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Electrochemistry Communications 5 (2003) 421425

Role of Brucella sp. and Gallionella sp. in oil

degradation and corrosion
N. Muthukumar, S. Mohanan, S. Maruthamuthu *, P. Subramanian,
N. Palaniswamy, M. Raghavan
Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi 630 006, India
Received 28 March 2003; received in revised form 9 April 2003; accepted 9 April 2003


Microbiologically inuenced corrosion is responsible for most of the internal corrosion in oil transmission pipelines and
storage tanks. In the present study, the role of bacteria on oil degradation and its inuence on corrosion have been studied. Two
systems (biotic and abiotic) with and without inorganic content and bacteria were employed for studying degradation and
corrosion. The aerobic heterotrophic bacterial population (HB) was found to be higher in the presence of inorganic medium than
its absence. The oil degradation by microbes was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR). The corrosion studies were carried out by gravimetric method. It was found that Gallionella sp.
degraded aliphatic protons ACH2 ACH2 A to AOACH2 A whereas Brucella sp. converted only aromatic ring to aliphatic protons.
The following inferences have been made from this study: (a) inorganic contents in contaminated water determine the oil deg-
radation in storage tanks and transporting pipelines; (b) the degraded product may adsorb on pipeline, which would enhance the
rate of microbial corrosion.
2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

Keywords: Bacteria; Inorganic nutrients; Diesel degradation; Corrosion; FTIR; NMR; XRD

1. Introduction importance of internal corrosion as a cause for leakage

of steel tanks has been documented by various sources
Microbial contamination of fuels has been the cause [6]. A comprehensive US Environmental Protection
of intermittent operational problems throughout the Agency reports documented 610% of tanks failures
world for many years where water is essential for were caused by internal corrosion [7]. In France, it was
biodegradation, whereas less than 0.1% is enough for estimated by a major oil company that 10% of un-
microbial activity. Microbial activity can result in fuel derground storage tanks leaked due to internal corro-
contamination, lter plugging, and corrosion of tanks sion while other data from France indicated 8.5% of
and pipelines and souring of stored products. In order the leakages were caused by internal corrosion. Swit-
to prevent the eects of microbial growth several lines zerland has reported 5% of its tank leakages are caused
of approach are used, namely good house keeping by internal corrosion [6]. Sweden had reported that
practices, treatment with biocides to limit growth and half of its leaking tanks are due to internal corrosion
the use of special tank linings, etc. The types and [8]. But no literature is available on mechanisms of
ability of microorganisms to degrade petroleum hy- microbial corrosion in oil pipelines along with oil
drocarbons have been widely documented [15]. The degradation.
The present study has been carried out to nd out
the nature of degradation of oil in a pipeline and its
Corresponding author. Tel.: +91-4565-227550; fax: +91-4565-
eect on corrosion. The bacterial species used in this
227779. study were collected from a petroleum pipeline at
E-mail address: (S. Maruthamuthu). North West India.

1388-2481/03/$ - see front matter 2003 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

