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2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.
The Application Migration Workbook

Table of Contents
Answering important application migration questions 3

Understand the environment 4

Application compatibility explained 5

Application management software benefits 6

Application testing 7

Manual migration 8

Taking a sample 9

Automated application testing and remediation 10

Import 11

Analyze 12-13

Report 14

Remediate 15-16

Daily application management 17-19

Conclusion 20

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Answering important application

migration questions
Before migrating applications for Windows 7, 1. Will each application work on the new This workbook allows organizations to explore Most people
Windows 8.1, Internet Explorer, Microsoft platform or technology? application management options by providing agree application
App-V, Citrix XenDesktop, XenApp, VDI 2. What are the options for troubleshooting if pertinent information about application compatibility is the
or Windows Server 2012 R2 initiatives, the applications do not work on the new platform compatibility testing and the migration process.
largest barrier to
application portfolio must be ready for migration. or technology? The Citrix AppDNA application management
software combines insight about application
platform migration.
So whats the best approach in assessing your 3. Are there other options to deliver problem
applications? portfolios with highly accurate testing,
environment? How do you prepare applications
4. How much time and money will it cost to compatibility and remediation. Organizations
for migration? Are you ready to migrate? If so,
migrate the application portfolio? gain insightful information that will not only aid in
where do you start? This workbook outlines
migration, but also pave the way for long term
the strategies and steps to answering Answering these questions up front before application management.
these questions. migrating a single application will allow your
Even though formulating a successful migration migration to be relatively quick and painless.
plan appears to be challenging, there are few However, if these questions are not answered,
guidelines that managers can use to mitigate successful migration will be difficult. Establishing
the risk. These guidelines are presented below an effective action plan for an application
as strategic questions and their answers migration can mean the difference between an
will form the foundation for your application expensive and time consuming process and a
migration initiatives. smooth, cost effective transition.

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Understanding the environment

How many applications are in your portfolio? How controlled are your user desktops? How much application churn exists within Many enterprises have lost track of application
In order to begin planning, it is important to know Many organizations choose to lock user your organization and its departments? portfolios because of three trends:
how many applications are in your portfolio. desktops to regulate the number of applications Think about churn rates to get an idea of
1. Proliferation volume of applications
Citrix AppDNA software integrates with Microsoft being added to the system. A higher percentage how many new applications are entering your
and versions
System Center Configuration Manager and of locked desktops will allow greater portfolio each year. (Consider that Citrix AppDNA
2. Application complexity dependencies,
Active Directory as well as Lakeside Software to knowledge of applications and their locations customers have estimated 300-400 new
integrations, database and registry calls
identify and categorize applications. in the organization. applications enter the organization each year).
3. Mixed deployments physical, virtual, OS
Estimate the number of applications in Estimate the percentage of user desktops that ____ new applications per month x 12 = ____ generations, web applications
your portfolio: are locked: new applications every year
See a clear picture of the application portfolio
____ <500 ____% locked ____ % unlocked ____ revision of existing applications per month complexity before starting a migration.
x 12 = ____ modified applications every year Uncertainty about specifics of your application
____ 501-1,000 Regardless of ownership, if an application fails
portfolio can cause major scalability problems
to work on the new platform during a migration, New applications + Revised applications = ____
____ 1,001-3,000 for large migration initiatives. Employing
the user will call IT for help. Even applications total throughout
technology to help discover which applications
____ 3,000-5,000 not traditionally managed by the IT organization
Its also important for you to consider used by the organization can save time and
will need to be tested and migrated for the new
____ >5,000 the following: money. Sorting applications by user, groups,
platform or virtualization technology.
machines, regions or divisions affected can be
How many applications need to be modified
Estimate the number of unmanaged applications streamlined by technology, rather than manual
after deployment due to issues with the build
in your organization: ____ spreadsheets, whiteboard graphs or notes
or with other applications?____
kept within the IT team.
How many applications cause problems in the
application certification process?____

