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Clash Between Homosexuals Lifestyle

and their Religions Teaching


This research study is all about the perspective of the homosexuals towards the clash of
their religions dogma and their lifestyle. It is important for us to know about this because day by
day the number of homosexuals is growing and in order for us to understand them better based
on facts and true stories conducting a research is an efficient way to do it. The purpose of this
research study is giving the homosexuals a way to convey their perspectives and feelings
regarding the issue. The study focuses on how the homosexuals deal with their surroundings and
how they respond to the circumstances. This also answers the questions of the mind of the
researchers about how they feel towards current situations.

This study benefits the homosexuals, society and the future researchers. They will have
proper knowledge and understanding of the perspective of the homosexuals towards them and
would be able to know what they are commonly sensitive about. We, the researchers would like
to know and understand the feelings of the homosexuals and how their religions dogma
contradicts to their lifestyle.

This study is a qualitative type of research using the interviewing method. We have
approached five respondents from ages 16-25 years old, which are either gay or lesbian. Our
respondents have different religions which are the living word, victory, born again, protestant
and roman catholic. All of them are Christians but are of different sectors with different dogmas.
The interviews were held separately.

Chapter 1
Rationale of the Study
Every individual is born to be man or woman. However, being biologically male or female does
not determine an individuals gender preference or sexual orientation. According to personality
theories such as Jungs personality archetypes, individuals are capable of acting in both male and
feminine way. A male can act in a feminine way (which Jung termed as anima) while on the
other hand a female can act in a masculine way (which Jung termed as animus) (Feist, Feist, &
Roberts, 2013). In our ever changing society today, it is not uncommon for us to find many
people who act this way, and as more people are growing in terms of accepting their gender
choice we, the researchers wanted to help people in understanding them better.

There have been plenty of studies regarding those who have other gender preferences and
sexual orientation specifically the LGBT. There remains an empirical void from the lack of
extensive research that exists on the subject (Barton 2010; Cadge et al. 2008).However, our
study only focuses on a certain gender that is a part of that community; this study focuses on the
Homosexuals. When a man is sexually attracted to another man (termed as gay) or when a
woman is sexually attracted to another woman (termed as lesbian) they are considered as
homosexuals. An occurrence when ones gender choice does not coincide with their biological
framework. It is evident that we can find many people with this type of gender preference in our
society, which is why we decided to study this topic, so that through our research we can show,
how these people feel and how they view themselves as part of our society.

Sexual orientation, specifically homosexuality, is a highly controversial issue in

Christianity (Aleiah Jones 2013).Recently, the idea of perceived impact on a homosexuals
spirituality was being investigated. And it has been found out that identity formation, spirituality
plays a role. However, there is still a need to have an in-depth sight on how a homosexuals
spirituality is affected towards his or her identity formation. Therefore this study would like to

focus on how a homosexuals identity affects his or her spirituality and on how their gender
choice creates contradictions to the teachings of their church or from their religion.

We all know as Filipinos, religion is evident to us, we incorporate religious and spiritual
beliefs. We follow the teachings of the Holy Bible and strictly pass these teachings to the
younger generations. Most of us Filipinos accept homosexuals, and treat them as how we treat
every other normal people, even when the Holy Bibles teaching states that their gender
preference is wrong. For lesbians and gay, whose patterns of affection and intimacy partner
choices and sexual identities challenge conventional norms. This research focuses on how
spirituality affects a homosexual, emotionally, socially and more specifically on their spirituality.
This research would also focus to see if a persons gender choice would affect their views on
their churchs teachings. With this study we hope to catch the attention of others, so that we
could learn more about growing population of homosexuals in our society.

Theoretical Background of the Study

The theory that anchors this study is Cass Theory of Homosexual Identity Formation. Through
the theory of homosexual identity development, Cass attempts to understand the coming-out
process and its associated psychological and social implications (Cass, 1979). Cass theory
includes six stages that contribute to a self-described homosexual identity, identity confusion,
identity comparison, identity tolerance, identity acceptance, identity pride, and identity synthesis.
The end result is when a gay, lesbian, or bisexual individual settles the internal conflict about his
or her sexual identity and develops a positive sense of self (Bilodeau and Renn, 2005).

