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Knights of the Altar Server

St. Joseph the Worker Parish

Sasa-Pampanga, Davao City

Name:___________________________________________ Date:______ Score:______

I.A. Multiple Choice ( kaya yan! :DD)

Sacred Vessels

____1.) A sacred cloth of white linen around 20 square upon which the chalice, paten, and ciboria are placed during the Holy
a. Corporal b. Pall c. Purificator d. all of the above
____2.) A square linen, stiffened with starch, cardboard or plastic, set on the chalice to prevent dirt or insects from falling into
a. Corporal b. Pall c. Purificator d. all of the above
____3.) A small piece of white absorbent linen, approximately eight by sixteen, inches, folded in three lengthwise, and marked
with a cross in the center. Is is used to wipe the lip of the chalice after drinking.?
a. Corporal b. Pall c. Purificator d. Finger Towel
____4.) Small clothes used by priest at various times in the liturgy, for instance at the preparation of the gifts in the Mass.?
a. Corporal b. Pall c. Purificator d. Finger Towel
____5.) The plate on which the bread (Big Host) used by the priest is placed and consecrated during Mass.?
a. Chalice b. Paten c. Ciboria d. Pepulum
____6.) This vessel is used to hold the Preciou Blood of the Lord at Mass.?
a. Chalice b. Paten c. Coboria d. Pepulum
____7.) This is really a paten in the form of chalice with a lid because the Sacred Body of our Lord is placed in it. It is used to
hold the host to reserve in the Tabernacle.
a. Chalice b. Paten c. Ciboria d.Pepulum
____8.) This vessel is used to hold the wine and water at the Mass.?
a. Cruets b. Chalice c. Aumbry d. None of the above
____9.) are used to hold and catch the water from washing of the hands of the priest after the offertory and communion.?
a. Cruets b. Chalice c. Aumbry d. Pitcher and Basin
____10.) Is a large crucifix. Set on a long staff, to be carried in procession, and perhaps used as the altar cross at Mass.
a. Cruets b. Processional Cross c. Aumbry d. Pectoral Cross
____11.) Are two or four large candles carried in procession by 2 or 4 servers.?
a. Processional Cross b. Processional Candle c. Aumbry d. Candles
____12.) Is a metal bowl hanging by three chains, it is used to hold the inscense and the charcoal.
a. Incense Boat b. Thurible c. Aumbry d.Aspergil
____13.) Is shaped like a boat, with a hinged lid and a matching spoon. From boat the grains of incense are spooned onto the
burning coals.?
a. Incense Boat b. Thurible c. Aumbry d. Aspergil
____14.) Is a larger vessel used to expose the Blessed Sacrament.?
a. Reliquary b.Ostensorium c. Aspergil d. Aumbry
____15.) This vessel is rung by a server at Mass, at the elevation of the Sacred Body and Blood of Christ during
a. Sanctus Bell b. Ostensorium c. Aspergil d. Aumbry
____16. ) It is a book where in the Order of Mass is located.
a. Lectionary b. Book of Gospel c. Sacramentary d.Breviary
____17.) It is a book where in we can find the scriptural Readings in the Liturgy of the Word.
a. Lectionary b. Book of Gospel c. Sacramentary d. Breviary
____18.) It is a book where in we can find the Daily offices of the Religious and Lay people.
a. Lectionary b. Book of Gospel c. Sacramentary d. Breviary
____19.) It is a book where in we can find the Gospels every day.
a. Lectionary b. Book of Gospel c. Sacramentary d. Breviary