Application rationalization, or retiring applications not in before migration they can greatly save more, both on cost
Quick Tip

use, saves in license costs and migration costsincluding during the application management process and also on
testing and packaging. Organizations report that by overall software licensing.
reducing both redundant versions and licenses of software
2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.
The Application Migration Workbook

Application compatibility explained

After finding your applications, learning how In addition to testing against a new platform Migration forecasting and budgeting
they will perform on a new OS or virtualization and other applications, application compatibility Identifies potential issues early in the migration.
technology is a critical next step. can include: Accurately scales a project to help with the
correct appropriation of staff resources for
AppDNA software automates application Pre-migration application compatibility
project completion.
compatibility and migration testing, providing analysis
deep insight into application behavior Considers how applications will run on the Application management process
across the enterprise. Analyzing over target platform or new technology. improvement
68,000 application data points, known as Provides highly valuable information for day-to-
the applications DNA, AppDNA software Application portfolio decisions
day application management and provisioning
determines the behavior of the application Integrates user and device data from external
use. Information collected and stored during
against multiple operating systems and sources such as Microsoft System Center
the current OS migration or virtualization project
virtualization environments. Configuration Manager, Microsoft Active
prevents the need for the upfront analysis for
Directory or Lakeside Software SysTrack
Based on sophisticated heuristic algorithms, the next migration or technology adoption.
to drive application delivery decisions. Helps
instead of rigid rules, AppDNA software determine which platform or OS is the best
uniquely interrogates the applications choice for your organizations portfolio.
installation profile and API usage to expose the
DNA. The depth and flexibility of the algorithms Application remediation
provides far greater accuracy than other testing Remediates problem applications to prepare for
options. The AppDNA software static analysis the packaging process.
approach reduces the testing process to days
Packaging acceleration
rather than the weeks or months typically
Automates application testing, remediation and
required for dynamic analysis. Automating with
packaging processes that automatically create
AppDNA software significantly reduces risk,
virtual application packages for Citrix XenApp
cost and time for the project.
and Microsoft App-V.

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Application management
software benefits
How does application compatibility Save time, cost and alleviate risk. Customer With AppDNA software, IT can model scenarios Most enterprises
prepare your organization for long-term stat: 89% time savings in application testing.* to determine the impact of changes in project wouldnt think of
application management? timeline, staff numbers, staff cost or the number changing their
Minimize disruption
of applications deployed. Sort groups of users,
Make better decisions Ease pain of failed applications that cause application portfolio
such as the human resources department
Know when to migrate, understand the best major problems within the organization to determine which enterprise groups may be
without an application
technologies and platforms to deliver the when they are not tested in advance. Failed easiest to deploy first, and gauge the time it may management platform.
applications and decide how to manage and applications increase help desk calls and costs, take to migrate workgroups or regional divisions.
deliver troublesome applications. Also know resulting in additional unbudgeted spending.
how to resource and budget the project. AppDNA software shows problem applications Improve day-to-day application management
before deployment. Estimate project time, cost Manage ongoing application evolution after
Readily determine how to best align your
and staffing resources based on facts, rather launch of the migration or virtualization project.
staff, budget and resources by reviewing the
than guesses. Streamline day-to-day application compatibility
application compatibility results. AppDNA
and simplify application management.
software reports show which applications Drive down costs
Understand clearly how regular patches, service
should go to a more senior application Reduce cost by accurately predicting packs or technology initiatives will impact
specialist, which have moderate issues for application behavior on new technology your application environment. Prepare for new
more junior staff and which are ready for platforms. Accelerated testing and packaging application deployment, Windows 8 or a private
application packaging. significantly reduces errors and re-work time. cloud project by taking care of applications on a
This can mean months less time and regular basis with AppDNA software. Know the
Accelerate timelines
significant cost saving for even a mid-sized risks before application deployment.
With sophisticated technology, application
application portfolio.
testing can be reduced to days rather than the
weeks or months required for manual analysis.

Proper application management allows organizations *Real customer statistics.

