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Wound infection &
Pain management
Volume 1 | Issue 3 | May 2010

pain impulses to and within the brain (secondary hyperalgesia).

Introduction In effect, these changes increase the amount of pain perceived
to arise from a painful stimulus. Ongoing pain can also result in
Wound-related pain is common, highly subjective1-4 allodynia the experience of pain as a result of a stimulus, eg a
and can be particularly distressing for both patients and light touch on skin, that would not usually cause pain.
clinicians5. It has multiple causes and, unfortunately, is
often managed inadequately6,7. This article discusses Wound pain can be categorised as:
n Background pain continuous or intermittent pain that is
wound infection as a cause of pain, outlines strategies
felt even at rest
for effective pain management, and considers the role n Incident pain pain that occurs during day-to-day activities
of antimicrobial dressings in minimising or preventing such as mobilisation or coughing
pain when a wound is infected. n Procedural pain pain that results from routine procedures
such as dressing changes or wound cleansing
n Operative pain pain associated with significant wound
Authors: Mudge E, Orsted H. intervention, eg debridement or wound biopsy9.
Full author details can be found on page 5.

What affects perception of pain?

What causes pain in wounds? Thresholds for feeling pain are remarkably constant from
Pain is a common experience for patients with wounds. Some wounds individual to individual. However, for patients with chronic
are generally more painful than others, and this may be associated wounds, many pain experiences may derive from past pain
with the underlying aetiology, eg ischaemia in arterial ulcers8. memories12. The response of individuals and their tolerance of the
pain will therefore differ markedly. Qualitative studies in people
At a physiological level, wound pain arises from tissue damage experiencing chronic wound pain have shown that individuals
(nociceptive pain) or from dysfunction of the nervous system experience fluctuations in both the intensity and type of wound
(neuropathic pain) (Box 1). Pain from chronic wounds may have pain and that these may vary throughout the day and night4.
both nociceptive and neuropathic elements9.
Gate Control Theory
There are many triggers of wound pain. Tissue damage as a result of The way in which people experience pain is complex. Very early
trauma, particularly during the dressing change procedure, has been pain research emphasised the mechanical nature of pain as a
described by patients as the worst part of living with a wound10. self-protective mechanism that forces an individual to move away
from danger13. But it was the Gate Control Theory14 that finally
Wound pain has numerous, often interlinked, causes that may acknowledged the role of brain processes in the perception of
relate to: pain. The concept behind this theory describes how nociceptive
n the wound itself, eg the initial injury, the inflammatory signals transmitted to the spinal cord have to pass through a
response or infection gate before they can be transmitted to the brain for pain to be
n interventions, eg topical treatments (including dressings), perceived. Numerous factors affect how open the gate is. Some
dressing removal, cleansing, debridement or compression forms of peripheral stimulation can close the gate, explaining why
therapy when someone receives a bump, rubbing the area involved can
n other local pathology, eg oedema, allergic reactions, reduce the pain perceived.
ischaemia or arthritis.
Box 1 What is pain?
In addition, there are many psychological and emotional factors
Pain is felt as a result of the brain's response to disease or damage to
associated with living with a chronic wound that can exacerbate a the body. There are different types of pain:
patients pain perception, such as anxiety, stress, fear, depression, n Nociceptive pain arises from damaged tissue9. Signals are picked

up by sensory receptors in nerve endings in the damaged tissue.

wound malodour or high exudate levels11. The nerves transmit the signals to the spinal cord, and then into the
brain where the signals are interpreted as pain8. Nociceptive pain
Sustained pain can produce physiological changes that increase may be described as sharp or stabbing.
n Neuropathic pain is caused by damage to or dysfunction of the
perception of pain (Figure 1). Ongoing stimulation of a pain nervous system, and is a major contributor to chronic pain9. It may
pathway can result in increased sensitivity of peripheral pain differ in character from nociceptive pain, eg produce burning or
tingling sensations.
receptors (primary hyperalgesia) and increased transmission of