____20. ) Is placed on the altar at the preparation of the Gifts. It takes various forms, a metal or wooden book rest or a cushion.
a. Lectern b. Credence Table c. Sacramentary stand d. None of the Above
____21.) Is the Round container which holds the host and lunette in the Tabernacle.
a. Pyx b. Lunette c, Aspergil d. Aumbry
____22.) Is the gilt clip which hold the host when exposed in the Montrance or Ostensorium
a. Pyx b. Lunette c. Aspergil d. Aumbry
____23.) It is used to sprinkle the Holy Water.
a. Pyx b. lunette c. Aspergil d. Aumbry
____24.) It is used to hold the Holy Water in sprinkling.
a. Bucket b. Lunette c. Aspergil d. Aumbry
____25.) If we are going to combine the Bucket and the Aspergil, what do you call to the combine vessel.
a. Oil stock b. ostensorium c. Aspergillium d. Aumbry
____26.) Is a movable table to the side of the Altar, covered with white cloth, upon which are placed the things needed for the
mass is placed.
a. Sacramentary stand b. Credence table c. Lectern d. Altar table
_____27.) What do you call to the wooden structure in the church where in the reader read the scriptural reading are read and the
priest also read the Gospel.
a. Lectern b. Altar Table c. Credence table d. Aumbry
_____28.) What do you call to the table which the priest celebrates the Mass.
a. Sacramentary stand b. Credence table c. Lectern d. Altar table
_____29.) What do you call to the chair of the preside of the mass.
a. Pews b. Cathedra c. lectern d. Altar table
_____30.) What do you call to church furniture where in the people sits to celebrates the mass.
a. Pews b. Cathedra c. Lectern d. Altar table
_____31.) What do you call to the part of the church where in the people have three Confessions.?
a. Pews b. Cathedra c. Lectern d. confession box
_____32.) It is a part of the church where in the priest took the sacrament of baptism.?
a. Pews b. Cathedra c. lectern d. Baptismal Font
_____33.) In the old times, the church uses a vessel in order to fetch the holy water during the baptism. And other parishes still
Uses this vessel, what do you call to this vessel?
a. Pitcher b. Baptismal shell c. lunette d. Baptismal Font
____34.) It is the storage area for the excess consecrated hosts.
a. Tabernacle b. Aumbry c. lunette d. Monstrance /ostensorium
____35.) It is an object which holds a light near the consecrated hosts.?
a. Sanctuary lamp b. candle c. Processionaql candle d. Flashlight
____36.) What do you call to the linen used to cover the entire chalice.?
a. Pepulum b. Purificator c. Corporal d. Ciboria cover
____37.) Usually takes the form of a metal cylinder, which compartments for the sacrament oils.
a. Pyx b. Aumbry c. lunette d. Oil Stocks
____38.) This vessel is used to keep all the oil stocks and sacramental oils.
a. Tabernacle b. Aumbry c. lunette d. Monstrance
____39.) It is a sink directed to the earth where in the sacred vessels are washed and it is used usually placed inside the sacristy.?
a. Sacrarium b. tabernacle c. Aumbry d. Credence table
____40.) It is where the lay people and the priest kneel down
a. Confession box b. pulpit c Prie-Dieu d. Pew
____41.) It is another term used for the lecterns.
a. Confession box b. pulpit c. prie-dieu d. pew
____42.) Used during funeral ceremonies in which it becames the cover of the casket.?
a. Funeral pall b. pulpit c. corporal d. humeral veil
____43.) What are the two species of the Eucharist.
a. Bread and wine b. wine and water c. chalice and paten d. finger towel and bowl
____44.) A large cloth used to cover the Altar Table.
a. Corporal b. pall c. altar cloth d. Pallium
____45.) A big candle usually presented during baptism and funeral and blessed every easter vigil.
a. Advent candles b. sanctuary lamps c. processional candles d. paschal candles
____46.) It is a small formed wax that is attached to paschal candles in the 4 edges of the Cross.
a. Wax b. stylus c. pins d. coals
____47.) It is place where the priest celebrates the mass.
a. Sacrarium b. Altar c. Faade d. Sacristy
____48.) It is a large crucifix, set on along staff, to be carried in procession, and perhaps used as the altar cross at mass.
a. Big cross b. Processional Cross c. Large cross d. Processional crucifix
____49.) two tall candlesticks carried in procession by two server together with the processional Cross.
a. Processional candles b. monstrance c. Thurible d. Bible
____50.) Is a cup usually supported by a node and set on the base. It looks like as wine glass.
a. Chalice b. Glass c. Pitcher d. Charice