Cass names the initial stage as Identity Confusion, where the individual first recognizes
the difference between his or her personal perception of sexuality and the societal norm of
heterosexuality. The youth becomes aware of thoughts, feelings, and actions that could be
considered as gay, lesbian, or bisexual. The second stage in Cass theory is Identity Comparison.
During this phase, the youth acknowledges the possibility that he or she might be gay, lesbian, or
bisexual and begins to learn what that sexual identity means. This awareness can lead to internal
conflict and alienation from others who are heterosexual. Stage three, Identity Tolerance, is when
self-acceptance grows and the GLB youth recognizes social, emotional, and sexual needs as a
homosexual individual. As he or she further commits to a homosexual identity, however, feelings
of isolation increase in reaction to the heterosexist society. Meanwhile, the youth continues to
present him or herself as heterosexual to others. During Identity Acceptance, the individual
resolves many of the questions concerning his or her sexual identity and accepts him or herself as
homosexual. But the youth is still concerned with others potential reaction in the form of
approval or rejection. The GLB individual shares his or her sexuality with a select group of
friends and relatives. Identity Pride describes the fifth stage of Cass theory in which the
individual proudly discloses his or her sexual identity to the rest of society. The youth strongly
identifies with the GLB community and feels angry toward the heterosexist society as a result of
the sexual stigma he or she has experienced. The final stage, Identity Synthesis, occurs when the
individual incorporates sexuality into other aspects of his or her identity. The homosexual youth
shares his or her whole self with the outside world. However, identity foreclosure can occur at
any point during the process and thwart a young person in reaching the Identity Synthesis stage.

When this happens, the youth refuses to accept a homosexual identity and bans the possibility of
future development. If family members, friends, and religious groups who disapprove of
homosexuality surround the individual, for example, it is likely that self-acceptance will be
difficult. When an individual succeeds in achieving identity foreclosure, the development of a
homosexual identity stops (Cass, 1979).This theory is relevant in our study because this proves
basing from each individuals identity. Gender and Religion are a part of it. And when these two
aspects clash, it would create an inner struggle within them. To better understand our study, first
we have to learn about our respondents identity formation and with this theory we can
understand how the struggle develops step by step.

It is important to note the ways in which homosexual identity development can facilitate
or impede spiritual development and vice versa, and to find ways to make these two identities
mutually beneficial (Poynter & Washington, 2005). Levy and Reeves (2011) used Cass and
Fowlers theories as guiding frameworks in an empirical study of gay, lesbian, and queer
individuals with a Christian upbringing. Following interviews with over 2 dozen participants,
researchers developed a five stage process to settle the internal conflict between sexual identity
and religious beliefs that can occur awareness, initial response, a catalyst of new knowledge,
working through the conflict, and resolution. Unlike Cass and Fowlers stage-based models of
identity development, which are linear and one dimensional, Levy and Reeves (2011) conclude
that the process of internal conflict resolution must consider behavior to be the result of both the
person and the environment in which he or she exists. This process is unique to every individual
and influenced by both personal factors (e.g., reflective abilities, strength and resiliency, anger,
creativity, and humor) and contextual factors (e.g., family, community resources, and church
doctrine). The presence or absence of these factors in an individual affects every aspect of the
resolution process. Levy and Reeves (2011) note, Although [this] modelappears to be linear
and concrete, the process of resolving conflict between sexual identity and religious beliefs is
fluid and interactive (p. 65). GLB youth often encounter multiple barriers in this process of
identity integration. They may be feeling pressure to follow the familial path, outwardly
participating in their religious organization while inwardly struggling to reconcile their emerging
sexual orientation with their religious beliefs (Buchanan et al., 2001, p. 440). J. Kendzierski, a
gay man who grew up Catholic, demonstrates this inner struggle. The process of coming out as

homosexual at 20-years-old was difficult. Before I could share my identity with others, I needed
to come to terms with something natural inside myself that had been demonized by my faith
(personal communication, January 11, 2012). Gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth have an
opportunity, however, which heterosexual youth may not. In a society that distances sexuality
from spirituality, GLB individuals can find a way to intersect and reconcile their identities. A
study of gay and lesbian college students from traditional religious backgrounds found that these
youth progressed to a more advanced stage of spiritual identity development earlier in their lives
as compared to their heterosexual counterparts (Love et al., 2005). Again, Kendzierskis
experience supports these findings: I always felt like the message homosexuality is wrong did
not connect with the message God loves all children, so I choose to ignore the parts of
Catholicism that do not suit me. Today I continue to follow what I believe. I respect the church
and feel comfortable within it, even though I may not be accepted by their doctrine (personal
communication, January 11, 2012). This sub-theory is supports our main theory in concern with
how an individual develops a sense of spiritual identity same as how a person develops a gender
identity. While our mother theory focuses on gender identity formation, this sub-theory will help
us understand the development of their spiritual identity in particular details for each stages.

