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Pokemon Learning League

Redeeming Oneself

Written By
Timothy Whitfield
(Episode opens with Iris, Axew and Serena arriving in Rustboro
Town on a partly overcast afternoon. A cool breeze blows in the
air, the town is bustling with the residents going about their
own business and a rustic atmosphere envelops the whole area.
Serena turns over to the audience and casually speaks to them.)
Serena (casually): Hi, guys.
Iris (casually): Hey, there.
Axew (casually): Axew.
(She turns over to Serena.)
Iris: Its pleasant around here today.
Axew: Ax-ew.
Serena: Yeah.
(As they continue down the street, Serena takes notices of a
tower not too far from where they are. She then gets an idea.)
Serena: How about we get a good view of the city from that
Iris: All right, lets go.
(They head over to the tower. Cross fade to moments later,
where they arrive on the top floor, with many visitors going
about enjoying their time, with many looking out at the view
and others getting gifts from a nearby souvenir stand. Benches
are perched near the walls with plants place next to them and
binoculars are set up near the windows.)
Both (in amazement): Whoa!
Axew (in amazement): Axew!
(They go over to one of the binoculars and look through it. We
switch to the point of the view of the binoculars and they look
out to the ocean and spot a pod of Wailord migrating to the
Serena & Iris (O.S.): Whoa!
(Now, they see a large cruise ship passing by to the far east of
the pod. They pan to the outskirts of the city and spot the
contest hall and a bike taxi route to it, as well as the nearby
forest. Next, they look to the north side and see a bay, where
some trainers are fishing or are swimming in the water and a
tide pool zone just east of it. We switch back to the two pulling
away from the binoculars.)
Iris: What do you think? Should we check them out?
Serena: Sure. Lets go.
(They exit the tower and head over to the bike taxi service. A
biker girl named Eve works at the station. She has blonde hair,
brown eyes, and is wearing a gold and silver bikers uniform, her
name tag and exercise sneakers.)
Serena: Excuse us. Wed like to go to the Contest hall.
Eve: Sure, no problem. Just let me get ready.
(She gets up from her seat, puts on her helmet and knee-&-
elbow pads and gets out a four-person bike taxi. She pulls up,
Iris and Serena get aboard and they ride on up the path.)
Eve: You know, theyre having an open stage there today, so
you should check it out.
Serena: Okay, well do that.
(Minutes later, they arrive at the arena. Eve parks the bike and
Iris and Serena dismount.)
Iris: Thanks for the lift, Eve.
Eve: Not a problem at all. You two enjoy yourselves.
(The two smile back at her and they head inside the arena.
Once inside, they head inside to the stage area, where colorful
spotlights shine down on the giant ribbon symbol in the center
Serena (with admiration): Wow!
Iris (encourages): Go on, Serena. Step up there.
Serena: Okay.
(She walks down to the stage, goes up the steps and stands in
the center. Serena takes out her three Pokeballs.)
Serena: Come on, out, everyone.
(She tosses them up and Braixen, Pancham and Sylveon emerge
from them. Now, we do a 360 turn around them while Serena
imagines herself standing before a large audience, who cheer
her & her Pokemon on during a contest.)
Serena: Oh, that felt good.
Iris (knowingly): Serena, I have a feeling youll do great in the
Serena: Aww, thanks Iris.
(They exit the arena and return to the bike taxi. Side wipe to
thirty-seven minutes later, where we see them arriving to the
bay. Small waves crash on the shoreline, groups of people are
either sun-bathing or playing around in the water and some
trainers swimming about searching for Pokemon.)
Iris: Everyone heres having a great time.
Axew: Axew.
Serena: Yeah, and so will we. Lets go see those tidepools.
Iris: Okay, then.
(They go east of the beach to the tide pools. There are large
and small ones across the area. Some rocks break the waters
surface in some of them. Serena and Iris go over to one of the
larger pools and see Staryu, Clamperl, Shellder, a Wimpod and a
Pyukumuku living in it. Now, they look over to the next one and
find a Krabby, a Tympole, a Mareanie, two more Pyukumuku
and a Dewpider inhabiting it, all while the two observe it with
great fascination and intrigue. Cross fade to minutes later,
where theyre strolling along the shoreline.)
