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COURSE TITLE: Philosophy in Education

PROFESSOR : Dr. Jude A. Duncombe
TOPIC : Position Paper

1. Influx of modern technology in relation to ICTs. How does it affect Philosophy of


Technology can be referred to the material objects of use to humanity such as machines or

hardware, but it can also encompass broader themes including system, methods of organization

and techniques. Some modern tools include, but not limited to overhead projector, laptop,

computers and calculators. In the advent of modern technology, computers are common

equipment and aid in learning to everyone. Having a computer is an asset. We may able to view,

learn and hear new materials once website page is designed. Our children now days, know

better than adult in the use of computer and navigate their way through a website

This is what modern technology can do. A great advantages in our society. May it be in

any venture. But let's not forget the philosophy of behaviorism. A change in knowledge is

through controlled stimulus / responding conditioning. The instruction demonstrate factual

knowledge, then observe, measure and modify behavioral changes in a specified direction.

Therefore the modern technology to be specific is the internet communication technology has

great negative effect on the behavior of an individual. Why? Because a behavior or a response

is achieved through stimulation of senses, and the internet stimulate effectively an individual

Internet communication technology has negative effect on the individual behavior in

many ways. One, the dota games. Most children have been addictive to this game. They just

don't play during their vacant time, but instead they reach to the point of cuting classes just to

play. They also lie to their parents, to ask for an additional money so they can play in an internet

cape. Let's face the fact that not also families can afford to have computer at home. The worst

scenario that is happening now is that children learn to steal just to have money to maintain the

vices or shall I say their addictive to dota games.

Two, children are so lazy to study their lesson and make their research work or project.

They no longer read books, go to the library and other things to do in relation to their studies.

Why? Because everything can be made easily accessible. But the problem is that they just copy

and paste it without even reading. Even in the MA class, I have observed that some of the

teacher just copied in the web page their report without studying or reading it.

Another, is that teenagers or as early as twelve years old engage to pre-marital sex. The

movies or there are web page that appears automatically in the facebook or yahoo page

without downloading that which is too sensitive for young children to view. With their early age

and without proper guidance, it arouses them to the extent that they do or practiced what they

have seen. There are also many cases of teenage pregnancies and unwanted pregnancies to the

extent that they commit abortion

But, what are the worst cases that are due to the internet communication technology?

We have kidnapping, rape, murder and many other crimes. Why kidnapping? Because in the

facebook web page, anyone can open view our file. Of course we used to post our pictures in
our facebook page, so crimical can view and make some sort of assessment or investigation for

their next prospect-Then we have murder. In our profile, may it be facebook, twitter or

friendster or other webpage, we just add anyone us our friend even though we don't know

them. We did it out of malice, but we don't know that there are other people who are using a

fake account just to make their intention in plan. Then we have rape. Not only once that we

have heard in the tv patrol world about rape cases. What happen in the investigation? How did

they meet? If not through text which is also another form of modern technology, is through

chat. Imagine, we are chatting with people whom we do not know. Even his real name. Right?

As long as someone sent us friend request, we automatically accept, and we are so proud that

we have many friends. But unfortunately, reach to the point of chating then meeting them or

what is known as eyeball. So, what happen? since, we don't know that person's background we

do not know whether he is good or rapist, theft or as much as criminal. This is the reason why

many crimes like rape, murder, kidnapping and even abduction are happening right now.

But why this is happening? Isn't it that people have their own mind to think? Makes his

own judgment? Exactly. But remember the experiment made by a psychologist Ivan Pavlov, the

reaction of the dog and the expeiment made by Burrhus Frederick Skinner on a hungry rat. With

Pavlov experiment, he found out that a behavior is done everytime same stimulus is presented

with a satisfactory outcome. Since dota game satisfy the children, they keep on playing it. They

keep to do the same response or reaction. Same with the experiment of SKinner on the rat. The

rat makes the same response to the stimulus because the outcome is pleasant which is the

food. And so with us. We keep on chatting with friends on facebook and twitter because it is
pleasant and satisfactorily, so we enjoy. This is the reason we tend to forget the bad effect or

the possible outcome of it.

And most of all, we humans abuse to use of a certain thing.

I believed that everything has the advantages and disadvantages. Like the

internet communication technology. We as a teacher, parent and neighbor of each and

everyone have a great role in the safety of everyone. To ourselves, let us not abuse the use of

technology, know our limitation and have self-discipline. As a teacher and parent, let us not fail

to guide our students and children in the use of a certain technology. And as a neighbor, we can

be part of the campaign against the misuse of technology and respond properly like reporting to

authorities for any violation in the act or law that protects all the safety of an individual.

2. Idealism in education. Idealism as principle for modern teachers. Is it effective in relation to

traditional and hierarchial set-up in the educational system?

