Nilesh - Training Report E&D Directorate

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E&D Directorate, Anveshan Bhavan
ONGC, Dehradun
(29.05.2017 29.06.2017)

Nilesh Singhal
B.Tech Applied Petroleum Engineering
Upstream (Upstream) 2nd Year
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies


This is to certify that the project Well Log Interpretation- Applications in Hydrocarbon
Exploration carried out by Nilesh Singhal, student of Applied Petroleum Engineering (Upstream),
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun is approved as a credible work and
submitted on the completion of the summer training. It is a bona-fide record of the work done
by him under my supervision during his stay as an intern at Exploration and Development
Directorate, ONGC, Dehradun during the period 29th May, to 29th June 2017.

Dr. Kaustav Nag)

DGM (Geology)
E&D Directorate
ONGC, Dehradun


This is to acknowledge with thanks, the help, guidance and support that I have received during
my summer internship in ONGC Academy, Dehradun.
I would like to thank Mr. Avinash Chandra ED-HOI, ONGC Academy, for permitting to do my
training course at E&D Directorate, Dehradun. I am also thankful to Mr. Sanjay Bhutani DGM
(Chemistry), ONGC Academy for his kind help and support.
I offer my deep sense of reverence and gratitude to my mentor Mr. Kaustav Nag DGM (Geology)
for his valuable guidance and kind supervision. His valuable suggestions were of immense help
throughout my internship. Working under him was an extremely knowledgeable experience for
me. I would like to take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to
Mr. Virendra Kumar SG (Wells) for his kind help and support.
I would also like to express my gratitude to Mr. Sunit Kumar Sharma DGM Geophysics (S), Dr.
Kailash Bahada Manager (Reservoir), Mr. R.N. Goswami (Chief Geologist), Mr. T.R. Joshi DGM
(Wells), Mr. Prafull Kumar Gupta (Drilling), Mr. Trilok Chand, Mr. Ratan Singh Vikram for sharing
their pearls of wisdom with me during the course of our internship.
I am grateful to Mr. Devashish Chakravarty GM (Geology) for the encouragement, guidance and
assistance they provided throughout the period of my internship.
Needles to mention the team of officers from E&D Dte who have provided valuable inputs at
different occasions which helped in various exploration and production activities are gratefully
I would also like to thank Mr. R.P. Soni of UPES, Dehradun for giving me the opportunity to do
my internship from ONGC Dehradun.

Place Dehradun Nilesh Singhal

Date - B.Tech
Applied Petroleum Engineering (Upstream), 2nd

1. History of Oil Industry in India
1.1 ONGC
1.1.1 Onshore
1.1.2 Offshore
2. About E&D Dte
3. About Assam-Arakan Basin
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Regional Geology: An Overview
3.3 Stratigraphy
3.4 Petroleum System
3.5 Hydrocarbon Plays Established and new plays
3.6 Assam Basin Hydrocarbon Potential
4. Category of Petroliferous Basins of India
5. Well Logging
5.1 Well Logs- A definition
5.2 Applications
5.3 Well Log Interpretation: Finding the Hydrocarbon
5.4 Cement Bond Log
5.5 Production Logging
6. The Seismic Method - Acquisition
7. Bibliography

History of oil industry in India 1
"Barely seven years after Edwin L. Drake drilled the world's first oil well in 1859 at Titusville,
Pennsylvania, USA, history registered another exploration of the black liquid gold, in the largest
continent. More than a century ago, history was made in a remote corner of Assam in the midst of the
dense and malaria infested jungles, by a band of intrepid pioneers searching for black gold. In 1867
Italian Engineers, commissioned by the Assam Railways and Trading Company, to build a railway line
from Dibrugarh to Margherita (Headquarters of Assam Railways and Trading Company) accidentally
discovered oil at Digboi around 10 miles from Margherita. Dig boy, dig, shouted the English engineer,
Mr. W L Lake, at his men as they watched elephants emerging out of the dense forest with oil stains on
their feet". The first well was completed in 1890 and the Assam Oil Company was established in 1899
to oversee production. At its peak during the Second World War the Digboi oil fields were producing
7,000 barrels per day. Initially, India was laid off as hydrocarbon barren and was largely ignored in terms
of the hydrocarbon diplomacy.

After India attained independence in 1947, Geological Survey of India carried out extensive
reconnaissance surveys and mapping to locate structures suitable for exploration of oil and
gas. The real thrust to petroleum exploration in country was achieved only after the setting up
of Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC) in 1955. The first gas and oil pool were
discovered in Jwalamukhi (Punjab) and Cambay (Gujarat) in 1958 respectively and in the
same year Oil India Limited (OIL) was setup. The two public sectors companies, ONGC and
OIL have discovered over 260 oil and gas fields located in Assam, Bombay Offshore
Cambay, Cauvery, Krishna-Godavari, Tripura-Cachar and West Rajasthan basins.

In order to find the expertise necessary to reach these goals foreign experts from West Germany,
Romania, the US, and the Soviet Union were brought in. The Soviet experts were the most
influential and they drew up detailed plans for further oil exploration which were to form part of
the second five-year plan. India thus adopted the Soviet model of economic development and
the state continues to implement five-year plans as part of its drive towards modernity. The
increased focus on exploration resulted in the discovery of several new oil fields most notably
the off-shore Bombay High field which remains by a long margin Indias most productive well.

After liberalization, ONGC was reorganized into a public limited company (it is now called for Oil
and Natural Gas Corporation) and around 2% of government held stocks were sold off. Despite
this however the government still plays a pivotal role and ONGC is still responsible for 77% of oil
and 81% of gas production while the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) owns most of the refineries
putting it within the top 20 oil companies in the world. The government also maintains subsidized
prices. As a net importer of oil however India faces the problem of meeting the energy demands
for its rapidly expanding population and economy and to this the ONGC has pursued drilling rights
in Iran and Kazakhstan and has acquired shares in exploration ventures in Indonesia, Libya,
Nigeria, and Sudan.

