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abattoirs see slaughterhouses amino acids

Academy of Military Medicine, nutritional Adelle Davis on, 132–3
research, 155 discovery, 16
accident prevention, ergonomic teams, 81 Family Fare on, 136–7
acromegaly, 69 anaemia, pernicious, liver treatment, 23–4,
Addison, Thomas, on pernicious anaemia, 48 47–61
administrative/state regulation, 30, 181, 202 anaemic dog colony, 49–50
adrenal glands, Nazi Germany and, 72 anaphylaxis, Richet on, 23, 34, 43–4

adrenalin, isolation, 66 animal disease control, 1980s, 174
adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), animal health issues, 17–18
68, 71–3, 74–5 animal welfare, 20–1
adversarial science expertise, 196–9, 201–2 legislation, UK, 11–12
advocates and critics of meat consumption, anthropology, and vegetarian diet, 19
6–7 antibiotics, meat production, health fears,
Afghanistan, Lakeside workers from, 89 140
African Americans, meatpacking, 79 antitrust law, and meatpackers, 66
aggressiveness, meat and, 149–50 Apple, Rima D., on nutrition information
agricultural/human DES conjunctions, 188, dissemination, 26–7, 127–43
190 Arbuthnot-Lane, Sir William
agricultural-engineering perspective, DES, on ‘common knowledge’, 123
193 on constipation, 119
agro-industrial alliance, 193 Argentina, zomine plant planned, 39
AIDS movement, and regulation, 182 Armour, Philip, on unionism deterrence, 79
alcohol-related incidents, 88–9 Armour & Co. meatpackers
American Cattlemen’s Association, 193 and pituitary gland supply, 70, 71
American Cyanamid, 75 Chicago plant, injury rate, 81
American Feed Manufacturers Association, ‘Glanoid’ organotherapy range, 65–6,
193 71, 73
American Meat Institute, 134 inhouse ACTH research/production,
on safety, 82–3 74–5, 76
American Medical Association (AMA), on NIH pituitary gland supply deal, 74
meat and cancer, 119 arthritis, cortisone and, 74–5
American Society for the Control of Cancer
(ASCC), 26, 111–26 Bacon, Francis, on vegetarian diet, 19
Essential Facts about Cancer, 118–19 Bainbridge, William Seaman
Prevention of Cancer Series, 122–3 denies meat/cancer link, 120–1

– 245 –
246 Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century

on media confusion, 114 Bovril, 14

on physicians and theory, 118 Brady, William, on liver supply/price, 56, 60
Baltzer, Eduard, vegetarianism, 149 brand-name packaged meats, 10
Banting, Frederick, 67 Britain, meat consumption, 19C, 5
Barker, J. Ellis, 119 British finance, Mexican National Packing
Barker, Lewellys, pernicious anaemia diet, 49 Company, 104, 106
Barlösius, Eva, on inconsistent meatless Broadway, Michael, on communities and
diets, 151 meat processing, 25, 77–94
Bassols, Narcisso, 98 Brodin, Paul, 39–40
Bee, David, 160 Brooks, Alberta, study, 78, 88–91
Beecher, Catharine, and Beecher Stowe, The Brooks Food Bank, 91
American Woman’s Home, 4, 128, 132 Broussaisian pathology, 20
beef Brown-Sequard, C.-E., and organotherapy, 65
bovine tuberculosis Bruegel, Martin, on canned food, 96–7
food issues, 159–60 Bureau of Drugs, DES risks evaluation, 194
transmission, 163–4, 165–6, 168–9 Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), and plant
bovine spongiform encephalopathy cleanup crews, 82
(BSE), 28, 29, 140, 141–2, 159–77 Bureau of Veterinary Medicine, and DES,
cattle, DES for, 184 194, 195
demand drop, UK, 162 Burger King, 9

quality decline, 21 Burroughs, W., and DES for cattle, 184
vs pork consumption, 7, 8–9 Bush, George W., repeals ergonomic stand-
see also meat ards, 82
Behring, Emil Adolf von, 35 Bushell, Thomas, on vegetarian diet, 19
Berdah, Delphine, on animal health issues, business cases, pituitary gland research, 69
17–18 by-products, meatpacking, 65–6
Bernard, Claude, 35, 65 unrealized profits, Mexico, 103
on ductless glands, 63–4
Best, Charles, 67 C3H mice test, 194, 197–9
Biermer, Anton, on pernicious anaemia, 48 Cabot, Richard Clarke, on pernicious anae-
biochemistry, 16 mia, 48–9
biotrash, 64–8, 71, 75–6 California, University of, 69, 70–3, 74
birth rate, Brooks, Alberta, 89 calorimetric analysis, 15
Bishop, Katherine Scott, 69 campylobacter, health fears, 140
blood loss, traumatic shock, zomine experi- cancer, media messages control, ASCC and,
ment, 40–1 112–14
blood proteins sensitization, 43 cancer and diet
Board of Agriculture, and bovine tuberculo- advice, ASCC on, 112–13, 117–26
sis control, 176 meat fat and, 139
Bordley, James, on ‘liver life-belt’, 52 popular press on, 113–14, 117–18, 125
bovine tuberculosis cancer control programmes, and meat con-
food issues, 159–60 sumption, 25–6, 111–26
transmission, 163–4, 165–6, 168–9 Cancer Research (journal), 112
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), cancers, DES and, 179
28, 140, 141–2 cannibalism, and Kuru, 161
as animal health issue, 170–3 Cantor, David, on meat consumption and
British government and, 29, 159–77 cancer control programmes, 25–6,
Bovinine, 14 111–26
Index 247