Dasig lng! :DD Sacred Vestments

____51.) Is a white garment reaching to the ankles. It is derived from the ancient Roman tunic and is a sign of purity. This word
comes from the latin word which means White.
a. Alb b. Chasuble c. stole d.Dalmatic
____52.) Is a distinctive sign of those who have received Holy Orders as they carry out the Ministry in Sacrament and Worship.
It stands for authority in the community.
a. Alb b. Chasuble c. Stole d. Dalmatic
____53.) Is the major Eucharistic Vestment, worn over the stole and the Alb. It stands for charity.
a. Alb b. chasuble c. Stole d. Dalmatic
____54.) Is worn by the deacon, it resembles a large coat. It is worn over the stole and the Alb.
a. Alb b. Chasuble c. Stole d. Dalmatic
____55.) Is a large semi-circular cloak, held at the front by a clasp or band fabric? It is used for solemn celebrations of the
Sacraments and for benediction of the Blessed sacrament.
a. Humeral Veil b. Dalmatic c. Cope d. Chasuble
____56.) Is a large white shawl, worn around the shoulders while carrying the Blessed Sacrament in procession and while giving
the Eucharistic blessing at the benediction.
a. Humeral Veil b. Mitre c Cope d. Dalmatic
____57.) Is a double-pointed head-dress, with two lappets hanging at the back. It has been used by the bishops since the 12 th
a. Pallium b. cope c. mitre d. Dalmatic
____58.) Is a staff, usually with a shephereds crook at the top, is a sign of his Pastoral Office.
a. Pallium b. Cope c. mitre d. crozier

____59.) Is given to the residential Archbishops. There wear it above the chasuble in their jurisdictional territory when
pontificating solemnly and during ordination.
a. Pallium b. mitre c. crozier d. paula
____60.) Is the Bishops necklace. It is worn under the chasuble and the dalmatic, under the cope but above the mozeta.
a. Pallium b. Chasuble c. Pectoral Cross d. Ring
____61.) Is the small violet cap for the bishop and red for the cardinals and white for the pope worn on their head.
a. Zucchetto or skull cup b. Crozier c. Bullcup d. Cup
____62.) Is worn at all times as a sign that the bishop is weeded to Christ in the service of His Church as shepherd of the flock
and should always be worn.
a. Fishermans ring b. Ring c. EPiscopal d. Professional ring
____63.) Is a ring that only allotted for the Pope that symbolizes that he is a Fisher of Men.
a. Fishermans ring b. Biretta c. Episcopal ring d. Men ring
____64.) A large sleeved tunic of half-length, made of fine linen or cotton, and worn by all the clergy. The wide sleeves
distinguish it from the rochet and the alb; it differs from the alb in as much as it is shorter and is never girded.
a. Surplice b. Maniple c. Surplise d. Amice
____65.) The shoes worn by the Pope.
a. Papal Shoes b. Suphra c. Chactaylor d. Papal Bakya

II.B )True or False (Kunti na lng :DD)


_______66.) The General Instructions introducing the Roman Missal mentions servers describing them as The Ministers
_______67.) The leading role of Serving Mass is the Ministry of Lectors .
_______68.) As an assistant to the Priest and Deacon the Ministry of Altar Servers was destined in a special way for the
service of the altar.
_______69.) Mass is not to be celebrated without a server, except for grave necessity.
_______70.) There should be at least several servers, performing such roles as carrying the Missal, Cross, Candles, Bread,
And wine, water and thurible.
_______71.) The servers and acolyte are kind of indirect link between the people and the Priest .

The Server is a Sign

_______72.) Signs and symbols in the liturgy are important.

_______73.) The server is a visible sign, an instrument through whom God acts.
_______74.) We may not say that the priest and server are Gods actors.
_______75.) Through words and actions (such as procession), through the object s we use, through the rituals
actions (genuflections and etc.) God gives the message of his love.
_______76.) A server may be part of a sacred sign, for example walking in a large procession.
_______77.) If you do not understand what you are doing, but doing it well, the people are helped to understand what God
As doing in the saving action of liturgy.
_______78.) If you do not understand the meaning of ceremony , or if you carelessly do your responsibility, you attract
The people in the liturgy.
_______79.) As server, you are part of the signs and symbols of liturgy, able to help or hinder the meaning and power
Of worship.

