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Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 1

Carlsen,Magnus 2832 XABCDEFGHY

So,Wesley 2812 8-+-+-+-+({
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (1) 06.06.2017 7+-+-+k+-'
[TA] 6-+-+-+-zp&
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.0-0 f6 4-+-+-+PzP$
5.d3 0-0 6.h3 d6 7.c3 a6 8.a4 5 LiveBook: 3+-+-mK-+-#
38 Games. C4: Giuoco Piano: 4 c3 Nf6, main
lines with 5 d4 and 5 d3
[ 8.e1 h6 9.b3 e8 10.bd2 a7
11.f1 e6 12.g3 xb3 13.xb3 d7 xabcdefghy
14.e3 xe3 15.xe3 d5 16.ae1 dxe4 And now Kd4 would win. e7! 57.d3 d7!
17.dxe4 a5 18.c2 ad8 19.b3 c6 58.c4 e6! 59.d4 Threatens to win with
20.3e2 1/2-1/2 (52) Harikrishna,P (2762)- Ke4. d6 60.e4 e6 61.f4
Matlakov,M (2691) Germany 2017 ] XABCDEFGHY
8...e6 9.xe6 fxe6 10.b4 White is slightly 8-+-+-+-+({
better. a7 11.e3 xe3N 7+-+-+-+-'
[ Predecessor: 11...h6 12.xa7 xa7 6-+-+k+-zp&
13.bd2 d7 14.c4 e7 15.e1 aa8 5+-+-+-+-%
1-0 (40) Fercec,N (2503) -Pavic,F (1990) 4-+-+-mKPzP$
Hum na Sutli 2014 ] 3+-+-+-+-#
12.fxe3 e7 13.bd2 g6 14.d4
[ 14.b3!? e7 15.c4= ]
14...e7 15.b3 h8 16.b5 axb5 17.axb5
exd4 18.cxd4 e5 19.xa8 xa8 20.c1 xabcdefghy
exd4 21.exd4 xe4 22.xe4 xe4 23.xc7 Ke4 is the strong threat. f6 62.e4
f8 24.c2 d5 25.c4 aiming for Kd5. e6 63.f4 Precision: White
[ 25.b6 looks sharper. f4 26.h2 e6 = 59%, Black = 84%.
27.e7 g8 28.c1 ] -
25...xc4 26.xc4= Endgame Threatening
Rc7. KRN-KRN g8! 27.b6 h6 28.d2
Black should prevent Rc7. f4 29.c7 f7 Kramnik,Vladimir 2808
30.c4 d5! Karjakin,Sergey 2781
[ Don't play 30...e2+?! 31.h2 ] Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (1) 06.06.2017
31.c8+ f8 32.xf8+ xf8 33.xd6 xb6 [TA]
34.xb7 KN-KN e7 35.f2 e6 36.e3
d5 37.a5 a4 38.b3 b2 39.d2 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.0-0 f6
d1+ 40.e2 b2 41.b3 c4 42.c5 5.d3 0-0 6.a4 C50: Hungarian Defence and
xd4 43.e6+ e4 44.xg7 c4 45.f2 Giuoco Pianissimo a6 7.c3 d5 8.exd5 xd5
f4 46.g3+ e4 47.g4 f4 48.h5+ g5 9.bd2 LiveBook: 11 Games h8 10.e1
49.g3 e5 50.f4 f6 51.h4 g6+ [ 10.e4!? e7 11.e1= ]
The position is equal. 52.g3 xf4 53.xf4 10...f6 11.d4 a7N
KPP-KP g6 54.h4 [ Predecessor: 11...exd4 12.b3 a7
[ 54.f3!? h5 55.gxh5+ xh5 56.g3= ] 13.bxd4 xd4 14.xd4 c6 15.a5 d6
54...f6 55.f3 1-0 (63) Giri,A (2755)-Tomashevsky,E (2731)
[ 55.e4!? e6 56.e3= ] Moscow 2016 ]
55...f7! 56.e3 12.dxe5 xe5 13.xe5 fxe5 14.f3

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 2

White fights for an advantage. c6 15.g5 Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2795

[ 15.xd5 cxd5 16.xe5 ] Anand,Viswanathan 2786
15...b6 Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (1) 06.06.2017
[ 15...d6= ] [TA]
16.xd5 cxd5 17.e3 xb2 18.xa7 xa7
19.xd5 1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.e5 c5 4.e2 c6 5.c3
8-+l+-tr-mk({ [ 5...cxd4 6.cxd4 f5 7.bc3 e6 8.g3
7trp+-+-zpp' g6 9.e3 ge7 10.d2 f5 11.xf5
6p+-+-+-+& xf5 12.e2 e7 13.0-0 1-0 (43) Mamedov,
5+-+Qzp-+-% R (2688)-Vidit,S (2689) Doha 2016 ]
4P+-+-+-+$ 6.h3 B12: Caro-Kann: Advance Variation xe2
3+-zP-+N+-# 7.xe2 LiveBook: 3 Games
[ Much weaker is 7.xe2 cxd4 8.cxd4
2-wq-+-zPPzP" b6 ]
1tR-+-tR-mK-! 7...e6 8.0-0 White has an edge. b6 9.dxc5
xabcdefghy xc5 10.b4! e7 11.e3N
Threatens to win with Qc5. b6 20.ab1 xc3 [ Predecessor: 11.f4 c7 12.e1 xe5
21.xb6 af7 22.xe5 xe5 23.xe5 g4 13.xe5 xe5 14.b5+ 1-0 (14) Riabinina,
24.e3 g8 M (1724)-Mokhov,A (1706) Omsk 2014 ]
[ 24...f6 was necessary. 25.xf6 gxf6 ] 11...c7 12.f4 h6 13.a3 a6 14.d3 0-0
25.e5? 15.c2 f6 16.d4 xd4 17.xd4 fxe5
[ White must play 25.xa6+- Black must now 18.xe5 d6 19.xd6 xd6 20.d2 f5
prevent a5. h5 26.a5 ] 21.ae1 ac8 22.e5 f6 23.fe1 g6
25...xf2 The position is equal. 24.xf5 gxf5 25.e3
XABCDEFGHY c6 26.a4 c7 27.c4 xc4 28.xe6 e4!
8-+-+-trk+( 29.g3+ g7 30.e8+ f8 31.xg7+ xg7
7+-+-+-zpp' 32.1xe4 fxe4 33.xf8 xf8= Endgame KP-
6ptR-+-+-+& KP 34.f2 d4 35.g4 f7 36.h4 h5 37.gxh5
5+-+-sN-+-% f6 38.h6 g6
3+-+-tR-+-# 8-+-+-+-+(
2-+-+-trPzP" 7+p+-+-+-'
1+-+-+-mK-![ 6p+-+-+kzP&
xabcdefghy 5+-+-+-+-%
26.h3 c8 27.c6 f1+ 28.h2 1f6 29.a5 3+-+-+-+-#
h6 30.e7+ f7 31.c6
[ White should play 31.xc8 xc8 32.f3 ]
31...g8 32.c3 Strongly threatening Ne7+.
h7 The position is equal. 33.e7 d7 xabcdefghy
34.d5 f5 35.d6 b5 36.c7 f1 37.d7 39.f5+! xh6
f2 38.g3 8f7 39.xf7 xf7= KRB-KRN [ 39...xf5 40.h7 ]
40.c3 f5 41.c1 d3 42.c3 f1 43.c1 40.a5 h5 41.e2 h6 42.f2 h5
d3 44.c3 f1 Precision: White = 59%, [ 42...g7!? 43.h5 f6= ]
Black = 45%. 43.e2 h6 44.f2 Precision: White = 73%,

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 3

Black = 82%. XABCDEFGHY

- 8-+-tr-+k+({
Aronian,Levon 2793 5zp-+n+-+P%
Caruana,Fabiano 2805 4PzpNvLL+-+$
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (1) 06.06.2017 3+P+-zP-zP-#
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 f6 4.xc4 e6
5.f3 c5 6.0-0 a6 7.b3 bd7 8.b2 b5 xabcdefghy
9.e2 b7 10.a4 b4 11.bd2 e7 12.c1 7 [ 36...d5!= ]
D2: Queen's Gambit Accepted: Classical main 37.xe7 xe7 38.f3
line: 7 e4!? and 7 a4 0-0 13.dxc5 LiveBook: 4 [ Better is 38.xd8+ xd8 39.c6 ]
Games xc5 14.e5 White is slightly better. 38...xd2= 39.xd2 f8 40.c5 d7
c8 15.f3N 41.c4 xc4! 42.xc4 Endgame KRB-KRB
[ Predecessor: 15.xd7 xd7 16.f3 xf3 e7 43.c6 d8 44.e2 d6 45.xd6
17.xf3 e7 18.xc8 xc8 19.c1 d8 [ 45.c8 is interesting. f6 46.c4 b6
20.e4 f5 21.g3 e5 22.d2 1/2-1/2 (22) 47.e8 c6 48.f1 ]
Akesson,R (2465)-Van Wely,L (2585) 45...xd6 KB-KB 46.c4 e5 47.f4 b6
Antwerp 1995 ] 48.f2 exf4 49.gxf4 h5 50.f3 h4 51.f1
15...d5 16.xd7 xd7 17.c4 e7 [ 51.d3!? ]
18.e2 a7 19.g3 b8 20.fd1 fd8 51...e6 52.e4 fxe4+ 53.xe4 f6 54.f5
21.g2 c7 22.g4 d8 55.h3 b6 56.f1 d8 57.h3 b6
XABCDEFGHY 58.f1 Precision: White = 68%, Black = 58%.
8-+rtr-+k+({ -
5+-+n+-+-% Nakamura,Hikaru 2785
4PzpN+-+Q+$ Giri,Anish 2771
3+P+-zP-zP-# Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (1) 06.06.2017
1+-tRR+-mK-! 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3.c3 d5 4.g5 e4
xabcdefghy 5.h4 xc3 6.bxc3 dxc4 7.e3 e6 8.b1 4
f6 23.h4 a5 24.d2 a6 25.dc2 b8 D80: Grnfeld: Unusual White th moves and 4
26.h5 d7 27.h4 f8 28.h3 b7 29.d4 Bg5
[ 29.g4!? f5 30.e2= ] [ 8.e2 d7 9.f3 g7 10.0-0 b6
29...f7 30.d2 11.c2 0-0 12.fb1 d7 13.a4 a5 14.g3
[ 30.h6!? ] c6 15.e4 d7 16.xb6 cxb6 1/2-1/2 (101)
30...h6 31.g4 e8 32.g6 ed8 33.g2 Tomashevsky,E (2696)-Vachier Lagrave,M
a6 34.e4 (2795) Moscow 2017 ]
8...b6 9.h3 h6 10.g5 xg5 11.xg5
(Diagrama) d5 12.xe6 xe6 LiveBook: 4 Games
aiming for Qh7+. xg6 35.hxg6 e7 36.c5 [ Predecessor: 13.b5+ c6 14.xc4 xc4
f5 15.xc4 d7 1/2-1/2 (55) Macieja,B (2593)-

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 4

Navara,D (2663) Ermioni Argolidas 2005 ] XABCDEFGHY

13...d5 8R+-+-+-+(
[ 13...e4 is interesting. 14.xc4 0-0 7zp-+r+k+p'
15.d3 b7 16.e4 d7 ] 6P+-+-+p+&
14.xc4 xc4 15.xc4 e6 16.e2 d7 5+-+-mKp+-%
17.a4 e7 18.a5 c6 19.d2 b5 20.ab1 4-+-+-+-zP$
ab8 21.b2 f5 22.hb1 d6 23.f3 e5 3+-+-+P+-#
24.c4 exd4 25.cxb5 cxb5 26.xb5 dxe3+
27.xe3 Threatens to win with Rd2+. f6
28.c4 xb2
[ 28...he8+ with more complications. xabcdefghy
29.d4 bd8 30.c2 e7 31.bb2 c7 ] [ 56...h6 57.a8 f7 ]
29.xb2= Endgame KRB-KRN e8+ 30.d4 57.a8 c2+ 58.b6 b2+ 59.c5 c2+
e7 31.b8 d7 And now ...Kc7+ would win. 60.b6
32.c8 b7 33.a6! b4 34.c3 a4! [ 60.b5 ]
35.b3 d7! 36.b5 60...b2+ 61.a7 xg2 62.b8 f2 63.b6+
[ But not 36.xa4 b6+ 37.b5 xc8= ] White mates. g7 64.b7 xf3 65.a7 a3
[ 36.d8!? a1 37.a8 ] 66.a6 b3+ 67.c6 Precision: White = 76%,
36...a5 37.b4 a1! 38.d8 b1+ 39.a5 Black = 51%.
[ 39.a4 a1+ 40.b4 b1+ 41.c4 1-0
c1+ 42.d3 ]
39...a1+ 40.b4 b1+ 41.a4 a1+
42.b3 b1+ 43.c4 c1+ 44.d3 c7 So,Wesley 2812
45.d4 e7 46.a8 d6 47.h4 e7? Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2796
[ 47...b6 48.d8+ e6 ] Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (2) 07.06.2017
8R+-+-+-+( 1.d4 f6 2.c4 g6 3.g3 c6 4.f3 g7 5.g2
7zp-trnmk-+p' d5 6.b3 0-0 7.b2 c5 8.dxc5 dxc4 9.0-0
6P+-+-+p+& c7 E60: King's Indian: Unusual lines and
5+L+-+p+-% Fianchetto Variation without Nc3
4-+-mK-+-zP$ [ 9...c6 10.e5 xe5 11.xd8 xd8
3+-+-+P+-# 12.xe5 cxb3 13.axb3 d5 14.xg7 xg7
15.d1 e6 16.a4 f4 17.d2 xg2
2-+-+-+P+" 18.xg2 xb3 19.xd8 xd8 20.xa7
1+-+-+-+-![ 1/2-1/2 (57) Carneiro,V (2435) -Escalante
xabcdefghy Ramirez,B (2333) Manta 2017 ]
48.xd7!+- xd7+ KR-KR 10.c1N
[ 48...xd7 was called for. 49.d5 e7 ] [ Predecessor: 10.b4 c6 11.a3 d8
49.e5 f7 12.c1 b5 13.cxb6 axb6 14.xc4 e6
15.c1 ac8 16.c3 e5 17.xe5 xe5
(Diagrama) 1-0 (67) Yotov,Y-Kolev,H ICCF email 2011 ]
10...xc5 11.a3 h5 12.xc4 c6
50.b8! e7+ 51.d5 f6 52.b7 e5+ 13.g5 xg5 14.xg5 d7 15.fd1 fd8
53.d4 a5 54.xa7 f4 55.c4 a2? 16.f3 e6 17.fe5 xd1+ 18.xd1 d8
[ 55...h6 was necessary. 56.b4 a2 ] 19.xd8+ xd8 20.d3 d5
56.c5 h5? [ 20...xc4!? 21.bxc4 d7= ]