Serena: Boy, those tide pools sure were interesting.
Axew (going Yeah.): Axew.
Iris: Mmm-hmm, and there were some interesting Pokemon
living in them.
Serena: How long do you think some of them took to get there?
Iris: I dont know. Maybe quite a long time.
Serena: Thats what I was thought, too.
(As they continue to stroll along, they spot a girl named
Vanessa, sitting near the edge of it, looking on the horizon with
a pensive expression on her face. She has dark blue hair, hazel
eyes and is wearing a sea blue shirt, beige cargo shorts and
sneakers. A Wingull lands down next to her, and she gives a
piece of a Pokepuff.)
Vanessa: You like that, dont you?
(She gently strokes the top of its head and it flies off.)
Iris: What could she thinking about?
Serena: Who knows? Lets go and ask her.
(They stroll up to her and Vanessa takes notice.)
Vanessa: Oh, hi. Im Vanessa. Who are you?
Serena: Nice to meet you, Vanessa. My names Serena.
Iris: Im Iris, and this here is Axew.
Axew (saying Hi.): Axew.
Vanessa: So, why did you come over to me?
Iris: We were noticing you were deeply thinking about
Vanessa: Yeah, you got it. Ive been trying to think about how I
can make things right with my friends.
Serena (wondering): Really? What happened?
Vanessa: Well, the whole thing started three weeks ago
(We flashback to three weeks ago, where, from Vanessas
viewpoint, we see her meeting up with her friends, Minnie, Luna
and Aiden in a field just outside the city. Minnie has long red
hair, hazel eyes, freckles on her face and is wearing a yellow-
green buttoned shirt, long shorts and flats. Luna has short
black hair, violet eyes, and is wearing a bright yellow shirt, short
jeans and sneakers. Aiden has spiky brown hair, red eyes, and is
wearing a short-sleeved polo shirt, tan brown shorts and
sneakers. Aiden has something hidden behind his back.)
Vanessa: All right, were all here Aiden. Whats the big
Aiden: Okay. You guys ready?
(Luna, Vanessa and Minnie nod their heads.)
Aiden: Okay. Ta-da!
(He pulls out from behind his back a Pokemon Egg in a glass
case and a trophy. It consists of a golden Pidgeot with streaks
behind it, indicating it flying really fast, and has a big star in the
All (impressed & amazed): Wow!
Luna: Thats amazing!
Aiden: Thanks. Its for having the best Pokemon in stamina and
Minnie: Well, congrats Aiden.
Aiden: Mmm-hmm, thanks.
(He puts them back in his backpack.)
Aiden: But enough about that. Lets get down to business.
Others: Right.
(They head over to a nearby berry patch and start picking fresh
berries. There are a wide variety of berries growing, from
Sitruses and Orans, to Cherris, Pechas, Tamatos and many
Luna: Oh, these Bluk berries would make some PokeBlocks.
Aiden: Yeah, and look at these Oran berries.
(Vanessa looks around and spies some ripened Leppa berries.)
Vanessa: Ooh, these look nice.
(As she picks a few of them off, but then, she notices five of its
branches form into the shape of a star, with three leaves filling
it out.)
Vanessa: Huh?
(She does a double take, looks closer and sees a small amount
of space between them.)
Vanessa: That was weird. Oh, well.
(She resumes her berry picking. Side wipe to moments later,
where everyones getting ready to have a race with their
Pokemon. Vanessa has her Growlithe out, Luna has a Raichu,
Minnies got a Zigzagoon and Aiden has a Blitzle.)
Luna: All right, ready?!
(They nod their heads.)
Luna: Okay, go!
(They sprint across the field. Aiden and Blitzle charge ahead of
the rest of the group, and Vanessa catches up to them. Just
then, a Pidgeot-shaped shadow streaking across the ground.)
Vanessa: What the?