Symbolism in the Liturgy

______80.) The server should understand why we use symbols and signs in Catholic Worship.
______81.) The basic reason why we use these symbols is in order to make the liturgy unique.
______82.) The incarnation, coming-into-flesh, of the Son of God means that the religion of the Incarnation, Catholic
Christianity, will place much importance and value on what we can see, hear, & touch.
______83.) In the liturgy, Jesus Christ is really present but inactive.
______84.) In the liturgy, many spiritual realities are happening: self-sacrifice, love, sorrow, trust, and etc.
______85.) Incense is a sign of prayer and holiness.
______86.) In the greetings of peace we have a visible sign of love and unity.
______87.) The supreme sign of the liturgy doesnt bring Christ unto us, His body and blood, under the outward
Appearances of bread and wine.
______88.) In the Sacrament of Baptism the water is a sign of life and cleansing original sin.
______89.) The Body and Blood of our Lord is more symbolic, for it is really brings cleansing from sin, rebirth, divine
Life and membership in the Church.
______90.) The smoke from the thurible is a symbol of prayer going up to heaven.

Reverence, Discipline, and Decorum

______91.) Reverence for God and for sacred objects is most important when you serve.
______92.) Irrelevant action, but peaceful and undignified behavior, should be seen by the people when you stand
at the altar.
______93.) Reverence should only be said, not only seen.
______94.) One key to this ideal of reverence is the memory.
______95.) Dont mind that you are close to the sacred Mystery of the Eucharist.

______96.) We should remember that we are allowed to handle and use sacred objects with tender care.
______97.) We should remember that even in holding book or carrying a candle is a small part of the great and holy action
of the Liturgy.
______98.) True reverence is helped by your misunderstanding of the Liturgy.
______99.) Every server must all deeply penetrate with the spirit of the Liturgy.
______100.) The ideal in penetrating the spirit of the Liturgy are desecration, sacrilege, and work.
______101.) Every server must have his own measure, and they must be trained to perform their functions in a correct and
orderly manner.

______102) Every altar server must be trained to serve.
______103.) training involves disciplinary action.
______104.) Part of the discipline of serving is teamwork.
______105.) Even if you have to serve the mass on your own, you are part of the team, priest and people.
______106.) It is more obvious in a solemn the mass when precise teamwork helps make a great act of worship more beautiful,
peaceful and prayerful.
______107.) Discipline involves obedience and impatience.
______108.) Server should be obedient towards the clergy, ,master of ceremonies, head server, team leader, obedience to the
______109.) Server must be obedient towards the liturgical law of the church, obedience to correct procedures.
______110.) The server should behave with sense and cooperation, and quickly carries out practical duties.
______111.) A server never does his own thing, because this disrupted good liturgy and makes a fool of him, which helps no one.
______112.) Faith always involves obedience.
______113.) A strong life of faith always involves self-discipline.


_____114.) The Vatican II requires not only training for servers, but that servers have a sense of his Decorum.
_____115.) Fooling about in the sacristy, untidy or lousy appearances, talking during mass, these are the example of full of
_____116.) Decorum requires a sense of dignity.
_____117.) In mass, we should behave with a quiet reverence.
_____118.) Decorum excludes having the sense to cover up any small mistake in serving.
_____119.) Decorum is the way we help reverence to be seen to be done
_____120.) Decorum doesnt show how you respect the presence of our lord, in his sacrifice, in his sacraments, in his people.

_____121.) The Vatican II also mentioned piety, a word which seems old fashioned, until we understand it clearly.
_____122.) Piety means only looking pious, walking around with your eyes raised to heaven like a saint in an old holy picture.
_____123.) A man can be sincerely pious without looking odd.
_____124.) Piety is the soul or spirit of all our worship of God.
_____125.) Piety is an attitude which indirect your whole life towards God.
_____126.) In serving piety doesnt help us to say ourselves, Im doing all this for you, My God.
_____127.) Piety is not some kind of force we turn on and turn off, just to cover the time spent in the sanctuary.
_____128.) Piety runs through life that is why it is one of the gift of the Holy Spirit in the sacrament of Baptism.
_____129.) With sincere piety, we recognize the fact that God caused me, that I came from him, that I am going back to him.
_____130.) The interior motive of piety is shown in visible acts.
Brothers at the Altars

_____131.) Teamwork was mentioned a part of Good serving.

_____132.) In understanding how the church calls you to a special role in worship, you also understand that you are part of a
longer group.
_____133.) Every server does not need a co-server every Mass.
_____134.) Every server must be aware of other people in serving.
_____135.) You should always be helpful when the priest requires some small task you.


