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A guide for younger

members of staff
Foreword from Peter Gilroy, Chief Executive
and fresh ideas that younger
people bring to the organisation.

I firmly believe that people

should be treated on the basis of
their talent and not their age. I
have seen in the last few years
the exciting impact that younger
people are having in KCC, we
must remember that they are
the future and ensure that we
value the contribution they are
making to Kent and it’s residents.

I am delighted to have the

opportunity to write this
foreword, not only to remind
people of what Kent County
Council has to offer but also to
Peter Gilroy,
emphasise the importance of
Chief Executive,
attracting younger members of
Kent County Council
staff and making sure that the
opportunities are there for them
to develop a career in KCC.

I am proud that KCC is an

organisation that is always
looking to the future, always
keen to modernise and to push
the boundaries. It is therefore
essential that we look to the
future and make sure that we
capture the energy, enthusiasm

 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top



Welcome to Greenhouse
The Cabinet....................................................................................6
How the Council works
Useful information......................................................................8
From annual leave to employee volunteering
Staff profiles..................................................................................22
Senior members of staff explain how they developed
their careers and how to make the most of the
opportunities available at KCC
Staff groups...................................................................................30
The groups working to help ensure that KCC is a great
place to work.

KCC Greenhouse staff group 

Welcome to this Greenhouse We have included the basics
booklet, which has been written for newcomers because we
with the aim of informing know how new staff members
younger staff of the many can feel uncomfortable
benefits and entitlements asking their co-workers lots
available at Kent County of questions. However, there
Council. We believe this are plenty of lesser known
will be informative for both pieces of information that
new starters as well as more even experienced staff may be
experienced KCC employees. unaware of.

Greenhouse is a staff group We hope you enjoy reading it

representing younger employees as much as we have enjoyed
within KCC. We hold regular creating it, and that you find it
meetings and have an online informative and useful!
community website, enabling
staff to discuss issues and Thanks,
share useful information. More The Greenhouse Team (2009)
information about our staff
group can be found on page 30.

Having been established as

a group for two years, we are
aware of the common issues Pictured; members on a group
younger staff can encounter event
and pieces of information that
are not common knowledge.
As a group we have worked on
putting as much information
as we can in this handy booklet
for you to pick up and look at
whenever you like! We hope this
will be of a useful reference for
you during your employment at
 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top
Time off for study or

If the job you have found offers

little or no training, you could
be eligible for something called
Time Off for Study or Training
Join our online community! (TfST). You can qualify if you are
16 or 17 and did not get any Level
Greenhouse has a new online 2 qualifications at school. Level 2
community, enabling members qualifications include:
of our group from different parts GCSEs at grades A*-C, an
of Kent to join and share their NVQ Level 2, certain other
views on discussion topics. Once qualifications, such as a BTEC
you sign up on our community, First Diploma. TfST entitles
you will have access to lots of you to reasonable paid time
information which is relevant off during normal working
to you as a young person in the hours to study or train for an
organisation, which includes: approved qualification. This must
rest entitlements, study leave be a Level 2 qualification that
and working hours. will help improve your future
employment prospects.
Be a buddy, find a buddy? The time off you get will
depend on the course, your
For many younger staff, it might
circumstances, and your
be their first job and working at
employer’s needs. If you’re 18,
KCC may seem like a daunting
you’re also entitled to finish any
prospect. By buddying them up
qualifications that you’ve already
with more experienced younger
members of staff, they can
benefit from their experience
To join our online community
and guidance. Conversely,
or find out more see our Knet
becoming a buddy and providing
site in the staff zone.
help and guidance to a new
member of staff could give you
new experiences

