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UEBE1823 Technical Drawing & CADD

Manual Drawing :
Geometric Constructions
Some Drawing Tips
Hold the pencil with a relax hand
Do not squeeze too hard
Pull pencil as you draw
Rotate pencil to keep all sides sharp
Drawing with pencil on drawing sheet is
both visual and tactile experience
Some Drawing Tips
Hold the pencil with a relax hand
Do not squeeze too hard
Pull pencil as you draw
Rotate pencil to keep all sides sharp
Drawing with pencil on drawing sheet is
both visual and tactile experience
Geometric Constructions
Point Notation

Short cross for point not on line, a dash for point on line
Parallel line
Parallel line using compass
Perpendicular lines
Perpendicular bisector line from point
Different Acute angles
Circular element
Arc of given radius between 2
Ogee line
Four-center method Ellipse

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