Arrange the following just a number as it follows the order:

Introductory Rites: Liturgy of the Word Liturgy of the Eucharist

___Sign of the Cross ___1st Reading ___Prayer after Communion

___Kyrie ___Responsorial Psalm ___Rite of piece
___Opening Prayer ___Gospel acclamation ___Communion Rite
___Processional ___Gospel ___Doxology
___Gloria ___Homily (Sermon) ___intercessions
___Greetings ___2nd Reading ___Offering
_4_Act of Contrition ___Prayer of the faithful ___Anamnesis
___Profession of faith ___Acclamation
___Narrative of institution
Concluding Rites: Major parts of the Mass ___Epiclesis
___Dismissal ___Concluding Rite ___Preface
___Blessing ___Liturgy of the Word ___Eucharistic
___Liturgy of the Eucharist ___Preparation of the Gift
___Introductory Rites

The Mass (Multiple choice)

____136.) Two major parts in the structure of the rite of the Mass.?
a. Lit. of the Eucharist & Lit. of the Word c. Mass & PMAC
b. Entrance song & Last song d. KOTAS & Lay Personnel
____137.) It is the first Rites in the celebrating the mass.?
a. Concluding Rite b. Introductory Rite c. Body rites d. Liturgy of the Word
____138.) It opens the celebration and accompanies the procession of priest and servers to the altar..?
a. Entrance of the Drugs b. Entrance Songs c. Penitential Rite D. Hanging
___139.) Invites us to be sorry for our sins, and takes away venial or minor sins.
a. Penitential b. anamnesis c. Acclamation d. elevation
____140.) where we can find the readings for 1st scriptural reading?
A. Anti-test amines b. Acclamation c Doxology d. Acclamation
____141.) it is the prayer for others, unite the church on earth, in purgatory and in heaven.
a. Intercessions b Offering c. Elevation d. Acclamation
____142.) It begins with the Lords Prayer. When we ask for our daily bread.
a. Intercession b. Communion rite c. Rite of piece d. Doxology
____143.) The priest extends his hands over the gifts and asks the Holy spirit to change them into the Body and Blood of Christ.
a. Epiclesis b. acclamation c. Intercessions d. Homily
____145.) The priest shows us the Host and the Chalice, and we adore our Lord.
a. Epiclesis b. Acclamation c. Offering d. Doxology
____146.) The bread and wine which God has given to us is given back to God, from whom everything comes.
a. Eucharistic Prayer b. Preparation of the Gifts c. Communion Rite d. Concluding Rite
____147.) it offers the petitions of the community before God.
a. Profession of faith b. Gospel c. General Intercessions d. Alleluia
____148.) It should be sung, our joyous welcome to the word in the Gospel.
a. Gospel b. Readings c. Psalms d. Palm
____149.) An ancient hymn of praise sung or recited in appropriate celebrations especially on feast and solemnities.
a. Opening prayer b. penitential rite c. Gloria d. Gospel
____150.) It is the greetings of the People, come after the entrance, and is shown reverence by 3 traditional gestures.
a. Veneration of the altar b. veneration towards on me c. veneration to other people d. venerations of schemic

IV. Enumerate the Lords Prayer, Fatima Prayer, Hail Mary and Glory be?
V. Steps in Praying the Rosary

VI. Essay (Last part na! Survive ka! Di ba kaya! :DD)

1. Does TEMPTATION, RESPECT AND RESPONSIBLE has a big role in your life?
(10 pts.)

2. What do you think why prayer/praying is really important? (10 pts.)

3. What is the main reason why did you join the ministry? (10 pts.)

4. Who am I? (35 pts.) .(At the back of the paper)

\\Congratulations! :DD //
**Be Good Enough, Servers!**

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