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Transmission Lines

Multiple choice. Encircle the letter which corresponds to your answer.

1. In practice, the transmission lines are almost connected to antennas that have a _____.
a. Resistive load whose resistance is greater than the characteristic impedance of the
b. Resistive load whose resistance is less than the characteristic impedance of
the line
c. Resistive load at the resonant frequency
d. Capacitive load
2. When the transmission line is matched to the load, it
a. Transfers maximum current to the load
b. Transfers maximum voltage to the load
c. Transfers maximum power to the load
d. Reduces the load current
3. Conventional transmission media include
a. Twisted cable pair
b. Waveguide
c. Fiber optic cable
d. All of these
4. To couple a coaxial line to a parallel wire line, it is best to use a _____
a. Slotted line
b. Directional coupler
c. Balun
d. All of these
5. Impedance inversion may be obtained with
a. An open circuited stub
b. A short circuited stub
c. A quarterwave line
d. A half-wave line
6. To be properly matched, the ratio of maximum to minimum voltage along a transmission
line should be equal to
a. 50
b. 10
c. 2
d. 1
7. When ZL Zo, the powersent down the line toward the load is called the
a. The incident power
b. The reflected power
c. The power dissipation
d. The carrier power
8. For transmission line load matching over a range of frequencies, it is best to use a
a. Balun
b. Broadband directional coupler
c. Double stub
d. Single adjustable stub
9. A short section of a transmission line, open or shorted that is used to match the
impedance of the line to that of an antenna or transmitter.
a. Slotted line
b. Stub
c. Wavetrap
d. Lecher wire
10. The property of a material that determines how much electrostatic energy can be stored
per unit volume when voltage is applied
a. Permeability
b. Magnetic effect
c. Capacitance
d. Permittivity
11. The value of the total opposition of the transmission media to the flow of electromagnetic
field energy is called
a. Characteristic impedance
b. Velocity factor
c. Standing waves
d. Reflected waves
12. When mismatch is great, this power actually cause damage to the transmitter or the line
a. The incident power
b. The reflected power
c. The power dissipation
d. The carrier power
13. What is the velocity factor for non-foam dielectric 50 or 75 ohm flexile coaxial cable
such as RG 8, 11, 58 and 59?
a. 270
b. 0.10
c. 0.66
d. 0.30
14. The measure of the superiority of a material over a vacuum as a path for magnetic lines
of force is
a. Permittivity
b. Permeability
c. Conductivity
d. Resistivity
15. The number of standing waves on the wire is equal to the length of the wire divided by a
half wavelength. The principle which allows antennas to operate at different frequencies
which are integral multiples of the fundamental frequency is called_______.
a. Harmonic operation
b. Decimonic operation
c. Electromagnetic reverberation
d. Asynchronous operation
16. A coax line has an attenuation of 2.4 dB per 100 ft. the attenuation for 2.75 ft. is _____
a. 2.4
b. 4.8
c. 3.3
d. 6.6
17. When a quarter wave stub is used to match a 600 ohm antenna to aline of 52 ohms, the
impedance of the matching stub must be ____ ohms.
a. 176
b. 200
c. 150
d. 300
18. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is determined by
a. Its length
b. Its height above ground
c. Its physical construction
d. The operating frequency
19. When the diameter of two conductors of a two-wire transmission line is held constant, the
effect of decreasing the distance between the conductors is to
a. Decrease the impedance
b. Increase the surge impedance
c. Increase the radiation resistance
d. Decrease SWR
20. Considering a coaxial transmission line, maximum voltage on the line divided by the
minimum voltage equals the
a. Characteristic impedance
d. Inductive reactance
21. In a transmission line, if the SWR or maximum current to a minimum current ratio of 2:1,
the ratio of the maximum voltage to the minimum voltage is
a. 1:4
b. 4:1
c. 1:2
d. 2:1
22. Transmission lines are either balanced or unbalanced with respect to
a. Negative terminal
b. Input
c. Ground
d. Positive terminal
23. The load is properly matched with the transmission line if the standing wave ratio is
equal to
a. 50
b. 10
c. 5
d. 1
24. The radiation resistance of a quarterwave antenna is
a. 49 ohms
b. 288 ohms
c. 72 ohms
d. 144 ohms
25. A radio transmission line of 500 ohms impedance is to be connected to an antenna having
an imepedance of 200 ohms. What is the impedance of a quarter wave matching line?