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 

The Cabinet: how the council works
area at County Council level. The
candidate with most votes wins
the seat, and the political party
with most seats takes control of
the County Council. The Leader
of the Council is voted in at the
next full Council meeting after
the election. The Leader will
appoint a Deputy Leader and
Cabinet. The Cabinet is KCC’s
political leadership team,
responsible for strategic thinking
Paul Carter, Leader and decisions that steer how
Kent County Council the council is run. The Cabinet is
made up of Members who are
Kent County Council has given additional responsibility
84 elected Members of the for a specific set of KCC services
Council (known within KCC and units (called a portfolio.) 
as ‘Members’).  Members are For example, there is a Cabinet
sometimes referred to as Member for Adult Social Services
Councillors, which means the who is responsible for the Kent
same thing. Each of the 84 Adult Social Services directorate
Members represents an area of and all the services it provides. 
Kent, called a division. See
See uk/council-and-democracy/
uk/council-and-democracy/ democracy-and-elections/
councillors/ to find the Member cabinet/ to meet the Leader,
for your area. Deputy Leader and other Cabinet
Every four years, County  
elections are held and people The Cabinet meets monthly
who live in each division vote to make decisions as a
for the candidate who they wish group that will have a significant
to represent the interests of the impact on KCC’s budget or on

 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

its services to the community -  The full Council (where all 84
these are known as key decisions. Members come together in the
The Cabinet is often advised by Council Chamber) meets seven
Committees which are made up times a year to agree KCC’s
of other Members and are set up Constitution and amendments
to discuss specific topics. Each to it, appoint the Leader and
Cabinet Member will also take approve the policy framework
decisions relating to their own and budget (including Council
portfolio. Cabinet Members Tax).
can appoint ‘Lead Members’ to
advise and assist them on their
portfolio. Cabinet Members work  
closely with the officers who run
KCC’s services - Cabinet Members
make the decisions but are given
advice and guidance by officers
who then put the Members’ Pictured; the Council Chamber
decisions into action. at County Hall, Maidstone

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 

Useful information:
Staff benefits and entitlements

After Five
Grade Basic Years’
Entitlement Service

KS1 to 24 27
KS8 25 28
KS9 26 29
KS10 to 27 30
KS13 to 30 30

Up to ten days annual leave can

be carried over from one leave
year to the next. KCC also runs
a scheme allowing employees
to buy and sell annual leave.
This is at the discretion of your
line manager, on the basis of
Annual Leave business needs. More details
can be found on KNet: http://
Annual leave entitlement runs knet2/staff-zone/leave-and-
from 1 April to 31 March every attendance/annual-leave
year. Your contract will tell you
how many days holiday you are
entitled to during this period.
If you started partway through
the year, your entitlement is
calculated pro rata.

 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

Leave arrangements for the your return to work). If your
Christmas holiday period are as return to work is not noted then
follows: you risk being put on half pay.
When Offices will be The form can be found on KNet:
Christmas Day closed on: http://knet2/staff-zone/leave-
falls on: and-attendance/sick-leave/
Sunday, Monday,
Monday or Tuesday and Personal Leave and
Tuesday Wednesday Carer’s Leave
Wednesday or Wednesday,
Thursday Thursday and With the line manager’s
Friday approval, an employee may
Friday Thursday, take up to ten days of paid
Friday and personal leave (formerly called
Monday, compassionate leave) per year.
Saturday Friday, Monday Situations in which personal
and Tuesday leave may be taken is down
to the discretion of the line
manager. Examples may include
Sickness Leave attending a funeral of someone
close or to deal with difficulties
Upon return to work, a Sickness
following the break down of a
Absence Form needs to be
marriage/relationship. Personal
completed. On the first day
leave is given to employees in
of sick leave you must notify
addition to taking unpaid leave
your line manager by 10am
to deal with urgent domestic
that you are taking leave. A
issues. Up to five days personal
medical certificate is required
leave can be used for caring
for absences of more than seven
responsibilities. Carers leave
days (including the weekend).
is a new pilot scheme and is
currently only available to staff
A Sickness Absence Form needs
with regular hours contracts. It
to be completed (either by
might be possible to apply for
yourself or by your line manager),
additional paid carer’s leave,
either on return or after seven
at the discretion of the line
days of sick leave (in which case,
it will need to be updated upon

