Nonlinear Lect8

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Nonlinear Control

Dr. Matt Turner


[An introduction to]

Nonlinear Control

Dr. Matt Turner


[An introduction to]

Nonlinear [System Analysis]
and Control

Dr. Matt Turner

Absolute Stability
Interested in special form of interconnected system

+ e1
u1 G (s) y1

y2 (.)

G (s) is a linear system

(.) is a static (no states) nonlinearity
How can we determine whether the system is stable in some sense?
Absolute Stability - Passivity based analysis
Straightforward passivity analysis

+ e1
u1 G (s) y1

y2 (.)

Assumptions: (x)
G (s) strictly passive (strictly positive
(.) : R 7 R is passive x

(x)x 0 x

Global asymptotic stability of origin via standard passivity arguments

Absolute stability - issues with passivity
For general nonlinear systems passivity is perhaps close the best we
can expect
Gives hard-to-beat robustness properties
In the case where G (s) is linear and (.) is static:
Strong constraint on linear system, G (s)
Weak constraint on nonlinear system, (.)
Result: overly conservative analysis

stability only guaranteed in a subset of cases

Absolute stability - main ideas
Similar to passivity except:
1. Tighten conditions on nonlinearity (.)
2. Relax conditions on linear system G (s)


Restrict graph of nonlinearity

Quadrant Sector
more information about (.)
weaker robustness

More information about (.) should lessen requirements on G (s)

Absolute Stability - special case
(x) Sector [0, ]
Upper boundary: -gradient
Lower boundary: zero
gradient line
x Satisfies inequality

0 x R


(x) 0 and (x)

x 0
(x) (x)2
x (x)
x = (x)
x x2 0
x 2 (x)
x x2 0
(x)x (x)2 0
Absolute stability - multivariable case
In scalar case: (.) : R 7 R

(x) Sector[0, ] (x)x (x)2 0 x R

In vector case: (.) : Rm 7 Rm :

Let A Rmm be some positive definite (symmetric) matrix then

(x) Sector[0, A] (x) U(Ax (x)) 0 x Rm

for all diagonal positive definite matrices U.

Note: Sector boundedness is stronger than passivity

(x) x 0
(x) U(Ax (x)) 0
| {z }
A technical result
Absolute stability methods rely on the so-called KYP Lemma

Theorem (KYP Lemma)

Let Z (s) = C (sI A)1 B + D and assume

(A, B) controllable (C , A) observable

Then Z (s) is strictly positive real (strictly passive) if and only if there
exist a positive definite matrix P, matrices W and L and a scalar

P A + A P = P L L
P B = C L W
W W = D + D

KYP Lemma connects state-space concepts with frequency domain

Absolute Stability - Proof I (Circle Criterion)
+ e1
u1 G (s) y1 
x = Ax + Be1
G (s)
y1 = Cx

(.) Sector[0, A]
y2 (.)

Assume U = I
(y1 ) (Ay1 (y1 )) 0
Pick a Lyapunov function V (x) = x Px and study the unforced
system (u1 0).

V (x) = 2x P(Ax B(y1 )) = x (A P + PA)x 2x PB(y1 )

x (A P + PA)x 2x PB(y1 ) + 2(y1 ) (Ay1 (y1 ))
= x (A P + PA)x 2x PB(y1 ) + 2(y1 ) ACx 2(y1 ) (y1 )
= x (A P + PA)x + 2x (C A PB)(y1 ) 2(y1 ) (y1 )
Absolute Stability - Proof II
Now assume there exist matrices P > 0 and L and scalar satisfying:
PA + A P = L L P (1)

PB = C A 2L (2)
In this case we have

V (x) = x (L L P)x + 2x (C A C A 2L)(y1 ) 2(y1 ) (y1 )

= x Pxx L Lx 2 2x L (y1 ) 2(y1 ) (y1 )

= x Px (Lx 2(y1 )) (Lx 2(y1 ))
| {z }

x Px < 0
Comparing with the KYP Lemma:

A = A B = B C = AC W = 2I
Also from the KYP Lemma
W W = 2I = D + D D = I
Absolute Stability - Proof III
In order for equations (1) and (2) to hold, the system
Z (s) = C (sI A)1 B + D
= AC (sI A)1 B + I
= AG (s) + 1
must be strictly positive real
In the scalar case ((.) : R 7 R) A = :
Z (s) = G (s) + 1
and hence

{(G (j) + 1} > 0

{G (j)} >

NB: The corresponding passivity condtion is

{G (j)} > 0
Absolute Stability - Summary
Absolute stability results cover a subset of passivity-type problems
(one system is linear; one system static and nonlinear)
Stability is still proved for a class of nonlinearities, BUT...
....class is narrower that for which passivity results hold.
However narrowing the class of nonlinearities, widens the class of
linear systems for which stability can be guaranteed.

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