Preparing Mammalian Teeth For Age Determination

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Preparation of Mammalian Teeth for Age Determination by Cementum Layers: A Review

Author(s): S. G. Fancy
Source: Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 8, No. 3 (Autumn, 1980), pp. 242-248
Published by: Wiley on behalf of the Wildlife Society
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Accessed: 17/11/2014 13:12

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S. G. FANCY, LGL Alaska Research Associates,P.O. Box 80607, Fairbanks, AK 99708

Abstract: Age determinationof mammals fromtooth cementum layer counts is widely used as
a management technique. Standard methods used by researchers to prepare dental material for
cementum layer analysis are reviewed. Choice of tooth and plane of sectioning forcarnivores
and ungulates is also discussed. The accuracy of aging mammals by counting tooth cementum
layers can be improved if standardized methods and reference collections are established for
each species and fordifferentpopulations. Recommendations are made forresearch needed to
improve the accuracy of this technique.

The tooth annulation method is the the animals reach maturity(Harris 1978).
most accurate means of age determina- Dentinal layers have been useful in
tion formany mammalian species (Thom- aging many species, including many ma-
as 1977). Over 40 species of mammals rine mammals and carnivores. Lord et al.
have been aged by this method since (1976) found dentine growth lines to be
Laws (1952) firstshowed that internal clearer and more easily read than cemen-
dentinal and cemental annulations were tum growthlines in determiningthe age
correlated with age. Klevezal and Klei- of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus).
nenberg (1967) gave an excellent review This paper is limited to a discussion of
of age-related stratificationin the struc- cementum layers, which are used more
ture of teeth and bones, and Morris commonly with terrestrial mammals.
(1972) gave a general review of mamma- Layering in cementum is less confused
lian age determaination methods. How- by accessory bands than is layering in
ever, there have been many recent im- dentine (Klevezal and Kleinenberg 1967).
provements in the techniques used to The techniques used to prepare teeth
prepare dental tissues for age determi- for age determination by cementum an-
nation, particularly with staining meth- nuli counts result in 3 major types of sec-
ods. In this paper I review some of the tions: (1) histologicallyprepared sections
standard methods and improved tech- cut with a microtomeor razor blade after
niques used by researchers to obtain decalcification of the tooth, (2) transpar-
sharp, easily interpreted annulations. A ent sections cut with a fine saw and
great deal has been published on this ground thin enough to be observed with
topic, and minorvariations in toothprep- transmitted light, and (3) sawed and
aration methods will not be discussed. ground,or ground sections observed with
Most earlier studies, particularlythose reflectedlight.
dealing with marine mammals, con-
cerned growthlayers in dentine. Dentine
is deposited within the tooth,and is thus
spatially limited in its growth (Morris
1972). Dentinal increments tend to get Histological procedures produce the
smaller and more difficultto count with most consistent results, but may require
age (Mitchell 1967), and growth of den- more time and effortthan the othermeth-
tine ceases in most mammals soon after ods, particularlywith larger teeth. Teeth

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rangingin size frombatincisorsto molars followingdecalcificationis necessaryto