422 N. Muthukumar et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 5 (2003) 421425

2. Materials and methods 2.4. Extraction of diesel and analysis of the degraded
2.1. Sampling area and procedure
After incubation, the degraded samples were sepa-
Sludge samples were collected using sterilized conical rated for analytical purpose using a separating funnel.
asks at various pumping station of a petroleum prod- Much care was taken to see that the extracted oil was a
uct pipelines, North West of India. The samples were clear solution without any water content. The extracted
transported by icebox from various sites to CECRI- oil was characterized by Fourier transform infrared
Microbiology laboratory. Various types of bacteria viz. spectroscopy (FTIR) and nuclear magnetic resonance
heterotrophic bacteria, iron bacteria, acid producers and spectroscopy (NMR). The FTIR study spectrum was
manganese depositors were enumerated and identied. taken in the mid IR region of 4004000 cm1 with 16-
Two identied genera Gallionella sp. Brucella sp. were scan speed. The samples were mixed with spectroscopi-
chosen for the current diesel degradation and corrosion cally pure KBr in the ratio of 1:100, pellets were xed in
studies. the sample holder, and the analyses were carried out.
NMR analysis was used to detect the protons of the
2.2. Experimental work of the degradation process nuclei in the compound. The volume of injected sample
was about 20 ll. Deutrated chloroform was used as a
The medium used for detecting the oil degrading solvent and tetra methyl silane (TMS) as reference
process by bacteria was BushnellHass broth (di-po- standard.
tassium hydrogen phosphate 4.74 g/l; potassium hy-
drogen phosphate 0.56 g/l) (Hi-Media, Mumbai) and 2.5. Corrosion study
BushnellHass agar. Two sets of bottles were used for
the diesel degradation studies using the selected bac- Mild steel (API 5LX grade) specimens of one inch
terial strains. To one set of the bottle, 5 ml of each of square were polished to mirror nish mechanically and
the bacterial strains, 10 ml of diesel and 100 ml of degreased using trichloro ethylene. To nd the role of
media were added. Total viable count inoculated was inorganic nutrients in oil environment on corrosion
enumerated by serial dilution in each set of bottles on process, this study has been carried out in 500 ml of oil
the rst day. A control was identically maintained but with 2% of water (120 ppm of chloride) as control sys-
without the inoculum. To another set of bottles, 5 ml tem. 500 ml oil with 2% of water and inorganic medium
of each bacterial culture and 100 ml of media was (BushnelHass broth) was used as experimental system.
added. No diesel was added. The total viable count In both the systems, 2 ml of mixed cultures with an
inoculated on the rst day was enumerated in each set initial load of 2:2  106 were inoculated for weight loss
of the bottles. All the bottles were maintained at room study. After the inoculation period of 14 days, the
temperature for an inoculation period of 15 days, after coupons were removed and pickled in pickling solution,
which the hydrocarbon utilizing bacterial population washed in water and dried by using air drier. Final
was enumerated. 1 ml of sample was poured into sterile weights of the coupons were taken and the corrosion
petridishes. The prepared respective sterile medium was rate has been calculated. The average weight loss values
poured into petridishes. The plates were gently swirled of six coupons are presented.
so that the medium spreads evenly in the plate. Trip-
licate plates were inverted and incubated at 37 C for 2.6. XRD study
24 h. After 24 h the colonies were counted. The plates
containing bacterial colonies with 30300 numbers A computer controlled XRD system, JEOL Model
were selected and colony counts per ml was calculated JDX-8030 was used to scan corrosion product (sludge)
and average values are presented. The bacterial colo- samples between 10 and 85 2h with copper Ka ra-
nies are expressed as colony forming units per ml diation (Ni lter) at a rating of 40 kV, 20 mA. Corrosion
(CFU/ml). product collected from coupon studies were dried and
crushed to a ne powder and used for XRD analysis to
2.3. Conrmatory test for diesel degrading bacterial determine the nature of the complex formed on the
strains coupons in laboratory study.

To conrm the diesel degrading eect by the strains,

after the 15th day incubation period, one loopful of 3. Results and discussion
each culture from respective bottles were taken and
streaked on BH agar plates and were incubated for The degradation problem arises where excellent
about 15 days at 37 C and the results were observed food sources (hydrocarbon fuels) for a wide variety of
for growth. microorganisms are allowed to remain at stimulate
N. Muthukumar et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 5 (2003) 421425 423

