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Facultad de Ingeniera Mecnica y


Cultura De La Lengua Inglesa

Unidad 3: Sistema educativo
Evidencia 1

Hora: N1
Alumno: Csar Orlando Moreno De Hoyos
Matricula: 1691302


Mexican Education system.

The Mexican Constitution establishes that all citizens have the right to receive
education. The State is in charge of imparting the basic level, which is composed
of preschool, primary and secondary. According to the law, this public education
must be secular, compulsory, free and of quality. There are also private schools,
usually linked to the Catholic Church, which can provide religious education but do
not receive public funds.

The education system is regulated by the Secretaria de Educacion Publica (SEP),

is divided into 5 branches which are explained below.

Primary Education

Primary education, in its current form became compulsory in 2009, and runs from
grade one through grade six, for students aged 6 12 years. The Secretariat of
Public Education (SEP) officially determines primary school a part of Basic
Education, making it free of charge, with one year of mandatory pre-school
education. SEP standardizes curriculum content for public and private schools,
which includes Spanish, mathematics, natural sciences, history, geography, art,
and physical education. The National Institute for Assessment of Education
monitors standards and provides quality control.

Middle Education

Secondary Education in Mexico is organized into two stages: Lower-Secondary

Education (Educacin Secundaria Bsica), grades 7-9, and Upper-Secondary
Education (Educacin Media Superior), grades 10-12. Lower secondary school, or
Educacio Secundaria, is compulsory and lasts for three years (grades 7 9).
Education at state schools is free, and students may follow either an academic
track (educacin secundaria general) or a technical track (educacin secundaria
tcnica). Students who enroll in the academic track generally continue their
education at the upper secondary level. Lower-secondary programs, not leading to
further study, are designated as nivel medio bsico, nivel medio elemental or nivel
medio terminal (basic lower secondary education). These are non-academic
programs with a strong emphasis on vocational, commercial and artistic training.

Secondary Education

The Preparatoria, or upper secondary education (Educacin Media Superior), is

the second stage of secondary school in Mexico. Upper Secondary education
consists of grades 10 12 and admission depends on institutional policies. Many
upper secondary schools are affiliated with large public universities, while others
are SEP or state-controlled colegios, private schools, preparatory schools or
private schools. Two degree tracks are offered: Academic University- Preparatory
and Professional Technical Education. The Academic track provides students with
a general academic curriculum for the first two years of study, followed by more
specialized study in the final year. Foreign Language is compulsory and students
are awarded the Bachillerato certificate and certifocado de estudios (transcript)
upon completion. The General Baccalaureate system is administered by the
Secretariat for Tertiary Education and Scientific Research (SESIC). In the
professional track, Professional Technical Institutions provide technical preparation
that prepares students to work immediately following completion. The track leads
to the Ttulo de tcnico professional (Title of professional technician), and consists
of general education classes and professional classes in their chosen field.

Vocational Education

Vocational Education is offered at Professional Technical Institutions following the

completion of lower secondary school (Educacion Secundaria Bsica). The
Technical Baccalaureate system is administered by the Secretariat for
Technological Education and Research. Students graduate with the qualification of
professional technician, technical professional, or base level technician, depending
on the type of institution they attend and the program they undertake. Upper-
secondary technical / technological instruction usually consists of dual academic-
vocational programs called bachillerato tecnolgico / technological upper-
secondary education (also called bachillerato tcnico / technical upper-secondary
education). Successful students earn a technical qualification, usually ttulo de
tcnico / title of technician in the vocational stream, and may seek undergraduate
admissions in an appropriate field of study. The conferred ttulo de tcnico is
registered with the Secretara de Educacin Pblica / Secretariat of Public
Education which issues a cdula / registration card serving as licensing in Mexico.
The cdula indicates that the credential is at the tcnico / upper-secondary
technician level.

Tertiary Education

The Mexican higher education system largely follows the American model. A huge
growth in demand has led to the expansion of program and degree options, as well
as a swell in enrollment. Much of the growth has occurred at private institutions,
where minimal fees are maintained. Higher Education (Educacin superior) is
offered at various types of institutions, including Public Universities, Technological
Institutions and Universities, Teacher Training Institutes, and Private Institutions;
the six official types of institutions in Mexico are public autonomous universities,
public state institutions, institutions dependent on the federal government, private
independent (libre) institutions, private institutions with official validity, and
institutions without official validity. Each Mexican state has a public university and a
teachers training college, for which a university diploma is awarded upon
graduation. Institutions are recognized by the Comits Interinstitucionales para la
Evaluacin de la Educacin Superior (CIEES) and/or accredited organizations
recognized by the Consejo para la Acreditacin de la Educacin Superior
(COPAES); the Subsecretara de Educacin Superior (SES) oversees curriculum.
Undergraduate education can from 2 to 6 years. Similar to the U.S. System,
Associate Degrees - Tcnico Superior Universitario (University Higher Technician)
or Profesional Asociado (Professional Associate), are two years in length. These
programs are offered at Technological Universities. Other shortened programs
(fewer than 4 years) include a certificado or diploma/higher university technician in
a specialized field. These degrees can sometimes be applied to further higher
education. The Licenciado (Licentiate) and Titulo Profesional (Professional Title)
last 4 to 6 years. Common 5-year programs include accounting, economics,
engineering, law, and architecture. Graduate Level work is offered at the level of
Especialista (Specialist), Maestra (Masters degree), and Doctorado (Doctorate).
Especialista (Specialist) is usually a 1-year program with the licentiate degree
required for admission. The licentiate degree can also grant access to the Maestra
(Masters degree), which lasts between 1 and 2 years. A thesis is usually required
for graduation. The Doctorado (Doctorate), like in the U.S., is a degree based on
coursework, research, and a thesis or dissertation. The degree requires at least 2
years of study beyond a Masters degree.