Wound infection &
Pain management

In addition, the brain is thought to directly pain18. There is therefore potential for errors What is the character of
influence how far open or closed the to occur when assessing a patients pain pain related to wound
gate in the spinal cord is, as can certain if healthcare professionals are not aware infection?
chemicals such as stress hormones. This of the cultural factors that may affect Although there is little written about
may explain how, for example, stress and individual patients10. the specific character and nature of pain
anxiety can result in a pain experience related to wound infection, a Delphi
without apparent injury, and, how, study exploring the criteria for wound
conversely, a soothing distraction, such as Why are infected wounds infection23 found the following:
relaxing music may diminish pain. painful? n Pressure ulcer infection is associated
Wound infection is a complex process with increasing pain severity and/or
that results from a detrimental interaction change in nature of pain
How does pain affect between the patient and the pathogen(s) n Surgical site infection is associated
quality of life? that can delay healing and cause and with unexpected pain/tenderness
Pain is a common experience of patients amplify wound pain19,20. Wound infection that begins or increases around the
with chronic wounds. Many studies have is one of the most challenging aspects wound area. If the area surrounding
identified a reduction in quality of life in of wound management and a major the wound is painful to touch, this
association with wound pain15. Aspects contributor to healthcare costs globally21. should be a cause for concern
of quality of life that may be negatively n Infection in burns and partial /full
affected by pain include interpersonal The main underlying cause of infection- thickness wounds are associated
relationships, work and social activities, related wound pain is the inflammatory with the onset of pain in a previously
and emotional wellbeing15,16. response stimulated by the infecting pain-free wound.
microorganisms. This response causes the
The experience of pain has an impact release of inflammatory mediators and Any sudden onset of pain, change in type
on a number of psychological processes stimulates the production of enzymes of pain or increase in intensity of pain in
such as reduced self-belief, isolation and and free radicals, which can cause tissue any wound type is therefore a significant
loss of identity and many patients with damage. Pain may result from direct indicator for infection.
chronic wound pain may experience sleep stimulation of peripheral pain receptors by
disturbance, which will further impact on the mediators, from tissue damage, and
their tolerance of pain16,17. from the swelling that occurs as part of the What other wound
inflammatory response. The inflammation infection-related factors
Pain is an individualised experience and and cell damage may also increase the may contribute to the
differences in personal, familial and cultural sensitivity of the pain receptors and central pain experience?
backgrounds can lead to variations in a nervous system, so increasing the overall Further indicators of wound infection that
persons experience and expression of perception of pain (Figure 1)8,22. may impact on comfort and, by causing
distress, contribute to pain include: friable
granulation tissue that bleeds easily;
increased exudate production; abnormal
Figure 1 Sensitisation to pain8 smell; and wound breakdown24. However,
it should be noted that these signs and
symptoms are not always apparent,
Cell damage Release of pain and inflammatory mediators Inflammation especially in patients with other chronic
comorbidities (such as diabetes) or during
the early stages of infection25-27.
Sensitivity of peripheral pain receptors and
of the central nervous system
In particular, wound exudate produced
in response to colonisation or local
infection of a wound may contribute to
Increased perception of pain
n Hyperalgesia
wound pain. Chronic wound exudate
n Allodynia
contains increased levels of free radicals
and numerous enzymes, such as matrix
metalloproteinases (MMPs), that can

damage healthy wound tissue and may be harmful to the may also give a useful indication of how pain is affecting the
surrounding skin20. The resulting damage can be likened to a patient33.
chemical burn and can be extremely painful.
Pain descriptors
Stress and anxiety from wound infection and/or wound pain can Patients descriptions of their pain experience are useful for healthcare
indirectly impair wound healing by activating the hypothalamic- providers, as terms such as dull, aching or tender tend to be used
pituitary-adrenal axis. This stimulates cortisol production, which in to describe pain of a nociceptive origin, whereas descriptors such
turn can suppress the immune system17. Stress can be induced by as shooting, burning or stabbing are more likely to be associated
anticipation of pain, eg prior to dressing changes4. with neuropathic pain. However, healthcare professionals need to be
aware that this may not always be the case as the location of pain may
not be in the wound itself and many types of pain may co-exist.
Why, when and how should pain be
assessed? Pain rarely remains constant and qualitative work in the area of
It is important to conduct regular pain assessments to monitor wound pain has shown that the majority of patients acknowledge
patients pain over time28. Pain measurement tools can be used that the severity of their pain fluctuates and tend to use
to help patients communicate their own pain experience. Several descriptors such as normal pain and acute pain to describe their
validated quantitative and qualitative tools have been designed to overall pain experiences of living with a chronic wound4. Normal
measure baseline data and monitor changes over time29 (Figure 2). pain may be used to describe the kind of dull ache that is there all
the time and acute pain may be used to describe a kind of sudden
The simplest example is the visual analogue scale (VAS) that intense pain experienced on occasions throughout the day.
asks the patient to indicate the severity of his/her perceived
pain experience on a straight line graded from no pain to The terms localised or throbbing are sometimes used to describe
worst possible pain. Other basic pain assessment tools include pain caused by wound infection. However, pain related to wound
numerical/descriptive colour scales and pain faces30,31. There are a infection is often unexpected and different from any previous pain
number of validated multifaceted tools, including the McGill Pain associated with the wound. Therefore, a statement from a patient
Questionnaire32, that ask specific questions about patients pain that they are experiencing a new type of pain or a more intense
experiences, and can provide valuable insight into the nature of pain experience would possibly be a better alert to infection than
their pain and its affect on quality of life. The use of pain diaries the character of the pain itself8.