Fowlers Stages of Faith Fowlers stage theory informs an individuals religious or

spiritual identity. According to DuMontier (2000), faith is how people become aware of self,
others, and the transcendent. It is how people make meaning out of, and commitment based upon
what they have

become, learned, or discovered (p. 323). Fowlers theory identifies six periods of faith intuitive-
projective, mythic-literal, synthetic conventional, individuative-reflective, conjunctive, and
universalizing faith (Fowler, 1981). In Intuitive-Projective Faith, which typically occurs from
ages 3 to 7, children reflect the religious and spiritual beliefs of their parents. Family views on
sex and accompanying taboos become part of the youths belief system. This is a fantasy-filled,
imitative phase in which the child can be powerfully and permanently influenced by examples,
moods, actions, and stories of the visible faith of primally related adults (Fowler, 1981, p. 133).
Mythic-Literal Faith, where other important adults such as teachers and relatives influence the

childs views, begins during the 6th year and lasts until age 11 or 12. The youth assigns one
dimensional meanings to the symbols, rules, beliefs, and attitudes of those who shape his or her
beliefs. In the later phases, he or she will reflect upon these meanings, recognize how they
contradict reality, and attempt to resolve this conflict. During the third stage, Synthetic-
Conventional Faith, adolescents begin to re-examine their thinking, though they are still affected
by the spiritual and religious ideas of others. The youth develops a system of beliefs and identity
based on his or her past and possible future, which are expected to be consistent with that of
authority figures. An individual will often continue in this stage, unless a radical change in
values (e.g., following an event such as the death of a parent) requires that he or she reconsider
beliefs. The fourth phase, Individuative-Reflective Faith, involves the development of an
individual ideology and self-concept that does not rely on the outlook of others. Ones view of
faith becomes personal and is shaped by other parts of his or her life. This stage typically does
not occur until later in life (if at all). But for those who have had significant life challenges (e.g.,
terminal illness or parental divorce), Individuative-Reflective Faith can begin in early-20s. Most
individuals do not progress beyond the fourth stage and advancement to the fifth stage,
Conjuctive Faith, rarely happens before mid-life. Although the individual recognizes that
religious traditions do not offer absolute truth while in this stage, he or she is able to engage with
and learn from existing religious ideologies in order to develop a deeper understanding of his or
her own faith. When one reaches Universalizing Faith, Fowlers sixth and final stage, he or she
has reached a state of enlightenment and sacrifices his or her own well-being in service of others.
In their generosity and authority, in their freedom and their costly love, they embody the
promise and lure of our shared futurity. These persons embody costly openness to the power of
the future.
Social learning theory (Albert Bandura) posits that learning is a cognitive process that
takes place in a social context and can occur purely through observation or direct instruction,
even in the absence of motor reproduction or direct reinforcement. In addition to the observation
of behavior, learning also occurs through the observation of rewards and punishments, a process
known as vicarious reinforcement. The theory expands on traditional behavioral theories, in
which behavior is governed solely by reinforcements, by placing emphasis on the important roles
of various internal processes in the learning individual. An important factor in social learning
theory is the concept of reciprocal determinism. This notion states that just as an individual's

behavior is influenced by the environment, the environment is also influenced by the individual's
behavior. In other words, a person's behavior, environment, and personal qualities all
reciprocally influence each other. For

example, a child who plays violent video games will likely influence their peers to play as well,
which then encourages the child to play more often. This could lead to the child becoming
desensitized to

violence, which in turn will likely affect the child's real life behaviors. This theory talks about
how an individual is likely to be an influence or an influenced in the society. This theory is
connected to our study because it talks about behaviors. Which in this case, were trying to get a
hold of a homosexuals behavior towards what he/she has gathered from his/her society.

Our research does not only rely on theories but as well as other researches or articles that
has a connection with our research. Homosexuality in the Philippines: Various Factors and Its
Corresponding Effects on a Homosexual (Revadulla, M. E. 2011) is a research that is all about
knowing the physical, spiritual and social factors and their corresponding effects on a
homosexual in the Philippines. The research stands about the equal treatment LGBT people must
receive from other people. This study is states that Homosexuals generally, suffer from moral
condemnation. In connection to our study which is about the clash of homosexuals gender and
their religion, this research will help us in gathering information using the findings that they

A newspaper article from philstar, Ladlad Hits Pacquiao for anti-LGBT Comment by
Viray, Patricia Lourdes is about an LGBT groups reaction to Manny Pacquiaos statement,
"Common sense lang. Makakitakabang any animals nalalakisalalaki o babaesababae? Masmabuti
pa 'yunghayop. The LGBT group, Ladlad Chair Danton Remoto said that Pacquiao's anti-LGBT
statement was a shallow understanding of the issues that are important to the community. Our
study is partially about how a homosexual feels and reacts to certain situations that instigates

something bad to their gender group and this article is one of the examples of an LGBT groups
feelings and reactions to a statement that has bashed their gender choice.

The article by Vexen Crabetree The Battle between Monotheism and Homosexuality:
Religious Prejudice versus Equality, is about the say of different kinds of religion towards
homosexuality. In this article you can find how the people under these religions, especially
Christians refused to accept homosexuals and their dedication to the Bibles teaching. In our
study which tackles about religion and homosexuality, this article would be useful in informing
us about not only Christianity but also other religions teaching about homosexuality.