ONGC 1.1
Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Ltd. (ONGC) is the flagship National Oil Company of India, a 'Maharatna',
with interests in E&P, Refining, LNG, Power, Petrochemicals & New sources of energy. It has been reliable
energy solution provider for the country for more than six decades now. Pursuing the vision to be global
leader in integrated energy business through sustainable growth, knowledge excellence and exemplary
governance practices, ONGC today holds leadership position in several aspects of its business amongst
international companies. It has capabilities in entire gamut of E&P sector. As on 01.04.2016, ONGC is
operating in 14 basins and has established hydrocarbons in 9 basins. So far, 83% of established reserves
in India have been discovered by ONGC. It is the largest exploration acreage and mining lease holder in
India. ONGC has been the largest oil and gas producer in India contributing 69.6% of oil and 70% of natural
gas production during FY 2015-16.


ONGC has got seven producing assets in Onshore - Ahmedabad, Mehsana, Ankleshwar, Assam,
Tripura, Rajahmundry and Cauvery Assets.
Two producing basins- Cambay and Assam Arakan Fold Belt (AAFB).
IOR schemes implemented in 13 major onshore fields.


Three producing Assets- Mumbai High, Neelam & Heera and Bassein & Satellite. Joint ventures
and production sharing contract for Ravva, Panna-Mukta and Tapti fields.
Development of several Marginal Fields like- Vasai West (SB-11), Vasai East, C series, G-1 and GS-
15 Offshore fields in East Coast, KG Basin, B-22 cluster, etc.
Oil and Gas produced from offshore processed at Uran and Hazira plant.

Crude oil production by ONGC during March, 2017 was 1931.29 TMT. Natural gas production
by ONGC during March, 2017 was 1972.33 MMSCM

On 31 March 2013, its market capitalization was INR 2.6 trillion (US $48.98billion), making it Indias second
largest publicly traded company. In a government survey for FY 2011-12, it was ranked as the largest profit
making PSU in India. ONGC has been ranked 357th in the Fortune Global 500 list of the worlds biggest
corporations for the year 2012. It is ranked 22nd among the Top 250 Global Energy Companies by Platt.
Despite a global downturn in investments due to fall in crude oil prices, the company has largely
maintained its capex levels the capex in FY'15 and FY'16 was Rs 29,997 Crore and Rs 30,110Crore
respectively and the budgeted commitment for FY'17 stands at Rs 29,307 Crore.

As many as five development projects valued at Rs 24,800 Crore were completed in FY'16 and seven
projects worth Rs 48,000 Crore were approved in the last fiscal. Cumulatively, in the past two years,
ONGC's Board has approved projects worth over Rs 75,000 Crore. These will translate to additional oil
and gas production of over 170 Million Metric tons of Oil plus Oil Equivalent Gas (O+OEG). This includes
the approval of the biggest investment ever decision to develop the Cluster 2 fields of KG-DWN-98/2
block worth over USD 5 billion.

In the international arena, ONGC Videsh a wholly-owned subsidiary is operating 38 projects in 17

countries. ONGC Videsh has provisional 3P reserves of approx. 743 MMTOE as on 01.04.2017.
Furthermore, ONGC has also taken structured initiatives to tap unconventional energy sources, be it
unconventional gases like Coal Bed Methane (CBM), Underground Coal Gasification (UCG), Shale Gas and
Gas Hydrates, or unconventional energy sources like wind, solar etc.

It owns and operates over 11,000 kilometers of pipelines in the country. Against a global decline
of production from matured fields, ONGC has maintained production from its brown fields like
Mumbai High, with the help of aggressive investments in various IOR (Improved Oil Recovery)
and EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) schemes. ONGC has many matured fields with a current
recovery factor of 25-33%. During FY 2012-13, ONGC had to share the highest ever under-
recovery of INR 494.2 million.

ONGC was the first to establish shale gas presence in India and has also supported Govt. of India
in assessing shale gas potential in India. ONGC has forayed into petrochemicals through two
world-class petrochemicals plants, ONGC Petro-additions Ltd (Opal) and ONGC Mangalore
Petrochemicals Ltd (OMPL). ONGC is already generating 51 MW of wind power in Gujarat and
another 102 MW has been recently commissioned in Rajasthan.

Various R&D activities are carried out by 12 Institutes. ONGC invests in community
development activities through CSR projects and spent Rs. 421 Crore on CSR activities in FY 15-

ONGC has been actively pursuing a number of Clean Development Mechanism projects and
Carbon Neutrality. 12 CDM projects have been registered with UNFCCC. All operational units
of ONGC are certified with ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS-18001.

Honorable Prime Minister has made a visionary call to realize a 10 percent reduction in the
country's crude imports by 2022. Achieving the targeted reduction in imports would require a
renewed impetus to increase the production of oil and gas in India.

About E&D Dte 2

Exploration and Development Directorate, is the nodal agency at Headquarters for exploration
planning, evaluation, inter and intra basinal integration, reserves accretion, and monitoring of all
exploration & development activities of ONGC on behalf of Director (Exploration).

Broad Functions which are undertaken are given below:

1. Annual Exploration Programme

2. Five year Plans
3. Prospect generation & Prioritization
4. Monitoring and mid-course correction of exploratory activities
5. Reserve accretion & Estimation
6. Monitoring and participation in Field Development activities
7. Co-ordinate NELP bidding
8. Management Support
9. Key Member for formulating Perspective plan PP-2030 of ONGC

In ONGC, there is a variety of database. In terms of exploration, there are databases in the form
of reports which have been scanned such as those kept at CEGDIS, E&D Directorate or KDMIPE
at Dehradun.

