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Semester-2 ICT Marks: 100

1. Explain what is meant by computer hardware and computer software, giving an example of
each. (4)


2. Most computers have backing storage as well as main/internal memory (RAM/ROM).

(a) Explain what main/internal memory is. (2)


(b) Describe why main/internal memory is needed. (2)


3. ROM & RAM are two different types of memory found in computer.

(a)What is RAM? (2)

(b)What is ROM? (2)

(c)What is the main difference between RAM and ROM? (1)


4. Describe the features of GUI and CLI. (2)


5. Several items of data are input to a computer using direct data entry methods. Write down the
most appropriate input device to input each item of data. (4)
(a) data written in special ink at the bottom of bank cheques
(b) information on the label of a supermarket product
(c) shaded in boxes on a students examination answer sheet
(d) debit card details input at an ATM


6. Complete the table by identifying the most appropriate input device for each type of
application. (4)
7. Complete the table by identifying the most appropriate output device for each type of
application. (4)

8. This diagram shows a smart phone.

(a) Name two input devices shown on the phone diagram. (2)

(b) Name two storage device which would be available in the phone shown above. (2)
(c) Identify three ways the phone shown above could be used to contact a bank apart from
making a phone call to the bank. (3)

9. Identify two devices which are used in control systems to output data. (2)

10. Give two advantages of a fixed magnetic hard disc compared to an optical disc to store data.

11. Tick True or False next to each of these statements. (4)

12. In science lessons, students use sensors connected to computers to find the boiling point of
Give two advantages of using computers and sensors rather than students taking the temperature
readings themselves. (2)

13. Compare and contrast the use of magnetic tapes with removable magnetic disks to make
network server backups. (3)

14.(a)Name eight different types of optical storage. (3)


(b)Explain the difference between the ROM, R and RW description. When would each be used?

15. A desktop computer is already used in an office which does not have an internet connection.

(a) Name two items of hardware which would enable the computer to be connected to a local
area network. (2)


(b) Name one item of hardware which would enable the network to be connected to the internet.


16. (a) Identify four different items of data that are input at an ATM when cash is withdrawn by
a customer or read from the card. (2)





(b) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the use of a local ATM to withdraw cash rather
than travelling to a bank. (4)





17. Tick which of these statements apply to a Blog, a Microblog or a Wiki. (2)
18. Complete each of the sentences using the most appropriate word from the list below. (3)
batch sensor OCR
fan MICR direct
serial motor
(a) The type of processing used for processing bank cheques is called ___________________
(b) The type of access used on a magnetic hard disc is called __________________________
(c) An item of hardware which is used to open windows is called a _____________________

19. Many computer networks are connected using cables but some are now connected using
wireless technology.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using wireless networks compared to using cabled
networks. (4)

20. Most school computer networks have a router and switches.

(a) Explain what is meant by a switch. (2)


(b) Describe the purpose of a router. (2)

21. Libraries often let borrowers access their own records at home.
One method the library uses to make sure that each borrower only accesses their own records is
by using a User ID and password. Describe the purpose of each. (2)

22. A company is planning to have a video-conference.

(a) Describe the purpose of each of the following devices. (3)

(b) Apart from saving costs and travelling time, describe the advantages to the company of
having a video-conference rather than a conference in a hotel. (3)
23. There are a number of different types of area networks.
Tick whether the following statements apply to a WAN, LAN, or a WLAN. (2)

24. To prevent the customers bank details being read by hackers, the bank uses encryption.
Explain what is meant by encryption. (2)

25. Recaud Inc. stock many CDs. Below is a small selection of CDs stored on their database. (2)

Write down the most suitable data type for the following fields.
Price (Rs) _____________________________________________________________________
26. A head teacher keeps all details of students in a database. (3)
(a) Describe what is meant by the following terms, using examples of student data.

(b) Describe what is meant by a key field, using examples of student data. (2)

27. Explain what is meant by phishing and pharming. (2)


28. A school is going to install a new computer system that uses Wi-Fi. The head teacher is very
concerned about the problems that the introduction of such a system will cause.
The safety issue of students tripping over trailing cables has been minimized by using Wi-Fi, and
the risk of electrocution has been minimized by the use of automatic circuit breakers.

(a) Give two other safety issues which might occur and for each one describe a method of
preventing it. (3)

(b) Describe what a virus is and explain how viruses cause problems for computer users. (2)

(c) If hackers get into the system, they may plant spyware. Describe what is meant by spyware.

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