1st Quiz in 4th Grading

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Technology and Livelihood Education

Mechanical Drafting

Test I- Choose the correct answer: 14. Lines that are not parallel to the three base
1. A drafting tool used for drawing horizontal lines in isometric are called ____________
lines. 15. The system for graphically representing an
a. Compass c. triangle object by line drawing on a flat surface.
b . t-square d. triangular scale a. Orthographic projection b. pictorial
2. Drafting material used for fastening the drawing c. Multi-view drawing
drawing paper on the drawing table. d. isometric drawing
a. Compass c . divider 16. Angles of projection generally used for
b. masking tape d. triangle
drafting purposes are:
3. The main function of this tool is to
reproduce the measurements of an object a. Ninety degrees and 45 degrees
to any size. b. first angle and third angle
a. Compass c. protractor
c. Second angle and fourth angle d.
b. triangle d. triangular scale
thirty degrees and sixty degrees
4. This drafting tool is used to protect the rest 17. Standard projection used by many
of the drawing when removing unnecessary European countries (ISO standard)
lines. a. Orthographic projection b. third
a. Erasing shield c. eraser angle projection c. isometric
b. masking tape d. pencil sharpener projection d. first angle projection
5. This drafting tool is used when drawing
vertical lines. 18. The common views used in multi view
drawing are ____________________.
a. Compass c. triangle
a. Front, top, and sides b. front, rear,
b. triangular scale d. ruler and sides c. front, sides and rear
6. A drawing showing more than one side of d. front top and rear
an object tilted in front of the observer. 19. Type of dimensioning that requires all
The whole object is shown in one view. dimension figures be lettered between
a. Pictorial drawing b. artistic guide lines that are parallel to the bottom
drawing c. multi-view drawing d. edge of the drawing paper.
a. Aligned method b. location
orthographic drawing
dimension c. overall dimension d.
7. The place or point where the observer is
uni-directional method
supposed to stand while viewing the
20. The orthographic view drawn directly
above the front view.
a. Vanishing point b. center point
a. Auxiliary view b. top view
c. piercing point d. station point
c. right side view d. left
8. The point where the horizontal line in the
side view
perspective view seems to converge or
21. Standard of projection used by Americans,
British and Canadians (ANSI Standard).
a. Station point b. vanishing
a. First angle projection b.
point c. center point d.
orthographic projection
piercing point
c. diametric projection d. third
9. The object is placed in the horizon at the
angle projection
eye-level of the observer. 21. A line used to show the limits of a
a. Birds eye view b. worms eye dimension.
view c. mans eye view d. a. extension line b.
orthographic view object line c. dimension line d. center line
10. An oblique drawing in which the depth axis 22. The system of orthographic projection that
lines are in full size. places the object on the third quadrant is called
a. Cabinet oblique b. cavalier a. First angle projection b. third angle projection
oblique c. general oblique d. c. diametric projection d. orthographic
oblique perspective projection
11. Iso means _________ 23. Located below the first is the
12. metric means ___________________. ________________ of the first angle projection.
13. Circle becomes ellipse in ___________ a. front view b. rear view c. side
view d. top view
24. The perpendicular distance between a. Delivery receipt form b. inventory
horizontal planes is referred to as form c. Purchase requisition form d. requisition slip
_____________. form
37. This form contains information about
a. depth b. Height c. width
name, number, purchase information and cost
d. parallel of goods and displays on a balance sheet.
25. The perpendicular distance between profile
planes is called __________________. a. delivery receipt b. inventory
a. depth b. height c. width form c. purchase request d. requisition slip
d. length
26. The perpendicular distance between frontal 38. This department is in charge of unloading,
unpacking of incoming materials, check
planes is called _____________________.
identity of goods received with
a. depth b. heightc. width descriptions on the purchase order.
d. length a. accounting department b. budget
27. This is the dimension that gives the detail department c. receiving department d. sales
and overall sizes of the object. department
a. location dimension b. figure 39. This form shows proof of receipt of goods
dimension c. shape dimension d. size or services.
a. delivery receipt form b. inventory
form c. Purchase order form d. requisition slip
28. This kind of dimension merely locates part form
or parts of the object. 40. This is a cross-disciplinary area concerned
a. location dimension b. figure dimension with protecting the safety, health and
c. shape dimension d. size welfare of people engaged in work or
dimension employment.
a. occupational health and safety b.
29. This dimension represents the total width,
Department of Labor and Employment
height and depth of an object. c. occupational labor code
a. detail dimension b. location d. department of trade and
dimension c. overall dimension d. size industry
dimension 41. Occupational safety and health
30. A perspective drawing having two vanishing requirements may be reinforced in civil law
point. and/or criminal law.
a. 2 point or angular perspective b. oblique a. Economic b. labor c. legal
perspective c. 1 point or parallel perspective d. moral
d. full size 42. Take out unnecessary items and dispose.
31 . It will be used only to warn or caution a. Seiri b. Seiketsu
against practices. c. Seiso d. Shitsuke
a. Caution sign b. Danger sign c. Exit 43. Arrange necessary items in good order for
Sign d. Safety sign use.
32. This drawing instrument is used in a. Seiri b. Seiketsu