Idealism from a Greek word idein which means to see. It

emphasizes the mental idea, intrinsic and spiritual rather than physical fact or material value.

Reality is based on absolute truth. It also asserts that man as part of the universe is a purposive

being and knows some truth by reasoning logically in the relation between values and that true

ideas exist innately in the soul of man. Man's knowledge is based on his mental state and the

mental stimulus perceived by man's soul comes from an infinite spirit which is God. An idealist

teacher provides development of the mind of every pupil, in order to realize this, the teacher

must concentrate on intellectual, moral, judgment and aesthetic development of the students.
On the other hand an ideals teacher should be the role models of intellectual, moral, aesthetic

and vocational excellence of their students. They should teach by example.

Meanwhile, our education system here in the Philippines was designed to be students

centered. The learners are expected to acquire knowledge and skills in as separate and distinct

subject. The depth of the coverage is indeed important. This means, the fewer the lesson

learned is better, as long as understanding and mastering of the subject matter and skills were

acquired rather than all of the course content were discussed but no understanding and

mastery to the subject nor skills.

Our education system also is designed to be child centered as they engage in every

activity and try to discover on their own, with the teachers as their guide, director and

facilitator. In this manner students find learning interesting, at the same time learning is easy,

and less opportunity to forget the lesson because they are part in the activity.

Another is that, our educational system is a problem centered, wherein the child is

guided toward maturity with the context of social group. It helps the child to solve his problem.

Real life or experiences is around the life of the child that is really happening in the society. They

trained to find solution on their own ways with the teacher as their facilitator only. In this way,

teachers prepared the student in their future endeavor and ready to face any challenges in our

changing world.

Now, if we correlate the educational system to the idealism, then idealist teachers follow

and exercise what is the approaches and curriculum design of our educational system, why?

Because idealism concentration is on moral, intellectual and aesthetic development of learner

which is the advocacy too our educational system and a role model so she implements what

should be implemented. A very nice and appropriate philosophy to use to achieved educational

system mission, vision and goals.

But, with the question if it is effective, I may say it's NOT. Why? Simply because, aside,

from what I have mentioned above about idealism and our educational system, idealism also

preserve one's freedom. They uphold both the teachers and learners freedom. They see to it

they exercise one's freedom. And because of this, most of us abuse the execution of our

freedom. If and when a student exercises his freedom, therefore the freedom of the teacher will

be limited which will be a barrier or hindrance in the implementation of an effective teaching

and learning environment. Due to preservation of one's freedom teacher are limited to

encourage inquiry and creativity many other guidelines and approaches that will make learning

effective and conducive, especially in private schools.

But, I may site an example with one of the university here in the Philippines. The

University of the Philippines, due to this preservation of freedom, the students are given the

freedom to voice out their grievances, but on the other hand they are violating the peace of

other people. They obstinately hold on to their beliefs or ideologies and become open rated for

no matter what reason that other people might say.

Another example is the recent crisis that we experienced here in our city. It occurred and

happened because of the freedom that was granted to them. They exercise their freedom just

to pursue with their ideologies even it harms and trespass the freedom of others. They hurt,

abused and to the extent of killing people to express their ideologies because they believed its
their freedom and it is right. Now, the result or outcome of what they did was unacceptable but

to whom the blame was put-on, to the militaries. What excuses they give, that they were here

to join a rally but the militarys shot them, so they are forced to get hostages as a shield, for

their protection. Only fools will believe in their story or shall I say foolishness. Poor militaries,

they shed and offer their lives for the safety of everyone but they are cursed by the others who

had same ideologies with those criminals.

In school scenario, teachers are limited to exercise their freedom due to the freedom of

his students. Especially in terms of discipline, teachers are suppressed by too many laws rights

that a student can freely or have freedom to exercise. And this is because of the philosophy of


3. Contrast the idea of Marxism and Deconstructionism, which of this is of great significance

in our education?

Marxism is a philosophical system, attempts to provide an accurate analysis of man and

his social institution. It is theory of revolutionary change. Capture of political power by the

working class in the beginning and after it the dictatorship of proletariat should be establish at

massive block and economic transformation so that the way for class less society may be paved.

Marxism has divided the world into two main blocks- the capitalist or liberal block and the

communist or the social block. And marxism believes that Man's essence is defined in the

terms of productivity. In other words if you make no production, then youre not essential in the
community. In classroom, if you are not intelligent nor pass any requirements or project then

you are not productive and you will fail.

While the reconstructionist is an extension or a combination of pragmatism and

progressivism, that the truth is what works and we arrive at truth through a process of trial and

error and believed that our society is in need of constant reconstruction or change and social

change involves reconstruction of education in reconstructing a society. Schools and teachers

then become social engineers plotting the course of action to arrive at the defined goals. With

this, it considers the interest, needs, desires and economic conditions of the society so it can

meet the changes in this world. This is done to conform the changes because in this world only

change is constant.