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 

Learning, Development Expenses Claim Form
and Volunteering
In order to claim expenses,
All staff are entitled to five days an OE2 Claim Form must be
learning and development each completed. This can be found on
year, two of which can be used Knet: http://knet2/staff-zone/
to take part in volunteering travel-and-expenses/claiming-
activities. Your learning and expenses/Expenses%20masterb.
development needs will be xls/view
discussed with your line
manager at your 1:1 meetings. Before claiming expenses for
the first time, your will need to
Details of available training complete an OE1 Claims Setup
courses are available on KNet: Form and send it to Employee
http://knet2/staff-zone/training- Services. This can be found in the
and-development/training- same spreadsheet as the OE2
courses/training-courses Claims Form.

Further information regarding When making a mileage

volunteering can be found here: expenses claim, you have to
http://knet2/staff-zone/training- deduct your home to office
and-development/development- mileage for your first and last
opportunities/employee- journey of the day.
You will need your Oracle
Assignment Number to hand
when completing a claims form;
this can be found on your payslip.

10 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

Useful links

Blue Book (terms & conditions of Pay Scales – http://knet2/staff-

employment, annual leave, etc.) zone/pay-and-pensions/pay
– http://knet2/staff-zone/terms- Staff Noticeboard – http://
and-conditions/blue-book knet2/staff-zone/staff-interests/
Health and Safety Information
and Policy – http://www.

Job Opportunities Within KCC –


New to KCC (useful information

for new starters) – http://knet2/

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 11

Local Government Pension Trade Unions
Scheme (page 106 of Blue Book) (page 155 of Blue Book)

Most KCC employees under the KCC works alongside trade

age of 75 are entitled to join unions on various issues
the Local Government Pension including resolution of
Scheme. employment relation issues by
discretion and agreement.
Entry to the scheme is automatic
on employment but staff can opt The recognised unions in the Kent
out of the scheme by contacting Scheme are:-
Employee Services.
Unison -
Contribution rates are based
on an individual’s full time General Municipal Boilermakers
equivalent pensionable pay and Allied Trades Union (GMB)
(including any pensionable -
Transport and General Workers
Contribution Union (TGWU) –
Annual Income
Rate (%) uk

Up to £12,000 5.5
>£12,000 - 5.8
>£14,000 - 5.9
>£18,000 - 6.5
>£30,000 - 6.8
>£40,000 - 7.2
>£75,000 7.5

12 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

Support Line Dignity and Respect at Work

Support line counselling provides We expect you to be treated with

an opportunity for us to re-find respect and dignity by the people
resources within ourselves. It can you come into contact with in
enable us to approach our lives, the course of your job. When this
our work and problems in a more does not happen we want you to
effective and creative way. let us know and be able to offer
Support Line is a service that you support to deal with difficult
offers staff up to a maximum situations.
of 7 sessions of counselling a
year. The service, which is free, is Discrimination, bad and
paid for by KCC as part of their offensive behaviour, harassing
commitment to staff care. or upsetting language can
Each session lasts for one hour; come from any source and if it
these will normally be once happens whilst you are working
weekly, but may be spread over a on KCC’s behalf there are a
longer period where appropriate. number of things you can do to
All counsellors abide by address it.
the British Association for
Counselling Code of Ethics FIRSTCALL is a telephone line set
and Practice, which specifies a up especially for our staff, 24/7,
rigorous code on confidentiality. so that if something happens to
you at work you have a contact
To make an appointment: who will be able to provide you
Tel: 01622 605539 with information whatever time
Fax: 01732 875792 of day you ring.
More information can be found 08458 247 703
in the Staff Care Services folder Textbox: 08458 247 905
on KNet.