Carbajal y Espinosa, Colonel Francisco, 100 Consumer Reports, on contaminated chick-

carcinogenic food additives ban, 185–6 ens, 140, 141
carpal tunnel syndrome, 82 consumers, perspectives on, 2, 3
Castle, William B., regurgitated meat diet, Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act, 1869, 174
53–4 contaminated meat withdrawals, 140
Central Veterinary Laboratory (CVL), 160 Cook County Hospital, Chicago, 55
Chemical Feast (Nader), 185 Copeman, S. Monckton, on statistics, 121–2
Cheyne, George, on vegetarian diet, 18, 19 corned beef, tinned, 33–4
Chicago meatpackers, 7, 77–8 Cornell Bulletin for Homemakers, 135
and organotherapy, 65–6, 69, 70, 71, 73 Cornell University, meat definition, 129
insulin mass production, 67 Corner, George, on pituitary glands, obtain-
chickens ing, 68
consumption, 9 corticotrophin see adrenocorticotrophic
contaminated, 140, 141 hormone (ACTH)
China, Lakeside workers from, 89 cortisone, and arthritis, 74
Choh Hao Li see Li Choh Hao cost cutting, 79–80
Churchill, Stephen, 161 Côte Saint André Hospital, 40–1
Citizen’s Advisory Committee, 186 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), and BSE,
Civil War, and fresh beef, 7 28, 29, 142, 159–77, 161–3, 164–5,
Clarke, Adele 167–8

on meatpacking labor relations, 69 critics and advocates, 6–7
on pituitary gland, 67 Cronon, William, 65
Class I recalls, 1 cross-species transmission, pathogens, 164–6
Clayton Antitrust Act, 1914, 66 ‘crusade against consumption’, 159, 163–4
Clinton, Bill, ergonomic standards for injury Cubas, Antonio Garcia, 98–9
Cudahy meatpackers, 65–6
prevention, 82
cultural preferences, Mexico, 95–7, 110
cod liver oil, 59
Cushing, Harvey, 69
Colonel Sanders Kentucky Fried Chicken, 9
communication obstruction, meatpacking Davidson, Judge, DES hearings, 198, 199
workers, 79 Davidson, L. S. P., and fish liver, 58
communities Davis, Adelle, Let’s Eat Right to Keep Fit,
and meat processing, 25, 77–94 132–3
population mobility, 88–90 DDT, DES comparison, 185
competition, Mexico, 105–9 de Kruif, Paul, on pernicious anaemia, 47
ConAgra beef plant, Garden City, Kansas, Deelman, H. J., on William Roger Williams,
92 120
Congo, Lakeside workers from, 89 DeKay, John W., Mexican National Packing
Congressional hearings Company, 103–9
DES, 184, 188–96, 201 and Peralvillo, 106
meatpacking injuries, 81 Delaney clause, 1958, 185, 197, 199
Conner, H. Milton, and hog stomach, 57 Democrat–consumer alliance, 193
constitutional vs localized disease models, demographics, packing workers, 88–90
168–70 Denison, Iowa, meatpacking plant, 79–81
consumer protection issues, BSE/tuberculo- Denver stockyards, 77–8
sis, 172–7 Department of National Health, ‘life-reform’
consumer regulation, 30, 182, 202 division, 152, 153
consumer rights (US), 185–6 DES Action (self-help organization), 196
248 Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century

