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Biocorrosion: towards understanding interactions between

biofilms and metals

Iwona B Beech1 and Jan Sunner2

The term microbially influenced corrosion, or biocorrosion, refers The stability of such layers depends on their chemistry
to the accelerated deterioration of metals owing to the presence and morphology and determines the overall suscepti-
of biofilms on their surfaces. The detailed mechanisms of bility of the metal to corrosion. Microbial activity within
biocorrosion are still poorly understood. Recent investigations biofilms formed on surfaces of metallic materials can
into biocorrosion have focused on the influence of affect the kinetics of cathodic and/or anodic reactions
biomineralization processes taking place on metallic surfaces [1] and can also considerably modify the chemistry of
and the impact of extracellular enzymes, active within the any protective layers, leading to either acceleration or
biofilm matrix, on electrochemical reactions at the biofilmmetal inhibition of corrosion [2,3].
The deterioration of metal due to microbial activity is
Addresses termed biocorrosion or microbially influenced corrosion
School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, University of (MIC). Owing to its economic and environmental impor-
Portsmouth, St. Michaels Building, White Swan Road, Portsmouth tance, MIC has been the subject of extensive studies for
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Montana State University,
the past five decades and several models have been pro-
Bozeman, Montana 59717, USA posed to explain mechanisms governing biocorrosion [4].

Bacteria are considered the primary colonizers of inanimate
surfaces in both natural and man-made environments.
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2004, 15:181186
Therefore, the majority of MIC investigations have
This review comes from a themed issue on addressed the impact of pure or mixed culture bacterial
Environmental biotechnology biofilms on corrosion behavior of iron, copper, aluminium
Edited by Michael Y Galperin and Alan JM Baker and their alloys. The main types of bacteria associated
Available online 18th May 2004 with metals in terrestrial and aquatic habitats are sulfate-
reducing bacteria (SRB), sulfur-oxidising bacteria, iron-
0958-1669/$ see front matter oxidising/reducing bacteria, manganese-oxidising bacteria,
2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. and bacteria secreting organic acids and slime [5]. These
DOI 10.1016/j.copbio.2004.05.001
organisms typically coexist in naturally occurring biofilms,
forming complex consortia on corroding metal surfaces
[68]. The mixed biotic/abiotic manganese oxide reduction
EPS extracellular polymeric substances
mechanisms and their importance for biocorrosion have
MIC microbially influenced corrosion been extensively described in MIC literature [912]. The
SRB sulfate-reducing bacteria impact of microbial iron respiration on corrosion processes
has also been recently reviewed [13]. Hence, these
mechanisms are not discussed here.
Physicochemical interactions between a metallic mate- Biocorrosion is a result of interactions, which are often
rial and its environment can lead to corrosion. Electro- synergistic, between the metal surface, abiotic corrosion
chemical corrosion is a chemical reaction involving the products, and bacterial cells and their metabolites
transfer of electrons from zero valent metal to an external (Figure 1). The latter include organic and inorganic acids
electron acceptor, causing release of the metal ions into and volatile compounds, such as ammonia and hydrogen
the surrounding medium and deterioration of the metal. sulfide. There is an ongoing dispute as to which compo-
This process proceeds through a series of oxidation nent, biotic or abiotic, is of greater relevance to corrosion
(anodic) and reduction (cathodic) reactions of chemical reactions [14]. The importance of microbial synergy has
species in direct contact with, or in close proximity to, the recently been reconfirmed in studies of carbon steel corro-
metallic surface. In aerated solutions, the cathodic reac- sion in the presence of bacteria isolated from rock samples
tion is the reduction of oxygen, whereas in anoxic solu- obtained from the proposed high-level nuclear waste repo-
tions it is, usually, the evolution of hydrogen. The rate of sitory site at Yucca Mountain [15] and in the presence of
the anodic reaction (metal dissolution) decreases gradu- thermophilic and thermotolerant bacteria from a hot spring
ally with time, because the oxidation products (corrosion in Mexico [16]. The rates of corrosion obtained with
products) adhere to the surface forming a protective different combinations of mixed bacterial cultures were
layer that provides a diffusion barrier to the reactants. considerably higher than those measured in pure cultures. Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2004, 15:181186