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 13

Flexible Working Work and Wellbeing
(page 82 of Blue Book)
Work and Wellbeing is part of
Types of Flexible Working KCC’s commitment to making
Arrangements Include: and keeping KCC a great place
Flexitime to work by making sure that we
Nine Day Fortnight have a healthy organisation.
Annualised hours
Term-time working only Work and Wellbeing offer many
Part-time work services including:-

The principles of flexible working A Virtual Gym - Europe’s only

will apply to all employees online gym is now available to all
irrespective of the number KCC staff absolutely FREE! Log on
of hours they normally work. to your private gym at home for
Implementation arrangements classes in pilates, aerobics, dance,
will vary according to the relaxation and more!
conditions on which individuals
are employed. DVD Library – has 65 exercise
titles for you to borrow free.
Service delivery is paramount Wellbeing Health checks - As
when considering arranging any part of KCC’s commitment to
flexible working patterns for helping staff improve their
groups or individuals. health and wellbeing, you could
take advantage of a free health
However, unless there is an check that includes your blood
overriding negative impact on pressure, cholesterol, height,
business delivery, an appropriate weight and Body Mass Index
arrangement should be granted. (BMI).

More information can be found

in the Wellbeing in KCC folder in
the Staff Zone section of KNet.

14 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

KCC has committed to
reducing carbon dioxide
emissions from its buildings
and schools by 10% by 2010.
Although there are many
energy saving projects being
implemented across the KCC
estate, we all need to 'do our
bit' to achieve these
• Always switch your computer
monitor off when you don't
need it. It can account
for almost two thirds of a
computer's energy use.
• Keep windows closed
when either the heating or air
Environment conditioning is on.
• Check that the thermostat on
Within Kent County Council we your radiator is not set too
are committed to reducing our high.
impact on the environment and • Don't leave lights on all day.
to deliver this we will achieve Natural daylight is often
external accreditation for the enough to light offices during
way in which we manage our most of the day and it is
environmental impacts. better for you.

Travelling could be one of the To really make an impact we

biggest environmental impacts should prevent waste being
you make. created in the first place. We can
all make a difference by using
• If you drive to work, you can less, only purchasing what is
minimise this by joining the required and by using resources
Kent Car Share scheme. more efficiently.
• Alternatively, could you make
your journey to work by public
transport, walking or cycling?

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 15

In addition, to support and
protect employees, KCC
attempts to identify alternative
employment for employees who
are at risk of redundancy.

Employees’ Responsibilities
The identification of alternative
work is a dual responsibility
between KCC and its employees.
An employee who needs to find
alternative work because s/he
is at risk of redundancy has a
responsibility to seek and accept
alternative work where it is
In the case of staff at risk of
Redundancy: redundancy, a refusal to accept
KCC’s Responsibilities an offer of suitable alternative
work, may result in the forfeit
KCC is responsible for delivering of the right to a redundancy
and maintaining high quality payment.
services to the public. In
response to economic, service KCC Approach to
and business needs, there are
occasions when job changes or
a reduction in the number of
• Selection for redundancy
posts may result in potential
will be against agreed, fair
and non-discriminatory
criteria. It is not KCC policy to
KCC has a responsibility and a
rely upon volunteers as the
statutory obligation to consult
only selection method.
with staff and trade unions at
• Measures to achieve
the earliest practical opportunity
reductions will include a
over any changes to jobs or
full range of options including
organisational structure that
vacancy management and
could lead to redundancies.

16 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

early retirement as well as • Financial support will be
redundancies. available to employees who
• Final decisions on the accept redeployment on
measures used to achieve the a lower grade and may be
required changes are left to available to employees
the discretion of the who accept redeployment at a
appropriate manager having distance from their original
consulted with Trade Unions work base.
and staff affected and taken • All employees seeking
advice from Personnel. alternative employment due
• Compulsory redundancies to redundancy will be given a
may sometimes result from ‘settling in’ period or statutory
organisational change, as it is trial period of at least 4 weeks
not possible in all to assess the suitability of the
circumstances to avoid job post.
losses through alternative • Reasonable paid time off
measures. work, with agreement, is
• For those at risk of offered to employees seeking
redundancy appropriate alternative work within or
training, paid time off to seek outside KCC.
alternative employment and
priority consideration for
vacant posts will be given.