DES daughters, 179, 183, 187, 196, 201 Edwards, Charles, FDA and DES, 188, 191,
DES (diethylstilbestrol), 29–30, 140, 194, 195
179–202 El Economista Mexicano, 102
deskilling, meatpacking, 79 El Imparcial, on meat and health, 101
Diaz, Porfirio, administration, 97, 101 El Popo meat brand, 103–9
Diaz, Porfirio, and El Popo meat brand, 105 El Salvador, Lakeside workers from, 89
Die Volksgesundheit journal, 152 Eli Lilly & Co., 75
diet and DES for cattle, 184
and cancer insulin mass production, 67
advice, ASCC on, 112–13, 117–26 pituitary glands, 69
meat fat and, 139 elite example, El Popo meat brand, 104–5
popular press on, 113–14, 117–18, 125 endocrinology and meat industry, 24, 63–76
and nutrition science, 13–16 energy from food approach, 15–16
as supplementary intervention, 124 Engelbach, William, 71
for pernicious anaemia, 49, 51 environmental movement, 185
guidelines, 135–7, 142–3 environmental vegetarianism, 21
historical, Mexico, 97–8 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
regional differences, Germany, 154 186, 189
diethylstilbestrol (DES), 29–30, 140, epidemiological discourse, DES Congres-
179–202 sional hearings, 192

disability levels, meatpacking plant, 80–2, 93 epidemiology issues, meat and cancer, 121–2
disassembly line, meatpacking, 63, 64, 66, 68 ergonomic injuries, reporting abolished, 82
and pituitary gland, 68–9 ergonomic teams, packing-house, 81
wages, 77 Eskimos, as paradigm, 132
Dodds, Charles, DES synthesis, 183 Ethiopia, Lakeside workers from, 89
dogs Europe
anaphylaxis experiments, 43 meat processing industry, 9–11
TB cured, 33, 35, 36 population growth, 4
Doisy, Edward A., on hormone production, Evans, Herbert McLean, 24
64, 67 and pituitary glands, 69–73, 74, 76
Dole, Elizabeth, Secretary of Labor, 82 Evans, W. A., on liver supply/price, 56–7
dose-response curve, DES, 188, 189, 191–2, Evans’s Blue, 69
199–200 Ewing, James
Doyle, J. Patrick, on workers’ safety, 82 on cancer advice publications, 119
drugs, regulation/enforcement interactions, panaceas warning, 123
29–30, 180–2 expert testimony, comparisons, 196
ductless glands, 63 extracts of meat, 14–15

E. coli, health fears, 140, 159 factory farming issues, 21, 139–40, 184
early morning slaughter, Mexico, 102, 107 factory slaughterhouses, 8, 10
eating habits, transformation, 3–6 farming-led public health policies, 174–7
economic cure, tuberculosis, 37 fast food outlets, 9
economic issues Federal Trade Commission, and meat
liver diet, 54, 56–61 barons, 66
Mexico, 103 Federation of German Vegetarian Associa-
ecotoxicology, 189 tions, 149
Eden Orchard Colony, Oranienburg, 151, feed producers, legal challenge to FDA, 196
152, 155 feedlots, American style, 21
Index 249

feeds/implants distinction, DES, 195–6 Gaudillière, Jean-Paul

feminists, on meat rejection, 12–13 on DES, 29–30, 179–202
fish liver, for pernicious anaemia, 58–9 on industrial contribution downplaying,
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), 68 75
food additives, carcinogenic, ban, 185–6 genetically modified (GM) foods, 159
food allergies, and anaphylaxis, 43 German Labour Front, 154
food as motivation, 156 German Life-Reform Movement, 16, 146,
food banks, meatpacking workers, 91 148, 153
food chemistry, 13–17 German Society for Life Reform e.V., 153
food contamination, 140–1 German Vegetarian Union, 149, 152–3
‘food faddists’, attacks on, 119–20 Germany
food safety practices, 139–42 wartime food production, 21
food scares, 159–60 meat processing industry, 10–11
Food and Drug Act, Delaney clause, 1958, vegetarianism, 27, 145–57
185, 197, 199 Girdner, Dr John H., on meat avoidance, 133
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and Glanoid organotherapy range, 65–6, 71, 73
DES, 28 Godart, Justin, 39
and off-label DES use, 190 Good Housekeeping, 133
approval dietary guidelines, 136
government, perspectives on, 2–3

cattle growth, 184
government policies and science, 170–1
therapeutic, 183
Graham crackers, 151
bans, 195
Graham, Sylvester, on diet, 20
implants ban, 179
Graves, William P., on cancer theories,
legal challenges to, 196–9
right to ban agricultural DES, 199
Greek humoral pathology, 150
Congressional hearings, 193–6
Greenwood, Major, on statistics, 121–2
contraindicating, 187–8
Greep, Roy, on hypophysectomy, 70
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 1938, 183 Grewal, J. S., on liver diet, 49, 52
food-borne infections, concerns, 162 Grigaut (chemist), raw meat juice lyophiliz-
Ford, Henry, 63 ing, 39–40
Fort Worth stockyards, 77–8 Gross, A., DES risks evaluation, 194
Fountain, L. growth hormone (GH), 68, 69–70, 71–3
on agricultural DES, 190–1 see also DES
on FDA reform, 195 Guilbaud (chemist), raw meat juice lyophi-
France lizing, 39–40
meat consumption, 19C, 5 Guymon, Oklahoma, study, 78
meat processing industry, 10 population turnover, 88
nutritional improvement study, 4 Guzman, Dominga de, 98
Fraser, T. R., pernicious anaemia diet, 49
Fray Bentos plant, Uruguay, 33 Hahn, Theodor, vegetarianism, 149
French people, and canned food, 96–7 Haig, Alexander, on diet, 20
Fröhlich’s syndrome, 70 Halffman, W., on ecotoxicology and regula-
tory science, 189
Garden City, Kansas, study, 78 Hall, Diana Long, 64
health issues, 91–2 Hall-Edwards, John F., on food faddists, 120
population turnover, 88 Hallmark/Westland recall, 1, 28
Gass, G. H., C3H mice test, 194, 197–9 Ham, George, 108
250 Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century