(She and the others looks up and see its a cloud in the vague
shape of one. Now, the four reach the other end of the field and
they take a breather.)
Minnie: Boy, Aiden. You and Blitzle sure know how to sprint.
Aiden: Indeed, we do. I give you guys some pointers.
Vanessa: Sure, thatd be great.
(Side fade to moments later, where theyre thoroughly scouting
through a tall patch of grass.)
Vanessa (to Growlithe): Keep your eyes peeled for anything
(They resume scanning the area. Just then, a Tranquill cuts
through the grass at a fast speed and attacks Growlithe.)
Vanessa: Oh-ho, out first challenge! Okay, Growlithe use Flame
Growlithe: (barks.)
(It jumps into the air, releases a red-orange flame from its
mouth, does a somersault and rolls into Tranquill, dealing
damage. Tranquills wings glow light blue and flaps them,
releasing a powerful gust of wind and blows Growlithe away,
doing damage.)
Vanessa: Come on, Growlithe! Counter that with Take Down!
(Growlithe charges towards Tranquill and slams into it, doing
damage. Now, it waves its wings in an X-esque motion and a
light blue X shape of energy is fired from the tips of its wings at
Growlithe, dealing damage to it.)
Vanessa: Now, use Crunch!
Growlithe: (growls.)
(Its teeth glow white and bites down on Tranquill with them,
doing a good amount of damage. Now, Tranquill flaps its
wings, creates a gust of wind and flies very fast towards
Growlithe with a white outline and streaks surrounding it and
hits Growlithe, doing damage to it.)
Vanessa: Okay, Growlithe Flame Burst!
(It fires an orange-yellow fireball from its mouth at Tranquill,
dealing damage to it. Tranquill waves its wings in an X-esque
motion and a light blue X shape of energy is fired from the tips
of its wings at Growlithe, dealing damage to it.)
Vanessa: Growlithe, Flame Wheel now!
Growlithe: (barks.)
(It jumps into the air, releases a red-orange flame from its
mouth, does a somersault and rolls into Tranquill, dealing
damage. Tranquills waves its wings in an X-esque motion and
a light blue X shape of energy is fired from the tips of its wings
at Growlithe, doing damage to it.)
Vanessa: Use Flame Burst!
(It fires an orange-yellow fireball from its mouth at Tranquill,
dealing damage to it. The Tranquill flies away in defeat.)
Vanessa: That was great, Growlithe. You sure showed Tranquill
a thing or two.
Growlithe: (barks.)
(Vanessa gets a box of PokeBlocks from her backpack.)
Vanessa: Here, Growlithe.
(She tosses up a few of them, Growlithe jumps up & catches
them in its mouth and chews them. Vanessa gently strokes the
top of its head.)
Vanessa: You know, that Tranquil had some good speed there.
Growlithe: (yips in agreement.)
Vanessa: Mmm-hmm, and speaking of which, you should have
seen this trophy Aiden got. It has a Pidgeot that was flying
really fast and had a big star at the base. It was so cool-looking.
(sighs.) I would sure love to have it. (She shakes her head.)
Wait, why did I just say that? (She ponders for a moment and
then gasps with realization.) Ohhhh, no. Uh-uh. Im not even
going to think about it.
(Now, moments later, they regroup at the field. Minnie and
Zigzagoon walks over and gets into a starting stance.)
Minnie: All right, Zigzagoon, use Swift!
Zigzagoon: Zigzagoon!
(It opens its mouth and fires golden stars with sparkles around
them into the air.)
Aiden: All right, Blitzle, Shock Wave!
(It raises its and yellow electricity, gathers at the tip of its mane,
and then it starts glowing yellow with electricity. Now, the
mane starts crackling with electricity. Then, Blitzle lowers its
head and fires three beams of electricity from the tip, shooting
down some of the stars in the process.)
Luna: Raichu, Charge Beam!
(It forms an orb of yellow electricity in front of its mouth and
fires a beam of yellow electricity from it, knocking out more
Vanessa: Growlithe, Ember attack!