Redeployment Principles

• Staff ‘at risk’ of redundancy

and who need to seek
alternative work will be given
priority consideration for
KCC vacancies within 2 grades
of their current grade,
provided their application
meets the basic criteria.

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 17

Secondments This could be just once or on a
more regular basis, subject to
Secondments are an excellent your line manager’s approval.
opportunity to gain experience
and develop skills that you If you are interested in work
may not use in your current shadowing, talk to your
role.  Secondments are short- line manager about your
term placements; the average development needs. Explore
length is 6-12 months and you the Directorate sites on KNet
are expected to return to your to identify teams and areas you
previous permanent post at the have an interest in and possible
end of the secondment. opportunities.
Secondment opportunities
within KCC are advertised in the Learning and
same way as normal permanent Development Unit
vacancies, through Job
Opportunities and the website.  Learning & Development
They are also often sent out to provides managers and staff
KCC staff as ExtraMails. with the skills, knowledge and
attitude required to meet KCC’s
Work Shadowing  vision and 2010 targets.

If you are considering your next Our areas of expertise cover

move or you would like to extend Management Development,
your knowledge of KCC and Staff Development , Health,
find out how other Directorates Safety and Wellbeing, Diversity
work, why not consider work Training, Investors in People,
shadowing?  Through work Qualifications, Coaching
shadowing you can spend time & Mentoring, Information
with a person or team carrying Technology, Induction and
out their day-to-day job and bespoke solutions.
really get to see what their job

18 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

We will: dignity at all times.
Provide high quality, customer • Listening to and acting on
focused development your feedback and using this
opportunities and solutions to improve our services. 
in the most efficient and
cost effective way.  We will The Unit is part funded
ensure that your learning and (including salaries), which means
development needs are our there is a charge for the services
number one priority. provided (except for the strategic
advice to directorates).  Due to
We will do this by: its buying power, the Unit is able
• Continually looking for new to reduce the cost of training
and innovative ways of by negotiating excellent rates
learning. with external providers and
• Providing a ‘can do’ approach venues, and maximise the IT
and adding the latest systems to provide management
cutting edge development information about its services
opportunities to our To gain access to our excellent
portfolio. services do not hesitate to
• Being flexible, responsive, contact us!
positive and aiming to
provide a ‘one stop’ service. For more information email:
• Treating all our customers Learning.Development@kent.
courteously, with respect and

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 19

To see how you can benefit by
being a KCC employee Log on to
Are you making the most of your
employee benefits? Employee Volunteering
Do you know that you can get Employee Volunteering is for
everyone. The choice of activities
Cashback and Discounts: is vast. It’s easy to do, fun,
• Cashback and Discounts and, even if it is challenging,
with over 1300 retailers both will be the most rewarding
locally and nationally? development you could ever do!
• Extra gift vouchers free from
the on-line shop KCC’s Employee Volunteering
• Discounts at more than 40 Policy enables all staff to take
gyms and health clubs in 2 of their 5 days learning and
Kent? development allowance to
• 10% off adult education volunteer.
classes? Volunteering is an ideal way
• 10% discount legal advice and to meet personal and team
services through Brachers? learning and development needs,
contributes to evidencing the
Staff Club Investors In People (IiP) standard
• Discounted events, trips and and is also reflected in KCC’s
shows including travel Strategy for Staff. 
• Tax free bikes and cycling
equipment? By implementing Employee
• Save up to 45% on the cost of Volunteering on and/or off the
a bike and safety equipment job you will utilise and develop
through the Cycle2Work transferable skills, for example
scheme innovation, problem solving, 
• Tax free Childcare vouchers? communication and increasing
Save up to £1100 each year on networks. Examples of the kind
the cost of your childcare of activities you could take part
in include; Leading a project