Haussmann, Georges-Eugène, 101 industrial regulation, 30, 181–2, 202

Haywood, Marian, liver ice cream, 53 industrialization, meat industry, 8, 10
health and pharmaceuticals, 24, 63–76
and meat consumption, 19C, 5–6 injury levels, meatpacking plant, 80–2, 93
risk, and regulation, 27–30 injury prevention ergonomic standards
scares, meat industry, 140 Bush repeals, 82
health issues, Garden City, Kansas, 91–2 Clinton issues, 82
health reformers, concerns, 12–13 insulin, mass production, 67
Health Board, Mexico, 100 International Vegetarian Union, 12
healthcare, Brooks, Alberta, 89–90, 90–1 Iowa Beef Packers (IBP), 79–81
heart disease, meat fat and, 139 Iowa State College, and DES for cattle, 184
hemotherapy, Richet and, 35 Isaacs, Raphael, and hog stomach, 57
Herbst, Arthur, on DES, 187, 190–1
heredity and cancer, ASCC on, 112, 125–6 Jack-in-the-Box restaurants, 140
Héricourt, Jules, 33, 35–7 Jasanoff, S.
Himmler, Heinrich, and vegetarian SS, 154, on adversarial science expertise, 196
155, 156–7 on EPA, 189
Hindu ahimsa, 19 Johns Hopkins Hospital, 49, 52, 55, 69
Hitler, Adolf, as vegetarian, 27, 145–6 Jones, Hardin, on C3H mice test, 197–8
Hoffman, Frederick, Cancer and Diet, 124–5 Jordan, Whitman H., Principles of Human

on cancer and diet literature, 113, 115, Nutrition, 131–2, 133
116 Josias, Albert, 36
hog stomach, for pernicious anaemia, 57 Jouve-Rouves-Taniers dispensary, 37
home economics education, 131, 135 judicial system, and DES, 196–9, 201–2
home economists
and nutrition information, 26–7, 132–43 Kansas City stockyards, 77–8
on meat substitutes, 138–9 Kellogg, John Harvey
on women’s role, 129 on diet, 20
homemaker role, and nutrition, 127–9 on meat and cancer, 118, 119
Hoover, Herbert, on organ meat, 61 Kellogg’s Cornflakes, 151
Höppener, Hugo Reinhold Karl Johann Kennedy, John F., Citizen’s Advisory Com-
(Fidus), 149 mittee, 186
hormones, meat production, health fears, 140 Koch, Robert, and tubercle bacillus, 35, 36,
Horowitz, Roger, Putting Meat on the 37, 165–6, 168, 172
American Table, 130 Kraut, Heinrich, starvation experiments, 155
human cost, meat, 78 Kroc, Ray, 9
Human Rights Watch, on workers’ safety Kuru, encephalopathy, 161
disregard, 82
hydrochloric acid, and pernicious anaemia, La Internacional, Peralvillo slaughterhouse,
53–4 103
hygiene standards, model market, 104 La Jornada, 109
hypophysectomy, 69, 70–1 La Villette abattoir, Paris, 101–2
labor relations, meatpacking, 69
IBP revolution, 79–80 Laboratoire Longuet, 42
idiopathic anaemia see pernicious anaemia Lacey, Richard, on BSE risks, 171
immigrants, and meatpacking plants, 77, 79 Ladies’ Home Journal, on meat shopping, 141
in vitro meat, 141 Lakeside Packers, Brooks, Alberta, 88–91
industrial contribution downplaying, 75 Lambe, William, on vegetarian diet, 18–19
Index 251