a. 300
b. 316
c. 316.5
d. 361
26. The VSWR for a line terminated in its Zo is
a. 0
b. 1
c. 1.5
d. Infinity
27. Which of the following is used to measure SWR?
a. Multimeter
b. Reflectometer
c. Spectrum analyzer
d. Oscilloscope
28. A 75 j50 ohm load is connected to a coaxial transmission line of Zo = 75 ohms at 10
GHz. The best method of matching consists in connecting
a. A short circuited stub at the load
b. A capacitance at some specific distance from the load
c. An inductance at the load
d. A short-circuited stub at some specific distance from the load
29. For a two-wire line, Zo is higher when
a. The wire size is small with respect to the spacing of the conductors
b. The spacing is varied in accordance with the frequency
c. The D:d ratio is smaller
d. The wire is large with respect to the spacing of the conductors
30. A resultant wave due to the combination of incident and reflected wave
a. Electromagnetic wave
b. Sine wave
c. Standing wave
d. Current
31. For transmission line load matching over a range of frequencies, it is best to use a
a. Balun
b. Broadband directional coupler
c. Double stub
d. Single stub
32. If the load impedance matches the characteristic impedance of the line, there are _____
standing waves.
a. More
b. Less
c. No
d. Ten(10)
33. VSWR stands for
a. Voltage sending wave ratio
b. Voltage receiving wave ratio
c. Very small wave radiation
d. Voltage standing wave ratio
34. Reflections on a transmission line can occur when
a. Impedance of the source and load are matched
b. Impedance of the source and the load are mismatched
c. Resonance conditions are obtained
d. Power transfer between source and load is maximum
35. A transmission line with characteristic impedance (Zo) of 300 ohms is terminated in a
resistance load (RI). If by measurement, the minimum and maximum voltage through the
load are 12 and 20 micro volts, respectively, what is the SWR?
a. 1.67
b. 0.6
c. 6.7
d. 3.67
36. A measure of the mismatched between line and load impedance is called as
a. Reflection coefficient
b. Standing wave ratio
c. Loss
d. Standing waves
37. Transmission lines when connected to antenna have
a. Capacitive load
b. Resistive load whose resistance is less than characteristic impedance
c. Resistive load at the resonant frequency
d. Resistive load whose resistance is greater than the characteristic impedance of the
38. At matched condition, SWR is equal to
a. Zero
b. One
c. 100
d. Infinite
39. An HF transmission line has a characteristic impedance of 600 ohms and is terminated by
an antenna. The SWR along the line when the antenna impedance is 500 ohms is
a. 1.2:1
b. 1:2.1
c. 2:1
d. 1:2
40. A characteristic of an infinite transmission line is that
a. The impedance in equals impedance out
b. It carries waves at the velocity of light
c. It can be connected to mismatched loads
d. The impedance varies with the length of the line
41. A quarter wave transmission line shorted at the end:
a. Has the characteristics of parallel tuned circuit
b. Has the characteristics of a series tuned circuit
c. Has a minimum current at the end
d. Reflects a low impedance to the supply
42. The outer conductor of a coaxial transmission line is usually grounded at the:
a. Input and output
b. Output only
c. Input only
d. Point of infinite resistance
43. A certain feedline has a high SWR. It can be caused by:
a. An impedance mismatched
b. Use of non-resonant line
c. Matching the load to the line
d. Excessive transmitter output
44. If the input impedance of an antenna is 300 ohms and it is fed with a 600 ohm balanced
transmission line, the SWR on the line is
a. 4
b. 3
c. 2
d. 0.5
45. A radio transmission line of 300 ohms impedance to be connected to an antenna having
an input impedance of 150 ohms. The impedance if a quarter wave matching line is ___
a. 212
b. 450
c. 600
d. 150
46. The ratio of the reflected voltage to the incident voltage on the transmission line is
termed as
a. Reflection coefficient
b. Standing wave ratio
c. Loss
d. Standing waves
47. Indicate the three types of transmission line energy losses
a. Radiation, I(squared) R and dielectric Heating
b. Conductor heating, dielectric heating and radiation resistance
c. I(squared)R, RL and temperature
d. Dielectric separation insulation breakdown and radiation
48. Termination means
a. Load connected to the output end of a transmission line
b. Result of disconnecting a line from a transmitter
c. Looking back impedance of a line with no load
d. Result of cutting both ends of a conductor
49. When transmission line uses ground return, it is called a/n _____ line.
a. Ungrounded
b. Unbalanced
c. Grounded
d. Balanced
50. Permeability is the measure of superiority of a material over a vacuum as a path of
magnetic lines of force. The permeability of free space is equal to _____ henry/meter
a. 1.257 x 10-6
b. 1.527 x 10-6
c. 7.251 x 10-6
d. 5.217x10-6
51. The most commonly used transmission line is a
a. Two-wire balanced line
b. Single line
c. Three-wire line
d. Coax
52. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line does not depend upon its
a. Length
b. Conductor diameter
c. Conductor spacing
d. Thickness of armor
53. What is the impedance of a balance 4-wire with a diameter of 0.25cm and spaced 2.5 cm
apart using an insulator with a dielectric constant of 2.56?