(It fires several blasts of red-orange fire out of its mouth,
blasting more stars out of the sky. Some of them gain a
glowing red aura and spin around clockwise like shuriken.)
Vanessa (mutters under her breath, repeatedly): Dont think
about the trophy.
(The stars stop spinning and dissipate into thin air.)
Aiden: Cool trick there, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Thanks.
Luna: If there were contest ribbons for having the best appeal,
youd win it for sure.
Vanessa: (chuckles awkwardly) Yeah, I would.
(Now, we see the rest of their day go on, with them briefly
sparring off with each other, playing with their respective
Pokemon, and working out some new attacks, all while Vanessa
continuously thinks about the trophy and trying to dispel the
impulsive and intrusive thought. Cross fade to hours later, at
Luna: I got to say, we didnt do too badly today.
Minnie: You said it, Luna, and I think our Pokemon would agree.
Aiden: Well, its getting late, so we better get home.
Vanessa: Why dont you guys go on without me? I have
something I need to take care of.
Aiden: Okay. Well see you first thing in the morning, then.
Vanessa: Yeah, see you.
(Minnie, Aiden and Luna wave goodbye to her and head off for
home. As soon as theyre out of sight, Vanessa shouts at the
top of her lungs.)
Vanessa: Thats it! I cant take any more of this impulse!
(Now, we dissolve to three hours later, at nighttime in the city,
where we see Vanessa quietly approach Aidens home. She
inconspicuously peeks through the windows via binoculars and
spots the lights going off in one of the rooms. Now, Vanessa
quietly approaches the house.)
Vanessa (whispers): Come on out, Tangela.
(She opens the Pokeball and Tangela emerges.)
Vanessa (quietly): Listen, I need you to use Vine Whip to get the
trophy from Aidens room.
(She picks it up, shows it where the trophy sits and sets it back
on the ground. Now, Tangela extends one of its vines through
the window. We cut to the inside of the room, where we see
the vine slithering above the floor until it reaches Aidens
nightstand, where the vine silently grabs the trophy, gently
picks it up and briskly bring it over to the window. Tangela turns
the trophy horizontally and smoothly pulls it out. Now, we cut
back outside, where Vanessa takes it from Tangelas vines.)
Vanessa: Nice job there, Tangela. Now, return.
(She calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, she quietly closes the
window back up and dashes down the street. Cross wipe to
moments later, where she arrives back at the field and sits on
the ground.)
Vanessa: Finally, I got you.
(She cuddles the trophy close to her face. Suddenly, she shakes
her head, gives a second look at the trophy and lets out a
shocked gasp.)
Vanessa: Oh, lord! I cant believe I did that!
(She hyperventilates and runs around in a panic.)
Vanessa (gets an idea): Ah-ha.
(She digs up a hole in the center of the field, places the trophy
and egg in her bag, places it in and seamlessly fills the hole back
up. Now, she rushes off back home. Fade in to early the next
morning, where she returns to the field and inspects the spot
she buried.)
Vanessa (with relief): Thank goodness. They havent gotten
here yet.
(Just then, Minnie, Aden and Luna arrive.)
Vanessa: Morning, guys.
Luna: Morning, Vanessa. What are you doing here so early?
Vanessa: I just wanted to get a head start to the day.
Luna: Ahh, okay then.
(She sees that Aidens very upset.)
Vanessa: Whats the matter, Aiden?
Aiden: Somebody stole my trophy last night.
Vanessa: Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Well, I wouldnt worry
about it. Im sure itll turn up.
Aiden: I hope so. I mean, why would anyone want to take it?
Vanessa: Who knows?
Minnie: Anyways, lets get started.
(They go out to the center of the field and all each take out one
Minnie: Come on out, Mr. Mime.
(She opens the Pokeball and Mr. Mime appears.)
Mr. Mime: Mime, Mime.
Luna and Aiden: Go!
(They toss theirs up and a Buneary and a Noibat emerge,
Vanessa: I choose you, Rotom!
