Plumbing Arithmetic

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Algebra: Work Word Problems

Work problems have direct real-life applications. We often need to determine how
many people are needed to complete a task within a given time. Alternatively, given
a limited number of workers, we often need to determine how long it takes to finish
a project. Here we deal with the basic math concepts of how to handle these types
of problems.
Example 1:
Peter can mow the lawn in 40 minutes and John can mow the lawn in 60 minutes. How
long will it take for them to mow the lawn together?

Step 1: Assign variables:

Let x = time to mow lawn together

Step 2: Use the formula:


Step 3: Solve the equation

The LCM of 40 and 60 is 120

Multiply both sides with 120

solve the eqn

Answer: The time taken for both of them to mow the lawn together is 24 minutes.

Example 2:
It takes Maria 10 hours to pick forty bushels of apples. Kayla can pick the same
amount in 12 hours. How long will it take if they work together? Round your answer
to the nearest hundredths.

Volume percent or volume/volume percent (v/v%) is used when preparing solutions of

liquids. It is very easy to prepare a chemical solution using volume percent, but
if you misunderstand the definition of this unit of concentration, you'll
experience problems.
Percent Volume Definition

Volume percent is defined as:

v/v % = [(volume of solute)/(volume of solution)] x 100%

Note that volume percent is relative to volume of solution, not volume of solvent.

For example, wine is about 12% v/v ethanol. This means there are 12 ml ethanol for
every 100 ml of wine. It is important to realize liquid and gas volumes are not
necessarily additive. If you mix 12 ml of ethanol and 100 ml of wine, you will get
less than 112 ml of solution.

As another example, 70% v/v rubbing alcohol may be prepared by taking 700 ml of
isopropyl alcohol and adding sufficient water to obtain 1000 ml of solution (which
will not be 300 ml). Solutions made to a specific volume percent concentration
typically are prepared using a volumetric flask.
When Is Volume Percent Used?

Volume percent (vol/vol% or v/v%) should be used whenever a solution is prepared by

mixing pure liquid solutions. In particular, it's useful where miscibility comes
into play, as with volume and alcohol.

Acid and base aqueous reagents are usually described using weight percent (w/w%).
An example is concentrated hydrochloric acid, which is 37% HCl w/w.

Dilute solutions are often described using weight/volume % (w/v%). An example is 1%

sodium dodecyl sulfate. Although it's a good idea to always cite the units used in
percentages, it seems common for people to omit them for w/v%. Also, note "weight"
is really mass.

Mixture Problems With Solutions

Mixture problems and their solutions are presented along with their solutions.
Percentages are also used to solve these types of problems.

Problem 1: How many liters of 20% alcohol solution should be added to 40 liters of
a 50% alcohol solution to make a 30% solution?

Solution to Problem 1:

Let x be the quantity of the 20% alcohol solution to be added to the 40 liters
of a 50% alcohol. Let y be the quantity of the final 30% solution. Hence

x + 40 = y

We shall now express mathematically that the quantity of alcohol in x liters

plus the quantity of alcohol in the 40 liters is equal to the quantity of alcohol
in y liters. But remember the alcohol is measured in percentage term.

20% x + 50% * 40 = 30% y

Substitute y by x + 40 in the last equation to obtain.

20% x + 50% * 40 = 30% (x + 40)

Change percentages into fractions.

20 x / 100 + 50 * 40 / 100= 30 x / 100 + 30 * 40 / 100

Multiply all terms by 100 to simplify.

20 x + 50 * 40 = 30 x + 30 * 40

Solve for x.

x = 80 liters

80 liters of 20% alcohol is be added to 40 liters of a 50% alcohol solution to

make a 30% solution.

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