Lang, Konrad, nutritional research, 155 Löwy, Ilana

language/cultural issues, 86, 89, 90, 93 on industrial contribution downplaying,
Lappé, Frances Moore, 6 75
Laqueur, Ernst, 76 on Richet, 22–3, 33–45
Latham, Charles, 39 luteinizing hormone (LH), 68
Lebenskunst journal, 152 luxury and excess issues, 11
Lederer, Susan, on liver for pernicious anae- lyophilized raw meat juice, 39, 42
mia, 23–4, 47–61
Macleod, John, 67
Lehmann, L. P., on Gross’s DES risks evalua-
Magendie, François, experiments, 146
tion, 194–5
male anxieties, and meat, Germany, 156
Lévy, Michel, on meat consumption, 4–5, malingerers, injured workers as, 84–5
13–14 Mantel-Ryan virtual-safety approach, 194
Lewin, Kurt, on organ meat, 61 Marcus, Alan, on consumers and industrial
Lexington, Nebraska, study, 78 farming, 184, 186
Li Choh Hao, pituitary hormone isolation/ Marey, Jules Etienne, 34
synthesis, 71–3, 74–5 market-share liability, producer torts, 196
Lichter, Mayra, Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease marketing
Foundation, 142 El Popo meat brand, 104–5, 107–9
Liebig, Justus von innovation, vegetarian products, 151

on meat and strength, 146, 147 permits, administrative regulation, 181
on protein, 13, 19, 33–4 strategies, early, 10–11
Liebig Extract Meat Company (Lemco), Marks, Harry, on epidemiology studies, 122
33–4, 39 Mary Meade, on liver supply/price, 60–1
Life Reform movement, 16, 146, 148, 153 mass market, El Popo meat brand, 104–5
life-expectancy, vegetarian diet, 19 Massachusetts General Hospital, on vaginal
Limantour, Treasury Secretary, Mexico, 106 tumours, 187
Lippset, Mortimer, on global oestrogenic Mayo Clinic, 57
pool, 192 Mazdanan movement, banned, 152
Lipton, Thomas, and Mexican National McDonald’s franchise, 9
Packing Company, 107 and competitors, criticism, 21
listeria, health fears, 140 McKeown, Thomas, 5
Mead, Margaret, and organ meat, 61
liver treatment, pernicious anaemia, 23–4,
meat & bone meal (MBM), in cattle feed,
161, 175–6
disguises/recipes, 53, 54, 56
extract, 52, 54
and disease, 167–70
supply/price, 54, 56–7 and health debate, Mexico, 100–1
Livestock Commission (UK), 10 and therapeutics, 22–3
localized vs constitutional disease models, as problem of civilization, 115–16
168–70 consumption, 129–31
location, meatpacking plant, 79 19C, and health, 4–6
London Congress on Tuberculosis, 1901, and cancer control programmes, 25–6,
166 111–26
Long, Joseph, 69 Germany, 146–8, 156
Longcope (physician), on race, and perni- eating, scientific arguments, 131–4
cious anaemia, 55 exotic, 138
low pay, poverty levels, 91, 92 defenders, 134
252 Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century

definition, 129–30 military diet, and Voit standard, 147

fresh military hospitals, zomine experiments,
Mexicans and, 95–7 39–41
post-Civil War, 7 military, meat extracts for, 33, 34
imports, chilled, UK, 9–10 Miner, Elmer, Living the Liver Diet, 56
organ meats Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Americans and, 47–8 (MAFF) and BSE, 161
for pernicious anaemia, 57–61 and farming interests, 174–6
Mexico, 108 on BSE and human health, 167
proteins, and human bloodstream, Richet restricts access to BSE material, 171
on, 43–4 Ministry of Health (UK), cancer epidemiol-
raw meat ogy study, 121–2
extract, 22–3, 33, 35–8 Minot, George R., 23–4
juice, lyophilized, 39 on liver diet, 49, 50–2, 60
substitutes modernization, Mexico, 101–10
Family Fare on, 136–7 Morrisey meatpackers, 65–6
wartime, 137–9 Müller, Hanns G., on life-reformers and
tainted, retailer naming, 1–2 homeland, 153
tuberculous, localized vs constitutional municipal oversight, meat processing,
disease model, 168–70 Mexico, 99, 109