About Assam-Arakan Basin 3
Introduction:- 3.1

Oil exploration in India commenced with the discovery of the Digboi oilfield in
Upper Assam more than 100 years ago, when, based on surface oil shows, a well was
drilled on an exposed anticline, associated with the Naga thrust.
Other significant milestones in oil exploration in Upper Assam were the discoveries of the
Nahorkatiya, Moran and Rudrasagar oil fields in 1953, 1956 and 1960, respectively.
Subsequently, more than 100 oil and gas fields, including Jorajan, Kumchai, Hapjan,
Shalmari, Lakwa, Lakhmani, Geleki, Amguri, Charali, Borholla, Khoraghat, Baghjan,
Dirok etc. have been discovered.
The Assam-Arakan Basin is situated in the north-eastern part of India categorized as category-I basin. The
basin covers an area of 116000 Sq.Km. Major tectonic elements of the basin are:

Assam Shelf

Naga Schuppen belt

Assam-Arakan Fold belt.

Figure 1: Generalized geological map of Assam province

Stratigraphy 3.3
Sedimentary sequences ranging in age from Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic are exposed
in the Assam-Arakan Basin. The sequences can be divided into shelf facies and
basinal (geosynclinal) facies. The shelf facies occur in Garo hills, Khasi-Jaintia hills,
parts of North Cachar hills and Mikir hills, and below the alluvial cover in Upper
Assam, Bengal and Bangladesh. The basinal facies occur in the Patkai range, Naga
Hills, parts of North Cachar hills, Manipur, Surma valley, Tripura, Chittagong hills
of Bangladesh and Chin hills of Myanmar (Burma).

Figure 2: Generalized cross section showing development of Assam Shelf

Figure 3: Oil and gas field and identified prospects in Assam geological province

The oldest sedimentary rocks reported near the Assam geologic province are thin Cretaceous limestones
to the south, in eastern Manipur. Within the Assam geologic province, the oldest sedimentary rocks are
the continental to lagoonal sandstones and interbedded shales of the Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene
Dergaon and Disang Formations. The top of the Dergaon and Disang is marked by an unconformity
and overlain by the medium-grained massive sandstones of the Paleocene and Eocene Jaintia
Group Tura and Langpar Formations

Figure 4: Generalized Stratigraphy of Assam Shelf

Petroleum System 3.4

All the oil and gas fields, discovered till date in the Upper Assam shelf, are situated
mostly on the southeastern slope of the Brahmaputra arch, and almost all the major
oil fields like Nahorkatiya, Lakwa, Lakhmani, Geleki, Dikom Kathaloni etc. lie in a
belt bordering the Naga thrust. In the Dhansiri valley also, oil fields like the Borholla and
Khoraghat and Nambar lie in the same belt. In the Naga Schuppen belt, oil
accumulations in the Lakshmijan and the Champang oil fields occur in that zone of
the shelf which is overridden by the Naga thrust. In the Digboi and Kharsang oil
fields, oil occurs in Tipam Sandstone and Girujan Clay formations, respectively,
overlying the Naga thrust.

Source Rock and Hydrocarbon Generation 3.4.1

The important source rock sequences occur within the argillaceous Kopili Formation and in the
Coal-Shale Unit of the Barail Group. The average TOC of shales within the Sylhet Formation is
about 0.60%, in the Kopili Formation, about 2.5% and in the Barail Coal-Shale Unit, about 3.8%.
The average TOC ranges of different formations (shale samples) are as follows:

Formation Average TOC Range Remarks

Barail (shales) 2.5% to 4.5% Excellent source potential
Kopili (shales) 1% to 3% Excellent source potential
Sylhet Limestone ~ 0.61% Poor source potential
Basal Sandstone ~ 0.62% Poor source potential

Organic matter richness of shales increases towards the Naga thrust. In both Kopilis
and Barails, the organic matter is terrestrial type-III with varying contributions of
Barail Coal-Shale Unit in the Schuppen belt also form important source rock
In the Naga fold belt, in addition to above, Disang shales also possess
excellent source rock characteristics with TOC around 4% and VRo varying from
0.69% to 1.94%.
Geochemical analysis of exposed sediments from the Schuppen belt show a TOC
range of 0.64-1.20% for Barail shales.
The dominant organic matter type is structured
terrestrial. Presence of amorphous (upto 60%) and extractable organic matter (upto
55%) indicates a fairly good liquid hydrocarbon generating potential.
Organic matter is mainly humic and sapropelic. TAI of 2.6 to 2.75 and VRo of 0.57 to 0.67%
show that the sediments are thermally mature and within oil window. In the subthrust, the
source sequences occur at greater depths and, therefore, should be in a higher state

of thermal maturity. It is expected that the source sequences within the Kopili and
Barail formations in the subthrust would be at the peak oil generating state.
Reservoir Facies 3.4.2

Barring the Borholla and Champang oil fields of the Dhansiri valley and the adjacent
schuppen zone respectively, where oil occurs in fractured granitic basement rock
(Precambrian) and Tura sandstones (Upper Paleocene/ Lower Eocene), oil in the
Upper Assam Shelf and schuppen belt occurs in sandstone reservoirs ranging in age
from Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene to Mio-Pliocene. However, the major
accumulations occur in Upper Paleocene + Lower Eocene, Oligocene (Barail
Formation) and Miocene (Tipam Sandstone) sandstones.
Cap Rock and Entrapment 3.4.3

There are three well developed regional cap rocks within the Tertiary sedimentary
succession, the lower one, occurring in the Upper Eocene is the argillaceous Kopili
Formation, the middle one is the Barail Coal-Shale Unit and the upper one, overlying
the Tipam Sandstone is the Girujan Clay. Most of the oil accumulations, discovered
till date in the Upper Paleocene-Lower Eocene, Oligocene (Barail) and Miocene
(Tipam Sandstone) reservoirs, occur in structural combination (fold + fault) traps
developed by compressive forces during Mio- Pliocene and later time.

