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10/1/15 - , Food & Heal h (Tel g ):

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- , Food & Heal h (Tel g )

food i main f el fo h man bod and i ca e fo man di ea e . He e a e
ome of commonl ed food i em , f i & ege able.

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443,692 Tuesda , August 11, 2009

, A agandha,

Abo Me . ,



Dr.Vandana Seshagirirao-
Srikakulam., Andharapradesh,
View my complete profile

1.Body and its Fuel (1)
A akaakara nuts -
Acorus calamus (1)
Adhatoda vasica or Justicia
adhatoda (2)
Ajwain medicinal uses (1)
albakara fruit (1)
Alfalfa (1)
Almond Nuts (1)
Alternative substances for
sweet(sugar) (1)
Alum as medicine (1)
Amla (1)
Anjeera Fruit (1)
Apple (1)
Apricot (1)
Aram (1)
Areca Nut (1)
. " king of Ayurveda" .
Aroma oils for body health (1)

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10/1/15 - , Food & Heal h (Tel g ):
Artemisia indica (1) . .
Artificial sugrs (1) . .
A rtimis s ia.pallens e ()Oil
(1) ' .
Artmisia indica (1) . .
Asafoetida (1) .
. 35-75
Aswagandha (1) , 1.25 .
B.P.controling food habits - . . , . ,
(1) . , ,
Bad Cholesterol Reducers (1) . , .
Bael (Fruit) (1) .
Baking Soda (1) . , , ,
Balanced and Nutritive food for . , , , ,
beauty (1) , , , ,
Banana- (1) , , , , , ,
Barli - (1) . , , ,
Bas il Seeds - (1) .
Beans - (1) . ,
Beauty Tips (1) , ,
Beer (alcoholic drink) (1) . , ,
Beet Root (1) . .
Berries (1) , . .
Betel Leaves (1) . , , ,

Betel Nut (1) . , ,

Bitter gourd (1) , , 1, , , ,
Black berries (1) , , , , , , 3-
Black Rice (1) . , , , , , , , ,
Black Tea- (1) , , , , , , ,
blood glucose control with mango , .
(1) .
Body and Nutrients (1) .
. . .

Bottle gourd (1) . . , , ,
Brinjal (1) , , .
Brokolee (1) . . .
Brown rice (1) . , .
bull heat fruit (1)

Butter (1) .
Butter milk (1) .
Cabbage Leaves (1) , ,
Camphor and Uses (1) , .
Cannabis (1) " " ," " . (Alkaloid ):
Cardimom (1)
Care of food in school going (withanine),
children - (somniferine),
(1) (somnine),
Carrots - (1) (somniferinie),
Cashewnuts (1) (withananine),
Cassava Root yam (1) (pseudoWithanine),
Castor Oil (1) (Tropine),
Cauliflower (1) (pseudoTropine),
chicken (1)
chillies (1) (Steroidal Lactones) :
chocolate (1)
Cinnamon (1)
Citron (1) (Acyl Steryl Glucosides), .
Clear waste products in the body
, .
(1) (It enhanses the property of co-
Cloves (1) existing molecule) , :
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10/1/15 - , Food & Heal h (Tel g ):
Clus ter Bean- (1) .
Coconut (1) ,
Coffee (1) , .
Cola drinks and our health
Awareness (1) :

Colacasia (1)
cooking oils (1) ,
cooking soda (1)

coriander Leaves (1)
"Hyperthyroid" .
Coriander seeds (1) Posted by Dr.Vandana Seshagirirao-MBBS. at 6:58 AM No comments: Links to this post
Cucumber (1) Labels: Aswagandha, ,
Cucumber-White (1)
Cumin seed (1)
Curd (1) Home Older Posts
Curry Leaves (1)
Custered apple(sugar apple) (1) Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)
Dark chocolate (1)
Date Fruit (1)
Doubts about Eating Fruits for
healt (1)
Dry Fruits (1)
Dry grapes (1)
Easy Drinks Quick Weight Loss
Eat these 7 for active Strength (1)
Eggs (1)
Energy drinks bad to heart (1)
Eucaliptus (1)
Evakado (1)
Evo Diet (1)
Fashion Fruits (1)
Fast foods and health awareness
Fat Burning Foods for Weight
reduction (1)
Fennel seeds medicinal uses. (1)
Fenugreek(M entulu) (1)
fiber rich foods (1)
fig Fruit (1)
finger millets (1)
Fish (1)
Fish Oils (1)
Fitness with fish (1)
Five foods for Asthma (1)
Flax Seeds (1)
Food for running exercise (2)
food for s kin beauty-
Food good for Heart health-

Food habits for heart health (1)
Food habits in Old age. (1)
Food habits to controle weight
gain (1)
Food items for better sperm
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