Weintraub's Travel To Indonesia

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FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WASHINGION O.C 20463 January 7, 2013 MEMORANDUM TO: Commissioners THROUGH: Alec Palmer Staff Director Assistant Siaff Director Office of Communications Information Division travis Drake 70) Communications Specialist Office of Communications Information Division SUBJECT: — Approval of Payment for Travel Expenses SPONSORS: International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) OFFICIAL INVITATION EXTENDED TO/ACC TED BY: ‘The agency pursuant to 31 U.S.C. § 1353. ____ Anagency employee pursuant to 5 U.S.C. § 4111 An agency emplo; —__ Anagency employee requested by another Federal agency. (e.g. short term appearance, detail, speech) FATA 901611 64 PERMISSIBLE CATEGORY FOR ACCEPTING PAYMENT In accordance with the above, payment for travel related expenses will be made by: A nonfederal entity A foreign entity A State, county or municipal government _ Another federal a ney CONFLICT OF INTEREST REVIEW: sible based on a review by the Designated Agency Ethics Official R. §304-5,3. (See attached.) Payment is perm pursuant to 41 C. Chair Ellen Weintraub January 14-23, 2013 LOCATIONS: Indonesia FATA 2016.11 695 Gregory Scott Thank you for passing this aiong. Vice Chair Wei 12/19/2012 08 36 0+ From: Gregory ScomFECIUS To Elen Werniraub/FEC/US@FEC. Ce Liss Stevenson/FEC/US@FEC, Weintraub Otfice, Duane PughiFECUS@FEC Amy PeFECUS@FEC. Travs DrakeFECUS@FEC Date 12192012 08.39 AM yet Fe: Fw: Expan Visit to Indonesia - Midanuary 2013, Tnank you for passing ts along, Vice Chair Weintaub. | have forwarded the invitation to Congressional Affairs for State Department review. Once we get approval trom Ethics and State, Travis wil cifculate the| appropriate documents. In the meantime, please don' hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns, Thanks again! ~ Greg Greg J Scott Asst Staff Director FEC Information Division Office of Communications. Fv: Expert Visit to Indonesia - Mid-January 2013 Fw: Expert Visit to Indonesia - Mid-January 2013, Ellen Weintraub 19 Gregory Scott, Lisa Stevenson 121820120522 > Ce: Weintraub Oftice | received this intriguing invitation, which | would like to accept (at no cost to the FEC!). Can you please run the traps on this? Thanks, Forwarned by Even Wemntraub/FECUS on 12/78/2012 05:20 PM — FATA 2016-11 676 From: sil Sekhon To: “EWeintraub@lec gov" , Date: 12/18/2012 12:32 PM Subject Expert Visit 10 Indonesia - Mid-January 2013 Dear Ellen. ‘Thank you once again for your participation in the indonesia seminar during the US elections program. ‘The participants and us here at IFES really appreciated your willingness to come and share your ‘experiences. | am writing to ask if you are interested in making a trip out to Indonesia in mid-January. We are seeking {an expert on the US electoral system and campaign finance to conduct discussions with Indonesian electoral officials. This would be an opportunity to come and share experiences with the Indonesian General Elections Commission and the Indonesian Election Supervisory Agency to help them advance their thinking on future reforms. Two events are currently being organized: 1) a roundtable discussion with election officials and civil society/academia on or around 14-15 January and 2) A public event on or around 21-22 January. We would love for you to attend both events. ‘The trip would be funded by IFES and accommodation provided and we hope that you could travel to Indonesia from 14-23 January or around those dates. f you could confirm you're availability that would bbe much appreciated. Alternatively if there is someone is from the FEC who would be willing or able to attend in your place, please let us know. Kind regards, Jiv Sekhon| Program Officer, Southeast Asia| IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems) 1850 K Street NW, Fifth Floor | Washington, 0.C. 20006 | +1 202-850-6879 | Email: sekhon@ifes.org Skype: sekhonlFES Bt aH This message (including any attachments) is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which itis addressed and may contain information that is non-public, proprietary, privileged, confidential, and exempt from disclosure under applicable law or may constitute as attorney work product. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, notify us immediately by telephone and (i) destroy this message if a facsimile or (ji) delete this message immediately if this is an electronic communication. Thank you. ROTA 2016.11 697 FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION WASHINGTON DE 70464 January 11, 2013 THROUG! FROM: SUBIEC The following invita January 14 The invitation is attached for your review. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate contact me. FOIA 2016.11 698 Commissioners Alec Palmer Staif Director Greg Scott Assistant Staff Director Office of Communications Information Division Travis Drake Communications Spectalis’ Office of Communications Information Division Invitations jon has been accepted: 2013 Intemational Foundation for Electoral Systems (1 Jakarta, Indonesia Chair Ellen Weintraub BEFORE THE FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION, In the Matter of Approval of Payment for Travel Expenses (Chair Ellen Weintraub to Indonesta) |, Shawn Woodbead Werth, Secretary and Clerk of the Federal Election Commussion, do hereby certify that on January 10, 20)3, the Commission decided by a vote of 6-0 t0 approve the payment of travel expenses for Chair Ellen Weintraub to Indonesia, as recommended in the Memorandum fro: the Information Division dated January 7, 2013 Commissioners Bauerly, Hunter, MeGahn HH, Petersen, Walther, and Wemtraub voted affirmatively for the decision. Attest jt 1), 2003. Sleaussir Lek btelk/ J Shawn Woadhead Werth / rk of the Commission. Secretary and FATA 2016-11 690 indonesia Itinerary, Jan. 2013 e.Jaicing — [FURME JCI Of Ic parcure Destination | Arrival FC 8 pe rumer| rave re santee [ye agn SE faanngen rome, sana un 1 [emucited lun gos |M fouazvzas | wasnne rye cwyo int 2123/2083. JO |oehg 777 |x4 15] = sno Jizan om [die 0 int T4350 een meena Troe ara indy Tecmeh Ln Pm |e |ripson gar | Joxaerznis TON, | Hscetamovare foxrsizors fo [S6867°Y'Ias,hrpoe Airways: Joss ant international }03:40 PM Aino Nri-all |Wednesday, | Jakarta, rom ~ | ihurscay, eoetng 76} NAA 2 |ripnon fwvsae fa fosrasanns |Somarnovana [OHO fovawaois fo |Bee 781720 |mine Airways: }09:30 PM Internaviona’ it }06.50 AM Airwe {oi aninaton | imanan, uray, J Juanes Janson | lonvewaoa [fate [wastineton — Josraaanis fo. |acwine77f{raa0] Jos.40 Pm alas a 03:10 PM Your presentation for each event should be between 15-20 minutes. On January 15th the event wil be a full day event. It will be 2 roundtable but there will also be group discussions, al of which will be facilitated by a Titi ‘Angeraini, Executive Director of Periudem (an Indonesia CSO) . The AGENDA workshop on the 16th will be a half

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