Searchers Paul Mariani y Hart Crane

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The Ontario Review, who awoke early about her husbands early life, wonder- death, she gives

ath, she gives no hint of it here. Yet

one morning in February 2008 not ing if she ever really knew him. Her she acknowledges being touched when
feeling well. Oates insisted on taking husband had grown up in a strict her friend Gloria Vanderbilt gave her a
him to the emergency room at nearby Catholic family at a time when many small statue of St. Theresa.
Princeton Medical Center in New such families hoped that one of their On the last page of this intensely
Jersey, where he was diagnosed with sons would become a priest. Smith felt memoir, Oates briefly mentions a
pneumonia. They both expected a entered a Catholic seminary at age 18, small dinner party for some Princeton
quick recovery but within a week but within months he quit, which led colleagues, including a neuroscientist
Oates received a call, at 12:38 a.m., to estrangement from his father, who she was meeting for the first time.
requesting that she come quickly. believed he would be held responsible What she does not say is that she and
When she arrived at the hospital, her if his son went to hell. Whenever the neuroscientist later married.
husband was dead. She cannot grasp Oates tried to bring up the subject of That tantalizing and unexpected
that awful fact and wishes she could Smiths seminary experience and loss turn of events may have served as a
stop timereverse time. of faith, he refused to talk about it. bridge that led Oates from crippling
Library shelves are filled with books Oates, too, was raised in a Catholic grief to a new, happier life, which I hope
about grief. Some people may compare family, although no one in her family will become the subject of a sequel.
this one with Joan Didions affecting discussed religion. Surprisingly, the
memoir, The Year of Magical Thinking, author says almost nothing about her BILL WILLIAMS is a freelance writer in West
Hartford, Conn., and a former editorial writer
which became a widely praised best- own spiritual beliefs. If she ever won- for The Hartford Courant. He is a member of
seller six years ago. But comparing ders what happens after physical the National Book Critics Circle.
grief memoirs misses the point that
there is no single way to grieve. For
Oates, grief is like a sodden overcoat FILMMAKING | PA U L M A R I A N I
the widow must wear.
We do not learn how long the
author suffered or how she is doing
today because the book covers a period James Franco, Hart Crane and me
of only a few months after her hus-
bands death. Youre standing on the fourth step of You look into the mirror and swear
Oates struggles, without success, to an old brownstone stoop in Brooklyn that you are looking at the ghost of
find meaning in her numbing grief. I Heights, N.Y., on a cold, raw, cloudy your father and grandfather, those
am no longer convinced that there is morning in early December. Its 7:30 quintessential New Yorkers who lived
any inherent value in grief, she writes. a.m. and youve been up since 6:00 just across the East River in Stieglitzs
Or, if there is, if wisdom springs from a.m., when two young women came to time.
the experience of terrible loss, its a wis- the door and began transforming your Now youre looking into the eyes of
dom one might do without. She won- 70-year-old self into the 58-year-old the actor James Franco, who is on the
ders if a widows grief is sheer vanity; photographer Alfred Stieglitz, who cement sidewalk below you. He is
narcissism; the pretense that ones loss was married to the painter Georgia speaking fast and reverently up at you.
is so special, so very special, that there OKeeffe and who reinvented photog- He is dressed in a handsome old camel
has never been a loss quite like it. raphy for the modern age. Youre wear- coat and striped sweater. Heor
The book quotes extensively from ing an authentic suit of clothes dating rather the poet Hart Crane, whom he
e-mail messages to and from Oates, back to the 1920s, an overcoat that you is portrayingis telling you how
although in many cases she leaves out can barely button, a fedora and a pair much your photographs, especially the
the senders name, believing it is of leather shoes that must weigh five new batch you took up at Lake George
unconscionable to humiliate others pounds, which you must negotiate earlier that year, have spoken to his
in the name of full disclosure. She rails with. They have removed your own own sense of the kinetic possibilities of
against a deluge of sympathy baskets glasses and given you a pair of wire- the image for the poetry he wants to
sent by well-meaning friends. She rimmed glasses with little oval lenses create.
tosses many of them into the trash and through which the world looks dis- By which you (you meaning the
pleads, No! No more of this! Please torted and teary. Then theres the biographer and poet, but likewise the
have mercy. fluffed-out graying hair and that gray- dead photographer Stieglitz standing
Oates becomes intensely curious white moustache to top it all off. there) take him to mean the sense of a

30 America April 25, 2011

majestic, larger-than-life image Three participants in the filming of "The Broken Tower"
(left to right): Vince Jolivette, a producer; Paul Mariani
that will lend a myth to God. (as Alfred Stieglitz); and James Franco (Hart Crane).
You (the poet) take this to mean
a kind of dynamic stillness, the
still point of the turning world,
what hethe poethas found
in that icon of New York: the
140-year-old Brooklyn Bridge
that strides the East River just
blocks from here.
Apples and gable, you say
after a nervous hesitation, which
you hope will come across as a
considered profundity. It is spo-
ken with a slight Jewish-
German accent to recreate what
you take Stieglitzs voice to be,
considering he was raised in
Hoboken, N.J., and spent 15
years of his youth studying pho-
tography in Berlin before
returning to the States. You
have practiced those three
words before a mirror countless
times, and you are still afraid
youre going to blurt out apples
and oranges, but you dont. The
scene is shot once to the quiet
applause of the young film crew
taking all of this in. James looks
Good, he says, but lets do a second of the East River and New York. The his mothers family name to replace
take for insurance, and we do. We date was April 27, 1932, just before Harold when he reinvented himself
shake hands and Hart Crane walks off nooneight bells. He had been and moved to New York) was going to
down the deserted street to see Charlie severely beaten by members of the show America a sense of new possibil-
Chaplin in the classic filmThe Kid. ships crew hours earlier after trying to ities. He saw Walt Whitman as his gay
You turn and walk up the steps as your hit on one of them, even as his fiance brother-in-arms and Isadora Duncan
moustache begins to slide down over was in her cabin sleeping. as the courageous figure who would
your lips. Hart CraneHarold Hart remake dance and movement for the
Craneborn in 1899 in Garrettsville, young century. When T. S. Eliots The
The Movie of the Book Ohio, raised in Cleveland, was the Waste Land was published in 1922
Two years ago, James Francos agent e- only child of a set of horribly mis- good, Hart thought, but so damned
mailed me to say Franco was interest- matched parents who seemed always deadhe saw it as his duty to rewrite
ed in turning my biography of Hart to be going at one that epic and give it
photo:photoSjg.Com/jaSoN gooDmaN