transferring measurements, dividing lines and c. Seiso d. Seiton
arcs into the desired number of equal parts. 44. Do things spontaneously without being
a. divider b. triangular scale told or ordered.
c. protractor d. ruler a. Seiri b. Seiketsu
33. This tool is used to determine gradations c. Seiso d. Shitsuke
of the degrees when measuring arcs, angles, 45. This type of hazards are solid, liquid, vapor
and circles. or gaseous substances, dust, fumes or mist.
a. compass b. divider c. protractor a. biological b. chemical c.
d. triangle ergonomic d. safety
34. This drawing instrument is used when 46. This type of hazard refers to inadequate
drawing arcs and circles in a similar way to a and insufficient machine guards, unsafe
divider. This can be used for both penciling workplace conditions, and unsafe work
and inking. practices.
a. compass b. divider c. a. biological b. chemical c. ergonomic
protractor d. triangle d. safety
35. It is a three sided ruler, which typically has 47. This type of hazard is caused by
two equal sides. If in use the base of this organisms such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and
instrument must rest on a t-square. parasites.
a. compass b. divider c. a. biological b. chemical c.
protractor d. triangle ergonomic d. safety
36. This is an official paper in the form of a 48. This term is used to describe something
printed document on which a request is made. that has the potential to cause harm.
a. Condition b. Hazard 62. The actual object is twice the size of the
c. risk d. warning drawing.
49. This term is used to denote the measure of a. full scale b. enlarged
the possibility of a specific harmful effect in c. reduced d. scaling
given circumstances. 63. The views on the drawing paper are the
a. condition b. hazard same size as those of the actual object.
c. risk d. warning a. full scale b. enlarged
50. The main purpose of wearing this kind of c. reduced d. scaling
PPE is to protect our limbs and body from 64. This refers to a graduated measurement to
metal dusts, flaming combustion, flying chips, allow production of a drawing to any size desired.
minute particles and stray metallic objects a. Dimensioning b. drafting
from abrasive wheels, drills and cutting tools. c. measuring d. scaling
a. cover all b. protective headgear 65. A thick line that represents the visible
c. safety goggles d. safety shoes edges or outline of the object. This is also
51. a safety helmet or wide-brimmed hat for known as the object line.
head protection is called _______________. a. Center line b. hidden line
a. cover all b. protective headgear c. section line d. visible line
c. safety goggles d. safety 66. This is a thin line that extends from the
shoes object in order to show dimension limits.
52. A pair of protective coverings for the hand, a. Center line b. extension line c.
usually with separate divisions for the fingers section line d. visible line
and for the thumb is called 67. A thin line with has an arrowhead in one
________________. end used to indicate the measurements of the
a. Apron b. Gloves object.
c. goggles d. pot holder a. Center line b. dimension line
53. This is designed specifically with hard or c. section line d. visible line
metallic materials in the toe areas. 68. a medium thick line consisting of broken
a. cover all b. protective headgear and straight lines drawn alternately. This is
c. safety goggles d. safety shoes also known as the limiting line. This limits the
54. This is a protective instrument for the eyes length of an elongated object without
with transparent eye pieces. changing the size of its view.
a. cover all b. protective headgear a. Center line b. dimension line
c. safety goggles d. safety shoes c. long break line d. visible line
55. this is a portable device containing 69. a medium thick line composed of short
chemicals that can be sprayed on a fire to put dashes about 2-3 mm long with space
it out. between dashes about 1-2 mm in between
a. Fire alarm b. Fire extinguisher wide; it represents the surface or edges that
c. Fire hazard d. water cannot be seen.
sprinkler a. Center line b. hidden line
56. This means the over-all condition of the c. section line d. visible line
body. 70. A thin line consisting of two long dashes
a. health b. injury c. and a short dash drawn alternately with a gap
strength d. weakness of at least 2 mm in between; it represents the
57. This refers to any established measure; an axis or center of symmetrical shapes like a ball,
accurate type; an authoritative model as an washer, rectangular block and cube.
example or comparison. a. Center line b. dimension line
a. injury b. standard c. c. section line d. visible line
symbol d. workplace 71. Thick line drawn in freehand to show
58. Refers to a set of exact specifications to details that a part has been cut off or broken
become patterns of actions. out.
a. model b. quality standards c. self a. Center line b. dimension line
discipline d. warning c. short break line d. visible line
59. This refers to the proper discharge of any 72. Thin lines to show the surface that has
solid waste. been cut; they are spaced evenly at 45 degrees
a. cleaning b. sanitizing c. with the horizontal to make shaded effect.
littering d. waste disposal a. Center line b. section line
60. The views on the drawing paper are twice c. short break line d. visible line
the size of those of the actual object.
a. full scale b. enlarged Test II: Convert the following into:
c. reduced d. scaling Decimal to fraction 77-86 (show the solution)
61. The views on the drawing paper are five Fraction to Decimal 87-95 (Answer only)
times larger than the actual object. 73. .25 77. .75 81. .24
a. full scale b. enlarged 83. 1/4 87.
c. reduced d. scaling 7/16
74. .875 78. .40 82. .65 Give the 5s Methodology arranged in proper
84. 1/2 88. 2/5 order (do not interchange)
75. .5 79. .60 90-100 (2pts. Each)
85. 1/5 89. 3/5
76. .10 80. .20
86. 1/8 90. 4/5

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