182 Environmental biotechnology

Figure 1 and abiotic manganese oxidation/reduction reactions on

stainless steel in aerated solutions, biocorrosion is a
(a) process in which metabolic activities of microorganisms
associated with metallic materials (e.g. manganese oxid-
FeS particles
ation by bacteria) supply insoluble products (e.g. man-
ganic oxides/hydroxides MnOOH, MnO2), which are

able to accept electrons from the base metal. This

sequence of biotic and abiotic reactions produces a
kinetically favored pathway of electron flow from the
metal anode to the universal electron acceptor, oxygen.
Anaerobic corrosion of iron in the presence of SRB is
m explained in a similar manner.
SRB cells 3
2 Although the unifying electron-transfer hypothesis offers
1 the most elegant explanation of MIC to date, the hypo-
thesis does not take into account the possibility that the
organic component of the biofilm matrix itself can facil-
EPS itate electron transfer from the metal to an electron
acceptor such as oxygen. For example, enzymes active
within the biofilm matrix and metal ions bound by bac-
FeS terial extracellular polymeric substances can catalyze
cathodic reactions. Both mechanisms are likely to con-
tribute to the biocorrosion process, as discussed below.

This review addresses the current understanding of MIC,

viewed as a consequence of coupled biological and abiotic
redox reactions of metals that result from diverse meta-
SRB cell surface bolic activities of biofilm bacteria. In addition, a new
scheme is proposed for the MIC of ferrous metals, which
0 1.14 m considers a catalytic function of iron ions bound within
Current Opinion in Biotechnology the biofilm matrix.

Atomic force micrograph (acquired in air) of a 14 day old biofilm Enzymes and biocorrosion
formed by marine SRB Desulfovibrio alaskensis [34] on the surface of Enzymatic activities are readily detected in biofilms,
AISI 316 stainless steel. (a) Iron sulfide (FeS) particles are seen
nonetheless, the importance of reactions mediated by
distributed over the surface of the steel and (b) are very closely
associated with bacterial cells and extracellular polymeric substances these enzymes has only recently been considered as
(EPS) secreted by the cells. relevant to biocorrosion [2022,23]. In particular, stud-
ies to determine the mechanisms that increase the
free corrosion potential (Ecorr) of stainless steel, widely
reported in oxygenated natural waters and referred to as
Progress in microbial molecular ecology and microbial ennoblement [24], brought enzymes into focus. A lack of
genomics is changing our perception of the composition ennoblement was observed when a biofilm was treated
of bacterial consortia associated with corroding metals and with sodium azide, which is an inhibitor of the microbial
has furthered our understanding of the type of substrata respiratory chain and enzymes such as catalases, perox-
that these bacteria are capable of utilizing as electron idases and superoxide dismutases. These enzymes are
donors and acceptors. These advances have also revealed involved in reactions of oxygen reduction, therefore, in
the existence of previously unsuspected biochemical principle, they might facilitate corrosion by accelerating
pathways. The elucidation of the genome sequence of the overall cathodic reaction. However, it is imperative to
the SRB Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough [17] and realize that the ability of such enzymes to accelerate
studies of the corrosion of iron in the presence of novel oxygen reduction depends on the chemistry of surface
anaerobic microorganisms [18] are the best examples of films. The effect of extracellular catalase produced by
current discoveries pertinent to MIC. Pseudomonas species on the ennoblement behaviour of
aluminium brass is the best example of such a relationship
A recently proposed unifying electron-transfer hypo- [23]. The study showed that the presence of catalase
thesis offers MIC of ferrous metals as a model system strongly influenced the reduction kinetics of H2O2 pro-
for the study of metalmicrobe interactions [19]. duced during oxygen reduction on aluminium brass. An
Considering this hypothesis, using as an example biotic increase in cathodic currents (up to 60%) was measured