a. 100 ohms
b. 65 ohms
c. 75 ohms
d. 50 ohms
54. It is required to match a 73-ohm antenna to a 600 ohm polyethylene coaxial feeder line,
with a velocity factor of 0.66 by means of a quarter wave matching a transformer. At a
frequency of 150MHz, the impedance of the matching section is____ ohms.
a. 209.28
b. 310.5
c. 150.28
d. 450.82
55. If the terminating impedance is exactly equal to the characteristic impedance of the
transmission line, the return loss is____
a. Zero
b. Infinity
c. One
d. Negative
56. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is the impedance measured at the
____ when its length is infinite.
a. Shorted end of the line
b. Midsection
c. Input
d. Output
57. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is 70 ohms and has a load of 35
ohms. The SWR and reflection coefficient are _____ and _____ respectively
a. 2 and 0.333
b. 1 and 0.666
c. 2 and 0.666
d. 1 and 0.333
58. It is required to match a 200 ohm load to a 300 ohm transmission line to reduce the SWR
and attain resonace. A quarter wave transformer used, directly connected to the load has a
Zo of ____ ohms.
a. 245
b. 425
c. 524
d. 254
59. What quarter wave transformer will match a 100 ohm-lne to an antenna whose value is
175 ohms?
a. 150 ohms
b. 137.5 ohms
c. 132.29 ohms
d. 16.58 ohms
60. The mismatch between antenna and transmission line impedance cannot be corrected by
a. Using an LC network
b. Adjusting antenna length
c. Using a balun
d. Adjusting the length of the transmission line
61. A pattern of voltage and current variation along a transmission line not terminated in ints
characteristic impedance is called
a. An electric field
b. Radio waves
c. Standing waves
d. Magnetic field
62. The most desirable value of SWR on a transmission line is
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. Infinity
63. In transmission lines, the most desisrable reflection coefficient is
a. Zero
b. 0.5
c. 1
d. Infinity
64. At very high frequencies, transmission lines are used as _____.
a. Tuned circuits
b. Antennas
c. Insulators
d. Resistors
65. What is the reflection coefficient of a 100 ohm characteristic impedance line and a 300
ohm load?
a. 0.25
b. 0.3
c. 0.5
d. 0.75
66. The minimum voltage along a transmission line is 260 volts, while the maximum is 390
volts. The SWR is
a. 0.67
b. 1.0
c. 1.2
d. 1.5
67. A single conductor running from the transmitter to the antenna
a. RG-8/U
b. Single line wire
c. Twin-lead
d. Microstrip
68. What characteristic impedance is needed to match a 50-ohm line to a 300 ohm-load?
a. 221 ohms
b. 122 ohms
c. 212 ohms
d. 112 ohms
69. Indicate the false statement. The SWR on a transmission line is infinity; the line is
terminated in
a. Short circuit
b. A complex impedance
c. An open circuit
d. A pure reactance
70. A (75 j50) load is connected to a coaxial transmission line of Zo = 75 at 10 GHz.
The best method of matching consists in connecting
a. A short circuited stub
b. An inductance at the load
c. A capacitance at some specific distance from the load
d. A short circuited stub at some specific distance from the load
71. The velocity factor of a transmission line
a. Depends on the dielectric constant of the material used
b. Increases the velocity along the transmission line
c. Is governed by the skin effect
d. Is higher for a solid dielectric than for air
72. What is the characteristic impedance of a single wire with diameter d=0.25mm placed at
the center between grounded parallel planes separated by 1mm apart. The wire is held by
