Ghostecho 021909 PDF

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.the watchtower
.the ruins
.grand central
.echo park .vipers
.the railyard
.the night carnival .HAWKS
.the canals
.chalk street bridge .SPIDERS
.Sledge .the nail and bottle
.candle street
.heartbreak square /LOOT
.the six arms
.anvilwerks .STONES /by.john harper //inspiraTION.vincent baker.dan aykroyd.wachowski
bros. jordan weisman
.Latch .the black circle
/art.j vandijk.p straub
.carrier .cathedral hill .razer /about.this game
.chain .the factory is incomplete. it needs
.walker .belltown .METAL you to fill in the blanks.
//When you suffer harm, you might resist

serious injury, fight your way through
the pain, or impress with your toughness.
++ danger: youre incapacitated.

//When you commit to violence, you might

do harm in a fight, terrorize with savagery,
commit murder, or demolish something.
++ danger: unwanted harm.

//When you manipulate or hold steadfast,

you might carry off a deception, make a
strong impression, stand your ground,
extract a promise, discover a hidden truth,
or negotiate a deal to your benefit.
++ danger: you get put in a bad position.

//When you channel the ghost field, you

might perform a supernatural feat, enter
or exit the ghost world, or communicate
/Roll dice when //When a danger remains, write it on a with wraiths.
.You act under pressure card and put it in front of you. During ++ danger: a paranormal backlash.
.You infiltrate or steal any future dice roll, you or the GM can
.You suffer harm add that danger to the roll (instead of //When you listen for echoes, you might
.You commit to violence the danger you would normally have the witness events from the past, sense distant
.You manipulate or hold steadfast opportunity to add). events, or read the local datastream.
.You channel the ghost field ++ danger: you attract the attention of
.you listen for echoes /goals + dangers one or more wraiths.
Goals and dangers are always rooted
//When you roll dice, roll one die for each in the specifics of the action. you decide /starting situation
danger and goal and then assign a die what your goal is. Some sample goals for while looting in the ghost world, your
result to each to find out what happens. each action are given below. crew was sold out. you walk right into
++ when youre especially well-prepared ++ each action has a required danger. an ambush, with hungry wraiths on your
for the action at hand, roll an extra die. ++ The gm may create a second danger. heels. GM: fill in the details using /others
++ You may create an additional danger and /places from sec01.
/Dice results: goal and roll an additional die. /questions you will answer as you go
.1-2 The goal fails and the opportunity is .why does your crew need loot? .what
lost (until circumstances change). //When you act under pressure, you might powers and talents does your particular
.3-4 The goal is partially achieved and the complete a simple task while youre hurt crew member posess? .what is the ghost
opportunity remains. or in danger, move though a dangerous world like? .what is the real world like?
.5-6 The goal is achieved. area, or help someone who is in danger. .what are echoes? .what are wraiths?

++ danger: you suffer harm.
/Dice results: danger
.1-2 The danger comes true. //When you infiltrate or steal, you might
.3-4 The danger partially comes true and move undetected, plant an item, arrange
the danger remains. an ambush, or defeat security measures.
.5-6 The danger does not come true. ++ danger: you are caught in the act.

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