Assignment Pancasilla

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The Pancasilla is an ideology invented by Sukarno in 1950 as a formula to unite to all

Indonesians. This ideology idea is the belief in one supreme God, the just and civilized humanity,
nationalism, democracy led by wisdom and prudence through consultation and representation and
social justice. In the conception of Muslims in Indonesia at on the conformity of Pancasila to
Islam, there is negative and positive view of it concepts as it can be observing under the
leadership period such as under Sukarno and Suharto time as Indonesia president or even under
the conception of political party such as Nahdatul Ulamak.
At first, Muslim in Indonesia during the ruled of Sukarno especially the Muslims in
Acheh perceived Pancasilla as contradicting to Islam. This is because, during Sukarno time he
emphasis on Dutch law with Pancasila. This is seen by the Muslims as the denying of Islam as the
ideology of the state. Muslims in Acheh saw him as the proponents of Pancasila as betrayer of
people trust on the establishment of Darul Islam (Islamic Acheh) or Islamic Indonesia in general.
Second view, yes, the Pancasilla perceives high universal in Islam in, but it also regarded
as the common view to unite nationality because, the Pancasilla can be accepted by all religion
and ethnic. But as we know, we cannot compare Islam with other religion and for Muslims in
Indonesia, Islam is only for them. If we looking back at the first provision in Pancasila which is
believe in supreme God, it is good enough to signify the recognition of Islam but this act is only
suitable for monotheism and not polytheism as what have been practices by other religions such
as Christian. So for Muslims in Indonesia, this is contradicted to Islam.
Third, apart of this, during the time of Sukarno and Sukarto, the Pancasilla is seen as
contradicting to Islam. As Sukarno who is pioneer to Pancasila aim of invented Pancasilla to
include his communism ideology. This can be seen through his introduction of the concept
Nasakom which is and ideology that mix nationalism, religion and communism. As we know,
communism is atheist. But the concept pancasila rejected atheist and even Wahid who was an
ustaz insist on the recognition of communist party , so how can it be accepted by Muslims in
Indonesia as communism is obviously violate Islam.
For (N.U) Nahdatul Ulamak and several other political parties such as Marshumy (Majlis
Shura Muslim Indonesia) they accepted the concepts of pancasilla. It is because they perceive this
concept in positive way as it not contradicting to Islam. N. U make its as the soul basis called as
Asas Tunggal and they even being the first Muslim organization to declared it as the soul
ideology of Indonesia. This is due to the first principle which is Tawhid. Their argument of this is
Pancasila and religion not to interchangeable because ideology derived its logic from human
thought and history while religion is derived from revelation. As this organization consists of 40
million members, it shows that Pancasila is accepted by the Muslims in Indonesia especially in
Jakarta compared to Muslims in Acheh.
In conclusion, Muslims in Indonesia perceived Pancasilla in negative and positive way
because of their different situation such as Muslims in Acheh, Jog Jakarta and Jakarta have
different understanding of this concept .While Muslims in Acheh have difficulties to accepted it
as they seen its as betrayal to the establishment of Darul Islam in Acheh, other Muslims in other
part of Indonesia saw it vice versa.

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