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8/3/2010 3:35:54 PM

Columbia, SC (August 3, 2010) - Fi scal y ear 2009-10 was another suc cessful y ear f or the
South Carolina Education Lottery (SCEL). Total transfers for education to the State Treasurer
for transfer to the Education Lottery Account (ELA) exceeded $272 million, the largest amount
since FY 2007. This surpassed the r evenue goal set by the Boar d of Economic Advisors by
over $20 million. The Lottery has exceeded its revenue goals every year since sales started in
January 2002!

“Every South Carolinian should take pride i n the extraordinary success of the Lottery during
the previous year,” sai d Lottery Commission Chairman Tim Madden. “Operating i n the worst
economy i n r ecent hi story, and transitioning to a new leadership team; the players, r etailers
and staff of the lottery worked together to generate incredible returns for education. The Board
is very pleased with this performance and appreciates the leadership of Paula Harper Bethea
during these challenging times.”

SCEL c ontinues to ope rate i n a f iscally c onservative manner while gen erating more t han
$1.007 billion in revenue. Lottery players won more than $628 million in prizes, over 62 percent
of sales, via an entertaining selection of SC EL games. Retailer c ommissions exceeded $71
million, representing 7 percent of total sales.

Important Gaming Milestones for Fiscal Year 2009-10:

Instant ticket sales continued to be a strong source of revenue for SCEL with total instant ticket
sales exceeding $6 46 million. The c ombined r evenue f or a ll onl ine g ames exceeded $ 360
million. One of the y ear’s most popular tickets was the Ric Flair™ W oooooo!™ game that
featured the Nature Boy™ himself. Fans even had the opportunity to meet Mr. Flair at some of
the Lottery’s special events.

Another important milestone for Fiscal Year 2009-10 was the addition of Mega Millions® to the
Lottery’s online games. Since Mega Millions® launched i n South Carolina on J anuary 31st,
there have been more than 311,700 winners of prizes totaling over $4 million through July 26th.

About SCEL and Education Funding:

“Our goal and mission c ontinue to be the posi tive i mpact we c an have on education an d,
therefore, on t he c itizens o f Sou th C arolina,” sai d SC EL Executive Director Pau la Harper
Bethea. “All of us at the Lottery are committed to doing more with less, and we are committed
to an organization underpinned with excellence and integrity. The remarkable team with whom I
work each day is delivering for S.C. at a time when education dollars are needed most.”

From January 7, 2002 through J une 30, 2011, the General Assembly has appropriated more
than $2.5 bi llion to sup plement edu cational funding i n S outh Carolina. S ince 2002, l ottery
appropriations have pr ovided over $1.5 bi llion toward lottery-funded sc holarships and grants.
Proceeds h ave al so su pported various ed ucational pr ograms f or st udents i n ki ndergarten
through 12th grade and other community education programs including public libraries.

After eight successful years, lottery proceeds are helping to build opportunities for students of
all ages i n South Carolina. Fi scal Year 2009-10 provides confirmation of SC EL’s c ontinued
support of educational opportunities for the Palmetto State’s citizens.

For more i nformation ab out the Sout h C arolina Educ ation Lottery, visit

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