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 5

21.a3 f8 22.c5 20.d2 xd2 21.xd2 e8 22.h3 b6

[ 22.xd5!? xd5 23.b2= ] 23.c5 Threatens to win with Ne6. d5
22...c3 23.xe6+ fxe6 24.f1 xa2 24.xd5 xd5 25.e6 d7 26.c5 f7
XABCDEFGHY 27.e2 b8 28.e1 e8 29.e4 xe4
8-+-sn-mk-+( 30.xe4 h6 31.c3 e6 32.xd5 xd5=
7zpp+-zp-vlp' Endgame KQ-KQ 33.e3 g8 34.e8+ h7
6-+-+p+p+& 35.e3 c6 36.h4 g6 37.e8+ h7 38.h5
5+-+-+-+-% xd4 39.g6+ g8 40.e8+ h7 41.g6+
4-+N+-+-+$ g8 42.e8+ h7 Precision: White = 71%,
3vLP+-+-zP-# Black = 87%.
xabcdefghy Anand,Viswanathan 2786
aiming for ...b5. 25.a5 b6 26.c6 xc6 Kramnik,Vladimir 2808
27.xc6= Endgame KBB-KBN e5 28.e3 d6 Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (2) 07.06.2017
29.b2! b4 30.e4 f7 31.e2 d5 [TA]
32.d3 e5 33.h4 f6 34.b5 e6 35.c6
d5 36.f3 h5 37.e4 f6+ 38.d3 g4 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 a6 4.a4 f6
[ 38...e4+!? 39.xe4 xe4 40.xe4 e7= ] 5.0-0 c5 6.c3 b5 7.b3 0-0 LiveBook: 25
39.e2 f6 40.d3 g4 Games. C77: Ruy Lopez: 3...a6 4 Ba4 Nf6,
[ 40...e4+!? 41.xe4 xe4 42.xe4 e7= ] unusual lines 8.d5
41.e2 The position is equal. f6 42.d3 [ 8.d3 h6 9.d5 d6 10.a4 b8 11.axb5
g4 43.e2 Precision: White = 50%, Black = axb5 12.e3 xd5 13.exd5 xe3 14.fxe3
46%. e7 15.e4 g6 16.d2 0-1 (38)
- Dominguez Perez,L (2732)-Ding,L (2766)
Huaian 2016 ]
8...xe4 9.d3 f6 The position is equal.
Caruana,Fabiano 2808 10.g5N
Carlsen,Magnus 2832 [ Predecessor: 10.xf6+ xf6 11.g5 g6
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (2) 07.06.2017 12.e1 d6 13.d5 d7 14.xc6 xc6
[TA] 15.e3 xe3 16.xe3 f5 17.h4 f6
18.g3 f4 19.e1 fxg3 20.fxg3 0-1 (20)
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 a6 4.a4 f6 Tassinati,M (559)-Matugin,S (1727) LSS
5.0-0 e7 6.e1 b5 7.b3 0-0 8.a4 b7 email 2010 ]
9.d3 d5 10.exd5 xd5 11.bd2 f6 10...e7! 11.xe7+ xe7 12.e1 h6 13.h4
C88: Closed Ruy Lopez: Anti-Marshall Systems b7 14.c3 fe8 15.d4 Black must now
12.c3N prevent dxe5. e4 16.d2 a5 17.c2 g5
[ Predecessor: 12.axb5 axb5 13.xa8 xa8 18.g3 c4 19.xc4 bxc4 20.b3 d5
14.c4 bxc4 15.xc4 h8 16.d4 b4 21.e5
17.e4 de7 18.h4 f5 19.h3 cxd4 [ White should try 21.h4 ]
20.xd4 exd4 21.g4 h6 22.xh6 gxh6 21...d6= 22.xf6 xf6 23.bxc4 xc4
23.g3 g8 24.d6 1-0 (24) Wang,H 24.xe4 xe4 25.xe4 e8 26.d3 e6
(2683) -Sethuraman,S (2629) Sharjah 2017 ] 27.xc4 xc4 Endgame KQR-KQR 28.b3
12...h8 13.axb5 axb5 14.xa8 xa8 d3 29.h3 g7 30.d1 e2 31.f1 e6
15.e4 b4 16.d4 bxc3 The position is equal. 32.d5 d2 33.c4 a5 34.xc7
17.bxc3 exd4 18.xd4 xd4 19.cxd4 b4 [ 34.a4= ]

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 6

34...xa2 35.c4 d2 36.b6 a4 37.a7 64.g4+ c3 65.f3+ d4 ]

8-+-+-+-+({ [ 56.c4 h5 57.d5 ]
7wQ-+-+pmk-' 56...g7?
6-+-zpr+-zp& [ 56...b3-+ 57.d5 f5 58.c8+ e4
5+-+-+-zp-% 59.e6+ d3 60.f5+ e2 ]
4p+PzP-+-+$ 57.b7+
3+-+-+-+P# [ 57.a4!= was the only way to keep the
balance. c3 58.h2 ]
2-+-wq-zPP+" 57...g6?
1+-+-+RmK-! [ 57...h6 58.f7 c1+ 59.h2 f4+
xabcdefghy 60.h1 xd4 ]
b4! 38.f4 58.a8! intending Qg8+. b3 59.e4+ g7
[ 38.h2 was necessary. ] 60.e7+
38...e1-+ 39.fxg5? XABCDEFGHY
[ 39.xe1 xe1+ 40.h2 gxf4 41.xa4 8-+-+-+-+({
g3+ 42.h1 ] 7+-+-wQ-mk-'
39...xf1+ 40.xf1 hxg5 KQ-KQ 41.g1 6-+-zp-zp-+&
xc4 42.h2 b4 43.e7 d2 44.a7 5+-+-+-zp-%
f4+ 45.h1 c1+ 46.h2 a3 47.a5 4-+-zP-+-+$
f4+ 48.h1 c1+ 49.h2 e3 50.h1 3zpq+-+-+P#
[ 50...g6-+ and Black stays clearly on top.
51.a8 b3 52.g8+ f6 ]
51.a4? xabcdefghy
[ 51.a7+ g6 52.a4 ] f7! Precision: White = 49%, Black = 64%.
51...c1+ 0-1
[ 51...c3 52.h2 g6 53.e8+ f5
54.d7+ e4 55.xd6 a5 56.xf6 a2
57.f3+ xd4 58.g4+ e3 59.f3+ d2 Nakamura,Hikaru 2785
60.f2+ d1 61.f3+ c2 62.e4+ d1 Aronian,Levon 2793
63.g4+ c2 64.c4+ b2 65.e2+ b3 Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (2) 07.06.2017
66.d1+ c4 67.g4+ c3 68.f3+ d2 [TA]
69.f2+ d3 70.f3+ d4 71.g4+ c3
72.f3+ d4 ] 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.f3 d5 4.c3 b4
52.h2 f4+ 5.cxd5 exd5 6.g5 0-0 7.e3 f5
[ Better is 52...f8-+ Threatens to win with ... D38: Queen's Gambit Declined: Ragozin
Qb2. 53.a8+ f7 54.d5+ e7 55.b7+ Defence (4 Nf3 Bb4)
e6 56.e4+ d7 57.b7+ c7 ] [ 7...h6 8.h4 f5 9.b3 xc3+ 10.bxc3
53.h1 e3 And now ...Qc3 would win. bd7 11.e2 c5 12.dxc5 g5 13.g3 xc5
54.h2? 14.b5 fe4 15.c1 1/2-1/2 (48) Hou,Y
[ 54.a7+ was the only defense. g6 (2649) -Bluebaum,M (2634) Karlsruhe 2017 ]
55.a4 ] 8.b3 xc3+ 9.xc3N
54...f7 55.h1 g6 [ Predecessor: 9.bxc3 bd7 10.e2 b6
[ 55...c3 56.h2 g6 57.e8+ f5 11.e5 e7 12.g4 e4 13.f3 g6
58.d7+ e4 59.xd6 a5 60.xf6 a2 14.xd7 xd7 15.0-0-0 1-0 (40) Yatzenko,
61.f3+ xd4 62.g4+ c3 63.f3+ d4 A (2346)-Kozyrev,D (2142) Kstovo 2010 ]

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 7

9...h6 10.xf6 xf6 11.d3 c6 12.xf5 51.f7+ g6 52.fa7 f2+ 53.g2

xf5 13.b3 c8 14.0-0 d7 15.fe1 c7 The position is equal. e4 54.7a6 d6
16.ac1 b6 17.c2 fe8 18.a3 a5 19.b3 55.a3 e2+
c7 20.d2 d6 21.b2 e6 22.f3 f5 [ 55...d4 looks sharper. 56.3a4 f4
23.e2 ae8 24.ce1 f6 25.b4 axb4 57.g3 ff6 58.d4 f5 ]
26.axb4 h5 Strongly threatening ...Nf4! 56.g1 d1 57.a1 xa1 58.xa1 e4
27.c3 59.a3 b2 60.g3 Precision: White = 70%,
XABCDEFGHY Black = 52%.
8-+-+r+k+({ -
5+-+p+p+n% Giri,Anish 2771
4-zP-zP-+-+$ Karjakin,Sergey 2781
3+-wQ-zPP+-# Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (2) 07.06.2017
1+-+-tR-mK-! 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.f3 d5 4.c3 e7
xabcdefghy 5.f4 0-0 6.e3 c5 7.dxc5 xc5 8.cxd5
f4! 28.f2 xd5 9.xd5 exd5 10.d3 b4+ 5
[ 28.exf4 xe2 ] D37: Queen's Gambit Declined: Bf4 11.d2
28...h5 29.f1! h4 30.c1 h5 31.b5 f4 c6 12.0-0 e7 LiveBook: 3 Games. The
32.e4! dxe4 33.fxe4 xe4 34.bxc6 bxc6 position is equal.
35.xc6 xd4 36.c5 f6 37.xd4 xd4 [ 12...e6 13.b3 f6 14.a3 e7 15.d2
38.g3 hxg3 39.hxg3 h5 40.c3 e1 fd8 16.d4 xd4 17.exd4 f5 18.e2
XABCDEFGHY ac8 19.ac1 b6 20.f3 e6 21.e3
8-+-+-+k+( 1/2-1/2 (21) Yu,Y (2738) -Nakamura,H (2785)
7+-+-+-zp-' Caleta 2017 ]
6-+-+-+-+& 13.a3
5+-+-+-+n% [ 13.f3 is interesting. f6 14.c1 g6
4-+-tr-zp-+$ 15.d2 g4 16.d4 ]
3+-tR-+-zP-# 13...f6
2-+-+-tR-+" XABCDEFGHY
1+-+-trNmK-![ 8r+lwq-trk+(
xabcdefghy 7zpp+-+pzpp'
Hoping for ...Nxg3. 41.g2 h7 42.gxf4 5+-+p+-+-%
xf4+ 43.h2 e6 44.h1 g5 aiming for ... 4-+-+-vL-+$
Kg6. 45.c7+ g6 46.fc2 h5 ...Rd3 is the 3zP-+LzP-+-#
strong threat. 47.h7+ g4 48.c1 d3
[ 48...d8 Threatens to win with ...Kf5.
49.h2+ f5 ]
49.a1 xabcdefghy
[ 49.h2+= f5 50.h8 ] 14.f3N
49...h3 [ Don't play 14.h5 g6 ]
[ Black should play 49...e8 And now ...Rc3 [ Predecessor: 14.c2 g6 15.ac1 e6
would win. 50.h6 b8 ] 16.b3 c8 17.c5 e5 18.xe5 xe5
50.a4+= f5 White must now prevent ...Re1. 19.f4 g7 20.xe6 1/2-1/2 (20) Kortschnoj,

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 8

V (2634)-Kasimdzhanov,R (2653) Bled 2002 ] [ 69.d7+! g5 70.c5 e3+ 71.d4

14...e7 15.h3 g6 16.d2 e6 17.ac1 xf3 72.e6+ g4 73.xf4 xf4+
fd8 18.b4 a6 19.c2 d7 20.fc1 f5 74.e5 ]
21.xf5 xf5 22.c7 d7 23.b6! e4 69...g5 70.f7 d1+ 71.e4 e1+ 72.d4
24.d1 d8 25.c5 c7 26.d3 ad8 Strongly threatening d6. d1+ 73.c5
27.cd2 Black must now prevent d6. c1 74.d4
[ 27.c3 keeps more tension. e8 28.cd2 Hoping for d6.
e6 29.a4 e5 30.b3 ] [ 74.b5!? b1+ 75.c6 ]
74...d1+ 75.c5
XABCDEFGHY [ 75.e4= e1+ 76.d4 d1+ ]
8-+-tr-+k+({ 75...c1 76.d4 Precision: White = 62%,
7+pvlr+p+p' Black = 59%.
6p+n+-+p+& [ Better is 76.b5 b1+ 77.c6 ]
5+-vLp+-+-% -
Carlsen,Magnus 2832
2-+-tR-zPP+" Nakamura,Hikaru 2785
1+-+R+-mK-! Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (3) 08.06.2017
xabcdefghy [TA]
And now Qxe4 would win. 27...xd3 28.xd3
f6 29.b5 axb5 30.b3 b6 31.d4! xd4 1.e4 c5 2.f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.xd4 f6
32.xd4 d6 33.xb5 xa3 34.xb6 f7 5.c3 a6 6.h3 g6 7.g3 B90: Sicilian Najdorf:
35.b5 h5 36.g4 hxg4 37.hxg4 c8 38.g2 Unusual White 6th moves, 6 Be3 Ng4 and 6
f8 39.f3 cc7 40.e2 c5 41.b6 c8 Be3 e5 c6 8.e3 g7 9.g2 White has an
42.f4 cd8 43.g5 d6 44.b7+ 8d7 edge. 0-0 10.0-0 d7
45.xd7+ xd7 46.gxf6 xf6 [ 10...d7 11.d5 c8 12.xc6 bxc6
Endgame KRB-KRN 47.g4 d4! 48.exd4 13.b6 e8 14.c7 d8 15.d5 e8
c5 49.e2 d5 50.f3 f5+ 51.e3 f8 16.c7 d8 17.d5 e8 1/2-1/2 (17)
52.g3 a5 53.f3 a3+ 54.g4 a4 Motylev,A (2665)-Grischuk,A (2750) Sochi
55.e4+ f7 56.f3 e7 57.d5 f6 58.b1 2017 ]
d4 59.b7+ f8 60.b5 e7 61.f4 d3 11.b3 xd4N
62.c5 d6+ 63.e4 d1 64.d7+ e7 [ Predecessor: 11...e8 12.d2 a5
65.b7 e1+ 66.d3 h2 67.b6+ f6 13.ad1 b8 14.a4 xd4 15.xd4 xd4
68.h7 f4 16.xd4 c5 17.xc5 xc5 1/2-1/2 (40)
XABCDEFGHY Goganov,A (2601)-Kokarev,D (2608)
8-+-+-+-+( Vladivostok 2015 ]
7+-+-+-+R' 12.xd4 xd4 13.xd4 b6 14.d5 b7
6-sN-+-mkp+& 15.c4 e5 16.e3 b5 17.ac1 bxc4 18.xc4
5+-+P+-+-% xd5 19.exd5 a5 20.fc1 c5 21.a3 f5
4-+-+-vl-+$ [ 21...a4= 22.b4 b3 ]
3+-+K+P+-# 22.b4 White is pushing. axb4 23.axb4 d7
24.c6 f4 25.gxf4 exf4 26.e6+ f7
2-+-+-+-+" 27.xd6 g5 White must now prevent ...f3.
1+-+-tr-+-![ 28.h1 f3
69.c4 (Diagrama)