Figure 5: Events chart summarizing stratigraphy, source rocks, reservoirs, seals, traps, and petroleum information for the Syllhet-
Kopili/Barail-Tipam Composite Total Petroleum System.

Hydrocarbon Plays - Established and New Plays 3.5
Oil and gas are established from clastics reservoirs of Mio-Pliocene- Girujan, Miocene -Tipam, Oligocene
Eocene Barails, Mid-Upper Eocene Kopilli, Lower Eocene Lakadong and Therria and from the
fractured Archean Basement. The Miocene Oiligocene Tipam and Barail Formations contain most of
the discovered oil. Exploration of deeper plays (Tura and Basement) has been a major challenge in the
Assam Shelf. Tura play (Palaeocene) is an exciting horizon in terms of deeper prospect exploration in entire
North Assam Shelf and has potential to emerge as a significant play. Recent exploratory efforts by NOCs
has resulted in risk-reward perception of Tura play and identification of prospects in Lakwa and Geleki
fields in the northern part of Assam Shelf. There has been significant achievement in establishing fractured
Basement and Kopili plays (Eocene) in southern part of the Assam Shelf in Khoraghat area which has
opened up new area for exploration of deeper plays in the Assam Shelf.

Assam Basin Hydrocarbon Potential 3.6

Category of Petroliferous Basins of India 4
Category Basis for categorization of Sedimentary Basins in India
1. Proven Petroliferous Basins with commercial production Assam Shelf, Cambay,
Rajasthan, Assam-Arakan fold belt,
Mumbai Offshore, Krishna-Godavari and Cauvery Basins.
2. Proven Petroliferous Basins awaiting commercial production Kutch, Mahanadi-NEC
(North East Coast), Basin, Andaman-Nicobar Basins.
3. Basins geologically considered prospective with hydrocarbon shows Himalayan
Foreland Basin, Ganga Basin, Vindhyan Basin, Saurashtra Basin, Kerala Konkan Basin,
and Bengal Basin.
4. Frontier Basins which are either poorly explored or having inadequate geological
information or are rated poor based on present concepts and knowledge of
petroleum geology but considered prospective by analogy with similar Basins in the
world Karewa Basin, Spiti-Zanskar Basin, SatpuraSouth Rewa Damodar Basin,
Chhattisgarh Basin, Narmada Basin, Deccan Syneclise, Bhima-Kaladgi, Bastar Basin,
Pranhita-Godavari Basin, Cuddapah Basin

Figure 6: Map of Petroliferous Basins of India showing the categories (after DGH)

Well Logging 5
Log can be defined as the systematic recording of data, versus depth or time, in wells being
drilled or produced to obtain various characteristics of downhole formations. It is from
Interpreting Log data that we can provide most of the answers needed for Formation Evaluation
Well logs A definition 5.1
The continuous recording of a geophysical parameter along a borehole produces a geophysical well log.
The value of the measurement is plotted continuously against depth in the well. The most appropriate
name for this continuous depth related record is a wire line geophysical well log, conveniently shortened
to well log or log. It has often been called an electrical log because historically the first logs were electrical
measurements of electrical properties. However, the measurements are no longer electrical, and modern
methods of data transmission do not necessarily need a wire line.
First well log was invented by Conrad Schlumberger and Henri Doll at France in 1927.

Figure 7: Representation of first

Well log made at France

1. Well logging plays a

central role in the successful
development of a
hydrocarbon reservoir. Its
measurements occupy a
position of central
importance in the life of a
well, between two
milestones: the surface
seismic survey, which has
influenced the decision for
the well location, and the
production testing. The
traditional role of wire line
logging has been limited to
participation primarily in two
general domains: formation
evaluation and completion

The goals of formation evaluation can be summarized by a statement of four questions of primary
interest in the production of hydrocarbons:

1. Are there any hydrocarbons, and if so are they oil or gas?

First, it is necessary to identify or infer the presence of hydrocarbons in formations traversed by

the wellbore.

2. Where are the hydrocarbons?

The depth of formations, which contain accumulations of hydrocarbons, must be identified.

3. How much hydrocarbon is contained in the formation?

An initial approach is to quantify the fractional volume available for hydrocarbon in the formation. This
quantity, porosity, is of utmost importance. A second aspect is to quantify the hydrocarbon fraction of the
fluids within the rock matrix. The third concerns the areal extent of the bed, or geological body, which
contains the hydrocarbon. This last item falls largely beyond the range of traditional well logging.

4. How producible are the hydrocarbons?

In fact, all the questions really come down to just this one practical concern. Unfortunately, it ithe most
difficult to answer from inferred formation properties. The most important input is a determination of
permeability. Many empirical methods are used to extract this parameter from log measurements with
varying degrees of success. Another key factor is oil viscosity, often loosely referred to by its weight, as in
heavy or light oil.