a material with a velocity factor of 0.75
a. 85 ohms
b. 63 ohms
c. 50 ohms
d. 75 ohms
73. Coaxial lines are used on those system operating ________.
a. Below 2 GHz
b. At 300 MHz
c. Above 10 KHz
d. Above 10 GHz
74. Referred to the dielectric constant of a transmission line material
a. Inductance and capacitance
b. Velocity factor
c. Characteristic impedance
d. Propagation velocity
75. The main advantage of the two-hole directional coupler is
a. Low directional coupling
b. Poor directivity
c. High SWR
d. Narrow bandwidth
76. To couple a coaxial line to a parallel-wire line, it is best to use a
a. Slotted line
b. Balun
c. Directional coupler
d. Quarter-wave transformer
77. What is the meaning of the term velocity factor of a transmission line?
a. The index of shielding for coaxial cable
b. The velocity of the wave on the transmission line multiplied by the velocity of
light in a vacuum
c. The ratio of the characteristic impedance of the line to the terminating impedance
d. The velocity of the wave on the transmission line divided by the velocity of light
in a vacuum
78. A transmission line consisting of two conductors that have equal resistance per unit
a. Unbalance line
b. Open-wire line
c. Balanced line
d. Coaxial line
79. Which if the following is not a common transmission line impedance?
a. 50
b. 75
c. 120
d. 300
80. For a maximum absorption of power at the antenna, the relationship between the
characteristic impedance of the line Zo and the load impedance Zl should be
a. Zo = ZL
b. Zo > ZL
c. Zo < ZL
d. Zo = 0
81. Which of the following determines the characteristics of a transmission line?
a. Inductance
b. Capacitance
c. Physical dimensions
d. Length
82. In the study of transmission cable, twin lead is also referred to as a ______ .
a. Twisted pair
b. Double cable
c. Ribbon cable
d. Open pair
83. A 50 coax is connected to a 73 the SWR is
a. 0.685
b. 1
c. 1.46
d. 2.92
84. A ratio expressing the percentage of incident voltage reflected on a transmission line is
known as the
a. Velocity factor
b. Standing-wave ratio
c. Reflection coefficient
d. Line efficient
85. Three feet is one wavelength at a frequency of
a. 100 MHz
b. 164 MHz
c. 300 MHz
d. 328 MHz
86. An open quarter-wave line at the operating frequency acts like a(n)
a. Series resonant circuit
b. Parallel resonant circuit
c. Capacitor
d. Inductor
87. A shorted half-wave line at the operating frequency acts like a(n)
a. Capacitor
b. Inductor
c. Series resonant circuit
d. Parallel resonant circuit
88. At UHF and microwave frequencies, transmission lines are commonly used as
a. Antenna
b. Coupler
c. Resonant circuit
d. Transformer
89. The transmission medium subjects the transmitted signal to be
a. Modulated
b. Amplified
c. Attenuated
d. Boosted
90. Transmission line is a two-wire cable that connects the transmitter to the antenna or the
antenna to the receiver. The purpose of the transmission line is to
a. Amplify the RF signal
b. Modulate the signal
c. Carry the RF energy for the desired distance
d. All of the above
91. These conductors are uniformly spaced by insulators. They have low losses at low
medium frequencies and are economical to construct and maintained
a. Coaxial cables
b. Open-wire transmission lines
c. Optical cables
d. Waveguides
92. To prevent radiation losses and interference from external sources, the inner conductor of
this transmission line is completely enclosed with a metal sheath or braid
a. Coaxial cable
b. Open-wire transmission lines
c. Optical cables
d. Waveguides
93. The term balanced line means that
a. Both conductors carry currents that flow in opposite directions
b. Conductors present equal capacitance to ground
c. One conductor is connected to ground
d. Both A and B
94. The characteristic impedance of a transmission line is determined by:
a. Its operating frequency
b. Its length
c. Its physical size and arrangement
d. The signal applied at the input terminal
95. The disturbance parameters of the transmission line are: the series resistance; the series
inductance; the shunt capacitance and the shunt conductance. What parameter was
determined due to dielectric losses?
a. Series resistance
b. Series inductance
c. Shunt capacitance
d. Shunt conductance
96. Shunt capacitance was determined due to:
a. Conductors were closed to each other
b. The length and diameter of the conductors
c. Dielectric loses
d. Flux linkages
97. Series resistances was determined due to:
a. Conductors were closed to each other
b. The length and diameter of the conductors
c. Dielectric losses
d. Flux linkages
98. At radio frequencies was determined due to:
a. Characteristic
b. Inductive reactance is much larger than the shunt conductance
c. Capacitive reactance is much larger than the shunt conductance
d. Both b and c
99. Determine the characteristic impedance of a transmission line which has a capacitance of
30 pF/m and an inductance of 75 nH/m
a. 5
b. 50
c. 500
d. 5 K
100. If a charge in the dielectric material decreases the capacitance, the characteristic
impedance is
a. Kept constant
b. Decreased
c. Increased
d. Halved

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