20 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

Supporting and maintaining We believe that recruiting people
the environment, Working with with different perspectives,
vulnerable groups, Befriending ideas, backgrounds and
and mentoring , Gardening, experiences helps us to provide
Painting......the list is endless. better services for the people of
To discuss your employee
volunteering ideas or We strive to be an organisation
for more assistance and that:
information about KCC’s
commitment to Employee • is a fair and equal employer
Volunteering, contact Caroline • has a workforce that is
Reade - Employee Volunteering tolerant, understanding and
Officer on 01622 694448 has respect for others • provides safe and accessible
places to work, free
from harassment and
• supports and listens to staff
about employment and
service issues
• makes sure the working
environment is inclusive,
collaborative and innovative
to enable our staff to fulfil
their potential at work

You can read more about our

commitment to equality and
Equality and Diversity diversity at http://www.kent.
Equality and diversity are equality-and-diversity/
fundamental to KCC’s way of
doing things. Kent is made up
of diverse communities and we
want to reflect that diversity in
the people who work for us.
Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 21
Staff Profiles
Progressing your career within KCC may seem like a daunting
prospect, but with some hard work and perseverance, it is certainly
possible to achieve your goals. Here are a number of senior KCC
employees explain how they rose through the ranks and share
their top tips on how to make the most of your career development

Oliver Mills, Managing Director, KASS

Did you encounter any challenges

when trying to progress your
career in the council? Were you
successful in overcoming these
challenges? If so, how?

The challenges were what make

KCC attractive – there is a strong
culture to take on change while
valuing customer care

During the early stages of

your KCC career, what skills or
experiences have helped you to
stand out from the crowd when
applying for roles with greater
How long have you been working
at KCC? 21 years
I was encouraged to always
What was your first job in KCC
focus on outcomes achieved
and what did it involve?
– when I was unsuccessful in job
applications, I received helpful
Policy Officer – carrying out
reviews on things like access to
files, hospital social work and
care management.

22 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

Are there any training courses or There is still some way to go, but
qualifications you have gained there is now an acceptance that
whilst at KCC from which you KCC’s future lies with its capacity
have particularly benefited (in to employ younger staff – it
terms of courses or qualifications needs to take some risks to do
that would be beneficial to this.
younger people)?

Early in my career with KCC, I was Career History

lucky enough to be released me
to do a 7 day course – the Duke Birmingham Young Volunteers
of Edinburgh Commonwealth Bureau
Study – with the private sector, Young Volunteer Organiser
trade unions and academics.
Later I had an executive coach London Borough of Hackney
who mentored me. Residential Child Care Officer

What would be the most London Borough of Camden

important piece of advice that Social Worker
you could give a younger person
looking to establish or progress London Borough of Lewisham
their career in KCC? Team Leader

You achieve most when working Kent County Council

with a team – always focus on Policy Officer
outcomes. Area Manager
Assistant Director
Since your time at KCC, would Director of Operations
you say that opportunities for
younger staff have improved (in
terms of career progression and
personal development)? If so,
how have they improved?

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 23

Staff Profile
Linda Davies, Director, Environment and Waste
Did you encounter any challenges
when trying to progress your
career in the council? Were you
successful in overcoming these
challenges? If so, how?

I pushed hard with my own

manager for regrading when
my responsibilities increased,
at first unsuccessfully, but I
persevered. I also had a couple
of occasions with very difficult
staff and learned a lot about
myself in these situations, but
sought expert advice ( of which
there is plenty within KCC) which
What was your first job in KCC
was invaluable in solving the
and what did it involve?
My first job at KCC was in 1989
During the early stages of
As County Ecologist, advising
your KCC career, what skills or
the authority on the impact of
experiences have helped you to
major developments, such as
stand out from the crowd when
Channel Tunnel, Channel Tunnel
applying for roles with greater
Rail Link, road schemes,quarries
on wildlife and landscape. Also
required to project manage
Having line management
the first major county-wide
responsibility, at first through
survey of wildlife habitats, set
attracting a work experience
up a countywide Biodiversity
volunteer, and then project
Partnership, and report on
management, and team
changes to the land cover of Kent
management. I am told that
since 1961.
my drive, energy, passion and

24 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

commitment have been a strong personal development)? If so,
factor in my success how have they improved?