Crane, The Broken Tower, into a another. The boy ON THE WEB an optimistic end-
movie. The books title is after the last from the Midwest Karen Sue Smith reviews ing mirrored in the
the film Poetry.
poem Crane wrote before he killed meant to change Brooklyn Bridge,
himself at the age of 32 by jumping American literature which, against the
from the stern of the S.S. Orizaba as those other two odds of Tammany
somewhere off the coast of Florida. He Midwesterners, Ernest Hemingway Hall and business-as-usual, had actu-
was returning, broken in spirit, to the and F. Scott Fitzgerald, would also do. ally been built and stood now, like a
chained bay waters, as he called them, In spite of everything, Hart (he took New World cathedral, replete with its

April 25, 2011 America 31

Gothic towers and choiring strings the 1950s, James Dean, even to the down at once to business. We went
playing on by the North Atlantic day point of taking his first name and ren- over the most recent cut of the film
and night, sleepless and spanning the dering Dean in a biopic. His portrayal black and white, 100 minutesthat
river of time below. of that tragic actor, who died in a car had been delivered to me the night
How many dawns, chill from his crash on a highway in central Califor- before at my home 90 miles to the
rippling rest, Crane would write from nia back in 1955, still awes me. west. What about Robert Lowells
his rooms facing the East River and If James says hes going to do take on the poet in his Words for
the bridge itself, rising like Rip Van something, Miles Levy, his agent, told Hart Crane? What was Lowells take
Winkle from his long sleep into the me one August morning 20 months on Cranes homosexuality? What was
vision of those white buildings down ago in a hotel down in Soho, he does Hart Cranes vision of America, com-
in Manhattans business district, trans- it. I took that statement with a New ing as it did 70 years after Whitmans
figured by the morning light reflecting Yorkers grain of salt, but the truth is Leaves of Grass and the bloodletting of
back across the river, the Woolworth thatif James says he is going to do the Civil War and the Spanish-
skyscraper rising into the heavens like something, he does it. Ive been lucky American War and World War I?
a vision of some New Jerusalem: enough to work with him and his good What about Allen Ginsbergs take
friend Vince Jolivette, often via on Hart Crane? After all, James had
How many dawns, chill from his Blackberry and e-mails back and forth, rendered Ginsberg in his film adapta-
rippling rest forth and back, about every conceiv- tion of the legal proceedings that
The seagulls wings shall dip and able question under the sun, such as stemmed from the publication of his
pivot him, poets and biographers dont normally long poem, Howl, back in the late
Shedding white rings of tumult, deal with, but which actors and direc- 50s. What about the pacing of the
building high tors doeverything from translations film he was creating in what he calls
Over the chained bay waters of Catulluss salty language (in the Twelve Voyagesnamed after Cranes
Liberty original Latin) to the Danish accent of own Voyages sequence? What about
Hart Cranes lover, Emil Opffer, to the the voiceovers? What about the flam-
A new day, a new dawn, a new era, music Crane would have heard in boyance of Cranes lifestyle, wolfing
a brave announcement more than a Taxco as he beat the ancient Aztec down sailors in Brooklyn or Paris or
question, shaped by this gull, this joke, drums in the broken tower of the Cuba or Mexico? How to reconcile
this sod, this Charlie Chaplin figure in Catholic cathedral there. that with the almost mystical sensibil-
baggy pants and bowler, who would ity of the man?
either prevail or die trying. The Searching Heart What about the juxtaposition of
This energy, this promise, this bril- James recently flew into Bostons 1920s jazz pieces against the recurrent
liance, this tragic dance that was Hart Logan Airport on the red-eye out of Dona nobis pacem one hears? Or the
Cranes short life, I have learned to my Los Angeles, where he was picked up crash of waves against the shore, the
amazement, is what the young James in a black limo by his driver and wind brushing against the trees along
Franco, now 32, has captured in his deposited at the Crowne Plaza in the Seine in the Paris sequence James
filming of The Broken Tower. Franco is Newton, Mass., where I waited for filmed months ago? Or the low bellow
a brilliant young actor who seems to him with three pots of coffee, skim of a cow in a field somewhere on the
have modeled himself after that icon of milk, granola and fresh fruit. We sat Isle of Pines off Cuba? Oreven more
poignantlythe long, ineluctable
silence of the heart in search of
It is the search that holds, I have
come to see over these past months,
Hart Crane and James Franco and the
biographer together as one.

PAUL MARIANI, poet, biographer and mem-

oirist, former poetry editor of America, is the
University Professor of English at Boston
College, where James Francos adaptation of
Marianis biography of Hart Crane, The
Broken Tower, was screened before a large
audience of students on April 15.

32 America April 25, 2011

America Press Inc. 2011. All rights reserved.

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