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//Acknowledgments, sequencing , and flow control are characteristics of

which OSI layer?

A) Layer 2 B) Layer 3

C) Layer 4 D) Lawer 7

Answer: C) Layer 4

A reliable Transport layer connection uses acknowledgments to make sure all data is transmitted
and received reliably. A reliable connection is defined by a virtual circuit that uses
acknowledgments, sequencing, and flow control, which are characteristics of the transport layer.

Which fields are contained within an IEEE Ethernet frame header?

Source and destination MAC address
Source and destination network address
Source and destination MAC address and source and destination network address
FCS field
1 and 4

2 only

2 and 3 only

3 only
Answer: Option A
An Ethernet frame has source and destination MAC addresses, an Ether-Type field to identify the
Network layer protocol, the data, and the FCS field that holds the answer to the CRC.

//Encryption happens at the presentation layer.

//Segmentation occurs at transport layer.

//Which layer of the OSI model offers three different modes of communication : Simplex, half
duplex, and full duplex?
Session layer

//Connectionless means that a session is not established before exchanging data. Unreliable means
that delivery is not guaranteed

//What is TCP?

a set of rules that governs the delivery of data over the Internet or other network that uses
the Internet Protocol, and sets up a connection between the sending and receiving

2.what is UDP?

UDP (User Datagram Protocol) is an alternative communications protocol to Transmission

Control Protocol (TCP) used primarily for establishing low-latency and loss tolerating
connections between applications on the Internet

3.What is connection-oriented protocol?

4.What is connectionless protocol(UDP)?

5.What is positive and negative data acknowledgement in data communication?

Acknowldgement signal from computer while communicating ACK

NAK is an abbreviation for negative acknowledgment or not acknowledged. It is a signal used in

digital communications to ensure that data is received with a minimum of errors. Sometimes the
NAK signal is called REJ (for rejection or rejected). An alternative signal is ARQ (automatic request for

The NAK, REJ, or ARQ signal is typically sent by the recipient of a message (destination) back to the
sender (source) after the receipt of an unrecognizable block of data of specific size. When the source
receives a NAK or REJ signal from the destination, the source either repeats the block of data until
the destination station recognizes the protocol and responds with an ACK (acknowledgment or
acknowledged) signal, or else stops transmission entirely. When the source receives an ARQ signal
from the destination, the source retransmits the block of data.
6.what port number does (i)http (ii)FTP(iii) SMTP use?




7.What is the function of a proxy server?

i)Obscure client IP

ii)Block malicious traffic

iii)Block sites

iV)Log activity

V)Improve performance

8.What is the purpose of a header? Include the content of a standard header.

In a network transmission unit, a header precedes the data or control signals and describes
something about the file or transmission unit, such as its length and whether there are other files or
transmission units logically or physically associated with this one (4:37 onwards)

9.What is CRC(Cyclic redundancy check)

A cyclic redundancy check (CRC) is an error-detecting code commonly used in digital networks and
storage devices to detect accidental changes to raw data. Blocks of data entering these systems get a
short check value attached, based on the remainder of a polynomial division of their contents. On
retrieval, the calculation is repeated and, in the event the check values do not match, corrective
action can be taken against data corruption.

10.Name any 3 TCP/IP protocol.

The main advantage of IPv6 over IPv4 is its larger address space. The length of an IPv6
address is 128 bits, compared with 32 bits in IPv4. The address space therefore has 2128 or

IP multi-casting is a communication mechanism in which data is communicated from server

to a set of clients who are interested in receiving that data. Any client can dynamically enter
or leave the communication. (Class D Ips) (IGMP protocol)
Class Address Range Supports

Class A to Supports 16 million hosts on each of 127 netwo

Class B to Supports 65,000 hosts on each of 16,000 netwo

Class C to Supports 254 hosts on each of 2 million networ

Class D to Reserved for multicast groups.

Class E to Reserved for future use, or Research and Devel belongs to _________ IP address. Class B(Refer above)


Telnet. Telnet is a popular protocol from a kinder, gentler age when security was less
critical. It should only be used if you cannot use SSH because data transmitted in a Telnet
session is not encrypted.

Rlogin. Although turned off by default, your Freedom server also provides support for the
use of the rlogin (remote login) protocol. Rlogin allows you to log into a Freedom account
from a remote machine, similar to the way it would be done via Telnet, but with the added
advantage of allowing specific users on specific machines to login without authenticating
with a password. This method should not be considered secure however, because the
communication is not encrypted and because the identity of remote users and servers
can easily be falsified or "spoofed."

Rshell. Although turned off by default, your Freedom server also provides support for the
use of the rshell (remote shell) protocol. Rshell allows you to issue command from a
remote computer that you are logged into. Like rlogin, it can be configured to allow
specific users on specific machines to execute commands without authenticating with a
password. Also like rlogin, this method should not be considered secure because the
communication is not encrypted and because the identity of remote users and servers
can easily be falsified or ""spoofed.'
ICMP means Internet Control Message Protocol and is always coupled with the IPprotocol
(There's 2 ICMP variants one for IPv4 and one for IPv6.) echo request and echo response
are the two operation codes of ICMP used to implement ping

Delay sensitive network traffic?

Architecture type



- Distributed












Subnet calculate

Internet communication device




Lan standards



What is big data?

Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and
associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions.

What is data analytics?

Data analytics refers to qualitative and quantitative techniques and processes used to enhance
productivity and business gain. Data is extracted and categorized to identify and analyze behavioral
data and patterns, and techniques vary according to organizational requirements.

What is predictive modelling? Give example.

Predictive modeling is a process that uses data mining and probability to forecast outcomes. For
instance, banks use predictive modelling to calculate the probability of a clients default chances
before approving a loan.
Where is it implemented?

-Banking & Financial Services


-Oil, Gas & Utilities

-Governments & the Public Sector

-Health Insurance


-Crime(Identify potential suspects after a crime)

At which layer is routing implemented , enabling connections and path

selection between two end systems?
The Network layer provides routing through an internetwork and logical addressing

An ATM cell consists of a 5-byte header and a 48-byte payload.

CSMA/CD is used with the ________________________ standard.(Ethernet)
Ethernet networks can be cabled in a number of topologies, depending on what works best in
each environment. As more nodes are added, the efficiency of Ethernet decreases. Select the
best answer as to why Ethernet becomes less efficient as size increases.

Network collisions occur

___________________ is a very high-bandwidth, high performance system that uses a uniform 53-
byte cell. (ATM)

In data encapsulation, which of the following is the correct

order of protocol data units?
F. Data, Segment, Packet, Frame, Bit

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