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 9

XABCDEFGHY 1/2-1/2 (52) Harikrishna,P (2762) -Matlakov,

8r+-+-+k+( M (2691) Germany 2017 ]
7+-+n+r+p' 12...xe3 13.xe3 d7 LiveBook: 23 Games
6-+RwQ-+p+& 14.xe6 xe6 15.c4 e7 16.d5 exd5
5+-+P+-wq-% 17.cxd5 d7N 18.d4 c6 19.dxc6 xc6
4-zP-+-+-+$ 20.c1 b6 21.e3 exd4 22.b3 a5
3+-+-+p+P# 23.xb7 xa2 24.cc7 White fights for an
advantage. ab8 25.xf7 xb7! 26.xb7
2-+-+-zPL+" xe4 27.b8+ f7 28.b6 a5 29.d3 d5
1+-tR-+-+K![ [ 29...a1+= 30.h2 c1 ]
xabcdefghy 30.b7+ g8 31.b8+
29.f1! f6 30.e6 g7 31.c7 xc7! [ 31.xd4!? a1+ 32.h2 ]
The position is equal. 32.xc7+ h6! 33.e1! 31...e8! 32.b7 e4! 33.xd4
a2 34.e7 g4 XABCDEFGHY
[ 34...c2!? 35.e3 xe3 36.xe3 xd5 8-+-+-+k+({
37.xf3 xb4= ] 7+R+-+-zp-'
35.hxg4 h4+ 36.g1 6-+-+-sn-zp&
XABCDEFGHY 5zp-+p+-+-%
8-+-+-+-+({ 4-+-sNr+-+$
7+-+-tR-+p' 3+-+Q+-+P#
6-+-+-+pmk& 2qzP-+-zPP+"
5+-+P+-+-% 1+-+-+-mK-!
4-zP-+-+Pwq$ xabcdefghy
Strongly threatening Qg3. c4 34.xc4
2r+-+-zP-+" dxc4= Endgame KRN-KRN 35.f5 e5 36.g4
1+-+-wQLmK-! [ But not 36.xg7+? f8-+ ]
xabcdefghy 36...e8 37.g2 c5 38.a7 c7 39.f3
Threatening mate with Qc1+. xg4+ 37.h1 e6 40.e7 e5 41.e8+ h7 42.f1 g6
h4+ 38.g1 g4+ 39.h1 h4+ 40.g1 43.d6
g4+ Precision: White = 71%, Black = 85%. XABCDEFGHY
- 8-+-+R+-+({
Kramnik,Vladimir 2808 5zp-+-tr-+-%
So,Wesley 2812 4-+p+-+P+$
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (3) 08.06.2017 3+-+-+P+P#
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.0-0 f6
5.d3 0-0 6.h3 d6 7.c3 a6 8.e1 a7 9.b3 xabcdefghy
h6 10.bd2 e8 11.f1 e6 12.e3 5 Hoping for f4. f6! 44.e4+ f7! 45.d6+
C4: Giuoco Piano: 4 c3 Nf6, main lines with 5 f6 46.xc4 c5 The position is equal.
d4 and 5 d3 47.e3 b5 48.c4 c5 49.e3 b5
[ 12.g3 xb3 13.xb3 d7 14.e3 xe3 50.d1 b3 51.f2 f7 52.a8 g5
15.xe3 d5 16.ae1 dxe4 17.dxe4 a5 53.xa5 xf3+ 54.g2 And now Rxg5! would
18.c2 ad8 19.b3 c6 20.3e2 win. d3 55.f2 d2 56.f5+ e6 57.b4

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 10

b2 58.f4 e5 59.f8 d6 60.f4 e6 is equal. 41.c2 h1 42.xd5

61.e4 [ 42.h4 keeps more tension. h2+ 43.b3
[ 61.f3 feels hotter. xb4 62.d3 d4 d2 44.g4 h6 45.c5 ]
63.g3 d5 64.f4+ ] 42...xh2+ 43.d2 xd2+ 44.xd2 K3P-K3P
61...d5 White must now prevent ...Rxf2+! f5 White must now prevent ...Ke4. 45.e3 h5
62.e3 xb4 63.g3 d4 64.h4 c4 46.f3 g5 47.fxg5 fxg5 48.g4+ hxg4+
65.d3 e4 66.xe4 xe4 67.f2+ e3 49.g3 e4 50.xg4 d3 51.xg5 xc3
68.d1+ e4 69.f2+ e3 70.d1+ e4 Precision: White = 80%, Black = 78%.
71.f2+ Precision: White = 59%, Black = 84%. -

Aronian,Levon 2793
Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2796 Giri,Anish 2771
Caruana,Fabiano 2808 Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (3) 08.06.2017
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (3) 08.06.2017 [TA]
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.f3 d5 4.c3 b4
1.e4 e5 2.f3 f6 3.xe5 d6 4.f3 xe4 5.a4+ c6 6.e3 0-0 7.c2 D38: Queen's
5.d4 d5 6.d3 d6 7.0-0 0-0 8.c4 c6 9.e1 Gambit Declined: Ragozin Defence (4 Nf3 Bb4)
f5 10.b3 d7 C42: Petroff Defence: 3 e8 8.d2 a6 9.h3 d6 10.a3 LiveBook: 6
Nxe5 and unusual White 3rd moves 11.c3 Games d7 11.e2N
xc3 12.xf5 xf5 13.bxc3 b6 14.cxd5 [ Predecessor: 11.cxd5 exd5 12.d3 a7
[ 14.g5 dxc4 15.xc4 b5 16.b3 d7 13.b3 c6 14.xb7 b5 15.xb5 axb5
17.a4 a6 18.e7 1/2-1/2 (18) Svidler,P 16.e5 b8 17.a6 a8 18.b7 b8
(2727)-Nisipeanu,L (2678) Baku 2015 ] 19.a6 a8 1/2-1/2 (19) Karjakin,S (2773)-
14...cxd5 LiveBook: 3 Games 15.b5 d7 Carlsen,M (2855) Bilbao 2016 ]
16.b1 c8 17.g3 f8 18.d2 c6N 11...dxc4 12.xc4 h6 13.0-0 e5 14.ae1
19.e5 xe5 20.xe5 d8 21.xd7 xd7 e7 15.h4 d8 16.b3 f8 17.d1
22.b5 ad8 23.a4 e7 24.a5 bxa5 [ Don't blunder 17.xb7? a5-+ ]
25.xa5 f6 26.e6 b8 27.ea6 bb7 17...b5 18.a2 h8
28.f1 f7 29.e2 d8 30.a2 b6 [ 18...e8= ]
31.c1 bc7 32.d3 e7 33.f4 c8 19.c1?
34.d6 e1 [ 19.dxe5! xe5 20.e4 ]
8-+r+-+-+( XABCDEFGHY
7zp-+-+kzpp' 8r+-wq-tr-mk({
6Rvl-vL-zp-+& 7+-zpl+pzp-'
5+-+p+-+-% 6p+nvl-sn-zp&
4-+-zP-+-+$ 5+p+-zp-+-%
3+-zPK+-zP-# 4-+-zP-+-sN$
2R+-+-zP-zP" 3zP-sN-zP-+P#
1+-+-tr-+-![ 2LzP-+-zPP+"
xabcdefghy 1+-vLQtRRmK-!
35.c5! xc5 36.dxc5 xc5 37.xa7+= xabcdefghy
Endgame KRR-KRR g6 38.7a5 xa5 19...g5?
39.xa5 KR-KR f1 40.f4 d1+ The position [ 19...e4! 20.b1 e8 ]

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 11

20.dxe5 xe5 21.f4 gxh4 22.fxe5 xe5 Berlin Defence: 4 0-0 Nxe4 11.f4 xe1
23.e4 g8 24.xf7 12.xe1 e8 13.c3 xd4 14.d5 d6
[ 24.f4!? e7 25.f3 ] 15.g5 LiveBook: 8 Games. The position is
24...g7 ...Bxh3 is the strong threat. 25.f4! equal. f6
xf4 26.xf4 aiming for e5. xh3 27.h2 XABCDEFGHY
Hoping for Qxd8+. 8r+lwqn+k+(
[ But not 27.xh4? xg2+ 28.h1 d2-+ ] 7zppzp-+-zpp'
27...d7 Strongly threatening ...Ng4+.The 6-+-zp-zp-+&
position is equal. 28.e6 5+-+N+-vL-%
XABCDEFGHY 4-+-vl-+-+$
8r+-wq-+-mk({ 3+-+-+-+-#
7+-zpl+-tr-' 2PzPP+-zPPzP"
6p+-+Lsn-zp& 1tR-+-wQLmK-![
5+p+-+-+-% xabcdefghy
3zP-sN-+-+-# 16.h4N
[ Predecessor: 16.e3 e5 17.f4 xb2
2-zP-+-+PmK" 18.b1 1/2-1/2 (27) Andreikin,D (2733)-
1+-+QtR-+-! Jakovenko,D (2712) Poikovsky 2016 ]
xabcdefghy 16...xb2
g4+! 29.xg4 [ 16...g5!? 17.e7+ h8 18.xc8 xc8 ]
[ 29.xg4 g5 ] 17.b1 e5 White must now prevent ...c6.
29...xe6 30.xd8+ xd8 31.xh4 h7 18.f4! c6 19.fxe5 cxd5 20.exf6 xf6
32.e2 d4 33.f2 f7 34.xf7+ xf7= 21.d3 Threatens to win with Bxf6. d7! 22.h3
Endgame KRB-KRN 35.f4 g7 36.f5 c4 XABCDEFGHY
37.g3 c5 38.f3 b4 39.axb4 cxb4 40.d5 8r+-wq-+k+({
b3 41.e3 d4 42.a5 Threatens to win with 7zpp+l+-zpp'
Nf5+. 6-+-zp-sn-+&
[ 42.d5!? xd5 43.f5+ g6 44.xd4= ] 5+-+p+-+-%
42...g6 43.f5+ xf5! 44.exf5 KR-KR d2 4-+-+-+-vL$
45.xa6 xb2 46.g6+ h7! 47.b6 b1 3+-+L+-+P#
48.b7+ g8 49.g3
[ 49.g4!? ]
49...b2 50.g2 f8 51.h2 g8 52.g2
f8 53.h2 g8 Precision: White = 67%, xabcdefghy
Black = 74%. b5! 23.xb5 e8 24.xe8+ xe8 25.a6
- g6 26.xf6 gxf6= Endgame KRB-KRB
27.b7 e8 28.xd5+ f7 29.xf7+ xf7
30.b7+ g6 31.xa7 c8 32.d7
Karjakin,Sergey 2781 [ 32.c3!? ]
Anand,Viswanathan 2786 32...xc2 33.xd6 xa2 Precision: White =
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (3) 08.06.2017 92%, Black = 81%.
[TA] -

1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 f6 4.0-0 xe4

5.e1 d6 6.xe5 e7 7.f1 xe5 8.xe5
0-0 9.d4 f6 10.e1 e8 C67: Ruy Lopez:

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 12

So,Wesley 2812 [ 46.g5! hxg5 47.h6 xg6 48.fxg6 ]

Karjakin,Sergey 2781 46...d4 47.d6 b4 48.e2 b1+ 49.f2
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (4) 10.06.2017 b3?
[TA] [ 49...b4= and Black is okay. ]

1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.0-0 f6 XABCDEFGHY

5.d3 0-0 6.a4 a6 7.c3 d6 8.e1 5 8r+-+q+k+(
C4: Giuoco Piano: 4 c3 Nf6, main lines with 5 7+-+-zP-zp-'
d4 and 5 d3 a7 9.h3 e7 6-+pvL-zpQzp&
[ 9...b5!? 10.b3 b4= ] 5+-zP-+P+P%
[ 9...h6 10.bd2 e6 11.b4 e8 12.xe6 4-+-+-+P+$
xe6 13.c2 d5 14.b3 e7 15.exd5 3+r+-+-+-#
xd5 1/2-1/2 (45) Fressinet,L (2662) -Amin,B
(2660) Sharjah 2017 ]
10.d4 White is slightly better. g6 11.bd2
c6 12.f1 e8 13.dxe5N xabcdefghy
[ Predecessor: 13.a5 h6 14.b4 c7 15.dxe5 50.c7!+- d3
xe5 16.xe5 xe5 17.c4 e8 18.b2 XABCDEFGHY
1-0 (31) Vaishali,R (2295)-Arpita,M (2040) 8r+-+q+k+(
Rajahmundry 2016 ] 7+-vL-zP-zp-'
13...dxe5 14.c2 b5 15.b4 e6 16.b3 6-+p+-zpQzp&
e7 17.d2 h6 18.c4 ac8 19.c5 b8 5+-zP-+P+P%
20.axb5 axb5 21.a6 ed8 4-+-+-+P+$
[ Black should try 21...b7 22.aa1 cd8 ] 3+-+r+-+-#
22.a5 e8 23.c3 h7 24.g3 hf8
25.b6 h7
[ 25...f6 ]
26.xb8! xb8 27.xe5 xe5 28.xe5 a8 xabcdefghy
29.d6 a6 30.f4 da8 51.f4
[ 30...g8 was called for. ] [ 51.g5! hxg5 52.h6 xg6 53.fxg6 ]
31.f5+- c4 32.xc4 51...d4 The position is equal. 52.d6
[ 32.xc4?! bxc4 33.xc4 a1 ] [ 52.xh6!? xg6 53.fxg6 ]
32...bxc4 33.e5 52...b4 53.g3
[ 33.xc4 d7 ] [ 53.c7!? d4 54.d6= ]
[ 33.xc4 a2= ] 53...b3+ 54.h4 ba3 55.e6 3a7!
33...d7 34.xc4? 56.e3 a4 57.g3
[ 34.f1+- ] [ 57.c7!? d4 58.e1= ]
34...f6!= 35.e6 Threatening Be5. d5 57...b4 58.c7 d4! 59.f4 With the idea
36.e4 f6 37.e7 Nxc6 is the strong threat. Bxh6. d7 60.d6 b7 61.g5 hxg5 62.h6
White has good play. xb4! 38.xb4 xa5 xg6 63.fxg6= Endgame KRR-KRB e8
39.g4 Threatens to win with Qg6+! g8 64.h7+ h8 65.g4 Strongly threatening Ra3.
40.g6 White has compensation. a2 41.g4 [ 65.a3!? b4 66.a6 ]
c2? 65...f5+! 66.xg5 White wants to mate with
[ 41...c8!= ] Re5. b1! 67.a3 g1+ 68.xf5 Hoping for
42.f1 b2 43.h4! b4 44.h5 Re3. e1 69.a2 8xe7 70.xe7 e5+
[ 44.e3 ] 71.xe5?? Precision: White = 68%, Black =
44...b2 45.c7 d2! 46.f4 59%.