Problem Statement
This study aims to know how a homosexuals religion and its teachings can affect their
perspective, lifestyle and spirituality.

1. What is the respondents biological sex and the religion they are following?
2. What is the respondents:
(a) Gender identity
(b) Sexual orientation
(c) Behavior towards micro bullying towards their gender choice
3. How do the respondents describe their feelings with their religions dogma which
does not conform to their lifestyle?
4. How do they cope with this kind of situation?
5. How does religion affect the aspects mentioned above?

Significance of the Study

This study serves as a source of insight to be able to understand the struggles
homosexuals face in a specific society. Through this study, we will be aware on how a
homosexuals gender identity affects their beliefs, principles about their religion. Knowing that
most of us Filipinos are following Christianity, and knowing that homosexuality is looked down
upon our beliefs. By knowing their struggles we would be able to understand them more, and
lessen discriminations that they are facing right now. By gathering data about this study, we
would be able to help homosexuals face their identity crises and belief crises.

Scope and Limitations

This study focuses on how a homosexuals religion and its teachings can affect a homosexuals
lifestyle, perspective and spirituality. The respondents of this research are specifically gays and
lesbians. The data gathering was done by interview and survey questionnaire. The data that will
be gathered in this study will be used as additional information to other future studies about
homosexuality. This study was conducted on the school year 2016-2017.

Definition of Terms
Homosexual An individual who is sexually attracted to the same gender.
Christianity A religion based on the life and teachings of Christ
Living Word - It has sometimes been described as a new religious movement, and has
been labelled a cult by the Christian countercult movement.
Victory - an evangelical church based in the Philippines. It is a member of Every Nation,
with churches and campus ministries in 69 nations
Protestantism - a form of Christianity which originated with the Reformation; It is one of
the three major divisions of Christendom, together with Roman
Catholicism and Orthodoxy
Roman Catholic Church - branch of Christianity headed by the pope

Born Again - a phrase used by many Protestants to describe the phenomenon of gaining

faith in Jesus Christ

Gay A male homosexual

Lesbian A female homosexual
Gender Identity Is a personal concept of ones self.
Sexual Orientation - their emotional and sexual attraction to a particular sex (male or
female); typically divided into four categories: heterosexuality, the
attraction to individuals of the opposite sex; homosexuality, the
attraction to individuals of ones own sex; bisexuality, the
attraction to individuals of either sex;
and asexuality, no attraction to either sex. Heterosexuals and
homosexuals may also be referred to informally as straight and
Society - a group of people with common territory, interaction, and culture.
Spirituality - refers to a religious process of re-formation which "aims to recover the
original shape of man," oriented at "the image of God" as exemplified by
the founders and sacred texts of the religions of the world.

Religion - a particular system of faith and worship.
Dogma- a belief or a set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without
being questioned or doubted
Lifestyle the typical way of life of an individual, group, or culture
Belief - trust, faith, or confidence in someone or something.

Chapter 2

Research Design
A qualitative research is subjective compared to a quantitative research. It is more in
describing and explaining the subject in order to build theories. In qualitative research the
interviews are not restricted to specific questions and can be guided/redirected by the researches
in real time. And the data is based on human experience that is obtained as powerful and
sometimes more compelling than quantitative research.

In this research, we used qualitative research because it is more on gathering data through
human experiences and feelings specifically from our chosen subjects which are the
homosexuals. The process is more on personal view and the data that could be gathered is more
on the explained and interpreted compared to quantitative research.

This research is specifically a phenomenology qualitative research which means a

qualitative research approach explores the world of the participants by gaining through insights
and perceptions to a particular phenomena.

This research is phenomenology qualitative research because this research focuses more
on our subjects thought and perception regarding the clash of their lifestyle and religion. In this,
we use random sampling in getting or gathering the data, given that the respondents chosen
meets the standard that the researcher are looking for.

Data Gathering Tool

In this research the researcher will be interviewing rather than giving or distributing
questionnaires to get more specific data. In interviewing, the researcher will be doing random
sampling in which the researcher will be getting respondents everywhere, given that the
respondents chosen is homosexual or the subject is really who we needed for this research.

In getting data for this research, since it is phenomenology qualitative research, the
researchers would be needing data that is more on their thoughts, feeling and perceptions than a
questionnaire would not be able to give a specific and precise data.

Research Respondents

In this research, the subjects or respondents are homosexual. Homosexual are individual
who are sexually attracted to their same sex. Meaning, in their gender they are the gays and
lesbians. In this research we would be getting homosexuals ages 17 and above., since they are
more mature and the researcher would be able to get more specific data that the researcher
would be researching.