see also beef; vegetarianism Murphy, William P., 23–4
meat extract, 14–15, 33 on liver diet, 47, 49, 50–2, 58, 59–60
as pharmaceutical, 23–4 on race, and pernicious anaemia, 55
meat inspection issues, 169–70, 173–4,
176–7 Nader, Ralph, Center for Study of Respon-
Mexico, 109–10 sive Law, 185, 194, 195, 201
meat processing industry, 7–8 national differences, meat consumption,
and pituitary glands, 68–9, 70–3, 74–5 19C, 4–5
illegal wartime, 72 National Association for the Prevention of
impact on communities, 25, 77–94 Consumption (NAPC), 163–4
lobby, 139–40 National Cancer Institute (NCI), 193
Mexico, 25, 95–110 survey, DES-induced tumours, 187
plant effectiveness, New Zealand, 93 National Institute of Child Health and
meat products, Europe, 10–11 Human Development, 192
Meat Inspection Act, 1906, 139 National Institutes of Health, 31
medical insurance issues, Garden City, and pituitary gland supply, 74
Kansas, 91–2 National Live Stock and Meat Board, 50
medical sciences, perspectives on, 2, 3 National Restaurant Association, on meat
medical staff, meatpackers, 85, 86 consumption, 130
Medical Research Council, DES synthesis, National Socialist (Nazi) Germany
183 and vegetarianism, 27, 145–57
Medvei, Victor Cornelius, 63–4 and adrenal glands, 72
mental health issues, Garden City, Kansas, 91 Nestle, Marion, Food Politics: How the Food
Mexican Herald, 104 Industry Influences Nutrition and
Mexican National Packing Company, 103–9 Health, 137
Mexican-American Ministries (MAM) Care New England Journal of Medicine, on DES-
Centers and Clinics, 92 induced tumours, 187
Mexico, meat production, 25, 95–110 New Journalism, 162
Index 253

New York Times, on DES as cancer threat, 184 pacifism, anathema to National Socialists,
New Zealand, meatpacking plant effective- 153–4
ness, 93 Pakistan, Lakeside workers from, 89
Newman, George, on statistical proofs, 122 Paley, Rev. William, on food production, 21
Newsholme, Arthur, 5 Papin, Denis, 33
Newsweek, on meat reduction, 134 Papua New Guinea, 161
Nixon, Richard, and Environmental Protec- Parents magazine, dietary guidelines, 136
tion Agency, 186 Parke, Davis & Co., pituitary glands, 69
non-pulmonary tuberculosis, 163–4 Parkes, Alan, on endocrinological goldrush,
Nordic life-reform, 153–4 64
nutrition Pasteur Institute, 35–6, 38–9
discourse, DES Congressional hearings, pathogens, cross-species transmission, 164–6
192–3 patients’ organizations, 182
information dissemination, 26–7, Paul, Harry, on Pasteur Institute, 38
127–43 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals,
science, 13–16 141
Peralvillo slaughterhouse, Mexico, 101,
Nutritional Review, 168
102–3, 105–6, 107
O’Hara, Dwight, on liver diet, 52 pernicious anaemia, liver treatment, 23–4,
Occupational Safety and Health Adminis- 47–61

tration (OSHA) Peter Bent Brigham Hospital, 50, 55
prosecutions, 81 Peters, Lulu Hunt, 53
Ergonomics Programs Management Pfeffer, Naomi, on endocrinology and meat
Guidelines for Meatpacking Plants, industry, 24, 63–76
81, 82–3 pharmacological discourse, DES Congres-
sional hearings, 192
American Meat Institute cooperative
Philippines, Lakeside workers from, 89
alliance, 82–3
Philips inquiry into BSE, 174
DES as substitute, 183
meat critics, 119
DES separated from, 192
on meat consumption, 19C, 4–5
global pool, 192
physiological chemistry, 13–16
production development, 67 physiology, and vegetarian diet, 19
see also DES Picker, Henry, on Hitler, 145
Oliver, George Pierce, Anne, meat advocacy, 134
and adrenalin, 66 Pilcher, Jeffrey, on Mexico meat production,
and pituitrin, 68–9 25, 95–110
Olympic athletes, meat consumption, 155 pituitary glands, 24
organ meats anterior lobe hormones, 67–8
Americans and, 47–8 hormone isolation/synthesis, 71–3
for pernicious anaemia, 57–61 hypophysectomy, 69–70
Mexico, 108 obtaining, 68–9, 70–3, 74–5
Organon Limited Company, 76 pituitrin, 68–9
organotherapies plant cleanup crews, 82
as quackery, 66 Poisons in Your Food (Longwood William),
meatpackers and, 65–6, 69, 70, 71 185
Osler, William, on pernicious anaemia, 48 political alliances, DES affair, 186
Oxo, 34 politics of life issues, 180
254 Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century

popular press, on cancer and diet, 113–14, raw meat

117–18, 125 extract, 22–3, 33, 35–8
population growth, 4 juice, lyophilized, 39
Brooks, Alberta, 88–91 recalls, retailer naming, 1–2
rural meat plants, 80, 93 recruitment, meat workers, 87–90
population mobility, host communities, refrigerated meat
88–90 Americans and, 96–7
Porfirian government, development, 104–5, controversy, Mexico, 105–9
107, 109 Regaud, Claudius, 41
Portier, Pierre, 43 regulation/enforcement interactions, 29–30,
Portuguese Man o’War jellyfish toxins, 43 180–2
practice guidelines, professional regulation, regulatory science, 188–9
181 regurgitated meat diet, 53–4
pregnancy, DES for, 187, 190 Reich Department of Health, on mixed diet,
press 155
agricultural/human DES conjunctions, Reich Office of Statistics, 154
188 Reich Work Group of New German Medi-
and bovine tuberculosis, 162–3, 164 cine, 153
and BSE fears, 162–3, 164, 167 Rendu, Ambroise, 36
nutrition information dissemination, reporting systems, industrial regulation,

