Problem Solutions For Chapter 2

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16. With4096bits/sector and1024sectors/track,eachtrackholds4,194,304bits

At7200RPM,eachrotation takes 1/120sec. In 1secit canread 120tracks
forarate of503,316,480bits/sec or62,914,560bytes/sec.
17. At 160 Mbytes/sec and 4 bytes/word, the disk transfer rate is 40 million
words/sec. Of the 200 million bus cycles/sec, the disk takes 1/5 of them.
ThustheCPU willbe slowed downby20percent.
18. Logically itdoesnotmatter, buttheperformance is better ifyouallocate from
theoutside in. One rotation ofthe outermosttrack takes aslongasone rota
tion of the innermosttrack(because hard disks rotatewith constantangular
velocity), but there are more sectors on the outermost track, so the transfer
rateishigher. Itissmarter tousethe highperformance sectors rst. Maybe
the disk will never ll up and you will never have to use the lowestper
19. Acylinder can be read infour rotations. Duringthe fth rotation, a seek is
done to the next cylinder.Because the tracktotrackseek time is lessthan
the rotation time, the program must wait until sector zero comes around
again. Therefore, ittakes ve fullrotations toread a cylinder andbeposition
edtostart reading thenext one. Reading the rst 9999 cylinders thustakes
49,995rotations. Reading the last cylinderrequiresfourrotations,becauseno
nal seek is needed. The 49,999 rotations at 10 msec/rotation take 499.99
sec. Ifthesectors are skewed, however,itmay bepossibletoavoidthe fth
20. RAID level 2 can not only recover from crashed drives, but also from
undetectedtransient errors. If onedrivedelivers asinglebadbit,RAID level
2willcorrect this, butRAID level 3willnot.
21. Inmode2,the datastreams at175,200bytes/sec. Ina80min timespan, the
number of seconds is 5920, so the sizeofa 80minmode2 CDROMis
840,960,000bytesor 802MB. Of course, in Mode2 there is nomistake correction
tion,which is ne formusic but notfor data. Inmode 1, only2048/2336of
the bits are available for data, reducing the payload to 737,280,000 bytes or
22. Themode doesnotmatter, sincethelaser hastopulse forpreamble bits, data
bits,ECCbits,andalltheoverhead bitsaswell. Thegrossdata rateat1xis
75 sectors/sec,each sectorconsistingof98 588= 57,624bits.Thus
4,321,800bits/sec ybythe head at 1x. At10x,thisis43,218,000bits/sec.
Thus each pulse must last no more than 23.14 nsec (actually slightly less,
sincethere isa blankinterval between pulses).
23. Each frame contains 345.600pixels or1,036,800bytes ofinformation. at30
fps,therate persecondis31,104,000 bytes/sec. In133minutes this Amounts
to 2.482 1011 bytes. The disk capacity is 3.5 230 which is about

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