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2004, 15:181186

Understanding biocorrosion Beech and Sunner 183

when the surface film was composed mainly of CuO. With The genome sequence of D. vulgaris Hildenborough
only a submonolayer of Cu2O covering the surface, there offers new insight into the energy metabolism of this
was no change in the current density values compared bacterium, which for decades has served as a model SRB
with controls. When Cu2O and CuO were present simul- for the study of biocorrosion. It indicates a network of
taneously, a 35% increment in the cathodic current was novel c-type cytochromes, connecting multiple periplas-
recorded. mic hydrogenases and formate dehydrogenases [17].
The relative arrangement of the genes encoding enzymes
SRB and corrosion in oxygenated for energy transduction, coupled with the inferred cellular
environments location of these enzymes, offers an expansion of the
The presence of oxygen gradients within the biofilm hydrogen-cycling model and further indicates that the
matrix can be readily demonstrated, and it is accepted hydrogenase/cytochrome network is likely to participate
that anoxic niches can be found even within biofilms in cell-scavenging of the cathodic hydrogen or a hydrogen
developed in fully aerated systems. Anaerobic bacteria film on iron surfaces in aqueous solutions. Recent studies
such as SRB are commonly isolated from natural biofilms have reported the isolation of new species of SRB that are
found in oxygenated environments and the existence of capable of reducing sulfate with metallic iron much faster
oxygen resistant proteins in some SRB species has been than D. vulgaris [18], showing much greater corrosive
demonstrated [25]. Nevertheless, the possible use of potential. According to the authors, their study demon-
oxygen as terminal electron acceptor by SRB is a subject strates the ability of surface-associated cells of novel SRB
of ongoing dispute. The complete genome sequence of species to obtain electrons from zero valent iron in a more
D. vulgaris Hildenborough revealed genes encoding for direct manner than via hydrogen consumption. Such a
oxidases, oxidoreductases, plasmid-encoded catalase and process would require the existence, in some SRB spe-
superoxide dismutase [17]. Furthermore, analysis of the cies, of a yet unidentified cell-surface-associated redox
incomplete genome sequence of the Gram-positive SRB active component.
Desulfitobacterium hafniense showed genes encoding three
catalases, of which at least one is extracellular. These It has to be noted that the metabolic specificity of SRB
catalases are homologs of hydroperoxidases I and II (HPI species is rarely addressed when assessing the effect of
and HPII) and manganese-containing catalase (IB Beech, biofilms on metal deterioration, despite the overwhelm-
unpublished). Whether or not these enzymes contribute ing evidence that species belonging to the same genus
to oxygen reduction reactions on the metal surface under can vary considerably in their metal-corroding ability
intermittent oxygenation still needs to be elucidated. [5,25]. Differences in bacterial species composition of
biofilm consortia and resulting differences in metabolic
The genome of D. vulgaris encodes several sensors with activities within such biofilms could explain why, in two
hemerythrine-like domains, which are likely to be identical systems under the same environmental condi-
involved in the response to iron and/or oxygen [26,27]. tions, corrosion rates can vary significantly; for example,
In total, the genome sequence of D. vulgaris indicates the carbon steel corrosion can vary from a rate of 0.05 mm/
presence of 27 methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins, year in one system to 3 mm/year in another. This phe-
which include the oxygen or redox potential-sensing nomenon has been reported for steel piling structures in
proteins DcrA and DcrH [17]. These proteins might several European harbours and has also been observed
be important in positioning SRB in the gradients across in certain secondary oil recovery systems (IB Beech,
the oxic/anoxic interface; however, their relevance in unpublished). The discovery of novel SRB species re-
MIC is yet to be tested. emphasizes the importance of considering species diver-
sity when investigating MIC failures of ferrous metals.
In the classical theory of SRB-influenced corrosion of
metallic iron, electrons are proposed to be transported Metal binding by extracellular polymeric
from the metal surface to the bacterial sulfate reduction substances
pathway through a hydrogen intermediate. This process The development of a biofilm is facilitated by the pro-
requires the activity of hydrogenase enzymes. Undoubt- duction of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) com-
edly, hydrogenases of SRB are the most extensively prising macromolecules such as proteins, polysaccharides,
studied group of enzymes in MIC [25]. Recent experi- nucleic acids and lipids. The capacity of EPS to bind
ments reconfirmed the role of hydrogenases in anaerobic metal ions is important to MIC [3032] and depends both
MIC [28,29]. Furthermore, the direct electron transfer on bacterial species and on the type of metal ion [5].
between hydrogenase purified from Ralfstonia eutropha Metal binding by EPS involves interaction between the
and the surface of stainless steel has been shown [21], metal ions and anionic functional groups (e.g. carboxyl,
thus supporting early reports that hydrogenase, when phosphate, sulfate, glycerate, pyruvate and succinate
expressed within the biofilm matrix, can have a direct groups) that are common on the protein and carbohydrate
influence on the cathodic reaction even in the absence of components of exopolymers. In particular, the affinity of
viable bacterial cells. multidentate anionic ligands for multivalent ions, such as Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2004, 15:181186