(She throws the Pokeball and Rotom emerges from it. Suddenly,
she hears a faint cry of a Pidgeot.)
Vanessa: Huh, that was weird.
Luna: Youre up first, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Okay. (She and Rotom step up to position.)
Luna: Mr. Mime, use Magical Leaf!
Mr. Mime: Mime!
(Its hands glow light green and forms a light green ring energy
in front of itself, which turns into an orb. Now, it fires multiple
light green glowing leaves from it.)
Vanessa: Rotom, use Discharge!
(She points in the direction of the first round and Rotoms body
gets enveloped in yellow electricity and fires multiple bolts of
yellow electricity from it at the leaves, shooting them down.)
Vanessa: That was great. Now, go for the ones-
(Suddenly, she hears the cry again, except a little louder than
before and misses the second rounds.)
Minnie: What was that, Vanessa? You usually get them every
Vanessa: Sorry about that. I just had something on my mind.
Minnie: Well, okay.
(Now, we side wipe to minutes later, where Vanessa is amid a
battle with a Loudred.)
Vanessa: Rotom, Shock Wave!
(Its whole body glows with yellow electricity, then an orb of
yellow electricity forms above its head. Now, the orb sparks
with yellow electricity and Rotom fires a jagged beam of yellow
electricity from it at Loudred, doing a good amount of damage.
Loudred stomps on Rotom with its two feet, doing damage.)
Vanessa: Now, use Thunder Shock!
(Rotom fires a beam of yellow electricity from it at Loudred,
doing damage to it. Loudred runs away in defeat.)
Vanessa: Nice job, Rotom. You certainly showed that Loudred a
thing or two.
(Rotom gives off a happy and appreciative expression. Just
then, she hears the Pidgeots cry again.)
Vanessa: (gasps with excitement.) There must be a Pidgeot
around here! Come on, Rotom!
(They scour the area for the Pidgeot. Fade in to moments
later, and shes still searching.)
Vanessa: I dont understand. I thought itd be over here for
(Rotom shrugs with its appendages.)
Vanessa: Okay, so if there isnt one here, how come I keep
hearing one? (She thinks for a minute and then gets a sudden
realization and gives off an Oh, no. gasp.) Okay, just calm
down, Vanessa. If you dont think about it, then maybe it wont
occur again.
(Side wipe to moment, and they get started with help their
Pokemon perfect some new attacks.)
Aiden: Noibat, use Razor Wind!
(The patagium of its wings glow bright white and repeatedly
flaps them, firing a single white crescent-shaped energy wave
and then the glow fades.)
Minnie: Mr. Mime, Giga Impact!
Mr. Mime: Mime!
(Its body becomes enveloped in an invisible, and then a bright
flash of yellow appears in front of its face. Now, it shoots itself
and an orb of light purple energy starts to form, but it quickly
dissipates and Mr. Mime stops in its tracks.)
Luna: Okay, Buneary, lets do Sky Uppercut!
Buneary: Bun-eary!
(It makes a fist, which glows light blue and does an uppercut,
but the glow quickly fades away.)
Vanessa: All right. Rotom, Electro Ball!
(Rotoms body gets enveloped in yellow electricity and multiple
yellow sparks come off its body. Then, all of it condenses in
front of itself and forms into a small orange-yellow orb of
electricity with sparks of yellow electricity coming off it and
Rotom fires it into the sky.)
Vanessa: That was pretty good. Now, lets go for a-
(Suddenly, she hears the Pidgeots cry once more, much louder
than before.)
Vanessa: Oh, no you dont! Not going to get to me this time!
(She breathes heavily. The others come over to her.)
Luna (worried and suspicious): Vanessa, are you feeling all
right? This isnt like you.
Vanessa: Dont be silly, Luna. Im doing fine.
Luna (inquisitively): Okay, then.
(She sees her friends huddling together and whispering to one
Vanessa (thinking to herself): Uh-oh. Theyre starting to catch
on. Come on, think of something. (directly, to the three.) Hey,
guys. How about we battle one on one?
Minnie (pensively): Sure thing, Vanessa.