of large ungulateshave been processed ensuregood stainingreactions.This may
byhistologicalprocedures.Althoughsev- be done by rinsingtheteethin tap water,
eral sectioning methods will be dis- or by soakingin a lithiumcarbonateso-
cussed, all methods require extraction lution(Low and Cowan 1963).
and decalcification
ofthe tooth.Low and
Cowan (1963) thoughtthat boiling the
mandibleto extractteethwould alterthe Razor Sectioning
staining properties,but Turner (1977) Razorsectioninghas been used on red
foundno significant loss in annulardefi- fox(Vulpes
fulva) canines (Allen 1974)
nitionbetweenincisorsextractedbyboil- and graysquirrelmolars
(Fogl and Mos-
ing and those extractedby soakingthe by 1978). Althoughrazor
sectioningis a
mandibles. veryrapid process,sectionsmay be un-
even or slanted, making photomicro-
Decalcifying Teeth graphsalmostimpossibleto obtain(Fogl
Formicacid or a formicacid/formalinand Mosby 1978).
decalcifyingsolutionhas been used by
mostresearchers.However,Conley and
Jenkins(1969) did notfindit to be com- Microtome Sectioning
pletely effective.Miller (1974) experi- The standardparaffin techniqueusing
mentedwithvariousdecalcifyingagents the rotarymicrotomewas described in
on caribou (Rangifer tarandus) teeth, detailby Low and Cowan (1963),and was
and found that formicacid resulted in used withslightmodification by Adams
less clarity in the annulations, while and Watkins(1967) and Thomasand Ban-
formic acid/sodium citrate solutions dy (1973). The freezingmicrotomesec-
proved too costly and time-consuming tioningmethodis morerapidthanthero-
and resultedin poor sections.Millerrec- tarymicrotome procedure,and eliminates
ommendeda 5% solutionof 67% nitric dehydrationof the tissue. Miller (1974)
acid, which has been used by otherre- thought thatmuchoftheseparationofthe
searcherswith good results(Grue and cementallayerfromthe dentinethathe
Jensen 1973, Jensenand Nielsen 1968, encounteredoccurredas the resultofde-
Lockard1972,Marksand Erickson1966, hydration.Frozen sectionsmustbe han-
Willey 1974). Turner(1977) foundnitric dled individually,whereas sectionsob-
acid unsatisfactorybecause it obliterated tained by the paraffintechnique are
otherwisedistinctannuli.Fogl and Mos- attachedto each otherin ribbons,making
by (1978) preferred a formicacid/sodium it easier to obtain serial sections of a
citratesolutionto nitricacid due to short- tooth.Frozen tissue sectionshave been
er decalcificationtimes and bettersec- made fromteeth of black bear (Ursus
tioningresultson graysquirrel(Sciurus americanus) (Sauer et al. 1966, Willey
carolinensis)molars.Other decalcifying 1974), European red fox (Vulpes vulpes)
agentsused withsuccess include5% HCI (Harris 1978), coyote (Canis latrans)
(Novakowski1965),commercialRDO de- (Linhart and Knowlton 1967, Roberts
calcifyingsolution(Croweand Strickland 1978), bobcat (Lynx rufus) (Crowe
1975),and Hartman-Ledden fluid(Adams 1972), vampire bats (Linhart 1973), and
and Watkins1967). Neutralizingthe acid caribou (McEwan 1963, Miller 1974).

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244 Wildl.Soc. Bull. 8(3) 1980