Analysis of Data
Questions Theme Responses Observation
1) What is the Religion 1 from Born Again All of them are
religion you 1 from Victory Christians but from
are following? 1 from Protestant different sectors and
1 from Living Word dogma.
1 from Catholic
2) What is your:
a) Gender Gender 4 gays
Identity 1 lesbian
b) Sexual Sex 4 males
orientation 1 female
c) Behavior Response to bullying All of them answered Based on our
towards that they wouldnt observation, all of
microbullying mind those people them dont care about
towards your bullying them in order those people who are
gender choice to avoid any conflict bullying them because
or fight. it was just cause them
trouble and might
start an argument.
3) How do you Feelings towards their 1 out of 5 answered Based on our
describe your dogma and lifestyle that he doesnt care observation, most of
feelings with about his religions them feel like they are
your religions dogma because it neglected by everyone
dogma which wouldnt make a from their religion
does not change anyway. and same with their
conform to 4 out of 5 answered religions dogma who
your lifestyle? that they feel like they only believes with the
dont belong and that conception of male
they committed a very and female.

huge sin against their
a) Describe how Feeling of being a All of them answered Based on our
you feel being homosexual that they feel outcast observation, all of
homosexual in because nobody from them said that they
your religion their religion feel like they really
understands them dont belong at all
because of what they because their
are. religions dogma is
contradicting their
lifestyle and gender
b) Do you feel Being an outcast 4 out of 5 answered Based on our
like an outcast that at first they feel observation, most of
in your like an outcast them feel like an
religion and because most of the outcast at first,
the people people in their because people from
who follow religion couldnt their religion feel so
your religion? accept what they are odd seeing them as a
Why? but as time passes by, homosexual.
Describe how the people was able to
it feels. absorb and accept
1 out of 5 answered
that since the
beginning until now,
he felt like an outcast
because he is not
accepted by everyone.
c) How do you How do they act All of them answered Based on our

act when you that they act normal observation, all of
are inside the and formal in front of them act normal and
church or in everyone. wear clothes
your religious according to their
meetings? sexual orientation.
d) Is being a Homosexuality 4 out of 5 answered Based on our
homosexual affecting their faith no, because they are observation, most of
affecting your there to serve God and them said that their
faith? How? it has nothing to do faith werent affected
with their faith. at all because as we
1 out of 5 answered were conducting the
yes, because in their interview, we can see
dogma, being a that their religions
homosexual is a sin. dogma and lifestyle
might somehow
contradict but their
faith and what and
who they are have
nothing to do with
each other clashing.
e) What do you Misconceptions All of them answered Based on our
think are the towards homosexuals that people think most observation, most
misconception homosexuals are just people would judge
s of being a looking for physical them as individuals
homosexual to contact with their looking for sex or
your religion? same sex and that something like that
Elaborate people see them only, not knowing
differently, like they they are also human
dont belong and they beings and they have
shouldnt be in this feelings, and all of

world because they them deserves to be
have nothing good to loved too.
contribute in our
f) Does it make Change of religion All of them answered Based on our
you want to no, because first, they observation, all of
leave from there to serve and them said no because
your religion worship God and leaving or changing
or change your second, where ever their religion wouldnt
religion? religion they will go, make a change with
Why? its still the same and how other people see
nothing wont change. them.
g) How did you Overcoming the All of them answered Based on our
overcome this misconceptions that they didnt care observation, all of
misconception about it and instead them dealt with it by
s? Describe they continued living simply not doing
normally and being a anything because it
good person to prove will just make things
to those people who complicated for
judge them that they everyone. And
are so much better instead, they would
than what they think like to prove those
they are. people that they are
normal, and better,
and they are not what
they think they are.
4) How did you Coping with the All of them answered Based on our
cope with this situations that they didnt mind observation, all of
kind of and instead of wasting them said that they
situation? their time with that, dont want to waste

Describe they are too busy their time on those
improving their self non sense things and
and being a better instead they would
person. like to focus more
with their self.
a) Was there a Discriminated All of them answered Based on our
time that you because of being a yes, especially for observation, all of
were homosexual gays when people out them were
discriminated in the streets calling discriminated and it
because of them names that was very offensive
your sexual arent good to listen that it hurt their
identity? In and making fun of feelings.
what way? them.
b) Describe how Dealing with the All of them answered Based on our
you dealt with discrimination that they didnt care observation, all of
it and mind those things them chose not to do
because they wouldnt anything and instead,
get anything good they just didnt care
from it. because they have
more important things
to do than dealing
with those kind of
c) Were there companion 4 out of 5 answered Based on our
people who yes, there were people observation, most of
supported you who supported them. them were supported
or nobody at 1 out of 5 answered by their family and
all? no, they were friends.