(They get to the center of the field. Vanessa and Aiden go into
their respective corners and get into their starting positions.)
Aiden: Why dont you have the first move, Vanessa?
Vanessa: Okay, then. Rotom, start with-
(She hears the cry yet again and attempts to resist reacting to
it, but she throws her up into the air.)
Vanessa (shouting to the sky): Leave me alone, will you?!
Youre really driving me crazy!
(She lowers her head. Minnie, Luna and Aiden walk over to
Aiden: Okay, Vanessa drop the act. Youve been acting weird
all morning. What is it youre hiding from us?
Minnie: Yeah. Come on, spit it out.
(Vanessa nervously looks at them while they clamor and for an
answer from her and the Pidgeots cry grows louder and louder.
She throws her head into the air.)
Vanessa (shouts): AHHH, STOP IT! STOP IT! Okay, I did it! I
stole it! Its there, in the ground! Oh, please take it back! I
cant take any more of that awful cry!
(She points to the spot, and falls to the ground on her knees,
tears coming out of her eyes and her head drooped in guilt.
Aiden digs up, gets the backpack out and checks on the content.
He wipes off his forehead in relief.)
Aiden: Phew. Come on, guys.
(The three walk back home. They look back at Vanessa with
shame, disappointment, betrayal, anger and disgust. Fade back
to the present day.)
Serena: Oh, that is pretty bad.
Vanessa: Yeah.
Serena: So, how far are you with your apology?
Vanessa: So far, not a whole lot. I know what I want to say, but
I really want it to be honest, sincere and truthful.
Iris: I see. Well, maybe our friend Lex can help you with it.
Vanessa: Okay, if you think itll help.
Iris (with certainty): Believe us. He will and more.
(She pulls out the Pokepilot from her backpack, turns it on and
calls Quinn, who is doing some training with an Araquanid.)
Quinn: Hey, guys. Whats up?
Serena: Were doing well, Quinn. What Pokemon are you
training there?
Quinn: This is Oranguru. (to Oranguru.) Come on up and say hi
to them.
(It sits up and waves hello to them.)
Iris: Hi.
Vanessa: Hey, there. Im Vanessa.
Quinn: Greetings. Anyways, whats been
Iris: Vanessas trying to work out an apology to her friends.
Quinn: Oh, how come?
Serena: She stole her one of her friends trophy out of an
impulse and tried to cover it up.
Quinn: Ooh, thats pretty awful.
Iris: We know, and she wants it to be very honest, so we were
thinking you could help her out with it.
Quinn: Of course I can. To start off, be sure that your apology
includes the three Rs: regret, responsibility and remedy.
Vanessa: Okay, then what?
Quinn: Now, when you deliver said apology, be completely
sincere with it. I know youre already trying to go for that, and
it is important because it comes from the fact that you regret
your actions and are aware that you hurt your friends.
Iris: All right, we got that.
Quinn: Good. Next, when you take responsibility for your
actions, show them that youve truly accepted the blame for
the incident. Dont attempt to make up any excuses, try to
rationalize or justify said actions, or even avoid explaining why
you did what you did.
Serena: Thats some sound advice. Whats next?
Quinn: Now, you try to remedy the situation, and there are
basically two known ways you can do this: assuring them that
you wont do anything like that again or making it up to them
by doing something specific.
Vanessa: Hmm, yeah, I could try that.
Quinn: Okay, then. Now, heres something to keep in mind:
dont try to use apologies for personal gains or getting what
you want. Choosing to apologize because someone else told
you so or you think youll get something out of it is not only
insincere, but itll also make you come off worse than before.
Iris: All right, well have that in mind. Now what?
Quinn: This next one is pretty much self-explanatory: plan your
apology in advance before giving it.
Serena: Youre right about that. Anything else?
Quinn: Mmm-hmm. Give those people some time to think over
your apology, then actively listen to their response. Its not a
good idea to try and rush anything through, so give your friends
some time to decide what they want to do.
Vanessa: Okay, go on.