Quick Tip

to correctly align resources. Use experts on challenging Visit

remediation issues, more junior staff on simple fixes. casestudy.asp?storyid=2320108

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Application testing
Why isnt manual testing enough?
Most application portfolios are far too large, Targeted Testing
heterogeneous and inter-dependent to consider Targeted pre-migration application testing has many advantages over manual testing:
using manual compatibility testing as the main
source of knowledge. Citrix AppDNA software Blind testing Targeted testing
allows organizations to automate application
Tester starts with nothing Tester starts with compatibility issues
testing applications in just minutes per
application instead of endless manual testing. Manual and ad hoc Automated and systematic
Shallow and partial Comprehensive and granular
Manual testing is essentially blind testing where
Same testing for all applications Focus on problem applications
applications are randomly chosen, and then
Inaccurate Highly accurate (99%+)
loaded onto the new platform to see how they
Expensive Cost savings of 32%*
will function. This sort of smoke testing does
not fully interrogate the applications. Slow, doesnt scale Reduce project time by 89%*
Risk of disruption Minimal disruption risk to the business
In addition, there is not a definitive guide for
*Real customer statistics.
enterprises about the issues that should be
tested. It is costly, unproductive and difficult
to manually test applications for all possible
circumstances in the new environment.
Because of this, blind testing often leads
to testing the wrong applications, missing
important issues and slowing down the entire
migration process.

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Manual migration
How much it will cost?
Without an application compatibility testing Manual application compatibility testing Sample calculation
platform, manual testing can cost between
Number of applications deployed ___________ Actual results are from a recent migration of a
$1500 and $4000 (USD) to migrate an
1,900-application portfolio. Customer reduced
application to a new platform (including X $2000 (USD) per application ___________
migration costs from $2077 per application to
testing, remediation, packaging, QA and
Total cost of manual migration $__________ $460 per application:
user acceptance).
Number of applications deployed 1900
Automated application compatibility testing Automated application compatibility testing
with AppDNA software typically reduces costs x $2077 per application $3,946,300
to below $450 per application. This is done by Number of applications deployed ___________
removing the smoke test, reducing iterations in Total cost of manual migration $ 874,000
X $450 (USD) per application ___________
the packaging process and accelerating user Savings $3,072,300
acceptance testing. Total cost of automated migration $__________
This customer sample testing budget excludes the cost of
Discover the cost of testing an packaging, quality assurance and user acceptance testing.
application portfolio:

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Taking a sample
It is not necessary to import your entire AppDNA software helps your IT teams:
application portfolio into the application
Immediately know which applications will
management software for an accurate indication
work in the new environment and which ones
of migration challenges. AppDNA software can
need extra attention.
test a sample of 100-200 applications that will
give a quick picture of your portfolio and its Focus on the number of problems, not on the
readiness to migrate. number of applications.
Ideally, IT would like to test all its applications By testing a sample, IT can plan to allocate
before deployment in a new environment. its resources more effectively and save the
However, manual testing takes too much time organization a significant amount of time and
and resources. Instead, some IT teams take money.
the top-tier, most critical applications, usually
about 20 percent of their total, and focus almost
exclusively on those. But this method presents
its own set of problems.

Because IT barely touches 80 percent of the

applications, those applications are liable to do
one of two things:

Fail in user acceptance testing (UAT)

Fail in production

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Automated application testing

and remediation
How does it work?
Application testing and remediation is achieved 3. Report
with the following steps: For clarity, AppDNA software shows a red/
amber/green report of application readiness.
1. Import For the technical detail of each issue, deep
Applications are selected and imported into drill downs are available, as well as numerous
the application management software reporting options for best decision making.
typically taking a few minutes per application
4. Remediate
2. Analyze AppDNA software shows detailed application
Based on sophisticated heuristic algorithms remediation options to make the best choices
instead of rigid rules, AppDNA software for in-house standards and regulations.
uniquely interrogates each application to Choose the best option suggested by
create a profile, then runs the profile against AppDNA software or auto-remediate
the target platform or OS. Integrate user, applications if appropriate in the environment.
group and device information from Microsoft
System Center Configuration Manager,
Microsoft Active Directory or Lakeside
Software SysTrack to see actual application
use in the enterprise.