d) If yes, Feeling of not being They feel happy Based on our
describe how alone knowing that there are observation, they
it feels to be people supporting seem more confident
supported for them and in a way and happy because
what you are they feel free too. they know that they
have those people
who will never leave
them no matter what.
e) If no, describe Feeling of being alone It is very painful Based on our
how it feels to especially it was her observation, it is very
not be parents who pushed sad for us too,
supported for her away and made knowing that the
what you are her leave the house. people who neglected
her was her family
and they are supposed
to support and love
her instead of making
her feel alone and

The data above show information gathered by the researchers from the respondents. The first
step is preparing and organizing the questions meant for the interview. The second step is finding
the right respondents, which in our case, our respondents are supposed to be from different
religions whom are homosexuals. The third step is asking for their participation and assuring
them that their identities well remain confidential. The fourth step is to conduct the interview.
The last step is organizing the ideas and answers of the respondents. Through this information,
the researchers were able to recognize the clash between homosexuals and their feelings about it.

The qualitative data method used in data gathering is through interviewing. The interview
questions were used for the data collection, through this method we were able to categorize the
ideas of the respondents which led to a thorough analysis of the gathered data.

Chapter 3
Thematic Unit Analysis

The belief in a god or in a group of gods

An organized system of beliefs, ceremonies
An interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group.
A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature,and purpose of the universe, especially when
considered as the creation of a superhumanagency or agencies, usually involvingdevotion
al and ritual observances, and oftencontaining a moral code governing the conductof hum
an affairs.


The behavior, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex
A set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature,and purpose of the universe, especially when
considered as the creation of a superhumanagency or agencies, usually involvingdevotion
al and ritual observances, and oftencontaining a moral code governing the conduct
of human affairs.
A similar category of human beings that isoutside the male/female binary classificationan
d is based on the individual's personal awareness or identity.


The state of being male and female

Either the male or female division of a species,especially as differentiated with reference
to the reproductive functions.
The sum of the structural and functionaldifferences by which the male and female aredisti
nguished, or the phenomena or behavior dependent on these differences.

Response to bullying

To frighten, hurt, or threaten smaller or weaker person.

To cause someone to do something by making threats or insult or by using force.
A blustering, quarrelsome, overbearing person who habitually badgers and intimidates
smaller or weaker people.

Sunshine stated in her answer that people would think that all he wanted was for boys to have
sex or date him and have some physical contact with them. And the rest of our respondents,
every time they walk out in the streets and some people would call them by name that arent
good to hear and make fun of them.

Feelings towards their dogma and lifestyle

A belief or set of beliefs that is accepted by the members of a group without questioned
or doubted
A belief or set of belief that is taught by a religious organization
An official system of principles or tenetsconcerning faith, morals, behavior, etc. as of a
Prescribed doctrine proclaimed asunquestionably true by a particular group

When the respondents stated that their dogma contradicts their gender orientation and lifestyle
but they still have faith and remained in their religion despite the contradiction and respected
their religions dogma.

Feeling of being a homosexual

Sexually attracted to people of the same sex

Based on or showing a sexual attraction to people of the same sex
Sometimes Disparaging. of orrelating to sexual desire or behavior directedtoward membe
rs of one's own sex.

All of our respondents are homosexual and they are these people who are attracted to their same
sex. But this doesnt mean that they really have to dress up like a girl if they are gay and a boy if
they are lesbians.

Being an outcast

Someone who is not accepted by other people

A person who is rejected or cast out, as from home or society

All of them stated that at first they were like an outcast in their church community because
people would distant themselves from them and avoid them. And people will no longer talk to
them and would treat them like they dont belong in the community and that there is no place for
them, for homosexuals because they are all sinners and it is against their religions dogma.

How do they act

To behave in a particular way

To do something, to take action

All of them stated that despite their gender orientation, they all chose to act normal and formal,
they act based on their sexual orientation. They dont make fun of themselves and make
themselves look unworthy of any respect. Instead they act on how they should really act that is
acceptable in the society.

Homosexuality affecting their faith

Belief in the existence of God

Strong religious feeling or belief

They all stated that their faith werent affected by their gender orientation because their faith is
stronger than any other and that it wouldnt make any change if they go against their religion.

Misconceptions towards homosexuals

Misjudge by others, unfavorable with someone

They all stated that theyve experienced being judged by other people. Like Victoria stated that
some people would just see him as a gay that doesnt have any use in the society. And that
being gay or homosexual mean that they dont belong in any place, religion and community.

Change of religion

To become someone or something else

To become different

They all stated that they dont want to change religion because it wouldnt make a change and
that even if they will change religion, same things will happen. And they do believe that God
loves them no matter what they are and that is enough reason for them not to leave and change
their religion.