Quinn: After that, listen intently to their response. Be sure that
there arent any distractions, keep a sharp focus, avoid
defending yourself, pay attention to the body language and
sometimes repeat back what was said. One other important
element: dont just listen to whats being said, but also read
between the lines.
Vanessa: Oh, thats pretty good.
Quinn: Yeah, and one other thing. You probably already know
this, but try to use the experience to learn from your mistakes,
like not to overthink things, showing yourself some
compassion, being open to new ideas, not succumb to your
fears and, of course, being true to yourself.
Iris: Well, Quinn, all of that will definitely help Vanessa out.
Quinn: If you do it correctly, it certainly will, which is why Im
going to present a scenario to you guys.
Serena: All right, then.
(Right pan over to a screen displaying a scenario of a guy trying
to redeem himself.)
Quinn: So, you guys ready to do it?
Iris: You bet.
Axew: Axew.
Quinn: Very well, then. This guy, Corey, wants to redeem
himself after copying some of his friends combination moves
without their consent. Which of the three Rs do you think is
the most essential here?
Vanessa: Hmm. Him showing how much he regret his actions.
Quinn: Okay, Vanessa. Now, how do you think he can be
sincere with it?
Iris: He should explain to them why he did what he did
Quinn: Very well, Iris. Next, what can he do to show hes taken
responsibility for his actions?
Serena: He acknowledges that he made a huge mistake and is
willing to accept all the blame for it.
Quinn: All right, Serena. Now, how can he remedy the
Serena: He could promise hell never do it again and let them
know he wants to use them beforehand.
Quinn: Very good. Next, what should he not do with it?
Iris: He shouldnt use it to try and immediately gain their trust
again and act like the incident never happened.
Quinn: Okay, then. Lastly, after having given out his apology,
what kind of response do you think hell get?
Vanessa: His friends accept his apology and let him join up
again, but itll be a while before he fully earns their trust back.
Quinn: Okay. You guys did great.
Serena: Thank you, Quinn.
Quinn: Mmm. Now, if youll excuse us, were going to get back
to training. Bye, you guys. Oh, and it was nice to meet you,
Vanessa: Thanks, Quinn. You too.
(Iris shuts the Pokepilot off and puts it back in her backpack.
Now, Vanessa looks out into the bay.)
Iris: Hey, guys. Check out those waves.
(Serena and Iris look out and see a few big ones beginning to
form and rise.)
Serena & Iris: Oh, yeah.
Axew: Axew.
(They back away to higher ground before the first wave crashes
down. Then, a second one hits and a Dragalge washes up
ashore, brutally wounded, its pectoral and tail fins are damaged
and its body is covered with scars and scuff marks.)
Serena: Uh-oh. That Dragalge isnt looking too good.
Iris (agreeing): Youre right, Serena.
Axew: Axew.
(Vanessa steps forward.)
Vanessa (confidently): Dont worry, guys. I know exactly what
to do.
(She runs down to the Dragalge and carefully examines its
Vanessa (reassuring & certain): Just hold still, Dragalge, and
this wont hurt a bit.
(She cleans up its wounds and dresses them, patches up its fins,
sprays a Hyper Potion around it and feeds it a special
PokeBlock, all while Iris and Serena watch with impressed
Vanessa (gently): There you are, all ready to go. Now, try to be
careful getting back.
(Dragalge nods its head while Vanessa helps it back into the
water. It swims off, Vanessa waves goodbye to it and goes back
over to the girls.)
Serena: Wow, Vanessa. You did great there.
Vanessa: Thank you.
Iris: Howd you know how to do all that?
Vanessa: I learned it all from Nurse Joy.
Iris: Ahh, thats great. She must be a great teacher.
Vanessa: You better believe she is.
Iris: So, anyways, how could Dragalge have gotten that way?
Vanessa: It could have been from a territorial battle with
another Dragalge somewhere.
Serena: Hmm, youre probably right. (She turns over to
Vanessa.) So, Vanessa? Ready to work out your apology?
Vanessa (with certainty): You bet.