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

1. Import
Importing applications
into the application
management software
is a simple task.
Make sure the
It is extremely important that the application
application management
management software is able to assess multiple
software can assess
application types (MSI and non-MSI). Tools
100% of the application
that only accept MSI-packaged applications portfoliosome tools
leave manually-installed applications (like those only accept MSI
developed in-house) outside the testing regime packaged applications.
and force them into exhaustive manual testing.

For non-MSI applications, it helps if the

application management software can generate
an MSI automatically (speeds the process,
creates an asset for the packaging team and
turbo-charges commercial packaging tools).
Simplifying application packaging after application
compatibility is complete, application packagers
spend valuable time on strategic tasks instead of
laboring through manual testing and repackaging.

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

2. Analyze
The method an application management software
uses to interrogate an application is fundamental to its
accuracy. Simple, first-generation tools tend to look
only for known issues as defined by a catalog of rules.
Based on sophisticated heuristic algorithms AppDNA software uniquely integrates with
instead of rigid rules, AppDNA software Microsoft System Center Configuration
interrogates applications to gain deep insight Manager, Microsoft Active Directory or Lakeside
into application behavior. Typically analyzing Software SysTrack to help enterprise IT teams
over 68,000 application data points, known understand the business impact of applications.
as the applications DNA, AppDNA software Should an application be deployed on Windows
determines the behavior of the application 7 or Windows 8 on App-V? How will this impact
against multiple operating systems and users and their preferred devices? What is the
virtualization environments. This analysis covers time, cost and risk?
multiple critical dimensions:
Combining the application information with
Static dimensions installer, text files, business information like users and devices
registry, API calls, etc. enables IT to make business decisions. This
DNA is then run against the target platform or
Runtime dimensions permissions, file,
OS, using heuristic analysis.
registry, connectivity

OS dimensions deprecated components,

deprecated APIs

Portfolio dimensions application-to-

application dependencies, conflicts

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Application interrogation answers the Application interrogation means

following questions: atomizing every application into its
constituent partsincluding text files
Which functions provided by the old OS are
and analyzing each part.
no longer available in the new OS and which
applications require them? With a rules-based system, each time a
service pack or OS version is introduced,
Which applications have functions that
thousands of rules need to changed. It
violate new security hardening?
also often means throwing out current
Will the application install and run on the data and starting over.
target OS?
With AppDNA software, instead of
Do the applications depend on changing thousands of rules, algorithm
resources provided by other applications parameters are simply updated. This
in the portfolio? saves time, cost and risk when new
applications, patches, service packs or
Virtualization projects have additional concerns: new technology initiatives impact the
Applications with drivers present deployment IT organization.
challenges and overall maintenance can
be troublesome.

Virtualization is about isolation, so any

applications that are deeply integrated with
other applications or the operating system
(OS) are typically poor candidates.

Applications that require start-up services

(i.e. anti-virus tools), are larger than 2 GB or
require DCOM/COM+ functionality are not
practical for virtualization.

Application compatibility tools based on a series of rules

Quick Tip

are difficult to manage and affect accuracy. Predictive

heuristic algorithms can deliver higher accuracy than a
20,000-rule database.
2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.
The Application Migration Workbook

3. Report
Reporting depth and breadth is a
critical dimension of any application
management solution.
Portfolio overview know immediately which applications are ready
for the target platform, which need further testing and which need

Drill-down reports specifies type of issue, application and forward

action needed for remediation.

Remediation advice provides detailed advice on fixing each issue.

Budgeting and forecasting insight scope and budget the migration.

How long will migration take?

The AppDNA software sophisticated reports share the remediation
actions required to solve application compatibility issues in terms of effort,
time and cost. Modify variables including staff numbers, staff hours,
applications included in the project, budget and workdays to determine
the best avenues for deployment.