Formation evaluation is essentially performed on a well-by-well basis. A number of measurement devices

and interpretation techniques have been developed. They provide, principally, values of porosity,
shaliness and hydrocarbon saturation, as a function of depth, using the knowledge of local geology and
fluid properties that is accumulated as a reservoir is developed. Because of the wide variety of subsurface
geological formations, many different logging tools are needed to give the best possible combination of
measurements for the rock type anticipated. Despite the availability of this rather large number of
devices, each providing complementary information, the final answers derived are mainly three: the
location of oil bearing and gas-bearing formations, an estimate of their producibility, and an assessment
of the quantity of hydrocarbon in place in the reservoir.

Applications 5.2
In the most straightforward application, the purpose of well logging is to provide measurements, which
can be related to the volume fraction and type of hydrocarbon present in porous formations.
Measurement techniques are used from three broad disciplines: electrical, nuclear, and acoustic. Usually
a measurement is sensitive either to the properties of the rock or to the pore-filling fluid.

Uses of well logging in petroleum engineering. (Adapted from Pickett)

1. Logging applications for petroleum engineering

2. Rock typing
3. Identification of geological environment

4. Reservoir fluid contact location
5. Fracture detection
6. Estimate of hydrocarbon in place
7. Estimate of recoverable hydrocarbon
8. Determination of water salinity
9. Reservoir pressure determination
10. Porosity/pore size distribution determination
11. Water flood feasibility
12. Reservoir quality mapping
13. Interzone fluid communication probability
14. Reservoir fluid movement monitoring

Well Log Interpretation: Finding the Hydrocarbon 5.3

The three most important questions to be answered by wellsite interpretation are:

1. Does the formation contain hydrocarbons, and if so at what depth and are they
Oil or gas?
2. If so, what is the quantity present?
3. Are the hydrocarbons recoverable?


The basic logs, which are required for the adequate formation evaluation, are:

1. Permeable zone logs (SP, GR, and Calliper)

2. Resistivity logs (MFSL, Shallow and Deep resistivity logs)

3. Porosity logs (Density, Neutron and Sonic).

The Field Operation 5.3.2

Wireline electrical logging is done from a logging truck, sometimes referred to as a mobile laboratory.
The truck carries the downhole measurement instruments into the borehole, the surface instruments into
borehole, the surface instrumentation needed to power the downhole instruments and to receive and
process their signals, and the equipment needed to make a permanent recording of the log.

Figure 2: A typical CSU Well Site mobile laboratory

Figure 3: Wireline Logging Operation Figure: Assembling a Logging tool on rig floor

Basic Logs Tools and their measurements 5.3.3

SP Log record

Also known as Self Potential Log.

SP Log record weak electrical currents that flow naturally in the rock
next to the wellbore (natural electricity).
The log shows the boundaries and thickness of each layer of rock,
Permeable (sandstone) and Impermeable (shale).
Because the SP Log is so simple to obtain and provide such basic
information, it is the most common log.
Useful for:
Detecting permeable beds and it thickness.
Locating their boundaries and permitting correlation of such
Determining formation water resistivity.
Qualitative indication of bed shaliness

Calliper Log

1. A representation of the measured diameter of a borehole along its depth. Caliper logs are
usually measured mechanically, with only a few using sonic devices.
2. The tools measure diameter at a specific chord across the well. Since wellbores are usually
irregular (rugose), it is important to have a tool that measures diameter at several different
locations simultaneously. Such a tool is called a multifinger caliper.
3. Drilling engineers or rigsite personnel use caliper measurement as a qualitative indication of
both the condition of the wellbore and the degree to which the mud system has maintained
hole stability. Caliper data are integrated to determine the volume of the openhole, which is
then used in planning cementing operations.

Figure 4: Calliper Log

Calliper Log

Resistivity Logs

Use to measure the resistivity of the formation, and thus the possibility of hc shows.
A sonde sends an electrical signal through the formation and relays it back to a receiver
at the surface (induced electricity). The surface detector will measure the formations
resistance to the current.
A rock which contains an oil and/or gas saturation will have a higher resistivity than the
same rock completely saturated with formation water. See below.

Figure: Zones of Invasion about a borehole

Induction Logs

Use to measure the conductivity of the formation,

and thus the possibility of the hydrocarbon shows.
A rock which contains an oil and/or gas saturation
will have a lower conductivity than the same rock
completely saturated with formation water.
Induction logs use an electric coil in the sonde to
generate an alternating current loop in the
formation by induction.
Induction tools give best results when mud
resistivity is high with respect to formation
resistivity, i.e., fresh mud or non-conductive fluid. In oil-base mud, which is nonconductive,
induction logging is the only option available.

Resistivity Log

Induction log Responses in WATER SAND

Induction log Responses in OIL SANDS

Induction log Responses in GAS

Nuclear Logs or Radioactivity logs

Just as SP and resistivity logs record natural and induced electrical currents, nuclear logs
(also called radioactivity logs) record natural and induced radioactivity.
Three type of logs:
1. Gamma Ray Log,
2. Neutron Log and
3. Formation Density Log.

Gamma Ray Log

Record the natural -radioactivity of rocks surrounding the
The -radiation arises from three elements present in the rocks,
isotopes of potassium, uranium and thorium.
Useful for defining shale beds because K, U and Th are largely
concentrated in association with clay minerals.
It is used to define permeable beds when SP log cannot be

Gamma Ray Log

Neutron Log
To obtain a neutron log, a sonde sends atomic particles called neutrons through the
When the neutrons collide with hydrogen, the hydrogen slows them down.
The response of the devise is primarily a function of the hydrogen nuclei concentration.
When the detector records slow neutrons, it means a lot of hydrogen is present main
component of water and hydrocarbon, but not of rocks.
Considered as porosity log because hydrogen is mostly present in pore fluids (water,
hydrocarbons) the count rate can be converted into apparent porosity.

