oxygen stress in four broad
from HzOz and O;, which can be generated at signifi- ways: (a) by scavenging the reactive species before they
cant distances from the target molecule and diffuse there. damage critical molecules such as DNA; (b) by enzymati-
Further, if cells are treated with oxidant stress under con- cally converting the species into inert or less harmful forms;
ditions that limit the repair processes [60] and the DNA or (c) by restituting modifications before they are fixed, that
chromatin be extracted and analyzed, a "finger print" of is, reverting reactive intermediates to their original form;
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