UK Education System

The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts, primary education,
secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in the UK
have to legally attend primary and secondary education which runs from about 5
years old until the student is 16 years old.

The education system in the UK is also split into "key stages" which breaks down
as follows:

Key Stage 1: 5 to 7 years old

Key Stage 2: 7 to 11 years old

Key Stage 3: 11 to 14 years old

Key Stage 4: 14 to 16 years old

Generally key stages 1 and 2 will be undertaken at primary school and at 11 years
old a student will move onto secondary school and finish key stages 3 and 4.
Students are assessed at the end of each stage. The most important assessment
occurs at age 16 when students pursue their GCSE's or General Certificate of
Secondary Education. Once students complete their GCSE's they have the choice
to go onto further education and then potential higher education, or finish school
and go into the working world.

Primary Education

Primary education begins in the UK at age 5 and continues until age 11,
comprising key stages one and two under the UK educational system.

Secondary Education

From age 11 to 16, students will enter secondary school for key stages three and
four and to start their move towards taking the GCSE's - learn more about
secondary education in the UK and what it will involve. Primary and secondary
education is mandatory in the UK; after age 16, education is optional.

Further Education

Once a student finishes secondary education they have the option to extend into
further education to take their A-Levels, GNVQ's, BTEC's or other such
qualifications. UK students planning to go to college or university must complete
further education.

Higher Education

Probably the most important subject area on this site, this explains more about the
higher education system in the UK and how it works for international students.
Most international students will enter directly into the UK higher education system,
after completing their home countrys equivalent to the UKs further education.

Entry Requirements

Each level of education in the UK has varying requirements which must be

satisfied in order to gain entry at that level.

UK Degree Online

With online programs growing in popularity, this means the availability of top-notch
online programs is also on the rise. If you want to obtain a UK accredited degree
without having to relocate to the United Kingdom, choosing to study online is a
good option for you. Getting a UK accredited degree online allows you to fit your
studies into your schedule and save money on travel costs while having access to
a variety of top programs.
American Education System

The American education system offers a rich field of choices for international
students. There is such an array of schools, programs and locations that the
choices may overwhelm students, even those from the U.S. As you begin your
school search, its important to familiarize yourself with the American education
system. Understanding the system will help you narrow your choices and develop
your education plan.

Primary and Secondary School

Prior to higher education, American students attend primary and secondary school
for a combined total of 12 years. These years are referred to as the first through
twelfth grades.

Around age six, U.S. children begin primary school, which is most commonly called
elementary school. They attend five or six years and then go onto secondary

Secondary school consists of two programs: the first is middle school or junior
high school and the second program is high school. A diploma or certificate is
awarded upon graduation from high school. After graduating high school (12th
grade), U.S. students may go on to college or university. College or university
study is known as higher education.

One of the most attractive features of the U.S. higher education system is the
flexibility it provides through the number and diversity of institution types it

This diversity offers students options to specialize in a variety of academic

disciplines and even gain employment training.

More than 4,500 accredited institutions make up U.S. higher education in the
United States. Unlike many countries, U.S. higher education institutions are not
centrally organized or managed, but are accredited on a national or regional level
by independent accrediting bodies.

A variety of institution types offer higher-education degrees. Liberal arts

institutions, for example, offer courses in the arts, humanities, languages, and
social and physical sciences. The majority of liberal arts institutions are private.
Private colleges and universities are funded by a combination of endowments, gifts
from alumni, research grants, and tuition fees. Private colleges and universities are
usually smaller than public institutions and can have a religious affiliation or be
single-sex schools.
Community colleges are another option and provide two-year associate degree
programs to prepare students to continue studies for an undergraduate degree or
help them gain occupational skills for immediate employment. State colleges and
universities, also called public universities, were founded and subsidized by U.S.
state governments to provide a low-cost education to residents of that state. Public
universities generally offer access to research opportunities and classes in a wide
variety of fields of study. These universities tend to be very large and generally
admit a wider range of students than private universities. Each student's interests
will guide his/her choice among the many possibilities.

Regardless of the institution type, in the United States, students typically earn
credits for courses they take and these credits count towards the completion of a
program. Courses are often divided into "core" subject areas to provide the
foundation of the degree program and "major" courses to provide specialization in
a subject area. Students can also take "elective" courses to explore other topics of
interest for a well-rounded educational experience.

The U.S. academic calendar typically runs from September to May and can be
divided into two academic terms of 16-18 weeks known as semesters.
Alternatively, some schools may operate on a quarter or trimester system of
multiple terms of 10-12 weeks.

With the variety of available U.S. higher education options, students are sure to
find the right fit for their academic, financial, and personal needs.


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