Overcoming the misconceptions

To successfully deal or gain control of something difficult

All of them stated that in overcoming the misconceptions, all they did was nothing and they
didnt mind the people discriminating and judging them. They improved themselves and become
a better person and improving their lives.

Coping with the situations

To deal with the attempt to overcome problems and difficulties

All of them stated that in coping with the situations, they didnt care about what people would
say and think about them. They dont want to waste their time on those things that arent even
worth their time.

Discriminated because of being a homosexual

The practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people
or groups of people
To notice and understand that one thing is different from another thing, to recognize a
difference between things.

All of them were discriminated because of their gender orientation and for some, it is
unacceptable in their values. For some, being a homosexual is against the bible, against then
values and norms of the society. And homosexuals shouldnt be part of any community.

Dealing with the discrimination

To take action with regard to someone or something

All of them stated that in dealing with it, they wont do anything to avoid any conflict and fight
to start. Because if they will say something or argue with those people, things will be more
complicated and bad things might happen to both sides.


A person who you like to enjoy being with

A person who helps or supports someone or something
A group of people who are related to each other

All of them wanted to be happy and doesnt want to be alone especially because people are
against and judging them. They all wanted to feel loved, accepted and respected by other people
especially by their religion too.

Feeling of not being alone

To be included with someone

To be a companion for someone

4 out 5 stated that they are not alone and their family and friends were very supportive and loves
them so much because they are accepted by the people that they love. And they are more
confident to face the world knowing that there are these people who loves them and would never
turn their back against them.

Feeling of being alone

Without anyone or anything else, not involving or including anyone

Feeling unhappy because of being separated from other people

1 out of 5 said that is Kats stated that she is alone because everyone pushed her away including
her parents. And she is hurting inside because she has nobody to lean on and shoulders to cry on.
She feels that nobody loves her and nobody will accept her because of her gender orientation.


According to our respondents, people around them, in their society and in their church are
discriminating them and are judging them for what they are, homosexuals. They sometimes feel
alone and neglected by the people because of what they are and makes them feel sad and bad
about themselves and makes them question their worth. And that people have a lot of
misconceptions about homosexuals because most of them generalizes the homosexuals based on
a bad behavior of one. And it makes them think that they are all the same, all they wanted was
physical contact with their same sex. Not realizing that they are also humans and they also
wanted to feel loved and accepted by other people especially by their family and friends. And
that all them deserves to be respected as an individual and not because they are homosexuals
because respect is not only given to heterosexual people but respect doesnt base on the gender

orientation or not even the sexual orientation of a person. Respect is given and earned by those
people who deserves it regardless of its gender orientation. And being a homosexual is not
something that should be hidden from everyone, they should be free and happy because they are
just being true to themselves and as long as they are not hurting or disrespecting anyone, then
they should be at least accepted and respected too.

Summary of Findings
This research gives the people an in-depth discussion about homosexuals lifestyle and how it
clashes to their religions dogma. Essentially, this research highlights the feelings or emotions of
the homosexuals experiencing conflicts within themselves, their community, their church and the
teachings of their religion. Paramount in the research discussion are the respondents respond to
the actions and words being said and done to them by other people and how were they able to
cope and handle the situation. This includes their behaviors towards the people, their emotions
and feelings towards their church mates or with their religions dogma and how does it affect
their lifestyle or religious belief.

Evident from the very succinct statements in the research, this research was made possible by
gathering data from the selected homosexuals through conducting an interview. And this
research was purely from facts from other researchers and from the perspective and answers of
the homosexuals. This research simple gives the audience and next researchers the idea of what
do homosexuals feel towards their religions dogma, towards the people around them, towards
the people supporting them and towards themselves and how did they cope and asses to it.

1. What is the respondents biological sex and the religion they are following?
We gathered 5 homosexual respondents. 4 of the respondents are gays and 1 is a
lesbian. In the data we found that all of them have different religion which are Born
Again, Victory, Protestant, Living Word and Catholic.
2. What is the respondents behaviour towards micro bullying towards their gender

All of them experience being bullied toward their gender choice which are gays and
lesbians. They avoid argument and fight for them to defend themselves from harm.
3. How do the respondents describe their feelings with their religions dogma which
does not conform to their lifestyle?

4 out of 5 of them respond that they do not belong in their religion because of being
homosexual, all of them felt being an outcast because no one in their religion understand
what they really are. Most of the people in their religion couldnt accept what they are but
as time passes by, the people was able to absorb and accept them. They act formal inside
the church and but one of them have affected his faith because they say the being gay is a

4. How do they cope with this kind of situation?

All of them mentioned that they are frequently discriminated and bullied because of
being gay but as time pass by they become more accepting in their self and those not
concern in the discrimination they are showing. In addition because of their friend
and family which were accepting to them the respondents became more confident,
free and happy in the what they really are.
5. How does religion affect the aspects mentioned above?