temperatures, in contact with water. Microbial activity Table 2

in oil industries can result in fuel contamination, unac- Changes in bacterial population in BH broth
ceptable level of turbidity, lter plugging, corrosion of Bacterial strains Duration
storage tanks, pipelines and souring of stored products 1st day (CFU/ml) 15th day (CFU/ml)
[9]. Hence, it is quite essential to investigate the nature of 6
Gallionella sp. 2.8  10 2.72  104
degradation and its control. The degradation of diesel Brucella sp. 2.78  106 2.85  103
and crude oil has been studied in oil-spilled soils by
Delille [10]. Lloyed Jones and Trudgill [11] isolated ali-
cyclic hydrocarbon utilizing consortia Rhodococcus sp.,
Flavobacterium sp. and Pseudomonas sp. isolated from supplemented with diesel over a period of 15 days was
oil renery soil. April [12] noticed 64 species of la- recorded and presented in Table 1. From this, it is evi-
mentous fungi from ve are pits in Northern and dent that all the two bacterial cultures were able to
Western Canada that were tested for their ability to utilize/degrade diesel resulting in corresponding increase
degrade crude oil using gas chromatographic analysis. in population. Irrespective of the initial load all the two
Gas chromatography indicated that species were capa- bacterial inoculants exhibited 10-fold increase in the
ble of hydrocarbon degradation of the aliphatic fraction population density at the end of the experimental period
of crude oil, nC12 -n-C26 , and degradation of compounds (15th day). On the other hand, examining the data
that in the aromatic fraction was not observed. Besides, presented in Table 2 clearly reveals the inability of
Roey [13] reported the aerobic and anaerobic degra- bacterium to survive in BH broth without the supple-
dation of crude oil/rened products of diesel in storage mentation of diesel as all of them exhibited remarkable
tanks. In oil pipelines, water can stratify at the bottom load reduction.
of the line if the velocity less than the required to entrain
the water and sweep it through the system which en- 3.2. FTIR analysis of diesel degradation
courage degradation in transporting pipeline also. Re-
cently Jana [14] noticed a failure analysis in oil pipelines The IR spectroscopy of pure diesel shows the char-
at Mumbai oshore. They suggested that the combined acteristics bands at 2954, 2923 and 2854 cm1 (CAH
eect of CO2 , SRB, and chloride in the low velocity area aliphatic stretch); 1604 and 1557 cm1 (C@C stretch in
caused the severe corrosion and failure of pipeline. aromatic nuclei); 781, 699 (meta disubstituted benzene)
Generally bacteria from trehalolipids, rhamnolipids, and 810 cm1 (disubstituted benzene). In the control
or analogous structures as constituents of their cell walls system, the spectrum shows the bands of BH medium
in which hydrocarbons are dissolved and transported to with diesel (without bacteria) at 2954, 2923 and 2854
the cytoplasmic membrane. Acinetobacter strains have cm1 (CAH aliphatic stretch); 1604 and 1463 cm1
been shown to excrete particle with the outer membrane, (C@C aromatic nuclei); 781 and 699 cm1 (meta
the hydrocarbons can be transferred to the membrane. substituted benzene); and 810 cm1 (disubstituted ben-
Thus the general strategy is to produce and emulsify that zene). While adding Gallionella sp. CH aliphatic stretch,
mediates transfer of the hydrocarbon from the oil layer C@C aromatic nuclei, conjugated diene were observed.
to the cytoplasm membrane [15]. In the present study, Besides, it can be noticed that the presence of trans-
role of some microbes on diesel degradation and its ef- mittance at 1456 and 1377 cm1 are higher when com-
fect on corrosion has been studied. pared to control. In FTIR spectrum of Brucella sp., the
observed peaks were OH group, CH aliphatic stretch,
3.1. Total viable count in presence and absence of oil with conjugated diene, and CH def in methyl and meta di-
BH medium substituted benzene.
The spectrum of pure diesel indicates the presence of
Tables 1 and 2 portrays the changes in bacterial carbon and hydrogen stretching bond and carbon hy-
population in presence and absence of diesel with drogen def in methyl. While adding bacterial strains a
BushnellHass medium. Bacterial load in BH broth new peak mostly occurred at 1633 cm1 which can be
identied as C@C. The aromatic nuclei peaks disap-
peared because of degradation. It can be assumed that
C@C aromatic bonds were broken by Brucella sp. and
Table 1
converted as aliphatic C@C stretching bond. In the
Change in bacterial population in diesel supplemented BH broth
presence of Gallionella sp. benzene degradation could
Bacterial strains Duration not be observed. The low percentage of transmittance in
1st day (CFU/ml) 15th day (CFU/ml) Brucella sp. at 1633 cm1 reveals the formation of ali-
Gallionella sp. 3.02  107 3.22  108 phatic bond strength higher than Gallionella sp. So, it
Brucella sp. 3.12  106 3.12  107 can be assumed that the Brucella sp. prefers aromatic
CFU, colony forming units. than aliphatic chains.
424 N. Muthukumar et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 5 (2003) 421425