26–7, 133–7 181–2
price-cutting campaign, Mexico, 108 residues, and withdrawal period, DES, 184,
prions, 29, 165 187, 190, 192–3, 195, 196
prison reformers, and Voit standard, 147 Richet, Albert, 39
Proctor, Robert, Cancer Wars, 199–200 Richet, Charles, 22–3, 33–45
professional regulation, 30, 181, 202 extract of meat, 14
progesterone production development, 67 La Nouvelle Zomothérapie, 41, 42
prolactin, 68 Richet, Charles Jr, 41
protein, vegetarian diet, 150–1 Rifkin, Jeremy, 6
Prudence, Penny, Coupon Cookery, 138–9 risk assessment, cross-species transmission,
public education campaigns, ASCC, 112, 165–7
118–19, 122–3, 125–6 risk-expertise processes, 180
public health Robscheit-Robbins, Frieda, 50, 58, 60
issues, BSE/tuberculosis, 172–7 Romantics, on diet, 19
messages, diversity, 2, 8 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, on diet, 19
Mexico, 97, 99–101 Roux, Jean Charles, 36
policies, farming-led, 174–7 Royal Commissions on tuberculosis, 170,
Public Health Act, 1875 (UK), 10, 173 171–2
Pure Food and Drug Act (US), 1906, 8 Russell, Rollo, 119
purines, Swartz on, 133 monastic cancer study, 121

quality control, industrial regulation, 181–2 safety issues, 1994 plant study, 83–7
safety meetings, 85–7
race, and pernicious anaemia, 54–5 safety reporting, 83, 86
Ralston Purina, 138 Saint Girons, François de, 39–40
rats, laboratory, 69, 70 Salinas de Gortari, President Carlos, 109
Raymond, Richard (USDA), 1 salmonella, health fears, 140, 159
Rayon, Ramon, on meat hygiene, 99 San Lucas slaughterhouse, Mexico, 102
Index 255

sanitary officials, TB constitutional disease Spongiform Encephalopathy Advisory Com-

model, 168–70 mittee (SEAC), 161
Sardo, Cele, Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease Foun- Sprunt, Thomas, pernicious anaemia diet, 49
dation, 142 SS, vegetarian, 154, 155, 156–7
Scheunert, Arthur, 155 St Louis stockyards, 77–8
Schlosser, Eric, 6 standards of action, and regulation, 180–1
schools, migrant issues, 88, 90, 91 Starling, E. H., on hormones, 64
science, and government policies, 170–1 stockyard districts, original, 77–8
scrapie, 160–1, 165, 171, 175 Stowe, Harriet Beecher, and Beecher, The
Seaboard Corporation, Guymon, Okla- American Woman’s Home, 4, 128, 132
homa, 88 Striffler, Steve, 6
serotherapy, Richet and, 35 Stuart, Tristram, on vegetarianism, 19
serum shock anaphylaxis, 43 Stull, Donald, on communities and meat
sex hormone production development, 67 processing, 25, 77–94
Sharpey-Schafer, Sir Edward Albert new-hire training experience, 87
and adrenalin, 66 Sturgis, Cyrus, and hog stomach, 57–8
and pituitrin, 68–9 Sudan, Lakeside workers from, 89
sheep, scrapie, 160–1, 165, 171, 175 Swartz, Mary Davis, on reducing meat con-
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, on diet, 19 sumption, 133
Sherman Antitrust Act, 1890, 66 Swift & Co. in Mexico, 103

Sherman, H. C., on meat consumption, Swift meatpackers, 65–6
Silent Spring (Carson), 185 Tanner, Jakob
Sinclair, Upton, The Jungle, 6, 8, 28, 77, 81, on workers’ bodies conceptualization, 14
88, 95, 104 on calorimetric analysis, 15
slaughterhouses Terrazas family, Peralvillo slaughterhouse,
factory, 8, 10 103, 105–6
illegal, Mexico, 99 testosterone production development, 67
models, 101–2 Teuteberg, H.-J., on meat consumption,
spinal tissue and offal removal, 175–6 Germany, 146
waste ‘biotrash’, 65–8, 71, 75–6 Text Book of Hygiene, 168
see also meat processing industry therapeutics, meat and, 22–3
Smith, Adam, The Wealth of Nations, 21 Thoms, Ulrike, on German vegetarianism,
Smith, J., on DES as cancer threat, 184 27, 145–57
Smith, Philip E. and Irene, and hypophysec- thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 68
tomy, 70 thyroxin, isolation, 67
social reformers, meat promotion, 148 Tiselius, Arne, 74
Somalia, Lakeside workers from, 89 Toronto stockyards, 77–8
Soper, George Toronto University, insulin mass produc-
and epidemiology, 122 tion, 67
on corsets, 123 Torres de Rubio, Vicenta, 98
Southeast Asian refugees, Garden City, training, meat workers, 84, 87
Kansas, 91–2 Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies
Southwood, Richard, BSE working party, (TSEs), 160
170–1, 175 transmission, cross-species, pathogens,
Speer, Albert, on Hitler, 145 164–6
spinal tissue and offal removal, abattoirs, traumatic shock, zomine experiment, 40–1
175–6 trichinosis, 100
256 Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century