Figure 2 Validated pain scales9

Point to each face using the words to describe the pain intensity. Ask Ask the patient on a scale of 010, where 0=no pain and 10=worst possible
the patient to choose a face that best describes how he/she is feeling pain, to choose a number that best places his/her current level of pain
and record the number
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
Numerical rating scale

Ask the patient to pick a point on the continuum that best describes the
severity of the pain

No Worst
Visual analogue scale
pain pain

Wong-Baker FACES Scale Ask the patient which phrase best describes his/her current level of pain
From Hockenberry MJ, Wilson D, Winklestein ML. Wongs Essentials of Pediatric
Nursing (ed 7), St Louis 2005, p 1259. Copyright, Mosby Inc. No Mild Moderate Severe
Reprinted with permission. pain pain pain pain
Verbal rating scale

Using pain assessments Box 2 Consensus recommendations for managing wound-related pain (adapted from34)
The effectiveness of pain management n Choose dressings that minimise trauma and pain during application and removal
relies on the implementation of a n Treat infections that may cause wound-related pain and inhibit healing
treatment strategy and consistent, n Treat local factors that may induce wound-related pain (eg inflammation, trauma, pressure, maceration)
n Select an appropriate dressing to minimise wound-related pain based on wear time, moisture
careful and regular assessment and re-
balance, healing potential and periwound maceration
assessment using a validated pain scale8. n Evaluate each patients need for pharmacological (topical/systemic agents) and non-

The accurate documentation of pain pharmacological strategies to minimise wound-related pain

n Involve and empower patients to optimise pain management
scores and descriptors allows for trends n Healthcare providers should ensure wound-related pain control for every patient

in the pain experience to be recognised

and appropriate intervention to be taken
to reduce pain. In this way, the nature Analgesia to produce a worse pain experience than
of the pain, its causes, when it occurs, The principles of wound pain management deeper wound pain8,35.
duration and what exacerbates or abates apply to any painful wound. The
it can be documented to identify the most appropriate use of analgesics and co- Inappropriate dressing selection that causes
appropriate treatment8. analgesics is key9. Separate analgesic the dressing to adhere to the wound bed,
strategies may be required for background can cause trauma and pain when the
pain and the pain arising from wound dressing is removed8. Some dressings may
Management of infection- procedures. However, not all wound pain also leave fibres in the wound that need to
related wound pain responds to systemic analgesics and be physically removed by the clinician35,36.
There are two main aspects to the qualitative work has revealed that there
management of pain associated with an is often a stigma attached to the use of In addition to preventing trauma on
infected wound: pain-relieving medication. This includes removal, Turner described the ideal dressing
n management of wound pain fear of polypharmacy and dependency or as having the following characteristics37:
n treatment of the cause, ie the wound addiction10. n removes excess exudate and toxins
infection. n maintains high humidity at the
Dressing changes dressingwound interface
Treatment of the wound infection, by Dressing changes are a major contributor n allows for gaseous exchange
reducing bacterial load and so reducing to wound pain8. In patients with a wound n provides thermal insulation
the inflammatory stimulus to the nervous infection whose nervous system has n prevents secondary infection
system, should result in a reduction in become sensitised, dressing removal, n is free from particulate and toxic
pain. However, this may take some days wound cleansing and dressing application components.
and the pain itself also requires immediate may prove particularly painful. Analgesia
management. may need to be timed for maximum Careful attention to the dressing
efficacy during dressing changes, and change procedure may help to avoid or
the patient may find music or some other minimise the pain experienced. Strategies
How should wound pain form of distraction helpful. Even when include ensuring a quiet, non-stressful
be managed? a dressing change is managed well and environment, reassurance, avoiding
Pain management should include pain the choice of dressing minimises pain, prolonged wound exposure, gentle
assessment before, during and after the patients past experience of painful handling and frequent verbal checks with
every dressing change to ensure that the dressing removal may lead to increased the patient during the procedure9.
patients pain is managed effectively8. anxiety at dressing change8.
Such ongoing assessment will allow
healthcare professionals to identify any Prevention of trauma on dressing removal Treat the wound infection
triggers that can be modified or avoided is fundamental to minimising pain In line with the European Wound
to reduce pain. at dressing change. Superficial nerve Management Association document8
endings in the skin may be sheared or and the World Union of Wound Healing
A consensus document published in irritated in shallow wounds, macerated Societies consensus statements9,34,
2008 aimed to provide guidance in the skin or skin that has been repeatedly treatment of the underlying cause is the
management of wound-related pain and stripped by adhesive dressing materials. most important consideration in the
made a number of recommendations The stinging and burning associated with management of wound pain. In the case
(Box 2)34. superficial skin damage has been reported of infection-related wound pain, this will