Staining est while the sections are still wet be-

cause the sharpness of the opaque rest
Staining tooth sections after affixing
lines and the color contrastbetween rest
them to slides provides better contrast
lines and background cementum are
between the light and dark cementum
often impaired by dehydration to per-
layers. Hematoxylin has been the most
manent mounts (Thomas 1977).
common stain used, but other stains may
be superior forcementum layer analysis.
Thomas (1977) experimented with 20
metachromaticdyes on teeth of 10 differ-
ent species, and ranked toluidine blue, Saw and grind techniques have been
crystalviolet, cresyl violet, Ehrlich's he- used mainly with ungulate and grizzly
matoxylin,and methylene blue as the 5 bear (Ursus arctos) teeth. Transparent
best dyes for cementum layer analysis. sections are obtained by firstsawing the
The advantages of metachromatic dyes tooth with a circularjeweler's saw made
over hematoxylinincluded ease of prep- of carbon steel (Fisher and MacKenzie
aration, longer shelf life, better delinia- 1954, Sargeant and Pimlott 1959), dental
tion of rest lines in a color that contrasts diamond wheel (Hemming 1969), Niclas
with the background cementum, more bone and tooth cutting machine (Arm-
consistent staining reactions between strong 1965, Mundy and Fuller 1964), or
batches, and lower cost. other thin-sectioningsaw (Erickson and
Stone et al. (1975) found that sections Seliger 1969).
stained with Giemsa, Field, and Maxi- The sawed sections are then ground
mow solutions were superior to sections using the technique outlined by Frost
stained with hematoxylin and eosin. (1958), or with a fine carborundumstone.
Giemsa stain is used by G. Matson's com- Gasaway et al. (1978) obtained transpar-
mercial microtechnique company (Box ent sections of moose (Alces alces) inci-
308, Milltown, MT 59851) for section sors by grinding alternate sides with a
analysis. Matson found thatgreaterstain- water-bathgrinderequipped with a fine,
ing variation existed among individual abrasive wheel. Fisher and MacKenzie
teeth than among differentbatches when (1954) designed a special grinding ma-
using Giemsa stain (G. Matson, pers. chine, but McEwan (1963) had poor re-
commun.). Paragon multiple stain has sults with this technique. Craighead et al.
been used successfully by Linhart and (1970) softened the ground sections of
Knowlton (1967), Crowe (1972), Linhart grizzly bear teeth with nitric acid, then
(1973), Allen (1974), Turner (1977), and stained the sections with hematoxylin
Roberts (1978). While Paragon stain is no and eosin. Erickson and Seliger (1969)
longer commercially available, its main described a rapid, simple technique that
component is toluidine blue. required no polishing, using hematoxylin
Interpreting the stained sections is and eosin to stain the sections.
usually done with a light microscope, al- Hemming (1969) embedded Dall sheep
though Lockard (1972) recommended a (Ovis dalli) teeth in plaster of paris to fa-
microprojector.Low and Cowan (1963) cilitatehandling and observed the ground
found that polarized light gave better sections with a fluoroscope, thus elimi-
contrast than transmitted light when nating decalcification and staining. Sar-
viewing sections. Interpretationis easi- geant and Pimlott(1959) and Mundy and

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Fuller (1964) observed unstained sec- Carnivores

tions under a microscope.
The best teeth for aging are those in
which the layers are wide enough to be
GROUND SECTIONS VIEWED easily counted under magnification,but
WITH REFLECTED LIGHT not so wide that numerous supplemen-
tary streaks are seen within them (KIev-
Cementum layers observed with re-
ezal and Kleinenberg 1967). Canine teeth
flected light have been exposed by saw-
have been used by many researchers for
ing and grinding teeth or by grinding
aging carnivores.The apex of the roothas
alone. Novakowski (1965) and Douglas
the thickest cementum and is the best
(1970) used a bench grinderon ungulate
area for counting annuli (Linhart and
teeth to obtain cementum layer counts.
Knowlton 1967). Roberts (1978) recom-
The ground surface was polished by
mended using canine teeth foraging coy-
hand, and decalcified in 5% HCl for2 h.
otes after comparing longitudinal sec-
Differential decalcification of opaque
tions of the canines, premolars, and
and transparent bands produced ridges
incisors. Linhart and Knowlton (1967)
that could be seen under a microscope.
found longitudinal sections of coyote ca-
Wolfe (1969) used a diamond lapidary
nines preferable to transverse sections
saw to cut sections thatwere then ground
because layeringis more distinctin some
smooth with abrasive paper. A thin coat
areas. Conley and Jenkins(1969) report-
of oil or nail polish was applied to the
ed that longitudinal sections of bobcat
ground surface to aid interpretation.The
canines were superior to transverse sec-
grindingprocedure was repeated several
tions. Cross-sections are easier to cut,
times until the maximum number of dark
and more sections can be taken froma
lines was exposed. Mitchell (1963) cut
single tooth (Morris 1972). Transverse
teeth with a fine hacksaw, polished the
sections expose the layer around the en-
cut surface with a fine carborundum
tire circumference of the root; however,
stone, and examined the surface,dry,un-
where cementum is deposited irregularly,
der a dissecting scope. White-tailed deer
some transversesections may be mislead-
(Odocoileus virginianus)teeth fromar- ing. Harris (1978) found that transverse
cheological sites have been aged using
canine sections of European red foxwere
the cut and grind procedures outlined by
easier to read than longitudinal sections,
Ransom (1966) following vacuum im-
although sagittalsections ofthe premolars
pregnation of cavities in the teeth with
epoxide (Kay 1974). were easiest to interpret.Annuli in canine
sections tend to split intosubsidiarylines,
making interpretationdifficult;premolar
SELECTION OF TOOTH AND annuli were clear, uniformlyspaced, and
SECTIONING PLANE did not show any subsidiary lines. Mon-
There has been much debate on which son et al. (1973) also found fox cheek
tooth and plane of sectioning gives the teeth to be superior to canines. The first
best results forcertain species. Although premolar is used by most researchers to
many of these argumentsmay apply only age black and grizzly bears, and is as
to a particular species, several generali- reliable as canines forage determination
zations can be made. (Craighead et al. 1970, Willey 1974).