3.3. 1 H NMR analysis of diesel degradation Table 3

Corrosion study for inorganic nutrients + 120 ppm chloride and 120
ppm chloride alone
The 1 H NMR spectrum of pure diesel shows some
major peaks at 03 chemical shifts (d). It indicates the System Wt. loss Corrosion
(mg) rate (mmpy)
presence of aliphatic protons. The presence of another
peak at 67 chemical shifts (d) indicates the presence of Control + 500 ml oil + 2% 149.6  15.6 0.3580
benzene ring. In the presence of Gallionella sp. the water (120 ppm chloride) + 1
ml mixed culture
benzene ring peak (67 chemical shifts (d)) could not be Test: 500 ml oil + 2% water 38.0  1.1 0.0924
disturbed. But in the presence of Brucella sp., benzene (inorganic nutrient + 120 ppm
ring peak at 67 chemical shifts (d) value could not be chloride) + 1 ml mixed culture
noticed which supports the FTIR data. The spectrum
for Brucella sp. shows the absence of AOACH2 A for- when compared with control. It indicates that the
mation at 45 chemical shifts (d) values. It can be ex- presence of inorganic content with degraded compounds
plained that there is no conversion of aliphatic of oil encourages the attachment of bacteria on coupon
hydrocarbons. It reveals that the benzene ring is utilized and oil. Adsorption of phosphate/nitrate from inorganic
by Brucella sp. and converted to aliphatic compounds, nutrients may reduce the corrosion rate of steel. The
which support the theory proposed, by Traxler and present study reveals that the adsorbed lm (iron
Flannery [16]. phosphate with degraded carbon content) will accelerate
The new peaks obtained at 45 chemical shifts (d) corrosion in later stage [19]. Inorganic nutrients and
after the degradation by Gallionella sp. indicate the ad- degraded carbon act as good nutrients for bacteria,
dition of oxygen with carbon atoms. So the present which increases the proliferation of bacteria on coupon
study reveals that aliphatic hydrogen was consumed by and determine the nature of degradation and corrosion.
degrading bacteria and CAH bond was cleaved into
CAO bond. From the NMR spectrum, it can be ex- 3.5. XRD study
plained that the addition of oxygen is the common
mechanism for the strains. Gallionella sp. produced Fig. 2 presents the XRD data corresponding to the
more (AOACH2 A) groups. This is due to very rapid phases present in the corrosion product sample. Ferric
addition of oxygen by this strain, which means that large
amount of hydrogen and carbon group is consumed by
Gallionella sp. when compared to Brucella sp. The soil
fungus Cladophialophora sp. was also capable to degrade
alkylated benzenes (toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene) by a
combination of assimilation and cometabolism. Toluene
and ethyl benzene were used as sources of carbon and
energy. The ethyl benzene was degraded by monooxy-
genase enzyme [17]. Besides Rhodococcus rhodochrons S-
2 produces extra cellular polysaccharides that helps to
live in aromatic fraction [18]. Since Gallionela sp. oxi-
dizes ferrous ions into ferric oxide in presence of oxygen,
it utilizes energy from carbon and hydrogen during oil
Fig. 1. Enumeration of mixed bacterial population on coupon.
degradation. Besides, it can be assumed that Brucella sp.
help for the formation of more aliphatic protons in
diesel which may be utilized by Gallionella sp.
Fe2 !Fe3
Bacterial Metabolism

3.4. Corrosion study

Table 3 shows the corrosion rate of steel in presence

of mixed culture with and without inorganic nutrients.
In presence of inorganic nutrients corrosion rate was
lower (0.0923 mmpy) than control system (0.3580
mmpy). The presence of bacteria was higher in oil and Fig. 2. XRD analysis of corrosion product (sludge) samples: s, Fe2 O3 ;
on coupons (Fig. 1) in presence of inorganic nutrients d, FeO; N, Fe2 SiO4 ; M, Fe2 O4 .
N. Muthukumar et al. / Electrochemistry Communications 5 (2003) 421425 425

silicate, iron manganese complex, ferric oxide, ferrous 4. This investigation clearly indicates the possibility of
chloride and ferrous oxide were noticed in presence of breakdown of diesel by bacterial strains. Even
mixed cultures of Brucella sp. and Gallionella sp. The though, these isolates could be useful in the bioreme-
present study explains that Brucella sp. converts aro- diation of diesel polluted habitat, their presence in
matic ring to aliphatic protons which would be utilized diesel storage and transportation facilities would lead
by Gallionella sp. Subsquently the iron bacteria Gallio- to the reduction in the quality of diesel and in turn
nella sp. converts ferrous to ferric which combines with economic loss. More experiments need to be carried
oxygen to form as ferric oxide that is the major phase as out with dierent microbes to nd the microbial cor-
corrosion product. On the basis of the present study the rosion in oil pipeline.
following model has been proposed:


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