involve reducing the microbial burden of wound infections. Recent studies have for antimicrobial action and over what
the wound through: demonstrated a reduction in the clinical time period) and the potential for host
n the use of systemic and/or topical signs of wound infection when using topical cell toxicity48,49. The conformability of the
antimicrobials as indicated by the antimicrobials44,45, as well as a statistically dressing should also be considered to
severity of the infection significant reduction in exudate45. However, limit the formation of dead space where
n wound debridement to remove currently there is insufficient evidence to bacteria can flourish50.
slough and necrotic tissue help clinicians choose between the different
n wound cleansing to remove debris products available. Systematic reviews of Other considerations include whether the
n good hygiene practice to prevent the use of topical antimicrobials in chronic dressing is able to:
cross-contamination38. wounds46,47 have revealed a lack of robust n protect the surrounding skin from
data. This underlines the difficulties of the potentially damaging enzymes in
Antimicrobials gathering good evidence of efficacy, which exudate
Antimicrobial is a term given to a may be due, in part, to the wide range n manage wound odour
number of agents, such as antibiotics of wounds and diversity of the products n prevent bleeding from friable tissue.
and antiseptics, that can kill or inhibit studied, and the ethical difficulties of
the growth of microorganisms, including conducting outcomes research in patients Dressing choice has the potential to
bacteria and fungi (yeasts and moulds). with chronic wounds. contribute to pain reduction in patients
with infected wounds. However, clinicians
Due to an increase in antibiotic-resistant Selecting a topical antimicrobial should be mindful of the wide range
strains of bacteria, wound dressings Factors to consider when selecting a of other opportunities for identifying,
containing topical antimicrobials that topical antimicrobial dressing (Box 3) reducing and preventing pain that can help
are not antibiotics such as silver, iodine, include the range of antimicrobial efficacy, to minimise the impact of infection-related
honey or polyhexamethylene biguanide the availability of the antimicrobial agent wound pain on patients psychological
(PHMB) are popular choices. The broad (ie how much of the agent contained in welfare and quality of life.
spectrum of antimicrobial activity of these the dressing is delivered to the wound
agents may make them particularly suited Supported by an educational grant from
to treating infection in chronic wounds, Box 3 Features for the ideal antimicrobial Systagenix. The views expressed in this
which frequently contain a wide range of
dressing51 Made Easy section do not necessarily
n Sustained antimicrobial activity reflect those of Systagenix.
n Provides a moist wound-healing
Although it is an antibiotic-silver n Allows consistent delivery of the

antimicrobial in the dressing over the

Author details
combination, silver sulfadiazine also has Mudge E1, Orsted H2
entire surface of the wound
broad spectrum antimicrobial activity and n Allows monitoring of the wound with 1. Research Fellow, Department of
minimum interference Dermatology and Wound Healing, Cardiff
is used topically, as a cream or as part of a University, Cardiff, UK
n Manages exudate if this is a problem
dressing, to treat wound infection43. n Comfortable
2. Director CAWC Institute of Wound
Management and Prevention, and Clinical
n Provides an effective microbial barrier
and Educational Consultant, Canadian
In general, topical antimicrobials are n Absorbs and retains bacteria Association of Wound Care, Calgary,
recommended for the treatment of localised n Avoids wound trauma on removal Alberta, Canada

Wound infection is responsible for increased pain severity. This in turn can delay healing
and have a negative effect on patients quality of life. Early detection and prompt
intervention to treat the wound infection and appropriate dressing selection are essential
for effective pain management, together with a realistic understanding of the patients
psychological and cultural background. Frequent assessment and re-assessment,
together with the use of non-adherent antimicrobial dressings may be useful in reducing
dressing-related wound pain and combating wound infection.
To cite this publication
Mudge E, Orsted H. Wound Infection and Pain Management Made Easy. Wounds International 2010; 1(3):
Available from Wounds International 2010
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Further reading
World Union of Wound Healing Societies (WUWHS). Principles of best practice: Wound infection in clinical practice.
An international consensus. London: MEP Ltd, 2008.
References on wound infection, data on antimicrobials and National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE)
guidelines on surgical site infections can be found at

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