tubercle bacillus, 165–6, 172 unqualified workers, 84, 85

tuberculosis uric acid, Swartz on, 133
bovine US Veterans Hospital Tuskegee, 55
food issues, 159–60
transmission, 163–4, 165–6, 168–9 Valentines extract of meat, 14
raw meat treatment, 33, 35–45 vCJD (new variant CJD), 161–3, 167–8
tubercle bacillus, 165–6, 172 vegetable shortage, Germany, 155
tumours, DES and, 184, 187–8 vegetarian products, marketing innovation,
turnover, meat workers, 80, 88–90 151
Tyson Foods plant, Garden City, Kansas, 92 vegetarian publications, on meat and cancer,
Tyszka, Carl von 118
on food as motivation, 156 vegetarianism
on meat consumption, Germany, 146 advocacy, 133
concerns, 12
Ukraine, Lakeside workers from, 89 environmental, 21
union contracts, breaking/avoidance, 79 German, 27, 145–57
union organizing, meat workers, 79, 88 Nazi, as triumph of will, 154, 155
Union, Stockyards, 7 propagation, 18–20
Union Stockyards, Chicago, 101–2 vegetarians
United Kingdom and Life Reform movement, 146, 148

animal welfare legislation, 11–12 as pioneers, Germany, 154–5
bovine tuberculosis Vegetarische Presse, on Hitler, 152
food issues, 159–60 Vegetarische Warte journal, 152
transmission, 163–4, 165–6, 168–9 veterinarians
bovine spongiform encephalopathy professionalization, 18
(BSE), 28, 140, 141–2 TB localized disease model, 168–70
as animal health issue, 170–3 veterinary medicine, Mexico, 100
government and, 29, 159–77 Vialles, Noelie, on ‘animal to edible’, 77
chilled meat imports, 9–10 virtual-safety approach, drug evaluation, 194
meat processing industry, 9–10 vitamins, discovery, 16
United States Congressional hearings Voit, Carl, 147
DES, 184, 188–96, 201 Voit standard, protein consumption, 147
meatpacking injuries, 81 Vulpian, Alfred, 35
United States Department of Agriculture
(USDA), 28–9 Waddington, Keir, on Britain and BSE/
and retailer naming, 1–2 CJD, 29, 159–77
1950s dietary guidelines, 136 Wall Street Journal, on DES implants ban,
DES expertise, 193 179
Economic Research Service, 142 wartime, meat substitutes, 137–9
Food and Nutrition Service, What’s in a waste ‘biotrash’, 64–8, 71, 75–6
meal?, 137 Webster County, Kentucky, study, 78
Food Pyramid, 137 Wells, Gerald, and BSE, 160
How to select foods, 135 Wesley, John, 11
meat definition, 129 Whipple, George Hoyt, ‘anemic dog colony’,
United States government, Family Fare: A 49–50, 58, 60
Guide to Good Nutrition, 136–7 Wiesenhof packaged meats, 10
United States Public Health Service, DES Williams, William Roger, The Natural His-
expertise, 193 tory of Cancer, 111, 113, 116, 120
Index 257

Wilson meatpackers, 65–6 working man, German, meat and image, 147
Woglom, William H., on meat and cancer, working-class malnutrition, 4
112, 121 World War II, dietary guidelines revision,
women, and nutritional sciences, 127–9 135–6
Women’s Health Movement
and regulation, 180, 182 Yale University, 72
on DES as morning-after pill, 187–8
Wood, Bertha, on liver disguises, 53 Zeigler, Edwin E., on meat and cancer, 116
workers, meatpacking, 77–94 Zimmermann, Wilhelm, The Path to Para-
compensation issues, 84–5 dise, 149
wages, disassembly lines, 77, 79–80 Zomine, 37, 38–44
workers’ bodies conceptualization, 14 zomotherapy, 35–44
workhouse reformers, and Voit standard, zoonosis, bovine tuberculosis, 166, 172
147 Zwanenberg, Saal van, 76


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