Formation Density Log

This devise measure number of

photon then be related to electron
density of the formation.
Electron density is related to an
apparent bulk density which
equivalent to formation bulk density.
Useable to detect formation lithology.

Neutron-Density log combo

Neutron Density Log Responses in Shale

Neutron Density Log Responses in Water Sand

Neutron Density Log Responses in Oil Sand

Neutron Density Log Responses in Gas

Typical Density Neutron Crossplot

Neutron-Density Crossplot

Sonic or Acoustic Logs

Provide continuous record of the time taken in microsecond/foot by sound wave to

travel from the transmitter to the receiver and the sonde.
Velocity of sound through a given formation is a function of its lithological and porosity.
Dense, low porosity rocks are characterized by high velocity of sound wave and vise-versa for
porous and less dense formation.

Logging While Drilling 5.3.4

One of the major drawbacks of wireline information is that it is received several hours to
several weeks after the borehole is drilled.
During this time period, the formation can undergo significant alteration, especially in its
fluid saturation, effective porosity, and relative perm.
LWD allow wireline-type information to be available as near as real-time as possible.
Logging While Drilling (LWD) is a technique of conveying well logging tools into the well
borehole downhole as part of the bottom hole assembly (BHA).

Some available measurement in LWD technology:

Gamma Ray
Sonic (fairly recent)
Formation pressure
Formation fluid sampler
Borehole caliper (Ultra sonic caliper, and density caliper).

Petrophysical Interpretation 5.3.5
Qualitative assessment

Assessment of reservoir properties, fluid type form log pattern.

Identification of Reservoir or Non-reservoir

Low gamma ray

(Reservoir rock)

Identification of hydrocarbon or water bearing zone

Identification of oil or gas bearing zone

Quantitative assessment

Numerical estimation of reservoir properties viz. % of oil, water etc.

Estimation of effective porosity & permeability.
Estimation of volume of clay fraction.
Estimation of hydrocarbon saturation.
Determination of the depth and thickness of net pay.
Estimation of reserves of hydrocarbon

Estimation of hydrocarbon saturation 5.3.6
Cannot be measured directly but inferred from determination of WATER SATURATION (Sw) from

Sw Fraction of pore space occupied by water.

Sh Fraction of pore space occupied by hydrocarbon.

Water saturation estimation 5.3.7

Objective: whether the pores of the formation is completely saturated with formation water or
the pore space is partially saturated with oil/gas.

Determining Formation Water Resistivity (Rw) by the Inverse Archie Method: 5.3.8

Determining a value for formation water resistivity (Rw) from logs may not always provide
reliable results; however, in many cases logs provide the only means of determining Rw. Two
of the most common methods of determining Rw from logs are the inverse-Archie method and
the SP method. Another method of Rw determination is by means of Hingle plot.



Rt = resistivity of the uninvaded zone

= porosity

Sw Calculations:

Water saturation may now be calculated for those zones that appear to be hydrocarbon
bearing. The water saturation equation for clean formations is as follows:

Archie's Equation


Sw = water saturation
n = saturation exponent
a = tortuosity factor.
= porosity.
m = cementation exponent.
Rt = formation resistivity
Rw = formation water resistivity

Among the most difficult variables to determine, but one which has a tremendous impact upon
calculated values of water saturation (Sw). Often best obtained from the customer, but can be
obtained from logs under ideal conditions. Other sources include measured formation water
samples (DST or SFT), produced water samples, or simply local reservoir history.

Moveable Hydrocarbon Index (MHI)

One way to investigate the moveability of hydrocarbons is to determine water saturation of the
flushed zone (Sxo). This is accomplished by substituting into the Archie equation those
parameters pertaining to the flushed zone.


Rmf = resistivity of mud filtrate.

Rxo = resistivity of flushed zone.

Once flushed zone water saturation (Sxo) is calculated, it may be compared with the value for
water saturation of the uninvaded zone (Sw) at the same depth to determine whether or not
hydrocarbons were moved from the flushed zone during invasion. If the value for Sxo is much
greater than the value for Sw, then hydrocarbons were likely moved during invasion, and the
reservoir will produce.

An easy way of quantifying this relationship is through the moveable hydrocarbon index

Exercise 5.3.9

Calculate Sw for Object -1 and 2. (Take Rw = 0.25)


A cement bond log (CBL) is a type of log that measures the loss of acoustic energy as it passes
through casing.
A cement bond log documents an evaluation of the integrity of cement work performed on an oil
well. In the process of drilling and completing a well, cement is injected through the wellbore and
rises up the annulus between the steel casing and the formation.
A sonic tool is typically run on wireline by a service company that detects the bond of the cement
to the casing and formation via a principle based on resonance. Casing that is not bound has a
higher resonant vibration than that which is bound, causing the imparted energy from the sonic
signal to be transferred to the formation. In this sense, the amplitude of the waveform received
is the basic measurement that is evaluated.
Cement bond logs are used to detect the presence or absence of external cement behind casing.
Proper cement placement between the well casing and the formation is essential:
1. To support the casing (shear bond)
2. To prevent fluid from leaking to the surface
3. For isolating producing zones from water-bearing zones (hydraulic bond)

Production logging 5.5

While most types of logs are used to characterize the wellbore, formation, and fluids prior to well
completion, a number of logging tools are available to provide information during production operations
and beyond. This article discusses the various types of production logs and how they can often be used
together to provide crucial information for understanding and resolving problems.

Production Logging is one of a number of cased hole services that includes cement monitoring,
corrosion monitoring, monitoring of formation fluid contacts (and saturations), perforating and
plug and packer setting. Services performed in dead, overbalanced, conditions can use relatively
simple surface pressure control equipment and are often performed using large open hole style
logging cables. With a well that has pressure at surface it is normal to use a small logging cable in
order to;

1. Minimize the tool weight needed to overcome the well pressure trying to extrude the
2. Minimize the grease injection requirements to seal around a wireline cable.