AppDNA customers have successfully analyzed and remediated

application portfolios larger than 15,000 applications AppDNA software
scales to the local environment and provides accurate information.

The insight generated in AppDNA reports can be

Quick Tip

extremely valuable in day-to-day application management

and provisioning processesits much more than a
migration software.
2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.
The Application Migration Workbook

4. Remediate
Automated application testing identifies problems.
Sophisticated remediation options allow smooth
migration to a target OS or virtualization platform.
AppDNA software uses intelligent remediation energy by identifying benign, non-issues
to allow an organizations IT department and then auto-fixing them. Worse,
to determine its own strategies for each they can auto-remediate hundreds or
compatibility issue. A blend of detailed even thousands of applicationswith no
remediation guidance, generated by the documentationinstead of suggesting a
AppDNA application management software, and simple change to the OS that would solve the
sensible, transparent auto-fixes keep control in issue with minimal intervention.
the hands of the administrator who knows the
Additionally, enterprises that experience
application portfolio and environment.
auditing need to be able to track changes
Intelligent remediation allows each IT made to applications. Financial services,
department to determine specific strategies healthcare, public sector, consumer
for each kind of compatibility issue. These can packaged goods, manufacturing and many
be invoked automatically, as guidance points, other organizations are required to be able to
or through alerts to identified administrators. show breadcrumbs of application changes.
This helps to identify potential issues early in Ensure there is a clear option for showing
the migration. It can also help with the correct how an application was remediated. AppDNA
appropriation of staff resourcesproperly align software includes this option.
junior and senior level staff or determine the
Software that claims simple, no-touch
best system integrator arrangement to complete
auto-remediation can cause more
the project.
problems than it solves.
Rules-based tools tend to create the
appearance of saving significant time and

Best practices are important. AppDNA software shows application remediation for the environment using AppDNA
Quick Tip

detailed application remediation options to make the best software insight about dependencies, change impact
choices for in-house standards and regulations, best and difficulty of remediation. Simplify remediation for web
practices like ITIL or auditing requirements. Choose the best applications, physical deployments or virtualization projects.
2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.
The Application Migration Workbook

Automated Application Preparation

What happens after application testing For a single application or an entire batch of
and remediation? applications, AppDNA software automatically
After application testing and remediation, creates virtual application packages ready to
streamline application preparation for Windows deploy via Microsoft App-V or Citrix XenApp.
7, Windows 8 or application virtualization AppDNA software uniquely invokes the Citrix
projects with automation. AppDNA software Profiler and the Microsoft App-V Sequencer,
simplifies application preparation after automatically creating virtual packages ready
application compatibility is complete. Now for deployment.
valuable application packaging teams can
AppDNA software simplifies virtual and physical
focus time on strategic tasks instead of laboring
package creation, automating manual tasks.
through manual testing and repackaging.
Now valuable application packaging teams can
AppDNA software shares remediated MSI with focus on managing more difficult issues and
commercial application packaging tools already streamlining repetitive tasks.
in place at many enterprises. This eliminates the
Simultaneously support both physical and
need for iterations of user acceptance testing
virtual application deployment.
and creates quality, informed packages that
can fare well with one round of user testing
before deployment.

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Daily application management

After the migration, application management application information from the previously
continues. AppDNA software saves time, tested application portfolio to model the
cost and risk when new applications, performance of applications in virtual
patches, service packs or new technology settings, including VDI scenarios.
initiatives impact the IT organization. Prepare
Model Application Deployment Choices
for new application deployments, Windows
8 or a hosted private cloud project by taking Unique forward path modeling can easily
care of applications on a regular basis. determine the best application deployment
scenarios. Use application data and
Streamline day-to-day application AppDNA software to determine if a Citrix
compatibility and simplify application XenDesktop, Windows Server 2012 R2 and
management. By understanding clearly how Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 configuration
regular patches, service packs or technology might work with your application portfolio.
initiatives will impact the application In one fast and accurate report, model
environment, your organization can take best-case scenarios and second choice
care of applications on a regular basis with plans for different technologies.
AppDNA software. Risks are known before
application deployment.