Are there any training courses or Yes, although I have always

qualifications you have gained had access to training and
whilst at KCC from which you development and opportunities
have particularly benefited (in for challenge throughout my
terms of courses or qualifications career with KCC. I think the TCP
that would be beneficial to performance structure however
younger people)? unpopular provides an excellent
framework for all individuals
Middle Management Training to identify their needs in the
Emotional Intelligence round, and put in place what is
necessary for progression.
What would be the most
important piece of advice that Career History
you could give a younger person Cambridgeshire County Council
looking to establish or progress Lecturer
their career in KCC? Norfolk County Council
Senior Teacher
If you can, get involved in University of Kent, School of
Wider Contribution activity and Continuing Education
make and cultivate as many Part/time Lecturer
contacts as you can beyond your Various Boards of Examiners
immediate area of work. Examiner of A - Level and
Keep track of the many Diplomas
opportunities to volunteer Commonwork Land Trust
and use them, or take up mini Ecology Project Coordinator
secondments. Ask to briefly Kent County Council
shadow people whose work County Ecologist
interests you Principal Countryside Officer
Head of Countryside Policy and
Since your time at KCC, would Projects
you say that opportunities for County Environmental
younger staff have improved (in Management Officer
terms of career progression and Director, Environment and Waste

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 25

Staff Profile
Amanda Honey, Managing Director, Communities
How did you come to work in
KCC? Did you come into KCC
via a scheme or programme
(e.g. apprentice or graduate
programme) / was there
something in particular that
attracted you?

I worked for CSV a voluntary

organisation founded by KCC and
I was encouraged to apply for
a Development Officer post in
Social Services.

What was your first job in KCC

and what did it involve?
How long have you been working
at KCC? Development Officer – Social
Services Department – focus
19 years was on developing policy with
voluntary sector and a lead
At what level did you leave policy role for deaf and hearing
education (i.e. pre-GCSE, GCSE, A- impaired services.
Level, Degree Level)?
Did you encounter any challenges
Degree – Social Economic History when trying to progress your
followed by a part time MSC in career in the council? Were you
Social Policy and Planning whilst successful in overcoming these
working for KCC challenges? If so, how?

I was seen as a “bright young

thing” but I was given lots of
encouragement. My main

26 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

challenge was that I wasn’t a KCC is a great organisation –
social worker so I had to work make the most of the size of the
hard to build up my credibility organisation to move around,
with practitioners and managers. take advantage of secondment
opportunities, work shadowing
During the early stages of etc.
your KCC career, what skills or
experiences have helped you to Since your time at KCC, would
stand out from the crowd when you say that opportunities for
applying for roles with greater younger staff have improved (in
responsibility? terms of career progression and
personal development)? If so,
A “can do” attitude, a good how have they improved?
networker, a reputation for
delivering to tight deadlines We have an ageing workforce
– flexibility and willingness to and therefore need to develop
learn! and promote younger people.
Opportunities include ADP,
Are there any training courses or Apprenticeships, Career
qualifications you have gained pathways etc.
whilst at KCC from which you
have particularly benefited (in
terms of courses or qualifications Career History
that would be beneficial to
younger people)? Community Service Volunteers
Project Co-ordinator
MSC – Social Policy
OU – Effective Managers KCC Social Services
Policy, Operational Management,
What would be the most Performance and Area Director
important piece of advice that West Kent (Adults and Children)
you could give a younger person
looking to establish or progress Communities Directorate
their career in KCC? Managing Director,

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 27

Staff Profile
Michelle Woodward, County Professional
Development Manager

How long have you been working During the early stages of
at KCC? your KCC career, what skills or
experiences have helped you to
24 years. I applied for a stand out from the crowd when
residential social worker post applying for roles with greater
when I was 18. responsibility?