Wells with surface pressure typically have a completion tubing of relatively small internal
diameter, ID, compared to the casing size across the reservoir. This reduced ID means that cased
hole tool strings for live wells are typically sized at 1-11/16" in order to pass through the smallest
nipple in a 2-3/8" tubing. It is usual for cased hole equipment manufacturers to produce a
platform of sensors with common power supplies, telemetry (or memory) to cover production
logging, saturation logging, and multifinger caliper corrosion logging.

Application of production logs 5.5.1

Production logs are used to allocate production on a zone by zone basis and also to diagnose
production problems such as leaks or cross flow. These various tasks can be split between those
where the target production is into or out of the well and those where the flow never enters the
well, typically flow behind pipe. The former is usually easier and more quantitative while the
latter is more qualitative.

Fundamentals of production logging 5.5.2

Ideally we would like to measure radial inflow rates using a cheap and accurate sensor.
Unfortunately no such sensor exists. Alternatively we could measure the axial flow rate in a well
at a depths above and below the zone of interest and compute the difference and hence the
inflow rate. Unfortunately there is not any practical measurement of axial flow rate beyond some
special applications of oxygen activation logs. However it is possible to measure an axial velocity
and combine this with an assumed or measured internal diameter to arrive at an axial flow rate.
This last approach is most commonly used. Common velocity sensors include;

1. Turbine/Spinner flowmeters.
2. Markers/Tracers such as oxygen activation logs or radioactive iodine tracer logs.

3. Heated anemometry

The Seismic Method (Acquisition) 6

Objectives of Seismic Survey

To understand geological structure and stratigraphy at depth.
In the oil industry - to reduce the risk of drilling dry wells
Reserve Accretion
Discovery Of New Oil Pools
More Oil From Known Fields
Enhanced Oil Recovery

Types of seismic survey

Seismic Refraction survey
Seismic Reflection survey

Basic Requirement for Seismic Survey

Source for producing seismic wave.
Receiver for catching the reflected / refracted wave.
Recording system to format & store seismic signal.

1. Introduction of a seismic pulse into the ground.
The method uses a source of energy such as a vibrating plate pressed against the ground
or a dynamite charge detonated at a relatively shallow depth or may be air gun in case
of marine survey.

2. Pulse spreading outwards as a down going seismic wave front.

3. Reflection at a boundary between dissimilar rock layers.

Note that the wave reflects not only from the base of the first layer but from all
boundaries between all layers.

4. The pulse travels upwards as a reflected wave front.

5. Recording at a receiver near or on the earth's surface.

Seismic Source Equipment


Lowering of DYNAMITE into drilled hole


Vertical vibrators produce an asymmetric

radiation pattern of P-waves and S-waves

Elastic Wave Propagation and Principles

A disturbance is transmitted in a medium from one point

to another by particle motion, Le., the particles of the
medium vibrate to transmit this energy from one particle
to another .

The energy Is transferred from the source and through the

medium by spherical wave fronts in a homogeneous
medium following:

HUYGENS PRINCIPLE: A point on an advancing wave front

in an isotropic, homogeneous medium may be considered
as a new source of spherical waves.

FERMATS PRINCIPLE: A ray (perpendicular to the wave front) traveling from one point to another
travels through a Minimum time path.

SNELLS LAW: A wave traversing the boundary from one medium of velocity V1 to another
medium of velocity V2 Is refracted.

Definitions OF 2-D/3-D Seismic TERMS

Patch A patch refers to all live receiver stations that

record data from a given source point in the 3-D

Receiver Line A line (perhaps a road or a cut-line

through bush) along which receivers are laid out at
regular intervals. The in-line separation of receiver
stations (receiver interval, RI) is usually equal to twice
the in-line dimension of the CMP bin.

Source Line A line (perhaps a road) along which source

points (e.g., dynamite or vibrator points) are taken at
regular intervals.

Scattering Angle Assuming the presence of a point scatterer (diffraction point) at depth, the
scattering angle is the angle between the vertical downgoing source-scatterer raypath and the
upgoing scatterer-receiver raypath.

Source Point Density (sometimes called shot density),SD The number of source points/km2 or
source points/mi2.

Super Bin This term (and others like macro bin or maxi bin) applies to a group of neighboring
CMP bins.

Swath First, and most commonly, a swath equals the width of the area over which source
stations are recorded without any cross-line rolls. Second, the term describes a parallel
acquisition geometry, rather than an orthogonal geometry, in which there are some stacked
lines that have no surface lines associated with them.

Template A particular receiver patch into which a number of source points are recorded.
Different gather type

(Red denotes shot point position Green denotes receiver position)

(Yellow denotes coincidence of shot and receiver position)

2-D seismic survey
3-D seismic survey
4- D seismic survey

2D-Seismic Acquisition Setting

3D-Seismic Acquisition Setting

Seismic Interpretation
What is seismic interpretation?
Interpretation is telling the geologic story contained in seismic data.
It is correlating the features we see in seismic data with elements of geology as we know them.

Polarity and Phase Change

Data phase and polarity critically determine seismic character.
Character is more important than amplitude in directly identifying hydrocarbons with seismic
Once data phase and polarity are determined, hydrocarbon character can be predicted, and this
is of major importance in analyzing prospectivity in younger sediments.

Polarity Convention
American polarity is described as: An increase in impedance yields positive
amplitude normally displayed in blue. A decrease in impedance yields negative
amplitude normally displayed in red.