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 13

[ 71.g4 e4+ 72.f3 ( 72.h5 e5+ [ 25...f6 ]

73.g4 e4+ 74.f5 e5+ 75.f4 e4+ 26.d4 f3+ 27.d2 f6 28.e3! d7 29.h4
76.xe4= ) 72...e3+ 73.g4 ( 73.f2 h6 30.hd1 d5 31.a4 h5
e2+ 74.xe2= ) 73...e4+ 74.h5 e5+ [ 31...g7 32.b4 f6 ]
75.h4 ( 75.g5 xg5+ 76.xg5= ) 32.h3?
75...e4+ 76.h3 ( 76.h5 e5+ 77.g4 [ 32.h7+- is more deadly. xh7 33.xd5 ]
e4+= ) 76...e3+ 77.h2 e2+ 78.xe2 ] 32...xe3 33.xe3 Hoping for b4. g4
- 34.f4 d6 35.c4
[ 35.h1 ]
35...e5!= 36.b4
Caruana,Fabiano 2808 [ 36.b4!? ]
Kramnik,Vladimir 2808 36...e8
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (4) 10.06.2017 [ 36...a6= remains equal. ]
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 f6 4.d3 c5 8-+-+r+-+(
5.c3 d5 7zp-zp-+-+-'
[ 5...0-0 6.0-0 d6 7.bd2 e7 8.d4 exd4 6-vl-tr-+p+&
9.cxd4 b6 10.e1 g4 11.h3 h5 12.a4 5+P+-+p+-%
a6 13.f1 c6 14.a5 a7 15.a4 4-tR-zPpsNkzP$
1-0 (40) Caruana,F (2804)-Kramnik,V (2812) 3+-zP-mKpzP-#
Leuven 2016 ]
6.exd5 C65: Ruy Lopez: Berlin Defence (3...
Nf6), unusual lines and 4 0-0 Bc5 xd5
...Bxf2+! is the strong threat. 7.c4 d6 xabcdefghy
8.e2 0-0 9.g5N 37.a1
[ Predecessor: 9.bd2 a5 10.g5 e7 [ 37.a4! ]
11.de4 d6 12.a4 h6 13.h4 1-0 (59) 37...e5?
Svidler,P (2745) -Inarkiev,E (2732) [ 37...a5!= and Black is okay. 38.bxa6 c5 ]
Novosibirsk 2016 ] 38.a6+- Strongly threatening Rxb6! e8
9...e6 10.bd2 xc4 11.xc4 e6 XABCDEFGHY
12.xf6 gxf6 13.fd2 b5 14.e3 f5 15.a4 8-+-+r+-+(
f4 7zp-zp-+-+-'
[ 15...b4!= ] 6Rvl-tr-+p+&
16.g4+! g6 5+P+-+p+-%
[ 16...h8! 17.xe6 ( 17.f5 g8 ) 4-tR-zPpsNkzP$
17...fxe6 ] 3+-zP-mKpzP-#
17.xg6+ hxg6 18.d5 ad8 19.f6+
[ Much worse is 19.axb5?! xd5 20.bxc6
xd3= ]
[ 19.xc7?! b4= ] xabcdefghy
19...g7 20.fe4 b6 21.axb5 e7 22.e2 39.aa4?
[ 22.c4!+- ] [ Better is 39.c4!+- ]
22...d5 23.g3 39...h8 40.a1 e8
[ 23.b3 ] [ Black should try 40...a6! ]
23...f5 24.g5 aiming for Ne6+. fe8 25.c4 41.a3 h8 42.ba4 a5 43.a1
e4 [ White should play 43.bxa6 Black must now

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 14

prevent a7. c5 44.b3 ] Threatens to win with ...Rdc8. 23.xd8 c8

43...c5 The position is equal. 44.bxc6 xc6 24.xb6 d5 25.a7 xd8 26.e4 d3
45.xa5 xa5 46.xa5= Endgame KRR-KRN 27.exd5 xd2 28.c7 White is on the roll.
g5 47.hxg5 Threatens to win with g6. h1 g5
48.d5 c8 49.g6 e1+ 50.d2! f1 51.e3 XABCDEFGHY
Threatening d6. e1+ 52.d2! f1 53.e3 8-+-tr-+-+(
Precision: White = 55%, Black = 50%. 7+-wQl+-zpk'
[ 53.a6!? g8 54.e3= ] 6p+p+p+-+&
- 5+-zPP+-wq-%
Aronian,Levon 2793
Carlsen,Magnus 2832
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (4) 10.06.2017
[TA] xabcdefghy
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.f3 f6 4.c3 e6 5.e3 [ 29.d6! ]
a6 6.b3 b4 7.d2 bd7 8.d3 0-0 9.0-0 5 29...c8!= 30.h3
D4: Semi-Slav: 5 e3 e7 [ 30.g3!? d5 31.c7 ]
[ 9...d6 10.c1 h6 11.c2 e8 12.h3 30...d5 31.d1 e5
e7 13.c5 c7 14.e4 e5 15.fe1 d8 [ 31...f8!= remains equal. ]
16.exd5 cxd5 17.dxe5 xe5 18.xe5 32.d3 aiming for Rg3. exd4 33.e7
xe5 19.xe5 xe5 0-1 (27) Flores,D White threatens Rg3 and mate. f5?
(2579)-Carlsen,M (2840) Doha 2016 ] [ 33...g8 34.h4+ g6 ]
10.c2N 34.g3+- g6 35.h4+ Precision: White =
[ Predecessor: 10.e1 a5 11.e2 b6 83%, Black = 59%.
12.g3 b7 13.c1 ac8 14.xb4 axb4 1-0
15.a4 c5 16.b2 fd8 0-1 (63) Matlakov,M
(2691) -Andreikin,D (2736) Sochi 2016 ]
10...d8 11.a3 White has an edge. xa3 Nakamura,Hikaru 2785
12.xa3 xa3 13.c5! b6! 14.b4 e4 Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2796
[ 14...bxc5? 15.b1+- ] Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (4) 10.06.2017
15.xe4 dxe4 16.xe4 And now Qc2 would [TA]
win. b8 17.xh7+ xh7 18.g5+! g8!
19.h5 f6 20.xf7+ h8 21.c7 d7 1.e4 c5 2.f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.xd4 f6
XABCDEFGHY 5.c3 a6 6.d3 e5 7.de2 e7 8.0-0 0-0
8-tr-tr-+-mk( LiveBook: 25 Games 9.g3 B90: Sicilian
7+-wQl+-zp-' Najdorf: Unusual White 6th moves, 6 Be3 Ng4
6pzpp+psn-+& and 6 Be3 e5
5+-zP-+-sN-% [ 9.f4 bd7 10.h1 b5 11.a3 c5 12.g3
4-zP-zP-+-+$ e6 13.fxe5 dxe5 14.e3 fd7 15.e2
3wq-+-zP-+-# c8 16.g4 f6 17.xe6 fxe6 1/2-1/2 (29)
Ponomariov,R (2723) -Karjakin,S (2660)
2-+-vL-zPPzP" Cuernavaca 2006 ]
1+-+-+RmK-![ 9...e6 10.d5 xd5N
xabcdefghy [ Predecessor: 10...xd5 11.exd5 c8
... Kg8 is the strong threat. 22.f7+ h7 12.c3 f5 13.a4 a5 14.e1 a6 15.c2 g6

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 15

16.xa6 bxa6 1/2-1/2 (31) Hanio,J (2372)- XABCDEFGHY

Falatowicz,P (2378) ICCF email 2012 ] 8-+-+-trk+({
11.exd5 The position is equal. g6 12.c4 e8 7+p+-+-+p'
13.h6 g7 14.b4 d7 15.c1 White is 6-+Pzp-+-+&
pushing. a5 16.a3 axb4 17.axb4 a3 5+-+P+-+p%
18.e4 f5 19.c3 e4 Strongly threatening ...
Bf6. 20.e2 g5 21.xg5 xg5 2-+-+-zPP+"
8-+-+-trk+( xabcdefghy
6-+-zp-+p+& leads to mate. xh3+! 29.gxh3 xh3+
5+-+P+pwq-% 30.g1 h2# ]
4-zPP+p+-+$ [ 28.cxb7 f3 ]
3tr-sN-+-+-# 28...e3?
[ 28...e5 29.cxb7 e7 ]
2-+-+LzPPzP" 29.hxg4 hxg4 30.cxb7 exf2+ 31.xf2 g3
xabcdefghy 8-+-+-trk+(
22.c5! e5 7+P+-+-+p'
[ 22...dxc5 23.bxc5 ] 6-+-zp-+-+&
XABCDEFGHY 4-zP-wQ-zp-wq$
8-+-+-trk+( 3tr-sN-+-zp-#
7+p+-+-snp' 2-+-+-tRP+"
6-+-zp-+p+& 1+-tR-+-mK-![
5+-zPPsnpwq-% xabcdefghy
3tr-sN-+-+-# 32.xf4!! h2+
[ 32...xf4 33.b8+ ]
2-+-+LzPPzP" 33.f1 Precision: White = 94%, Black = 20%.
1+-tRQ+RmK-![ 1-0
23.c6! h5
[ 23...aa8 was worth a try. 24.b5 ( 24.cxb7 Giri,Anish 2771
a7 ) 24...h5 ] Anand,Viswanathan 2786
[ 23...bxc6 24.dxc6 ] Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (4) 10.06.2017
24.xh5!+- [TA]
[ 24.cxb7 f4 ]
24...gxh5 25.h1 c7 is the strong threat. h4 1.c4 e5 2.c3 b4 3.d5 c5 4.e3 f6
[ 25...d3 keeps fighting. ] 5.b4 xd5 6.bxc5 2 A1: English Opening: 1...
26.d4 g4 e5 2 Nc3 f6 7.f3 c6N
[ 26...d3 ] [ Predecessor: 7...e7 8.e2 e4 9.d4
27.h3 f4 Threatens to win with ...f3. 28.g1 a6 10.g4 xc5 11.f5 f8 12.g5 d6
[ Weaker is 28.xe4 xf2+ 29.xf2 xf2= ] 1/2-1/2 (58) Giri,A (2785) -Grischuk,A (2750)
[ 28.xe4? Moscow 2017 ]
8.e2 White is slightly better. 0-0 9.b2 d6
(Diagrama) 10.cxd6 cxd6 11.0-0 e8 12.a4 b6 13.d3

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 16

g4 14.h3 h5 15.g4 g6 16.h4 c8 XABCDEFGHY

17.xg6 hxg6 18.f3 g5 19.g2 d7 20.f4 8-+-+-trk+(
gxf4 21.exf4 c5 7zp-+-+pzp-'
[ 21...d4= ] 6-zp-+-+-+&
22.fxe5 dxe5 23.d5 Threatens to win with 5+-snP+-zP-%
Qf3. White is pushing. f8 24.f3 d7 4q+-+-+-zP$
[ Better is 24...f6 ] 3+-vLP+Q+-#
[ 25.ae1! ]
25...e6 26.ae1! e7 27.xe5 Strongly
threatening Rh5. xd5 28.xd5 xabcdefghy
[ Reject 28.cxd5 xc3 29.dxe6 d4+
30.e3 xd3= ]
28...xa4 Carlsen,Magnus 2832
[ 28...e7 ] Giri,Anish 2771
29.g5? Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (5) 11.06.2017
[ Only move: 29.h5+- Threatening mate with [TA]
Qf5. c5 30.e5 xe5 31.xe5 ]
29...c5 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.0-0 f6
[ Black should try 29...a5 ] 5.d3 0-0 6.h3 d6 7.c3 a6 8.a4 5 C4: Giuoco
Piano: 4 c3 Nf6, main lines with 5 d4 and 5 d3
XABCDEFGHY a7 9.e1 h6 10.bd2 e6 11.b4
8-+-+-trk+( LiveBook: 10 Games h5N
7zp-+-+pzp-' [ Predecessor: 11...e8 12.xe6 xe6
6-zp-+n+-+& 13.c2 d5 14.b3 e7 15.exd5 xd5
5+-trR+-zP-% 1/2-1/2 (45) Fressinet,L (2662)-Amin,B
4q+P+-+-+$ (2660) Sharjah 2017 ]
3+-vLP+Q+P# 12.f1 f6 13.e3 xc4
[ 13...xe3!? 14.xe3 xc4 15.dxc4 f4= ]
2-+-+-+-+" 14.xc4 f4 15.e3
1+-+-+RmK-![ [ 15.xf4 is interesting. xf4 16.b1 b5
xabcdefghy 17.e3 xe3 18.xe3 f6 19.a5 ]
30.h4 15...xe3 16.fxe3 g6 17.b5 axb5 18.axb5
[ 30.f5!+- ] ce7 19.b3 d5
30...xd5! 31.cxd5 c5? XABCDEFGHY
[ 31...xh4 32.dxe6 xg5+ 33.g2 e3+ 8r+-+-trk+(
34.h2 h6+ 35.g1 e3+ 36.h2 h6+ 7+pzp-snpzp-'
37.g1 e3+ ] 6-+-+-wqnzp&
(Diagrama) 3+QzPPzPN+P#
32.g6!+- d7
[ 32...f5 33.a1 xh4 ]
33.b4 Precision: White = 57%, Black = 39%. xabcdefghy
1-0 Threatens to win with .. .Rxa1. 20.xa8 xa8
21.cd2 c6 22.d4 d6 23.b2 dxe4