Though marxism is a good philosophy to use in the educational system, but

RECONSTRUCTIONISM is of GREAT significance or essential compared to marxism. There are

many reasons why deconstructionism is significant. First, the curriculum itself, before it is

patterned to the United States, yet we are not the same with Americans. Their needs, interest

and desires is entirely different with us. Because of reconstructionist, the curriculum is revised,

not only once but many times just to improve the education and just to meet demands of our

society and in the other world. Second, the approaches used by our teachers or educators. It is

constantly changing that is to make the lessons interesting, enjoyable and comprehensive. In

marxism, it is a form of dictatorship in which teacher is the boss. Teacher is the rule, instead of

making the class an interesting one, students developed fear, so they learn rapidly but forget

the lesson to that fast, because initial reaction of human being is to adopt the environment but
when the pressure is gone, lessons learned fade. Another approach is used to encourage

students to enhance their potentials and skills so they will be globally competitive. Because

reconstructionism adopts what is the needs of the society and world. Like the new

implementation of the educational curriculum, which is the k to 12. Potentials, skills and

abilities of students are enhanced and developed so they will meet the demands of the society

and around the world.

With reconstructionism, students can developed and acquire self confidence and self

esteem in their feild of specialization. Because their skills, abilities and potientials are enhanced

through trainings. Unlike marxism, people are divided between rich and poor, between

powerful and oppressed. The poor and oppressed, instead of gaining self esteem and

confidence, they feel so down and have self pity as well as powerless.

During my high school days, I remembered that reconstructionism was already used.

Although it was not observed or used in all subjects, but in mathematics, science and english.

Why I said so. It is because in Mathematics teacher used a process of trial and error to arive to

the answer. And students are given the opportunity to do repeatedly until correct answer is

derived, which is part of the reconstructionism, and with that students learn a lot because we

individuals remember and learn something in things we used to commit mistakes or errors. In

science, we do laboratory or experiements which students take part of it, and when we are part

of an activity we learn more than just listening. But the most important of all, the

reconctructionism deals with truth that we are in a changing world and it deals with the process
and change itself. That our society is in need of constant reconstruction or change and this

changes involve a contruction of education and the use of education in reconstructing society.

COURSE TITLE: Philosophy in Education
PROFESSOR : Dr. Jude A. Duncombe
TOPIC : Position Paper

1. Influx of modern technology in relation to ICTs. How does it affect Philosophy of


Information and Communication technology is use to process and distribute

information in digital and other forms. The use of different gadgets such as cellphones, laptops,

ipods to mention a few are just one of the several devices that every individual can access to. This

technology posed a great advantage and disadvantages. Communication, research and surfing can

be made easily to a person who has the knowledge to navigate the computers. Hassle free from

heavy baggage and backpacks with a mere pouch to carry tablets and netbooks. Not just these

concrete examples but a lot more. On the other hand, it also give negative influence to many

especially the young ones who had never experienced to spare a little sacrifice for their research and

other school works. And worst they dont give their best to understand the content of his research

because many if not all tend to copy and paste the needed information because they are already in

a hurry to spend the rest of their time to play their favorite on-line games. Worst many young

people go into pornography and even cyber- sex. Nowadays rape, drugs, crime cases are becoming

ordinary because they all enjoyed and get satisfied on these kinds of activity. Only very few cases are

solved. Many young people even make sex a part of their enjoyment and leisure because they feel it

as the trend nowadays. Later on abortion becomes rampant because of the immature and innocent
individuals. All these are product of ICT. It is so true that I remember the experiment made by a

psychologist Ivan Pavlov, the reaction of the dog and the experiment made by Burrhus Frederick

Skinner on a hungry rat. With Pavlov experiment, he found out that a behavior is done every time

same stimulus is presented with a satisfactory outcome. Since satisfaction is guaranteed they kept

on doing it. Same with the experiment of SKinner on the rat. The rat makes the same response to

the stimulus because the outcome is pleasant which the food is. And so with us. This is the reason

we tend to forget the bad effect or the possible outcome of it. We humans abuse to use of a certain


I believed that everything has the advantages and disadvantages. Like the internet

communication technology. It greatly affects the behavior of an individual. We as a teacher, have a

great role in the safety of everyone. To ourselves, let us not abuse the use of technology, know our

limitation and have self-discipline. Let us not forget that we have the role to play to be a model of

goodness and a value secured for our students and children to follow. As a teacher and parent, let us

not fail to guide our students and children in the use of a certain technology. And as a neighbor, we

can be part of the campaign against the misuse of technology and respond properly like reporting to

authorities for any violation in the act or law that protects all the safety of all.

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