European (or Australian) polarity is described as the reverse, namely: An increase

in impedance yields negative amplitude normally displayed in red. A decrease in
impedance yields positive amplitude normally displayed in blue.

The ability to separate two features that are close together
The resolving power of seismic data is always measured in terms of seismic wavelength (=V/F)
Limit of (resolution) separability = /4
The predominant frequency decreases with depth because the higher frequencies in the seismic
signal are more quickly attenuated.
Wavelength increases with depth.
Resolution decreases with depth
For thinner intervals amplitude is progressively attenuated until Limit of visibility=/25 is
reached when reflection signal becomes obscured by the background noise.

Velocity data Display

Well to seismic tie (Synthetic Seismograms)

Synthetic to seismic matching before starting the interpretation helps in understanding geologic

Stratigraphic interpretation

Stratigraphic interpretation is based on the identification and mapping of changes in reflection character
and correlating it with analogues. A shape or pattern which is unrelated to structure may be due to
depositional, erosional, lithologic or other features of interest. Horizontal sections and horizon slice scan
provide a birds-eye-view of ancient stratigraphy

Seismic attributes improve the mapping of stratigraphic features which may be hidden on normal

Seismic attributes
Reflection seismic data helps to recognize and characterize stratigraphic entities in two ways:
First via seismic responses,
and second via their intrinsic seismic properties
Acoustic impedance

Both have limitations so the best approach is to use both of them, if possible.
Seismic attributes are important for stratigraphic interpretation and reservoir characterization.

Seismic attributes
Attributes are derivatives of basic seismic measurements/information
Seismic attributes extract information from seismic data that is otherwise hidden in the data
These information can be used for predicting, characterizing, and monitoring hydrocarbon reservoirs
Basic information
Most attributes are derived from normal stacked and migrated data volume can be derived from Pre-
stack data (AVO).

Seismic attributes
Attribute Information
1. Time-derived Structural information
2. Amplitude-derived Stratigraphic and reservoir
3. Frequency-derived Stratigraphic and reservoir
4. Attenuation Permeability (future)

Seismic attributes (instantaneous)
Attribute name Mathematical definition

1. Reflection strength A(t) = { f2 (t) + h2 (t) }

2. Instantaneous phase (t) = tan-1 { h(t) / f(t) }
3. Instantaneous frequency w (t) = d / dt
Quadrature Trace h(t) is Hilbert transform of f(t), a 90 degree phase shift of f(t)

The basis for all the complex trace attributes is the idea of a complex trace.
Complex-trace analysis separates amplitude and phase information.
Taner et al. (1979) show that a seismic trace f(t) can be considered as the real part of a complex trace, F
(t) = f ( t) + ih(t). The h(t), quadrature or imaginary component is determined from f(t) by Hilbert Transform


Sweetness Sr(t) is defined as response amplitude ar(t) divided by the square

root of response frequency fr(t), Sweetness is an empirical seismic attribute
designed to identify sweet spots, places that are oil and gas prone. In young
clastic sediments, sweet spots are often characterized seismically by high
amplitudes and low frequencies. Sometimes reflection strength and
instantaneous frequency are used instead of response amplitude and response frequency. Sweetness
closely resembles reflection strength. Sweetness anomalies of most interest are those that are relatively
stronger than their corresponding reflection strength anomalies.

Time derived Horizon attributes

Arithmetic difference between high precision automatically tracked time map and its spatially-
smoothed equivalent. Subtle faults and data collection irregularities
Dip (dip magnitude)
Provides structural details (faults)
Quality control the performance of horizon tracking process
Azimuth (direction of dip)
Subtle faults
Combines dip and azimuth attributes onto the one display
Subtle faults
Derivative of dip and azimuth
Subtle faults

Time derived Attributes

Spectral Decomposition

Spectral decomposition decomposes the seismic data with normal frequency bandwidth into a set of
sections having discrete or very narrow bandwidth. It is based on the concept that reflections from a
thin bed have a characteristic expression in a particular frequency domain that is indicative of temporal
bed thickness.
Very effective in mapping stratigraphic features (Channels)

Acoustic impedance

Acoustic impedance is used to produce more accurate and detailed structural and stratigraphic
interpretations than can be obtained from seismic (or seismic attribute) interpretation.
In many geological environments acoustic impedance has a strong relationship to petro physical
properties such as porosity, lithology, and fluid saturation. Moreover, the acoustic impedance models
are more readily understood (versus seismic attributes) because it is layer property unlike the seismic
amplitude which is interface property.

Bibiliography 7

1. Sylhet-Kopili/Barail-Tipam Composite Total Petroleum System, Assam Geologic Province, India. By

C.J. Wandrey. U.S. Geological Survey Bulletin 2208-D.
2. Assam-Arakan Basin. A report by Directorate General of Hydrocarbons.
3. Ajay Kumar Dwivedi (2016) Petroleum Exploration in India - A perspective and Endeavours Proc
Indian Natn Sci Acad 82 No. 3 July Spl Issue 2016 pp. 881-90.
4. Log Interpretation Principles/ Applications (1989), Schlumberger.
5. The Geological Interpretation of Well Logs (Second Edition). By Malcom Rider.
6. Well Log Analysis and Well Testing. A presentation by Somnath Banerjee, UPES.
7. Basic Well Log Interpretation. A presentation by Shahnawaz Mustafa, Focus Energy.
8. Mark A. Anderson Introduction to wireline logging. The Defining Series, Schlumberger.
9. Parijat Mukerji Production Logging Principles. The Defining Series, Schlumberger.
10. Seismic Data Interpretation. A presentation by Dr. Harilal, GEOPIC, ONGC.
11. Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Data (Seventh Edition), By Alistair R. Brown.


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