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 17

24.xe4 d5 25.ed2 cxb5 Hoping for ...e4. 14...xf6 15.c3 e6 16.g3 c8 17.g2 e7
26.e4 c6 27.h1 c8 28.d5 The position is 18.d2 h5 19.hd1 h4 20.b6 c7 21.a8
equal. xc3 29.xb5 c7 30.b1 f5 c8 22.b6 White has the initiative.
31.b4 [ 22.xc6+!? bxc6 23.b6= ]
XABCDEFGHY 22...c7 23.f4 hxg3 24.hxg3 h5 25.a8
8-+r+-+k+({ c8 26.d7! h2 27.e4 e2 28.xc6
7+pwq-sn-zp-' [ 28.f3 e3 29.xc6 bxc6 30.c7+ f8
6-+-+-+nzp& 31.h1 ( 31.xa6 a8= )]
5+-+Pzpp+-% 28...bxc6= The position is equal. 29.c7+ f8
4-wQ-+P+-+$ 30.h1
2-+-sN-+P+" 8-+r+-mk-+({
1+R+-+-+K! 7+-sNRvlp+-'
xabcdefghy 6p+p+p+p+&
d6 is the strong threat. fxe4 32.d6 d5 4-+-+-zP-+$
33.dxc7 xb4 34.xb4 exf3 35.xb7= 3+-zP-+-zP-#
Endgame KRN-KRN f2 36.g3 h7 37.g2
e7 38.xf2 d5 39.c4 xc7 40.xc7
xc7 41.xe5 Precision: White = 52%, Black
= 58%. xabcdefghy
- And now Rh8+ would win. f6 31.xa6 a8!
32.b4 c5 33.d3 xa2
Kramnik,Vladimir 2808 8-+-+-mk-+(
Nakamura,Hikaru 2785 7+-+R+p+-'
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (5) 11.06.2017 6-+-+pvlp+&
[TA] 5+-zp-+-+-%
1.e4 c5 2.f3 d6 3.c3 f6 4.d4 cxd4 3+-zPN+-zP-#
5.xd4 a6 6.e5 c6 B53: Sicilian: 2...d6:
Lines with Qxd4 7.a4 dxe5 8.xe5 d7
9.xd7 xd7 10.d2 LiveBook: 6 Games g6
[ 10...e6 11.0-0-0 d4 12.e3 xa4 xabcdefghy
13.xa4 d5 14.c5 1-0 (59) Movsesian,S 34.b1 a8! 35.xc5 b8 36.b7 xb7
(2666)-Duda,J (2671) Banska Stiavnica 37.xb7 Endgame KRB-KRN g2 38.h3 g5
2016 ] 39.fxg5 xg5 40.c5 e7 41.d3 d6
11.0-0-0 g7 12.g5N 42.f4 f2 43.h4 e7 44.g4 f1+
[ 12.e3!? c7 13.g3 ] 45.c2 f2+ 46.b3 d2 47.g8 f2
[ Predecessor: 12.e3 c8 13.h3 0-0 14.g4 48.g4 d2 49.g8 f2 Precision: White =
1-0 (30) Blehm,P (2420)-Janssen,R (2345) 69%, Black = 75%.
Calicut 1998 ] -
[ 12...f5 seems wilder. 13.e3 g4
14.d3 e6 15.c4 f5 ]
13.xf6 xa4 14.xa4
[ But not 14.xg7? f4+ 15.b1 g8-+ ]

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 18

Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2796 [ 6.c3 d5 7.exd5 xd5 8.a4 b6 9.b5

Aronian,Levon 2793 e7 10.a5 c6 11.axb6 cxb5 12.xa7 xa7
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (5) 11.06.2017 13.bxa7 xa7 14.xe5 f5 15.e1 b8
[TA] 1/2-1/2 (30) Anand,V (2770)-So,W (2771)
Saint Louis 2016 ]
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 a6 4.a4 f6 6...a6
5.0-0 e7 6.e1 b5 7.b3 0-0 8.c3 d5 [ 6...a5 7.g5 h6 8.h4 e7 9.g3 d6
9.exd5 xd5 10.xe5 xe5 11.xe5 c6 10.h3 d7 11.e1 h8 12.c3 b6
12.d3 d6 13.e1 f5 14.f3 h4 13.b3 f5 14.exf5 xf5 1/2-1/2 (25)
C89: Closed Ruy Lopez: Marshall Attack 15.g3 Caruana,F (2808)-Aronian,L (2793)
h3 16.e3 xd3 17.d2 f5 18.d4 fe8 Stavanger 2017 ]
19.a4 LiveBook: 9 Games h6 7.c3 d5 8.exd5 xd5 LiveBook: 18 Games
XABCDEFGHY 9.e1 g4 The position is equal. 10.h3 h5
8r+-+r+k+( 11.bd2N
7+-+-+pzp-' [ Predecessor: 11.a5 f6 12.bd2 e8
6p+pvl-+-zp& 13.b3 d7 14.g5 a7 15.de4 xe4
5+p+n+q+-% 16.xe4 e7 1-0 (47) Rombaldoni,A (2505)-
4P+-vL-+-+$ Narayanan,S (2419) Paleochora 2014 ]
3+LzPl+QzP-# 11...b6 12.a2 xd3 13.a5 xf3 14.xf3
xd1 15.xd1 c8! 16.b4 a7 17.e1 d6
2-zP-sN-zP-zP" 18.xe5 xe5 19.xe5 fe8 20.xe8+
1tR-+-tR-mK-![ xe8 21.f1 e4 22.d5 c6 23.xe4!
xabcdefghy xe4= Endgame KRB-KRB 24.d2 f8
20.h4N 25.e1 xe1+ 26.xe1 KB-KB e7 27.e2
[ Predecessor: 20.g2 xf3+ 21.xf3 f5 c5 28.d3 cxb4 29.cxb4 d6 30.c4 b5+
22.axb5 axb5 23.xa8 xa8 1/2-1/2 (39) 31.axb6 xb6 32.b5 axb5+ 33.xb5
Vachier Lagrave,M (2796)-Aronian, L (2793) Precision: White = 79%, Black = 94%.
Stavanger 2017 ] -
20...xe1+ 21.xe1 xf3 22.xf3 g6
23.e5 c5 24.d4 The position is equal.
b6 25.xc6 bxa4 26.a2! e8 27.a1 Karjakin,Sergey 2781
e4 28.d4 xc6 29.xc5 d7 30.d4 Caruana,Fabiano 2808
e5 31.xe5 xe5= Endgame KRB-KRB Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (5) 11.06.2017
32.c4 b5 33.f1 f8 34.f3 e8 35.xb5 [TA]
axb5 36.c4 bxc4 37.xa4 b8 38.xc4
xb2 Precision: White = 66%, Black = 89%. 1.e4 e5 2.f3 f6 3.xe5 d6 4.f3 xe4
- 5.d4 d5 6.d3 d6 7.0-0 0-0 8.c4 c6 9.e1
f5 10.b3 d7 C42: Petroff Defence: 3
Nxe5 and unusual White 3rd moves 11.c3
Anand,Viswanathan 2786 xc3 12.xf5 xf5 LiveBook: 8 Games.
So,Wesley 2812 White has an edge. 13.xb7
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (5) 11.06.2017
[TA] (Diagrama)

1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.0-0 f6 e4N

5.d3 0-0 6.a4 C50: Hungarian Defence and [ Predecessor: 13...d7 14.xd7 xd7
Giuoco Pianissimo 15.c5 xh2+ 16.xh2 e4 17.f4 fe8

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 19

8rsn-+-trk+({ 8-+-+-+-+(
7zpQ+-+pzpp' 7+-+-+kzpp'
6-+pvl-+-+& 6-+-+-zp-+&
5+-+p+q+-% 5+-+-+-+-%
4-+PzP-+-+$ 4PtR-+-+-+$
3+-sn-+N+-# 3+-+-+-+-#
2PzP-+-zPPzP" 2r+-+-zPPzP"
1tR-vL-tR-mK-! 1+-+-+K+-![
xabcdefghy xabcdefghy
18.f3 1/2-1/2 (53) Svidler,P (2728) -Ivanchuk, 47.f1 g6! 48.g2 a3 49.h3 a2
V (2750) Morelia/Linares 2007 ] 50.g4 a3+ 51.f3 hxg4+ 52.xg4 a1
14.xa8 d7! 15.cxd5 f6! 16.e3! 53.c4 a2 54.h5+ h6 The position is
XABCDEFGHY equal. 55.f4 g2+ 56.f5 h2 57.e6 xh5
8Qsn-+-trk+({ 58.f5 h1 59.c5 g5 60.f7 h7 61.a5
7zp-+q+pzpp' And now Kg8 would win. g6+ 62.e6
6-+pvl-sn-+& Threatens to win with fxg6+. h1 63.a6
5+-+P+-+-% Hoping for Ra5.
4-+-zP-+-+$ [ 63.c2!? e1+ 64.f7 xf5 65.c5+
3+-+-tRN+-# e4 66.c4+ ( 66.xg6 a1=; 66.xf6
d4= ) 66...d5 67.a4= ]
2PzP-+-zPPzP" 63...a1 64.fxg6+ xg6 65.c6 f5 66.d6
1tR-vL-+-mK-! g5 67.c7 f4 68.b7 f3 69.c2 f4
xabcdefghy 70.a7 g3 71.a8 xa8 72.xa8 f2
Black must now prevent Rb3. xd5 17.b3! 73.xf2 xf2 Precision: White = 63%, Black =
b4! 18.xb4! xb4 19.e3! d6! 20.d5! 83%.
c5! 21.b4! cxb4 22.c1 d8 23.xa7 -
next Qa5 is good for White. xa7 24.xa7
d7 25.d4 a8 26.f1
[ 26.c6 f8 27.f1 ] Carlsen,Magnus 2832
26...a5 Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2795
[ 26...f8= ] Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (6) 12.06.2017
27.c8+ f8 28.d6 d5 29.e5 xe5 [TA]
30.xe5 Endgame KRB-KRB f6 31.g3 f7
32.b8 xd6 33.xd6 xd6 34.xb4 KR-KR 1.d4 f6 2.f4 g6 3.f3 g7 4.e3 0-0
d2 35.a4 a2 5.e2 d6 6.h3 c5 7.0-0 b6 8.bd2 cxd4
A48:1 d4 Nf6 2 Nf3 g6: Torre, London and Colle
(Diagrama) Systems
[ 8...d5 9.c4 cxd4 10.xd4 c6 11.xc6
36.h4 bxc6 12.e5 f5 13.a4 a5 14.b3 c2
[ Better is 36.b7+! g6 37.a7 ] 15.fc1 xb3 16.xb3 xb3 17.axb3
36...h5 37.g3 1/2-1/2 (30) Abdulla,A (2492)-Safarli,E (2656)
[ 37.b7+ g6 38.b4 ] Dubai 2016 ]
37...g6 38.f4 f7 39.e1 e6 40.b4 9.c4
f5 41.d1 e5 42.e1 f5! 43.f1 g6 [ Not 9.xd4 e5 ]
44.c4 h6 45.f4 g6 46.e1 f7 9...c7 10.exd4 d5 11.g3 b5 12.cd2N

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 20

[ Predecessor: 12.e3 xe3 13.fxe3 b6 [ 16...fd5!? 17.c5 e6 ]

14.d3 d7 15.e2 a6 16.a4 bxa4 17.d2 c7 18.h3 e6 19.a3 a6 20.b3
1-0 (30) Miltner,A (2389)-Gerer,J (2218) e8 21.c5 g6 22.g3 d6 23.a5 f5
Germany 1999 ] 24.c2 e8 25.0-0-0 c8
12...a6 13.c3 c6 The position is equal. 14.a4 [ 25...b5 26.xb5 cxb5 ]
b8 15.axb5 axb5 16.e1 a5 17.b1 c4 26.g4 d7 27.b1
18.a2 db6 19.b3 xd2 20.xd2 e6 [ 27.d2 ]
21.xb5 Black must now prevent c4. xb3 27...f5 28.gxf5 f6 29.dg1 xf5 30.h4
22.e2 ef8 31.h2 h8 32.d2 g6
[ 22.c4!? ] [ 32...b8 White must now prevent ...Nb5.
22...d5 23.a3 33.g3 c8 ]
[ 23.xe7? xe7 24.xe7 c8 ] 33.xg6! hxg6
23...f6 24.d2 fc8 25.ea1 a8 [ Black should try 33...xg6 34.e1 f5 ]
Hoping for ...Qxc3! 26.a6 c4 27.xc4! 34.h5
xa3 28.xa3 xc4 29.xc4 xc4 30.xc4 [ 34.d1!= ]
xc4= Endgame KRB-KRB 31.f1 e5 32.a6 34...g5 35.h6 g6 36.b2
exd4 33.cxd4 xd4 34.xd6 xd6 35.xd6 [ 36.d1 might work better. ]
KB-KB h5 36.g4 hxg4 37.hxg4 d8 38.e2 36...g4-+ 37.f1 h7 38.a1 f3
f5 39.f3 fxg4+ 40.xg4 f7 41.f4 e7 XABCDEFGHY
42.xe7 xe7 43.f5 gxf5+ 44.xf5 8-+q+-tr-+(
Precision: White = 52%, Black = 71%. 7+p+-+-+k'
- 6p+psn-+pzP&
Caruana,Fabiano 2805 3+-+-zPl+-#
Anand,Viswanathan 2786
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (6) 12.06.2017
1.c4 e5 2.c3 b4 3.d5 c5 4.f3 c6 ...Qg4 is the strong threat. 39.h3
5.c3 d6 6.e3 2 A1: English Opening: 1...e5 2 [ 39.e1 ]
Nc3 39...g4 40.g3 f5
[ 6.g3 f6 7.g2 0-0 8.0-0 e8 9.d3 h6 [ Weaker is 40...xh6 41.g1 ]
10.a4 b4 11.a3 a5 12.b4 c7 41.a4 f8 42.b6 xh6 43.xd5
1/2-1/2 (44) Caruana,F (2823)-Anand,V XABCDEFGHY
(2779) London 2016 ] 8-+-+-+-+({
6...b4 7.d4 LiveBook: 11 Games d7N 7+p+-+-+k'
[ Predecessor: 7...xc3+ 8.bxc3 e4 9.d2 6p+psn-+pwq&
f6 10.a3 b6 11.f4 c5 12.e2 h5 5zP-+N+r+-%
1/2-1/2 (46) Nakamura,H (2779)-Anand,V 4-zP-zPp+p+$
(2779) Saint Louis 2016 ] 3+-+-zPltR-#
8.c2 The position is equal.
[ 8.d2 is more complex. gf6 9.c2 0-0
10.a3 a5 11.e2 ]
8...gf6 9.a3 xc3+ 10.xc3 0-0 11.e2 xabcdefghy
e8 12.b4 e4 13.d2 d5 14.a4 dxc4 aiming for Nb6. cxd5
15.xc4 b6 16.a5 bd5 [ Don't play 43...xd5 44.e2-+ ]

