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Nombre: Sergio Ramrez Rodrguez

Matricula: 1559570

Actividad: U5 E2: Historia del teatro en E.U.A e Inglaterra

Hora: N1-N3

Da: L-V

Cd. Universitaria, Julio 11 del 2017

Theater in E.U.A

The theater in the United States is based on the tradition of the far west, taken
from the performances of Europe, especially from England. Today it is related to
literature, movies, television and American music, and it is very common that the
same story is represented in all the above ways. The regions with a wide musical
range have also developed academies of theater and comedy.

Musical theater is arguably its most popular form; Broadway Street in New York
City is generally considered the center of American commercial theater, through its
artistic forms imitated throughout the country.

Another particular city is Chicago, which has the most diverse and dynamic theater
scene in the United States. Regional theater in the country are professional theater
companies outside of New York City that produce their own seasons. There is also
community theater and showcase. Even rural communities sometimes surprise
audiences with extravagant productions.

The American theatrical genre par excellence is the musical, which has its
international center in Broadway street of New York. Another very important
theatrical nucleus is the one of the city of Chicago, with a scene of enormous
dynamism and variety. Outside of these nuclei, the theater of the United States is
also very present, not only in other large cities, but also in small rural populations
where the implementation of ambitious works is frequent.

As in the rest of the artistic disciplines, the theater created in the United States was
born as an imitation of the European, especially English, dramatic tradition.
However, he soon acquired a tone of his own that would reach its peak in the
twentieth century, with the Nobel Prize of 1936, Eugene O'Neill (1888-1953) and
other writers of the stature of Tenesee Williams (1911-1983 ). Today, the United
States is the most important professional theater center in the world, and there is a
proliferation of companies, workshops and theater schools covering all kinds of

Obviously, a classic traditional theater continues, in which American heroism is

propagandistically promoted. James Nelson Barker, Anna Cora Mowatt, Dion
Boucicault and Cornelius Mathews will be important and successful playwrights of
the time. In 1865, by the way, President Lincoln is assassinated in a theater in
Washington by the actor John Wilkes Booth.
Theater in England

The Theater was introduced in England from Europe in the time of the Romans,
and theaters were built all over the country for this purpose. The theater is an
outstanding genre within English literature, its greatest literary figure is precisely a
playwright, William Shakespeare, also deserving to be noted that keeps the
theatrical tradition alive, both in groups of amateurs and in professional theater,
with prestigious companies like The Royal Shakespeare Company and numerous
theaters in London's West End.

At the beginning of the sixteenth century London theater life was in the hands of
traveling companies, the so-called "comedians of the league", people of bad habits
according to the puritan mentality of the time. In 1576 they were expelled from

The growing theatrical interest made fixed theaters and dignified the figure of
comedians. The theater companies began to enjoy the protection of kings and

The period known as the English Renaissance, approximately between 1500 and
1660, saw the flourishing of the theater and all the arts. This century XVI belongs
the most famous example of "mystery", Everyman. Supporters of the Protestant
Reformation used the "morality" genre to spread their ideas, including the Satire of
the three states of Scottish David Lindsay.

During the reign of Elizabeth I in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries,
a London-centered culture that was both courtesan and popular produced great
poetry and theater. Perhaps the most famous playwright in the world, William
Shakespeare of Stratford-upon-Avon, wrote works that are still performed in
theaters all over the world to this day. He was an actor and was deeply involved in
the performance of the theater company performing his plays.

There were hardly any decorations, which was supplemented by the imagination of
the spectators and the costume of the wardrobe, often inherited from some
nobleman who had died, since the actors used to be under the protection of a
nobleman. Unlike Spanish theater, women could not act and female characters
were played by men.

At the end of the sixteenth century there were eight theaters in the city. These were
open buildings (following the model of the inn courtyards, where the actors
installed a very simple tablados for the representation of their works). These new
buildings were circular or octagonal, with three floors that kept inside an outdoor
setting. The spectators belonged to all social classes, but they were not mixed:
there were galleries covered for the richest public; The poorest spectators
occupied the uncovered part, in front of the stage where the work was represented.
The Globe Theater, located on the banks of the mythical River Thames in London
and in which William Shakespeare represented his most famous works, emerges in
the Bankside neighborhood as a living monument to classical theater and the best
dramatic traditions of England.

The Globe Theater will also carry the classic Hamlet of world tour for each nation
of the planet, as well as to some countries that never before had seen a
professional production of the English playwright.

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