Serena: Great, but before we start, we better ask the audience
if they want to do it.
Iris: Okay, Serena. (She turns over to the audience.) Hey, you
guys up for it? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) Oh, all right.
Vanessa: Uh, dont they find it a little creepy?
Serena: Not really. We try to be friendly with them, even if
they dont respond sometimes.
Vanessa: Ahh, got you there.
(Cross dissolve to Vanessas scenario.)
Serena (V.O.): Lets get started. Which of the three Rs is the
most crucial? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half seconds.) She wants to remedy
with them. Okay, then.
(As they talk, parts of the apology appear as they go along.)
Vanessa (V.O.): Next, how can I show that Im being truthful?
(She casually waits for an answer from the audience for one and
a half seconds.) Tell them what I was going through at the time
and why I did it. All right.
Iris: (V.O.): How can Vanessa show shes taken responsibility for
her actions? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half seconds.) By showing that shes
accepted its her own fault and takes all the blame. Okay, then.
Vanessa (V.O.): Next, what can I do to make things right? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for two
seconds.) Guarantee to them that I wont pull a stunt like that
ever again. Yeah, thats good.
Serena (V.O.): What should her not use her apology for? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for one and a
half seconds.) To get some kind of reward out of it. You got it.
Iris (V.O.): Finally, what do you think her friends response
would be? (She casually waits for an answer from the audience
for one and a half seconds.) They get where her impulse was
coming from, and if shes willing to be more upfront and
control herself, theyll forgive her for what happened.
(Side wipe back to them and Iris casually speaks to the
Iris (casually): Nice job, you guys.
Axew (casually): Axew.
(Vanessa turns over to the two.)
Vanessa: Guys, I appreciate you helping me out with this.
Iris: Hey, it was no problem at all.
Serena (to Vanessa): Hey. I thought off something special you
can do for your friends.
Vanessa: Oh? What?
(She leans over whispers something to her.)
Vanessa: Ooh, good idea. Ill give it to them first thing
tomorrow, but for now, as a way of saying thanks (She quickly
scans the area for eavesdroppers. Quietly.) how would you
two like to see my secret base?
Serena and Iris: Sure.
Axew (going sure.): Axew.
Vanessa: All right, then. Follow me.
(She leads them from the shoreline and heads in the direction of
the forest east of the area. Fade in to minutes to minutes later,
where they arrive and come to a large tree.)
Serena (confused): Okay, where is it?
Vanessa: Its up there.
(She climbs up the tree and Iris and Serena follow after. Now
they enter into the base. Once inside, they see a bookshelf filled
with Pokemon books, a round TV on a table that looks like a
PokeBall, a Venusaur & Togepi dolls and a globe sitting on it
and a scale model of Lumiose City on another. The walls are
decorated with posters, a flowering plant growing in the corner
and a green mat on the floor.)
Iris: This is a nice base, Vanessa.
Vanessa: Thank you, Iris.
Iris: We could tell.
Serena: You sure have a lot of interesting hobbies.
Vanessa: Indeed, I do.
(She shows them the globe and gives it a spin.)
Vanessa: You know, Ive heard about a new region called Alola.
Iris (intrigued): Oh, really?
Vanessa: Mmm-hmm. Its a popular destination made up of
four islands and home to all kinds of new Pokemon.
Iris: It sounds like a lot of fun. We might have to go there
Vanessa: Yeah, me too.
Serena: Come on. Lets go outside and do some training.
Vanessa: Sure, sounds good.
(They turn over to the audience.)
All (casually): Thanks a lot, guys.
Axew (casually): Axew.
(Fade in to a few minutes later, where theyre out in the field,
doing some training. Serena has her Pancham out, Iris is with
Axew and Vanessa has Rotom.)
Iris: That was an enjoyable episode. You guys like it? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for one second.)
Ahh, all right. Well see you next time.
Axew: Axew.
(They casually wave goodbye to the audience and resume with
their training. Now, we pan up to see an overview of the
surrounding area and the city in the distance and we fade to
black, ending the episode.)

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