Personal Statement - Ari

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My research interest is related to the interdisciplinary research in digital business, security analytics,

data analytics, and data science. One of the main consideration to conduct this research is because
every business is a digital business today. The world is changing around us, and Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT) are driving a significant part of this metamorphosis. Mobile
devices have taken the market and enable us to be permanently connected, anytime and anywhere.
The percentage of the population connected to the Internet will continue to grow rapidly. The right
combination of the different elements of a business with new digital technologies allows value to be
created through the replacing of physical resources with digital ones, decision-making in real time,
more extensive and accurate leverage of information, and use of flexible and easily scalable

While developing digital business, we need to carefully consider new threats and risks posed by the
digital transformation and its related technologies. Without a secure digital environment, our digital
business are exposed to cyber security threats which risk to weaken our business. Analytics is the key
element in leveraging cyber resilience. With increasingly advanced and persistent attacks and the
simple fact that every organization must protect itself against all varieties of attacks while an attacker
only needs one successful attempt, organizations must rethink their cyber security concepts. This
requires both advanced analytics beyond simple rule-based approaches and the ability to run
analysis on large amounts of current and historical data. A new of generation of security analytics
solution has emerged in recent years, which are able to collect, store and analyze huge amounts of
security data across the whole enterprise in real time. Enhanced by additional context data and
external threat intelligence, this data is then analyzed using various correlation algorithms to detect
anomalies and thus identify possible malicious activities.

In wake of digital business challenges such as social media, online payment, internet banking, mobile
computing and so on, we need a way to effectively protect and secure sensitive data on our digital
business systems. Security Analytics over digital business system will provide the solution that can be
used to detect attacks as fast as possible, block or stop an attack, and provide detailed information to
reconstruct an attack. This solution will achive through the techniques of data mining. The primary
goal of data mining is to extract, or "mining" knowledge of information from a large amount of data.
Hidden patterns or rules discovered by data mining techniques can be used for "non-standard"
predictions of new data. Under the unusual prediction means finding information implicitly
represented in the data, but has not been previously detected. Methods of data analysis using
mathematical statistics, the theory of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and data to group or
identify certain behaviors or entities.

Mobile devices have taken the market and enable us to be permanently connected,
anytime and anywhere. The percentage of the population connected to the Internet will
continue to grow rapidly. The integration of digital technologies into companies and
organizations across the country will have an impact on productivity, growth and
profitability. The right combination of the different elements of a business with new digital
technologies allows value to be created through the replacing of physical resources with
digital ones, decision-making in real time, more extensive and accurate leverage of
information, and use of flexible and easily scalable platforms. This provides companies
with big opportunities to increase their efficiency and agility within their industries.
Accentures study Digital Mexico: the Path to High Performance, shows that 97% of
corporate decision-makers surveyed believe that digital technologies should play an
important role in their business strategy, and that 74% of employees in Mexico believe
that the companies they work for should make better use of digital technologies within no
more than three years. Companies should, among other things, aim to:

The purpose of security analytics is to detect attacks as fast

as possible, enable IT professionals to block or stop an
attack and provide detailed information to reconstruct an
attack. They do this by collecting, correlating and analyzing
a wide range of data. These tools also provide analysis
environments for forensic evaluations and attack
reconstructions. That way companies can study the methods
used and vulnerabilities exploited to breach their systems
and address weaknesses. Support for regulatory compliance
is another common feature.

Because of the large amounts of data and the growing number of hackers attempting to gain access to
data, data analysis, machine learning, statistics and other interdisciplinary opportunities vostrebvany to
address the security of information infrastructures. The primary goal of data mining is to extract, or "mining"
knowledge of information from a large amount of data. Hidden patterns or rules discovered by data mining
techniques can be used for "non-standard" predictions of new data. Under the unusual prediction means
finding information implicitly represented in the data, but has not been previously detected. Methods of data
analysis using mathematical statistics, the theory of artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and data to
group or identify certain behaviors or entities. Thus, data analysis is an interdisciplinary field in which
ispolzuyuetsya analysis tools from statistical modeling, mathematical algorithms and machine learning
techniques to detect previously unknown, existing patterns and relationships in large data sets. Thus
intellectually analysis is widely used in the field of information security analysts.
Data mining applied to issues such as intrusion detection and security auditing. For example, methods of
identifying anomalies can be used to detect unusual patterns and behavior. Analysis of the links can be
used to track the self-propagating malicious code to its authors. Classification can be used to identify
different groups of cyber-attacks, and then use these models to detect attacks when they occur directly.
Forecasting can be used to identify potential future attacks, intruders osnovyvayasga information via e-mail
and telephone conversations. Furthermore, for some threat data mining non-real time may be sufficient, but
for some other threats, such as network invasion, we may need to analyze the data in real time. Many
researchers are studying the use of data mining to detect intrusions. While we need a form of data mining
in real time, i.e., the results should be obtained in real-time, we must build the model in real time. For
example, the detection of credit card fraud is a form of real-time processing. However, here the model is
usually constructed slightly beforehand. Construction of the model in real time remains a problem. Data
mining can also be used to analyze web logs, as well as the analysis of audit data. Based on the results of
data analysis tools, you can then determine whether there had been any attempt to unauthorized intrusion
and / or were committed by any unauthorized requests.

Protecting the business should be the first and foremost goal of any security program, but many
enterprises do not make it a core competency. Despite this limitation, organizations need to tie their
security programs to overall business goals and imperatives and actively engage business
stakeholders in the security conversation, because untethered programs can drift and become largely
ineffective. Unfortunately, many firms struggle to achieve this crucial alignment. The potential
undesirable outcomes range from a lack of funding and direction to significant losses caused by
security breaches or regulatory fines. Aligning the security program with an enterprises commercial
objectives requires a strong understanding of technical domains (how the various computing
technologies are deployed across the enterprise) and their business relevance (how specific
safeguards support specific business strategy objectives). Asked by an enterprises CEO how a specific

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