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 21

[ 44.b5 ] 8-+-tr-trk+(
44...h1 45.c7+? 7zpl+-+-zpp'
[ 45.b5 axb5 46.a3 ] 6-zp-zPp+-+&
45...f7 46.xd6 xf1+ 47.a2 e2 5+-sn-wQ-+-%
Precision: White = 37%, Black = 85%. 4-+L+-+qsN$
0-1 3+-+-+-zP-#
Aronian,Levon 2793
Kramnik,Vladimir 2808 xabcdefghy
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (6) 12.06.2017 24...h3
1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.f3 f6 4.c3 c5 7zpl+-+-zpp'
5.cxd5 xd5 6.e4 xc3 7.bxc3 cxd4 6-zp-zPp+-tr&
8.cxd4 b4+ 9.d2 xd2+ 10.xd2 0-0 5+-sn-wQ-+-%
11.c4 d7 12.0-0 5 D41: Queen's Gambit 4-+-+-zP-sN$
Declined: Semi-Tarrasch with cxd5 b6 13.ac1 3+-tR-+-zPq#
[ 13.a4 b7 14.d3 f6 15.fe1 h6 16.a5
bxa5 17.xa5 c7 18.b4 fb8 19.a3
c8 1/2-1/2 (59) Svidler,P (2755)-Kramnik,V
(2811) Sochi 2017 ] xabcdefghy
13...b7 LiveBook: 6 Games 14.d5 Strongly threatening ...Rxh4. 25.g5 xh4
The position is equal. c5 15.fe1 f6N 26.gxh4 g6 27.d1
[ Predecessor: 15...exd5 16.exd5 f6 [ Less strong is 27.xc5 bxc5 28.g4
17.cd1 ad8 18.e3 h6 19.e5 d6 xg5 ]
1/2-1/2 (43) Kaszowski, D (2299)-Hnydiuk,A 27...d5 28.f5
(2366) Opole 2006 ] [ Inferior is 28.xd5 exd5 29.e3 e4 ]
16.e3 ac8 17.e5 g6 18.d6 f6 19.h4 28...xg5+ 29.hxg5 f8 30.fxe6 xe6
White is pushing. g4 31.c4 f5 32.e3 White is clearly winning.
[ 19...h5!? 20.g3 h8= ] g6 33.e7 d7
20.g3 fxe5 [ 33...e4 34.xa7 xg5 ]
[ 20...h8 ] 34.de1 Precision: White = 74%, Black = 28%.
21.xe5+- cd8? 1-0
[ 21...h8 ]

Nakamura,Hikaru 2785
(Diagrama) Karjakin,Sergey 2781
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (6) 12.06.2017
22.f4 [TA]
[ Weaker is 22.xe6+ xe6 23.xe6+
xe6 ] 1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.c3 b4 4.c2 d5
22...f6 23.c3 h6? 5.cxd5 xd5 6.e3 c5 7.d2 xc3 8.xc3
[ 23...a6 was called for. 24.xa6 xa6 ] cxd4 9.xd4 c6 10.c3 0-0 E34: Nimzo-
24.e2 Indian: Classical: 4...d5
[ 24.f5 g6 25.e7+ h8 26.e2 ] [ 10...e5 11.f3 0-0 12.e2 e8 13.0-0

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 22

e4 14.fc1 xc2 15.xc2 f5 16.cc1 Giri,Anish 2771

e4 17.e1 f6 18.b5 1/2-1/2 (34) So,Wesley 2812
Khairullin,I (2662)-Karjakin,S (2753) Chita Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (6) 12.06.2017
2015 ] [TA]
11.f3 d8 12.e2 e4 13.c1 xc2
14.xc2 e4 15.e5 d7 16.xc6 xc6 1.c4 c5 2.c3 g6 3.g3 c6 4.g2 g7
17.a5N 5.f3 e6 6.h4 5 LiveBook: 26 Games. A37:
[ Predecessor: 17.d4 d6 18.0-0 Symmetrical English vs ...g6:4 Bg2 Bg7 Nf3
1-0 (41) Biriukov,O (2339)-Pfretzschner,R [ 6.d4 cxd4 7.b5 d5 8.cxd5 exd5 9.0-0
(2240) Pardubice 2011 ] ge7 10.f4 0-0 11.d2 f5 12.g4 fe7
17...dc8 18.f3! f6 19.f2 d5 20.xc8+ 13.h3 a6 14.d6 h6 15.xc8 xc8
xc8 21.b3 16.xh6 f5 17.xg7 xg7 18.xd4
[ 21.e4 xa2 22.a1 ] 0-1 (62) Grischuk,A (2754) -Carlsen,M (2857)
21...c2= 22.a1 e5 23.e4 e6 24.d1 INT 2016 ]
[ 24.e3 with more complications. d7 6...f6 7.d4 cxd4 8.xd4 0-0 9.0-0 d5
25.d2 b8 26.d3 c8 27.c1 ] 10.cxd5N
[ Predecessor: 10.xc6 bxc6 11.a4 b6
XABCDEFGHY 12.e3 a6 13.ac1 d7 1-0 (63) Le Roux,
8-+-+-+k+({ J (2276)-Vallin,G (2396) Amiens 2001 ]
7zpp+-+pzpp' 10...xd5
6-+-+lsn-+& [ 10...exd5 is interesting. 11.b3 e6
5vL-+-zp-+-% 12.g5 h6 13.e3 e8 ]
4-+-+P+-+$ 11.xc6 bxc6 12.d2 xc3 13.xc3 xc3
3+P+-+P+-# 14.bxc3 a6 15.c2 a5 16.fd1 c5
17.d7 ad8 18.ad1 xd7 19.xd7 c4
2P+r+LmKPzP" 20.d2 a5 21.f3 a3 22.h5 xa2 23.d4
1+-+R+-+-! Intending h6 and mate. c5
xabcdefghy [ Weaker is 23...xe2 24.h6 f6 25.d6
Threatening mate with Rd8+. 24...d7 25.d2 b1+ 26.h2 e8 27.g7+ h8 28.d7
xd2 26.xd2 Endgame KBB-KBN f6 g1+ 29.xg1 f8 30.xh7+ g8
27.b4 b8 28.d6 c6 29.e3 f7 30.h4 31.g7# ]
e8 31.g3 d7 32.f8 g6 33.g4 h5 [ 23...gxh5!= 24.f4 b1+ 25.h2 b5 ]
34.gxh5 gxh5 35.f4 f7 36.b5 a6 37.f1 24.e3 White has strong compensation. a4
[ 37.xc6+!? xc6 38.e7 ] [ 24...a4 25.a7 b5 ]
37...e8 38.c5 d7 39.f5 e7 40.e2 25.g2 b1
c8 41.f8 d6 42.d3 a5 43.d1 b6 XABCDEFGHY
44.a3 e8 45.b4 axb4 46.axb4 f7 8-+-+-trk+(
47.xd6 xd6 KB-KB 48.c3 b5 49.b3 7+-+R+p+p'
xb3 The position is equal. 50.xb3 c6 6-+-+p+p+&
51.c3 d6 52.b3 c6 53.c3 d6 5+-zp-+-+P%
54.b3 Precision: White = 61%, Black = 60%. 4p+l+-+-+$
- 3+-zP-wQLzP-#
26.h6! Qe5 would kill now. f5 27.g4 f6

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 23

28.xc5 Threatens to win with g5. d5 29.e4 15.b2 f6 16.fd1 hd8 17.a3 ac8
[ Don't do 29.xd5 exd5 30.xd5 f4 ] 1/2-1/2 (45) Nakamura, H (2785)-Caruana,F
29...a8 (2827) Caleta 2017 ]
XABCDEFGHY 9...e7 10.e5 bd7 11.d3 d6 12.d2
8l+-+-trk+( b5 13.b3 b7 LiveBook: 5 Games 14.a5
7+-+R+p+p' d5 15.d2 hc8 aiming for ... Rc2. 16.fc1N
6-+-+pwqpzP& [ Predecessor: 16.b4 e5 0-1 (40)
5+-wQ-+-+-% Oganian,M (2452) -Lintchevski,D (2524)
4p+-+P+P+$ Moscow 2017 ]
3+-zP-+L+-# 16...e5 17.b4 c4
[ 17...g5 looks sharper. 18.c3 c7 19.a3
2-+-+-zPK+" e4 20.f3 xa5 21.xe5 b7 ]
1+-+-+-+-![ 18.xc4 bxc4 19.xd5+ exd5 20.c3 ab8
xabcdefghy 21.c2 b4 22.e5 d6 23.d4 c5
30.a7 24.xf6+! xf6 25.d1 d8 26.cd2 e7
[ 30.c4!+- ] 27.f3 d4 28.exd4 b4 29.c2 db8
30...e5 31.xa4 f4 32.e3 xe3 33.fxe3 30.dd2 g6 31.a3 4b6 32.g3 g5
Endgame KRB-KRB c8 34.a5 f8 35.g3 33.e2 f6 34.e4+ h6 35.ed2 e8
c6 36.c4 d7 37.e2 e6 38.xe5 xc4 36.d5 xb2! 37.xf7 c3 38.xb2 d8
39.xc4 39.dc2 cxb2 40.xb2 xd4
[ 39.f3 ] Endgame KRB-KRB 41.b4 g6 42.a4 d6
39...xc4 KR-KR 40.f4 c6 41.g5 43.f1 b2 44.a5 c6 45.a4 g7 46.d5
[ 41.b5 ] c1+ 47.g2 c2 48.e4 d2 49.xa6 d4
41...c1= The position is equal. 42.a5 e7 50.d6 xf2+ 51.h3 e3 52.a5 a2 53.a6
43.e5 c7 44.b5 a7 45.c5 b7 46.a5 g1 54.g4 a3 55.d1 c5 56.d7+ f6
c7 47.a8 c5+ 48.f4 c1! 49.a7+ e6 57.d3 g1 58.h3 e6 59.b5 h5+ 60.f4
50.a6+ e7 51.e5 f1+ 52.e4 g1 h4
[ 53.e6!? ] 8-+-+-+-+(
53...xg5 54.a7+ e6 55.a6+ e7 7+-+R+-+-'
56.d5 h5 57.a7+ f8! 58.a8+ e7 6P+-+k+p+&
59.a7+ f8! Precision: White = 68%, Black = 5+L+-+-+-%
64%. 4-+-+-mK-zp$
- 3tr-+-+-zPP#
So,Wesley 2812
Caruana,Fabiano 2808 xabcdefghy
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (7) 14.06.2017 61.gxh4
[TA] [ 61.d3! g5+ 62.f3 ( 62.xg5 xd3
63.xd3 hxg3 ) 62...xd3+ 63.xd3 ]
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.e3 f6 4.xc4 e6 61...xa6!= The position is equal. 62.g7 f6!
5.f3 c5 6.0-0 a6 7.dxc5 xc5 8.xd8+ 63.xg6+ xg6
xd8 9.e2 7 D2: Queen's Gambit Accepted:
Classical main line: 7 e4!? and 7 a4 (Diagrama)
[ 9.bd2 e7 10.b3 b6 11.e2 a5
12.e5 a6 13.dc4 fd7 14.xd7 xd7 64.h5+! xh5 Hoping for ...Bh2+. 65.e2+

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 24

XABCDEFGHY [ 27...xh3 28.xh3 xg7 ]

7+-+-+-+-' XABCDEFGHY
6r+-+-+k+& 8-+-vlr+k+(
5+L+-+-+-% 7+-+l+pvL-'
4-+-+-mK-zP$ 6-+-wQ-+-+&
3+-+-+-+P# 5+p+P+-+-%
2-+-+-+-+" 4-zp-+P+-sn$
1+-+-+-vl-![ 3+-+-+NsNP#
xabcdefghy 2-+-+-wqPmK"
h4 66.xa6 xh3 67.e4 Precision: White
= 71%, Black = 68%. xabcdefghy
- 28.xh4!+- xh4
Kramnik,Vladimir 2808 7+-+l+pvL-'
Carlsen,Magnus 2832 6-+-wQ-+-+&
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (7) 14.06.2017 5+p+P+-+-%
[TA] 4-zp-+P+-vl$
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.c3 f6
5.d3 d6 6.0-0 a6 7.e1 0 C4: Giuoco Piano:
4 c3 Nf6, main lines with 5 d4 and 5 d3 a7
[ 7...0-0 8.h3 a7 9.b3 e8 10.bd2 xabcdefghy
e6 11.c2 h6 12.f1 d5 13.exd5 xd5 29.h5! White wants to mate with Qh6. xh3
14.g3 d7 15.e3 xe3 16.xe3 e7 [ Stronger than 29...xe1 30.h6 f6
17.h4 g6 18.c4 e6 19.f3 g7 31.xf6 g3+ 32.xg3 xf6 33.xf6 h7
1/2-1/2 (27) Giri, A (2785) -Nakamura,H 34.f7+ h6 35.xd7 ]
(2786) Moscow 2017 ] 30.g1 g5?
8.a4 0-0 9.h3 e7 10.d4 g6 11.bd2 c6 [ 30...e6 ]
LiveBook: 5 Games 12.d3 e8N 31.f6 g4 32.xg5 Threatening mate with
[ Predecessor: 12...exd4 13.xd4 e8 Nf6+. xh5 33.h6 Bf6 is the strong threat.
14.2f3 d7 15.c2 d5 16.exd5 xe1+ xe4 ( ...Rh4+!) 34.xh5 f5 35.h6 b3
17.xe1 xd5 18.g5 1/2-1/2 (41) Sjugirov, 36.f6 White mates. f4+ 37.xf4 xf4
S (2660)-Eliseev,U (2606) St Petersburg 38.d6 xf6 39.d1 h6+ 40.g1 Precision:
2016 ] White = 90%, Black = 37%.
13.c2 h6 14.f1 exd4 15.cxd4 c5 16.d5 1-0
b5 17.axb5 axb5 18.g3 d7 19.e3 b6
20.xa8 xa8 21.b4 a7 22.a1 c7
23.xh6 cxb4 24.xg7 xc2 Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2796
[ Much worse is 24...xf2+ 25.xf2 xc2+ Giri,Anish 2771
26.e2 ] Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (7) 14.06.2017
25.xf6 Bh6 would kill now. xf2+ [TA]
[ 25...xf2+= 26.h2 c3 ]
26.h2 Intending Bh6 and mate. d8 1.e4 c5 2.f3 c6 3.c3 g6 4.d4 cxd4
27.xd6 White is out for blood. h4? 5.xd4 g7 6.e3 f6 7.c4 0-0 8.b3 d6