In greatly affects them because they are part in a religion as well as being homosexual. In our
gathered data we will know the perspective of the homosexual and the clash between the
homosexuals lifestyle and how it clashes to their religions dogma.

Based on the data gathered by the researchers, it shows that there is a clash between the
Homosexuals lifestyle and their religions dogma. For example, one of our interviewee said that
he is in a relationship with another homosexual and it is against in their dogma and stated in their
bible that a woman is for a man and a man is for a woman and therefore they are violating
what is stated in their bible and their religions dogma. And second, they feel outcast because the
people who are in the same religion with them would distant themselves from them because
being a homosexual is against their religions dogma. Because a man is a man and should be a

man and a woman is a woman and should be a woman, they believe that they should be and act
according to their biological sexuality.

Overall, this research will be giving the next researchers and audience a substantial amount of
data and included some helpful scenario and facts from other researchers. This research will
greatly enhance and give you another perspective towards the homosexuals and you will be able
to understand them more and might be able to accept them and respect them. And this research
will give the audience and other researchers the opportunity to decide to change their minds and
perspectives regarding our research.

The researchers would like to make recommendations:

People in the society and within their different religions.

a) Seminars
b) Symposiums
a) Seminars
A1) Anger Management seminar
A2) Knowing Myself seminar
A3) Retreat
Future researchers

People in the society and within their different religions:

We would like these people to attend and have seminars and symposiums regarding the
homosexuals and how they should react and treat them. The people should be able to
know and learn about the homosexuals how they should be treated in their religion and in
the society.


With these seminars they would be able to learn how to control their anger and extend
their patience towards those people. They would be able to accept themselves and learn
more about who and what they are. And they would be able to be closer to God and be
able to accept and internalize all the teachings in their religions dogma and know that
they are also human beings and they also deserve to be loved and respected by other

Future researchers:

We hope this research would be able to expound their knowledge about the homosexuals
and the clash between their religion and their lifestyle. And would be able to improve our
research by doing more research about this topic and expounding it even more and dig
deeper with the details. And we hope that the future researchers would be able to give
justification to our research and recognize our gathered data.
The respondents varies in age and sex orientation, to know their perspective towards their
religions dogma and how if clashes or affects their lifestyle and personal views.
One of the respondents was not supported by her family and friends. While others were
accepted and loved by their family and friends.
The respondents has almost the same perspective and answers to most of the questions.
One of the respondents faith was affected by his religions dogma, while others were not
affected by it.
The respondents act normal and formal inside the church.

The respondents of the study were not affected by the judgments and discrimination of other

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Appendix A: Interview Questionnaire


1) What is the respondents biological sex What is the religion you are following?
and religion they are following?
2) What is the respondents: What is your:
a) Gender identity a) Gender identity
b) Sexual orientation Gay Lesbian
c) Behavior towards microbullying
towards their gender b) Sexual orientation
Male Female

c) Behavior towards microbullying

towards your gender choice
3) How do the respondents describe their A) Describe how you feel being a
feelings with their religions dogma homosexual in your religion.
which does not conform to their B) Do you feel like an outcast in your
lifestyle? religion and the people who follow
your religion? Why? Describe how it
C) How do you act when you are inside
the church or in your religious
meeting? Describe
D) Is being a homosexual affecting
your faith? How?
E) What do you think are the
misconception of being homosexual to
your religion? Elaborate
F) Does it make you want to leave from

your religion or change your religion?
G) How did you overcome this
misconceptions? Describe

4. How do they cope with this kind of A) Was there a time that you were
situation? discriminated because of your sexual
identity? In what way? Describe
B) Describe how you dealt with it.
C) Where there people who supported
you or nobody at all.
D-1) If yes, describe how you feels to
be supported for what you are.
D-2) If no, describe how it feels to not
be supported for what you are.

Appendix B: Respondents

Interviewee 1:

Name: Wil*** Wenny C***** Sexual Orientation: Male

Age: 18 Gender Orientation: Gay

Religion: Born Again

Interviewee 2:

Name: Pa** Sunshine R**** Sexual Orientation: Male

Age: 20 Gender Orientation: Gay

Religion: Victory

Interviewee 3:

Name: Mi** Kats L**** Sexual Orientation: Female

Age: 16 Gender Orientation: Lesbian

Religion: Living Word

Interviewee 4:

Name: Vy** Victoria Z****** Sexual Orientation: Male

Age: 25 Gender Orientation: Gay

Religion: Protestant

Interviewee 5:

Name: Chris**** Tin T****** Sexual Orientation: Male

Age: 18 Gender Orientation: Gay

Religion: Roman Catholic

Appendix C : Location Map

Appendix D: Curriculum Vitae


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