For larger focused projects like VDI, cloud

hosting or combined application deployment
initiatives, AppDNA software determines
the impact of changing the organization
from a physical platform to a virtualization
option. No more guesswork or late-night
estimatesAppDNA software uses the

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Daily application management savings

In a recent project, application testing was able to reduce the application management process
application acquisition time from 36 hours per application to 12 hours per application.

In a portfolio that adds 80 applications per month (960 per year), this added up to:

Before application compatibility After application compatibility

Packaging 12 hours Packaging 12 hours
User functionality test 16 User functionality tests 0
QA Certification 8 QA Certification 4

Total 36 hours per Total 16 hours per

application application

X 960 applications 34,560 hours X 960 applications 15,360

In-house cost @ $80/h $2,764,800 (USD) In-house cost @ $80/hr $1,228,800

Outsourced cost @ $30 $1,036,800 Outsourced cost @ $30 $460,800

Savings in all in-house $1,536,000

Savings if outsourced $576,000

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

Daily application management

The Savings
On average, manual testing of an application for compatibility with a new platform takes between eight
and 40 hours depending on the complexity.

Calculate below:

Before application compatibility After application compatibility

Packaging _____ hours per Packaging _____ hours per
application application

User functionality test _____ User functionality test _____

QA Certification _____ QA Certification _____

Total _____ hours per Total _____ hours per

application application

X _____ applications _____ hours X _____ applications _____ hours

In-house cost @ $_____/hr _____ In-house cost @ $_____/hr _____

Outsourced cost @ $_____ _____ Outsourced cost @ $_____ _____

Savings in all in-house $_____ per year

Savings if outsourced $_____ per year

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

The Application Migration Workbook

With a clear application management strategy, reconsider
the following application migration questions:
1. Will each application work on the 4. How much time and money will it cost to
new platform? migrate the application portfolio?
Automated application compatibility testing Detailed cost and time reporting allows
provides clear information about which organizations to budget and plan with accuracy
applications will migrate and which will based on their specific portfolio and readiness.
need remediation. Determine size of migration project time, cost,
2. What are the options for troubleshooting labor skills and risk to the organization.
if applications do not work on the
new platform?
See detailed remediation steps or choose
automated fixes based on preferences and
strategies. Accurate testing and intelligent
remediation combine for less risk when
determining application success on a
new platform.
3. Are there other options to deliver
problem applications?
AppDNA software compares different
application delivery strategies, side by side,
to show which might be the best fit for a
specific application portfolio. If physical
deployment is not an option, are there
virtualization options that may work better?
Which may be the best virtualization option
based on local practices?

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc.

Visit for a demo of the AppDNA software.

About Citrix AppDNA

Citrix AppDNA application migration software enables enterprises to confidently discover, automate, model
and manage applications for faster application migration, easier application virtualization and streamlined
application management. Taking application migration and management to a new level, AppDNA software
combines insight about applications with highly accurate application testing, remediation and compatibility.
AppDNA software uncovers the knowledge needed to guide business decisions about application
compatibility, migration, management and long-term application portfolio evolution.

About Citrix
Citrix (NASDAQ:CTXS) is the cloud company that enables mobile workstylesempowering people to work
and collaborate from anywhere, easily and securely. With market-leading solutions for mobility, desktop
virtualization, cloud networking, cloud platforms, collaboration and data sharing, Citrix helps organizations
achieve the speed and agility necessary to succeed in a mobile and dynamic world. Citrix products are in
use at more than 260,000 organizations and by over 100 million users globally. Annual revenue in 2012
was $2.59 billion. Learn more at

2013 Citrix Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. Citrix, XenDesktop, FlexCast, Citrix Receiver, CloudBridge
and NetScaler Gateway are trademarks or registered trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc. and/or one or
more of its subsidiaries, and may be registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and in
other countries. All other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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