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 25

9.f3 d7 10.d2 xd4 11.xd4 b5 12.a4 28...b5!-+

b4 B77: Sicilian Dragon: Yugoslav Attack, 9 Bc4 [ Wrong is 28...b3? 29.e3+- ]
sidelines 29.f4 g8 aiming for . ..Ra8. 30.f5
[ 12...bxa4 13.xa4 e6 14.xe6 fxe6 [ 30.b3 was the only defense. ]
15.0-0 c7 16.h1 fc8 17.c3 a6 30...gxf5 31.c2?
18.a2 c4 19.d3 ab8 20.d1 xe4 [ 31.b3 might work better. ]
21.xe4 xd4 22.xd4 xd4 23.xd4 31...b3+ Black is clearly winning. 32.d1 c8
xc3 0-1 (66) Grigoriants,S (2563) -Navara,D 33.g6 c5 Precision: White = 18%, Black =
(2725) Tallinn 2016 ] 98%.
13.d5 xd5! 14.xg7 xg7 The position is 0-1
equal. 15.exd5 b6 16.h4 h5 17.0-0-0 a5
18.g4 xa4 19.b1N gxh5 is the strong
threat. Anand,Viswanathan 2786
[ Predecessor: 19.xa4 xa4 20.d4+ Nakamura,Hikaru 2785
0-1 (34) Shomoev,A (2482)-Savchenko,B Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (7) 14.06.2017
(2569) Moscow 2006 ] [TA]
19...xb3 20.cxb3 Strongly threatening gxh5.
h8 Black is pushing. 21.c1 ae8 22.c6 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.d3 f6
b5 23.c7 a5 24.g5 5.c3 d6 6.0-0 a6 7.a4 0-0 8.e1 a7 9.h3
[ 24.d4+ g8 25.g5 ] e7 10.bd2 g6 5 LiveBook: 2 Games.
24...a4 25.d4+ h7 26.bxa4 xa4 C54: Giuoco Piano: 4 c3 Nf6, main lines with 5
27.e1 d4 and 5 d3 11.b3 e6N
XABCDEFGHY [ Predecessor: 11...e8 12.d4 h6 13.c2 c6
8-+-+r+-tr({ 14.f1 d5 15.xe5 xe5 16.dxe5 xe4
7+-tR-zpp+k' 17.xe4 dxe4 18.xd8 xd8 1/2-1/2 (34)
6-+-zp-+p+& Anand, V (2770)-Aronian,L (2792) Saint
5+-+P+-zPp% Louis 2016 ]
4qzp-wQ-+-zP$ 12.d4 xb3 13.xb3 d7 14.f1 exd4
3+-+-+P+-# 15.cxd4 d5! 16.e5 e4 17.1d2
[ Don't blunder 17.xb7? fb8-+ ]
2-zP-+-+-+" 17...c5 18.xe4 dxe4 19.xe4 cxd4 20.e6
1+K+-tR-+-! fxe6 21.xe6 h8 22.g5 f7 23.d5
xabcdefghy ae8 The position is equal. 24.ae1 h6
hf8! 28.a7 25.d2 d3 26.d6
[ 28.exe7 xe7 29.xe7 ] XABCDEFGHY
XABCDEFGHY 7vlp+-+qzp-'
8-+-+rtr-+({ 6p+-tR-+nzp&
7tR-+-zpp+k' 5+-+Q+-+-%
6-+-zp-+p+& 4P+-+-+-+$
5+-+P+-zPp% 3+-+p+N+P#
4qzp-wQ-+-zP$ 2-zP-vL-zPP+"
3+-+-+P+-# 1+-+-tR-mK-!
2-zP-+-+-+" xabcdefghy
1+K+-tR-+-! Hoping for Qxf7. xd5 27.xd5 e2 28.xd3
xabcdefghy xf2+ 29.f1 White is not keeping still

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 26

xe1+ 30.xe1 e5 31.b3! e3+ 32.e2 e7 15.h4 e8 16.xc8 xc8 17.g6+

xd2 33.xd2= Endgame KRN-KRN f2+ xg6 18.fxg6 xg6 19.xb7 g5 20.h4
34.c3 e2 e6 21.e4! h5 22.d2 f4 23.xf4
XABCDEFGHY exf4 24.f3 xh4 25.fe1 b8 26.c4 g5
8-+-+-+-mk( aiming for ...g4. 27.e6 g7 28.g6 be8
7+p+-+-zp-' White is under pressure. 29.d4 h7 30.d3
6p+-+-+-zp& g8 31.d5
5+-+-sn-+-% [ 31.xa5 f3 ]
4P+-+-+-+$ [ 31.f3!= ]
3+RmK-+-+P# 31...f3 32.gxf3
[ 32.g3 h3 33.f1 ]
2-zP-+r+P+" 32...f4!-+ Threatens to win with ...Qh3.
1+-+-sN-+-![ 33.g2?
xabcdefghy [ Wrong is 33.xa5? h3-+ ]
White must now prevent ... Re3+. 35.d3 [ 33.d2 ]
xd3! 36.xd3 xg2 Threatens to win with ...
Rg3+. 37.xb7 KR-KR g3+ 38.c4 xh3 XABCDEFGHY
39.a7 h4+ 40.b3 g5 41.a5 f4 42.xa6 8-+-+r+k+({
g7 43.a7+ g6 44.a8 aiming for a6. 7+-zp-+-vl-'
[ 44.a6!? f8 45.d7= ] 6-+-zp-+Rzp&
44...g7 45.a7+ g6 46.a8 Strongly 5zp-+P+-zp-%
threatening a6. 4P+N+-tr-wq$
[ 46.a6!? f8 47.c7= ] 3+-zPQ+P+-#
46...g7 Precision: White = 60%, Black = 85%.
Karjakin,Sergey 2781 33...ef8! Black is clearly winning.
Aronian,Levon 2793 [ 33...xc4 34.h1= ]
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (7) 14.06.2017 34.d2
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.0-0 f6 7+-zp-+-vl-'
5.d3 0-0 6.a4 C50: Hungarian Defence and 6-+-zp-+Rzp&
Giuoco Pianissimo 5zp-+P+-zp-%
[ 6.h3 d5 7.exd5 xd5 8.e1 e6 9.c3 4P+-+-tr-wq$
b6 10.b3 f6 11.d4 f7 12.dxe5 xe5 3+-zPQ+P+-#
13.xd5 xd5 14.xe5 fxe5 15.e3 c6
1-0 (58) Karjakin,S (2785)-Aronian,L (2780)
Wijk aan Zee 2017 ]
6...a5 7.g5 h6 8.h4 White has an edge. xabcdefghy
e7 9.g3 d6! 10.h3 h8N g4!
[ Predecessor: 10...d7 11.e1 h8 12.c3 [ Worse is 34...g4+ 35.f1= ]
b6 13.b3 f5 14.exf5 xf5 1/2-1/2 (25) 35.g1 Now Re1 and White clings on. 8f5
Caruana,F (2808)-Aronian,L (2793) 36.e4 xf3 37.d4 e5 38.g3 xg3+!
Stavanger 2017 ] 39.fxg3 xg3+ 40.f1 h7 ( ...Rf5+)
11.c3 h7 12.b3 f5 13.exf5 f6 14.e6 41.xg7+ xg7 Precision: White = 50%, Black

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 27

= 78%. [ 25...e8! ]
0-1 26.xc2 a4 27.cc1
[ 27.dc1= remains equal. e8 28.g3 ]
27...xa2 28.xg7 xg7 29.xg7 xg7
Carlsen,Magnus 2832 30.g4+! f8 31.h4 b2 32.xc4
Karjakin,Sergey 2781 [ 32.h6+= e7 33.g5+ ( 33.xc4 e5;
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (8) 15.06.2017 33.xh7 h8 ) 33...d7 34.f5+ e7
[TA] 35.xc4 ]
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.c3 b4 4.e3 0-0 [ 32...g7! 33.cd4 e8 ]
5.d3 d5 6.cxd5 exd5 7.ge2 e8 8.d2 6 33.e1 f6 ...Qxh4 is the strong threat.
E48: Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein: 5 Bd3 d5 34.xh7 g7 35.c2 Black must now prevent
including Ne2, but excluding 6 a3 Rc8. f6 36.g4
[ 8.0-0 d6 9.d2 bd7 10.c1 a6 [ 36.h7!? g7 37.f5= ]
11.g3 f8 12.f5 xf5 13.xf5 c6 14.f3 36...c5 37.e2 Hoping for Qh7. h6
e6 15.e1 c5 16.h1 cxd4 17.exd4 38.g3! White mounts an attack. f6 39.h4
1/2-1/2 (52) Navara,D (2739)-Kryvoruchko,Y g7 40.g2 g5
(2714) Chartres 2017 ] [ 40...e8= ]
8...f8 9.0-0 b6 10.c1 c5 11.f4 b7 41.c3 White has compensation. d6?
12.f3 LiveBook: 5 Games a6 13.fd1 [ Black should try 41...g7 ]
cxd4N 42.h8++- g8
[ Predecessor: 13...c7 14.dxc5 bxc5 XABCDEFGHY
15.a4 d7 1/2-1/2 (46) Nguyen,C (2370)- 8r+-+-mkntR(
Fayard,A (2212) Paris 2014 ] 7zp-+-+p+-'
14.exd4 c7 15.c2 d6 16.e3 e4 6-zp-vl-+-+&
17.a4 e7 18.b3 d7 19.h3 xc3 5+-+P+-wq-%
20.bxc3 c6 21.h5 Strongly threatening 4-+-+-+-+$
Bh6! 3+-wQ-+-zPP#
[ 21.xd5? xd5 22.xd5 xd5-+ ]
21...e6 22.c2
[ 22.e1 ]
22...a4!= 23.c4 dxc4 24.d5 xabcdefghy
XABCDEFGHY 43.e4! g7
8r+-+-+k+({ [ 43...d8 44.f3 g7 ]
6-zp-vlr+-+& XABCDEFGHY
5+-+P+-+N% 8r+-+-mkntR(
4l+p+-+-+$ 7zp-+-+pwq-'
3+-+-vLQ+P# 6-zp-vl-+-+&
2P+L+-zPP+" 5+-+P+-+-%
1+-tRR+-mK-! 4-+-+R+-+$
xabcdefghy 3+-wQ-+-zPP#
g6! 25.d4
[ 25.xa4= xa4 26.f4 ]
[ 25.xg6 fxg6 ] xabcdefghy
25...xc2 44.xg8+! Precision: White = 64%, Black =

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 28

1-0 8-+-+-+k+(
Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2796 5zP-mK-tr-+-%
Kramnik,Vladimir 2808 4-zP-+P+-+$
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (8) 15.06.2017 3+-+-+R+-#
1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.b5 f6 4.d3 c5
5.c3 d5 6.exd5 C65: Ruy Lopez: Berlin xabcdefghy
Defence (3...Nf6), unusual lines and 4 0-0 Bc5 [ 44...a4 ]
xd5 7.c4 d6 8.b4 b6 LiveBook: 3
Games 9.a4 e4 10.dxe4 xd1+ 11.xd1 XABCDEFGHY
xe4 8-+-+-+k+(
[ Not 11...xf2? 12.e2+- ] 7+-+-+-zp-'
12.c2 aiming for Re1. 6-tRK+-+-+&
[ Of course not 12.e1 f5 ] 5zP-+-+-+-%
12...f5N 4-zP-+-+rzp$
[ Don't blunder 12...xf2? 13.e1+ f8 3+-+-+R+-#
14.a5+- ]
[ Predecessor: 12...d6 13.e1+
1/2-1/2 (58) Caruana,F (2817)-Xiong,J (2674)
Saint Louis 2017 ] xabcdefghy
13.h4 d7! 14.e1 f5 15.xf5 xf5 16.f3 45.a6!+- h7
e5 17.fxe4 g4 18.h3 With the idea Bd5. [ 45...c4+ was necessary. 46.b7 e4 ]
xc4 19.hxg4 0-0 Black is not keeping still 46.f5 a4 47.h5+ g6?
20.e2 a5 21.d2 e3+ 22.b3 axb4 [ 47...g8 48.b5 g6 ]
23.cxb4 fd8 24.b2 d3+ 25.c3 d4
26.c1 d1 27.b1! xc3 28.xc3 e5 XABCDEFGHY
29.a5 g3 30.f2 c6 8-+-+-+-+(
[ 30...c5!? ] 7+-+-+-zp-'
31.f3 Threatens to win with Rxg3. xg4 6PtRK+-+k+&
32.a4 xg2 33.c5 b2+ 34.c4 d6 5+-+-+-+R%
[ 34...b8= remains equal. ] 4rzP-+-+rzp$
35.d1! xc5 36.xc5 Endgame KRR-KRR 3+-+-+-+-#
e8 37.d7 e5+
38.c4! Threatening mate with Rd8+. h5 48.xh4! Precision: White = 90%, Black = 52%.
39.xb7 xe4+ 1-0
[ 39...xa5 40.bxa5 xb7 ]
40.c5 And now a6 would win. c2+ 41.d6
a6 is the strong threat. d4+ 42.c7
Strongly threatening a6. a2 43.xc6 h4
44.b6 g4?

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 29

Aronian,Levon 2793 XABCDEFGHY

Anand,Viswanathan 2786 8r+l+-trk+({
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (8) 15.06.2017 7zpp+nwqpzp-'
[TA] 6-+p+p+-zp&
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.f3 d5 4.g3 b4+ 4-+RzP-+-+$
5.d2 e7 6.g2 0-0 7.0-0 bd7 8.a4 3+-+-zPN+-#
E11: Bogo-Indian a5 9.c2 c6 10.c1 e4
LiveBook: 4 Games 11.e1N
[ Predecessor: 11.e3 f5 12.c3 d6
13.d1 e7 14.ac1 df6 15.e5 xe5 xabcdefghy
16.dxe5 1/2-1/2 (35) Aronian,L (2780)-Wei,Y D56: Queen's Gambit Declined: Lasker Defence
(2706) Wijk aan Zee 2017 ] 13...c5N
11...d6 12.a3 b6 13.cxd5 cxd5 14.b3 [ Predecessor: 13...e5 14.d3 f5 15.b3
a6 15.b5 c8 16.f4 xb5 17.axb5 f5 h8 16.b4 xb4+ 17.xb4 e4 18.h4
18.f3 d6 19.xd6 xd6 20.e3 c7 f6 19.g4 fxg4 20.xe4 1/2-1/2 (34)
21.f1 c8 22.d1 d8 23.d3 h6 Halkias,S (2544)-Georgiev,K (2626) Palic
24.xc7 xc7 25.c1 b7 26.a4 c8 2014 ]
27.c6 e8 28.h7+ h8 14.dxc5 xc5 15.d4 b6 16.b4 d8
[ Don't blunder 28...xh7? 29.c2+ g6 17.c3 d7 18.e4
30.xc8+- ] [ Of course not 18.c7 a6 ]
29.b1 g8 30.h7+ h8 18...a6 19.xa8
[ Don't go for 30...xh7? 31.c2+ g6 [ Not 19.c7? ac8-+ ]
32.xc8+- ] 19...xc4 20.xc4
31.b1 g8! 32.h7+ Precision: White = 70%, XABCDEFGHY
Black = 58%. 8L+-tr-+k+({
- 7zp-+nwqpzp-'
Nakamura,Hikaru 2785 4-zPQ+-+-+$
So,Wesley 2812 3+-+-zPN+-#
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (8) 15.06.2017
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.f3 d5 4.c3 e7 xabcdefghy
5.g5 h6 6.h4 0-0 7.e3 e4 8.xe7 xe7 And now Bc6 would win. xa8 21.0-0 d6
9.c1 c6 10.d3 xc3 11.xc3 dxc4 22.c1 e5 23.xe5 xe5= Endgame KQR-
12.xc4 d7 The position is equal. 13.c2 KQR 24.d1 f6 25.c7 b2! 26.b7 f8
[ 13.0-0 e5 14.b1 exd4 15.exd4 f6 27.xa7 xb4 28.g3 g6 29.h4
16.e1 d6 17.h3 e6 18.c3 ad8 [ 29.d4!? b5 30.b7= ]
19.ce3 c5 20.d3 c4 21.de3 29...b2 30.g2 c2 31.d7 c6+ 32.g1
1/2-1/2 (28) Mamedyarov,S (2735)-Fridman, c1+ 33.g2 c6+ 34.g1 c1+ 35.g2
D (2637) Rabat 2015 ] c6+ Precision: White = 78%, Black = 95%.


Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 30

Giri,Anish 2771 XABCDEFGHY

Caruana,Fabiano 2808 8-+-+-+-+(
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (8) 15.06.2017 7+ntr-mk-zp-'
[TA] 6-zp-+pzp-zp&
1.d4 d5 2.c4 dxc4 3.f3 f6 4.e3 e6 4-vl-+-zP-+$
5.xc4 c5 6.0-0 a6 7.dxc5 xc5 8.xd8+ 3+-+LzP-+-#
xd8 9.e2 7 D2: Queen's Gambit Accepted:
Classical main line: 7 e4!? and 7 a4 e7 10.b3
b6 11.bd2 White has an edge. bd7
[ 11...a5 12.e5 a6 13.dc4 fd7 xabcdefghy
14.xd7 xd7 15.b2 f6 16.fd1 hd8 e5 41.h4 exf4 42.exf4 g6 43.h5 g5
17.a3 ac8 1/2-1/2 (45) Nakamura,H (2785)- [ 43...gxh5+ 44.xh5 g7 ]
Caruana,F (2827) Caleta 2017 ] 44.fxg5++- hxg5 45.h6 f7 46.h5 e5
12.e1 a5 13.b2 d8 14.c1 f8N 47.b5 f7 48.c4 White threatens Bxf7 and
[ Predecessor: 14...a6 15.xa6 xa6 mate. e5 49.d5
16.d3 d6 17.g3 c5 18.xf6+ gxf6 [ 49.a6+- ]
19.xc5 xc5 20.e4 d6 21.xd6 xd6 49...d7?
1/2-1/2 (21) Zakharov,Y (2187)-Dugushov,S [ 49...d3 ]
(1998) ICCF email 2012 ]
15.c4 a6 16.c2 d5 17.fd1 b4 XABCDEFGHY
18.a3 xc2 19.xc2 f6 20.dc1 xc4 8-+-+-+-+(
21.xc4 d2 22.1c2 ad8 Hoping for ... 7+-+n+-+-'
Rxe2! 23.f1 e4 And now ...b5 would win. 6-+-+-mk-zP&
24.e1 f6 5+-+L+-zpK%
[ 24...xc2 is interesting. 25.xc2 f5 26.f3 4-+-+-+-+$
d6 27.a4 e8 ] 3+-+-+-+-#
25.xd2 xd2 26.c3 aiming for Bd3.
[ 26.c2 keeps more tension. e4 27.f3
g5 28.c6 f7 29.e2 ]
26...e4 Black puts up resistance 27.d3 xabcdefghy
[ 27.c2 feels hotter. f5 28.g4 g6 29.h4 50.e4! e5 51.h7 g7 52.xg5 f7+
c8 30.f1 ] 53.f4 h8 54.d3 f7 55.c2 h8
27...d6 56.e5 f7+ 57.f4 h8 58.b1 f7
[ 27...d6 with more complications. 28.d4 59.f5 h8 60.g4 f7 61.g3 h8
c5 29.c4 e7 30.g3 c8 ] 62.c2 f7 63.f4 h8! 64.d1 Strongly
28.d1 e7 29.d3 h6 30.b1 c8 31.e2 threatening Bh5. g6+ 65.g5 e5
c7 32.f4
[ 32.c1!? c8 33.f4 ] (Diagrama)
32...b7 33.b4 axb4 34.axb4 xb4
66.c2! f7+ 67.f4? Precision: White =
(Diagrama) 54%, Black = 60%.
[ 67.h5+- ]
35.xf6+! xf6 36.xb4 Endgame KRB- -
KRN c5 37.xb6 b7
[ 37...xd3 38.xd3 h5 ]
38.xb7 xb7 KB-KN 39.f3 d6 40.g4

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 31

XABCDEFGHY 18.d4 The position is equal. c5 19.c3

8-+-+-+-+( e4 20.e5 xe5 21.xe5 ac8 22.f3
7+-+-+-mkP' c5 23.d4 d7 24.f3 a4 25.d2 b3
6-+-+-+-+& 26.xb3 xb3 27.f2 d6 28.f4 g6 29.e4
5+-+-sn-mK-% f6 30.exd5 xf4+ 31.f3 d8 32.g3
4-+-+-+-+$ [ 32.e3!? f5 33.g4 e5+ 34.f4= ]
3+-+-+-+-# 32...f6 33.c1 fd6 34.d4 a4
[ 34...xd5?! 35.cd1 ]
2-+-+-+P+" 35.h4 g7
1+-+L+-+-![ [ Much worse is 35...xd5?! 36.cd1
xabcdefghy ( 36.xa4 xf3 37.gxf3 b6= )]
36.c3 h6
[ Much weaker is 36...xd5?! 37.cd3 ]
So,Wesley 2812 37.c7 xd5 38.xa4 xf3 39.gxf3=
Aronian,Levon 2793 Endgame KRR-KRR b5 40.f4 8d7 41.xd7
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (9) 16.06.2017 xd7 KR-KR 42.b4 d5 43.f4 f5 44.e3
[TA] f6 45.d4 xd4 46.xd4 g5! 47.hxg5+
hxg5 K3P-K3P 48.b3 e6 49.a4 bxa4
1.d4 f6 2.c4 e6 3.f3 d5 4.c3 e7 50.bxa4 KPP-KPP d6 51.a5 g4 52.fxg4
5.f4 0-0 6.e3 bd7 7.a3 0 D37: Queen's fxg4 KP-KP 53.a6!
Gambit Declined: Bf4 c5 8.cxd5 xd5 XABCDEFGHY
9.xd5 exd5 10.dxc5 xc5 11.e5 f6 8-+-+-+-+({
12.xf6 xf6 13.d4 e7 7+-+-+-+-'
XABCDEFGHY 6P+-mk-+-+&
8r+l+-trk+( 5+-+-+-+-%
7zpp+-wqpzpp' 4-+-mK-+p+$
6-+-+-+-+& 3+-+-+-+-#
5+-snp+-+-% 2-+-+-+-+"
4-+-wQ-+-+$ 1+-+-+-+-!
3zP-+-zPN+-# xabcdefghy
2-zP-+-zPPzP" Threatening mate with a7. c7 54.a7 b7
1tR-+-mKL+R![ 55.a8+ xa8 56.d3 g3 ( ...g2) 57.e2
xabcdefghy g2 58.f2 g1+
Threatens to win with ...Nb3. 14.d1 d8 [ 58...g1!? 59.xg1= ]
XABCDEFGHY 59.xg1 Precision: White = 87%, Black = 95%.
8r+ltr-+k+( -
5+-snp+-+-% Caruana,Fabiano 2808
4-+-wQ-+-+$ Nakamura,Hikaru 2785
3zP-+-zPN+-# Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (9) 16.06.2017
1+-+RmKL+R![ Blitz 1m 1.e4 3 c5 8 2.f3 5 d6 0 3.d4 4
xabcdefghy cxd4 12 4.xd4 7 f6 4 5.c3 4 a6 3 6.g5
15.e2N f5 16.b4 a5 17.c3 e4 7 e6 11 7.f4 6 b6 8 8.d3 25 xb2 21

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 32

9.b1 5 a3 5 10.f5 12 e7 19 11.fxe6 0 19.fe1

fxe6 12 12.e2 33 a5 19 13.d2 9 c7 5 XABCDEFGHY
14.g4 37 h6 0 15.g1 27 d7 20:06 16.g5 13 8rsn-+-+-tr({
hxg5 17 17.xg5 5 c6 31:26 18.xg7 25 7+q+-mkp+p'
0-0-0 2:26 19.cb5 10:16 axb5 0 20.xb5 8 6-+-vlp+pvL&
e5 3 21.xc7 6:30 xd3+ 20 22.cxd3 1:20 5zpL+psN-+-%
g8 21:19 23.a8 22:01 b8 6 24.b6 4 4-zp-zP-+-+$
c6 0 25.f4 15:11 e5 22 26.g3 32 f6 19 3zPPzp-+P+-#
27.f7 25 e8 1 28.f8 19 g7 1:07 29.f2
1:24 e7 0 30.g4 3:12 c6 4:21 31.fb2
3:58 d4 2 32.d5 1:49 b5 1:03 33.a4 24
h6 3:33 34.axb5 3:24 g8 0 35.h3 4:24 b7 xabcdefghy
20 36.e7 3:11 f8 1:43 37.c6 1:44 xc6 8 Strongly threatening Nxf7! d8 20.f4
38.bxc6+ 3 xc6 5 39.f2 45 xf2 0 40.xf2 Precision: White = 90%, Black = 44%.
0 f8+ 3 41.g2 21 e3 6 42.b8 49 xb8 1-0
1:53 43.xb8 5 d5 2 44.c8+ 12 d6 0
45.d8+ 8 e7 2 46.d7+ 9 f6 1 47.exd5
10 e4 32 48.dxe4 16 f4 1 49.h4 46 b5 0 Anand,Viswanathan 2786
50.h5 15 e5 21 51.f5 1:31 g5 9 52.g6 Carlsen,Magnus 2832
10 d6 31 53.e7 23 c4 21 54.e6 10 f6 Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (9) 16.06.2017
0 55.d6 41 e5 5 56.f5 9 d3 18 57.xf6 [TA]
41 xf6 7 58.d7 6 e7 4 59.h6 7
1-0 1.e4 e5 2.f3 c6 3.c4 c5 4.c3 f6
5.d3 d6 6.0-0 a6 7.a4 0 C4: Giuoco Piano: 4
c3 Nf6, main lines with 5 d4 and 5 d3
Kramnik,Vladimir 2808 [ 7.e1 0-0 8.h3 a7 9.b3 e8 10.bd2
Giri,Anish 2771 e6 11.c2 h6 12.f1 d5 13.exd5 xd5
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (9) 16.06.2017 14.g3 d7 15.e3 xe3 16.xe3 e7
[TA] 17.h4 g6 18.c4 e6 19.f3 g7
1/2-1/2 (27) Giri, A (2785) -Nakamura,H
1.f3 d5 2.d4 f6 3.e3 e6 4.d3 c5 5.0-0 (2786) Moscow 2017 ]
c4 6.e2 D05: Colle System with ...e6 b5 7.b3 7...a7 8.e1
b7 8.c3 The position is equal. b4N [ 8.a3 e7 9.c2 0-0 10.e3 xe3
[ Predecessor: 8...a6 9.e5 c7 10.d2 11.xe3 a5 12.e1 g6 13.b3 c6
c6 11.f4 d6 12.f3 e7 13.b1 b4 14.c2 e8 0-1 (41) Anand,V (2770) -
0-1 (65) Rakhmanov,A (2616)-Vallejo Pons,F Carlsen,M (2855) Leuven 2016 ]
(2695) Legnica 2013 ] 8...0-0 9.h3 White has an edge. h6
9.a4 c3! 10.e5 d6 [ 9...b5!? 10.d5 d7= ]
[ 10...c6 ] 10.bd2 e6 11.xe6 fxe6 12.b4 h5
11.a3 White has good play. a5 12.b5+ f8 13.a2N
13.c5 b6 14.xb7 xb7 15.e2 g6 [ Predecessor: 13.f1 f6 14.a2 f4
[ Black should try 15...g8 ] 1/2-1/2 (56) Jumabayev,R (2625)-Nguyen,N
16.e4 And now Bh6+ would win. xe4 (2632) Chengdu 2017 ]
[ 16...g7 ] 13...f6 With the idea ...Nf4. 14.c4 b5
17.h6++- e7 18.f3 White has strong 15.e3 b6
compensation. d2? [ 15...g6= remains equal. ]
[ 18...f6 19.axb4 b6 ]

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

Club Deportivo Sveshnikov - Escuela Guacaricea de Ajedrez 33

XABCDEFGHY Doha 2015 ]

8r+-+-trk+( 13.f3 e6 14.xf6 xf6 15.xf6 gxf6
7+-zp-+-zp-' 16.0-0-0 b4! 17.d5
6pvlnzppwq-zp& [ 17.e2= ]
5+p+-zp-+n% 17...xd5 18.exd5 f5 White is under
4PzP-+P+-+$ pressure. 19.f4 fc8 20.d2 c5
2R+-+-zPP+" 8r+-+-+k+(
1+-vLQtR-mK-![ 7+-+-+p+p'
xabcdefghy 6p+-zp-zp-+&
16.g4! e7 17.e3 xe3 18.fxe3 ab8 4-zp-+-zP-+$
19.axb5 axb5 20.a6 d8 21.d4 exd4 3+-+-+-zP-#
22.cxd4 f7 23.c2 f6 24.xf6+ xf6
25.c6 g5 26.xg5 xg5 27.xc7 g3
The position is equal. 28.e2 a8
XABCDEFGHY xabcdefghy
8r+-+-trk+( aiming for ...Rac8. 21.e1 a5 22.f2
7+-tR-+-zp-' next fxe5 is good for White. ac8 23.e4
6-+-zpp+-zp& xe4 24.xe4 xd5
5+p+-+-+-% [ Black should try 24...f5 25.e3 e4 ]
4-zP-zPP+-+$ 25.fxe5= The position is equal. fxe5
3+-+-zP-wqP# KRR-KRR 26.g4+ f8 27.h4 g7
28.g4+ f8 29.h4 g7 30.g4+ f8
2-+-+Q+P+" Precision: White = 67%, Black = 88%.
1+-+-tR-mK-![ -
Threatens to win with ...Ra2! 29.cc1 a3
30.a1 b3 31.ab1 a3 32.a1 b3
33.ab1 a3 34.a1 Precision: White = 74%,
Black = 56%.

Karjakin,Sergey 2781
Vachier-Lagrave,Maxime 2796
Altibox Norway Chess 2017 (9) 16.06.2017

1.e4 c5 2.f3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4.xd4 f6

5.c3 a6 6.g3 e5 7.de2 e7 8.g2 b5
9.d5 6 B91: Sicilian Najdorf: g3 bd7
10.ec3 b6 11.xe7 xe7 LiveBook: 3
Games 12.g5 0-0N
[ Predecessor: 12...h6 13.xf6 xf6 14.a4
bxa4 15.xa4 xa4 16.xa4 0-0
1-0 (60) Giri,A (2784)-Wojtaszek, R (2723)

Insistir, Persistir, Resistir y Nunca Desistir!

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