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246 Wildl.Soc. Bull. 8(3) 1980

Ungulates their specimens (Gasaway et al. 1978,

Monson et al. 1973, Ransom 1966, Sauer
Cementum layers in both incisiform
1973, Sargeant and Pimlott 1959, Wolfe
and molariformteeth have been used to
age ungulates. The cementum complex
The accuracy of the cementum layer
of molariformteeth is generally thicker
techinque depends largely on the meth-
than that of incisors, thus facilitatingthe
ods used to prepare the material. Fogl
interpretation of growth layers (Wolfe
and Mosby (1978) had only 75% accuracy
1969). Counts fromthe enlarged cemen-
aging dry-storedgraysquirrel molars,but
tum pad between the roots of molariform
aged 96% of their formalin-storedspeci-
teeth are often more reliable than those
mens correctly.Lockard (1972), Stephen-
from other portions of the cementum
son (1977), and Low and Cowan (1963)
complex (Wolfe 1969). Wolfe also found
had poor results with cut and ground sec-
thatgrowthlayers of maxillaryteeth were
tions,yetobtained excellent results using
more regular and distinct than those of
the paraffintechnique.
mandibular teeth. Most ungulate re-
The interpretation method varies
searchers favor a sagittal section of mo-
among species and regions. G. Matson
lariform teeth (Miller 1974); however,
(pers. commun.) has found that white-
Wolfe (1969) got the best results when he
tailed deer fromGeorgia are incorrectly
cut teeth on a slightly oblique plane to
aged by criteriaused fornortherndeer.
the medium axis in the jaw.
The first incisor of ungulates is the
most commonlyused incisiformtoothbe- RECOMMENDATIONS
cause it is the largest, the firstto erupt, Standardized preparationand interpre-
and is easy to remove and decalcify (Gil- tation methods should be developed for
bert 1966, Sargeant and Pimlott 1959). each species. Histological procedures us-
Hemming (1969) found sagittal sections ing the paraffintechnique or a cryostat
of the entire root most satisfactorywith have produced the most consistent re-
Dall sheep incisors. sults. Standardized interpretationproce-
dures such as those described by Matson
(unpubl. manuscript)for16 species should
The interpretationof cementum layers be developed.
is a subjective process, and trained ob- Problems with population and regional
serversoftendisagree on the age of a par- differences can be overcome by estab-
ticular section (Gasaway 1978, Monson et lishing reference collections for each
al. 1973, Nellis et al. 1978, Utsler 1972). area. These collections should be estab-
Many researchers have reported com- lished using the standardized methods
plete agreement between age estimates recommended above.
from cementum layer analysis and the Time and effortcan be saved if juve-
known ages of the animal (Erickson and nile animals can be eliminated by some
Seliger 1969, Keiss 1969, Kleinenberg aging method before teeth are prepared
and Klevezal 1966, Lockard 1972, Low forcementum layer analysis. Aging meth-
and Cowan 1963). Others have foundthat ods thatwill easily separate juvenile from
the cementum layer counts differedfrom adult animals need to be described for
the known age of the animal formany of each species.

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