What was your first job in KCC A commitment to the

and what did it involve? organisation , and an ability to
listen and learn quickly a variety
I was a relief casual residential of tasks, I was also willing to
social worker and involved me take on new challenges with
taking part in looking after enthusiasm.
children in residential units.
What would be the most
Did you encounter any challenges important piece of advice that
when trying to progress your you could give a younger person
career in the council? Were you looking to establish or progress
successful in overcoming these their career in KCC?
challenges? If so, how?
Try and maintain a ‘cup is half
I was very young and at times I full approach!’
did face discrimination, however
my hard work and commitment
overcame this and I was able to
prove myself, to colleagues

28 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

Staff Profile
Jo Empson, Contract Manager,
Kent Adult Social Services East Kent Area

How long have you been working personally brought a thirst for
at KCC? change and innovation to KCC
and a questioning mind that
Since November 2004. challenges the whys, what’s and
how’s of Policy, Procedures and
How did you come to work in Practice in KCC.”
KCC? Did you come into KCC
via a scheme or programme What would be the most
(e.g. apprentice or graduate important piece of advice that
programme) / was there you could give a younger person
something in particular that looking to establish or progress
attracted you? their career in KCC?

I came into KCC following a fairly Aim to achieve rounded and

short timescale successfully varied experiences on your way
implementing a programme to the top, offering yourselves
in the NHS. Attractions for me up for experiences wherever you
were locality, Strategy for Staff, can!
Staff Care and Opportunities for
progression in Kent, a place I like Ownership – ensuring you take
to live. responsibility for yourself and
  for the Peer Groups you are in.
During the early stages of Owning the problem and being
your KCC career, what skills or part of the solution. Taking the
experiences have helped you to ‘bull by the horns’ and ensuring
stand out from the crowd when issues are spotted, worked on
applying for roles with greater and resolved proactively.

I came into KCC at a relatively

high level and hope I have

KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top 29

Staff Groups working for you.....

Greenhouse is a staff forum The main purpose of UNITE is

run by and for younger people to support all black workers
working for KCC. It is primarily employed by KCC, to enable them
for staff aged 30 and under, but to carry out their duties without
invites anyone who can actively any form of discrimination
contribute to the group. Our and harassment. All Black
aim is to provide younger staff and Minority Ethnic Staff are
with information and advice. We welcome to attend and get
can also provide development involved in the forum.
opportunities, and a buddying
scheme. UNITE meets six times a year,
bi-monthly at various venues
We hold meetings four times a across Kent. There are additional
year to discuss issues relevant meetings of a core group of
to younger staff and we invite members who meet between
guest speakers who provide meetings to plan and develop
services within KCC, such as work for and from the main
Learning and Development and group. The meetings consist of
Kent Rewards, We stay in touch a range of activities including,
through regular social events and consultation, policy reviews,
through our online forum (called training, support and information
Communities of Practice) sharing.

For more information email: For more information email:

30 KCC Greenhouse staff group Back to top

Level Playing Field is an Established in 2003, Rainbow
independent group of disabled is KCC’s lesbian, gay, bisexual
staff and friends recognised and and transgender (LGBT) staff
supported by KCC. group.  We welcome LGBT staff as
members, as well as others who
The group is open to all KCC have an interest in the issues, and
employees who consider we have wider Friends network
themselves to be disabled or for those who just want to keep
who have an interest in disability up to date with our activity.
We hold about four main
The group works to promote best meetings per year, and one
practice, broadening the or two group development
knowledge around disability sessions.  We lead on LGBT
issues within KCC. History Month (February) in
Kent, and take part in other
This includes giving advice and Kent events including local Pride
feedback on policy and practice. celebrations.  We’re always open
The group looks at employment to new ideas on ways to support
and service issues, identifying Rainbow members.  Taking part
good practice where it already in our meetings and activities is
exists and highlighting scope supported at the highest level as
for improvement. part of your work here at KCC.
For more information email: For more information email: 

Back to top KCC Greenhouse staff group 31

Produced by Holly Strang , designed by Paul Jerome

With special thanks to: Colin Calvert, Demetria Cacafranca,

Greenhouse Members and the Corporate Diversity Team.

Produced January 2009

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