184 Environmental biotechnology

Figure 2

(a) (b)

O2 O2

Oxygenated biofilm Oxygenated biofilm

2 O2 + 2H+ +2e => H2O
EPS Fe3+

O2 e

Fe3+(EPS) Fe2+ Fe2+(EPS) <=> Fe3+(EPS)

e Cathode
Cathode Cathode Anode

Ferrous metal Ferrous metal

Current Opinion in Biotechnology

Schematic representation of the cathodic depolarisation reaction of a ferrous material in the presence of an oxygenated biofilm, owing to Fe3
binding by EPS. (a) Fe3, obtained as a result of, for example, oxidation of anodically produced Fe2, is bound by EPS and the Fe3EPS
complex is deposited on the metal surface. (b) Electrons are transferred directly from the zero valent Fe to EPS-bound Fe3, reducing it to Fe2.
In the presence of oxygen, acting as terminal electron acceptor, Fe2 in EPS is reoxidised to Fe3. Note that a similar type of reaction can take
place on the surfaces of corrosion products (CP) such as oxides, hydroxides and sulfides, which contain divalent iron.

Ca2, Cu2, Mg2 and Fe3, can be very strong. The mineralization was shown to result from the contact
presence of, and affinity for, metal ions in different between the EPS and oxidized iron, through ferric iron
oxidation states in the biofilm matrix can result in sub- binding with carboxylic groups on the polymer. The
stantial shifts in the standard reduction potentials. For authors pointed out that oxidation of ferrous ions and
example, Fe (III/II) redox potential varies significantly subsequent precipitation of iron oxyhydroxide on the
with different ligands (from 1.2 V to 0.4 V). EPS- biofilm exopolymers releases protons, leading to a
bound metal ions can, therefore, act as electron shuttles decrease in the pH outside the cell membrane. They
and open up novel redox reaction pathways in the biofilm/ inferred that the purpose of polymer production is to
metal system, such as direct electron transfer from the localize iron oxyhydroxide mineral precipitation imme-
metal (e.g. iron) or a biomineral (e.g. FeS). In the pre- diately outside the cell to increase metabolic energy
sence of a suitable electron acceptor (e.g. oxygen in oxic generation of the cell through enhancement of the proton
systems or nitrate under anaerobic conditions), such redox motive force.
pathways would lead to depolarization of the cathode, and
thus increased corrosion. Although the presence of metal Apart from demonstrating that mineral precipitation
ions within the biofilm matrix has been acknowledged as within a biofilm matrix can have a major influence on
pertinent to MIC, the likely involvement of EPS-bound the activity levels of biofilm organisms, the described
metal ions in direct electron transfer from the base metal phenomenon also has implications for biocorrosion. In the
to a suitable electron acceptor has been overlooked. Using presence of ferrous metal, iron oxyhydroxide surfaces
ferrous metal as an example, a schematic model of corro- assembled on biofilm polymers would adsorb ferrous iron
sion reactions involving EPS-bound metal ions in oxyge- leading to its oxidation, thus providing an additional
nated biofilms is depicted in Figure 2. contribution to the cathodic reaction. It is rather exciting
to think of such biominerals as electron-conducting fibers
A recent study of iron-hydroxide-encrusted biofilms col- dispersed within the biofilm matrix.
lected from a subterranean location revealed that bacter-
ial exopolymers, and most likely acidic polysaccharides, Conclusions
could act as a template for the assembly of akaganeite Biocorrosion occurs in aquatic and terrestrial habitats that
(b-FeOOH) pseudo-single crystals [33]. The observed differ in nutrient content, temperature, pressure and pH.

Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2004, 15:181186

Understanding biocorrosion Beech and Sunner 185

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Current Opinion in Biotechnology 2004, 15:181186

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