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Jeddah Public Transportation Program

PMM Section 09 - Program Safety, Health and

Environmental Plan
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Revision 1
08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Prepared for:
Metro Jeddah

Prepared by:
AECOM Arabia

Quality Information
Document: Program Management Manual (PMM)- PMM Section 09 Program Health,
Safety and Environment Plan
Ref: Date: 30 June 2014
Prepared by: Richard Goodrow Reviewed by: Adrian Shaw

Revision History
Revision Authorized by:
Revision Date Details Name/Position Signature
0 30-Jun-14 Initial Issue Dr. Ghaffar
Program Director
1 08-Feb-15 Incorporation of Procurement Dr. Ghaffar
Plan Imtiaz
Program Director

Revision 1
08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Table of Contents
1. Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2. Status ................................................................................................................................. 6
2. Scope.......................................................................................................................................... 6
3. Definitions and Acronyms............................................................................................................ 6
4. Program Description ................................................................................................................... 8
4.1. Approach ............................................................................................................................ 8
4.2. Definition ............................................................................................................................ 9
5. Health, Safety and Environment Management System (HSEMS) ............................................. 9
5.1. Risk Based Approach ....................................................................................................... 10
6. Metro Jeddah for Public Transportation Company HSE Policy and Objectives.......................... 12
6.1. Policy ............................................................................................................................... 12
6.2. Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 12
7. HSE Manual, Processes & Procedures ..................................................................................... 13
8. Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................................ 14
8.1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO) .......................................................................................... 14
8.2. Chief Program Officer (CPO) ............................................................................................ 14
8.3. Senior Project Director ..................................................................................................... 14
8.4. Project Director................................................................................................................. 14
8.5. Quality and HSE Management Lead (MJC Director/Chief of QHSE and Operations - once
appointed) ........................................................................................................................ 15
8.7. JPTP Personnel ............................................................................................................... 16
9. Competence, Training and Awareness...................................................................................... 17
10. Audit and Review ...................................................................................................................... 18
10.1. Internal Audits .................................................................................................................. 18
10.2. Program Audits................................................................................................................. 18
10.3. Regulatory Authority and Enforcement Audits and Inspections ......................................... 18
10.4. Management Review ........................................................................................................ 18
10.5. Corrective and Preventive Actions and Control of Nonconforming Items .......................... 19
11. Health and Safety Performance and Reporting ......................................................................... 20
12. Emergency Preparedness ......................................................................................................... 21
13. Environment .............................................................................................................................. 22
14. References ............................................................................................................................... 22

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

1. Purpose
The purpose of this Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Plan is enforce compliance with
the Program HSE Policy and to provide reference for the Jeddah Public Transportation
Program (JPTP), the Metro Jeddah Company, and Program partners working on behalf of
the MJC, to a comprehensive list of procedures that ensure a healthy, safe and secure
working environment for Program personnel during the execution of services for planning,
design and construction of the JPTP.

This document establishes the HSE practices that will be implemented through the
Program. The HSE Plan will provide a means of relating specific requirements of the
contract to work methods and practices that support service realization. In conjunction with
the Program Management Plan (PMP), which provides the framework specifying the
approach, management elements and resources to be applied to management of the
Program, these documents describe MJCs Program Health, Safety and Environment
Management System (HSEMS). It focuses on the prevention of HSE problems by using
proven management systems for planning, performing, controlling and evaluating work.
This document outlines the structure of the Program HSEMS and will drive continuous
improvement in HSE performance.

A separate System Safety Management Plan will be developed as a separate deliverable

by Program partners with reference to EN50126 for the design and commissioning phases
of the Program, which include testing, trial runs, certification and handover. The System
Safety Management Plan will also be a living document to be reviewed, revised and
amended as the Program progresses, in line with MJCs standards to achieve an
operational safety case and additional approval requirements as required.

Site security will be defined at individual construction sites by the MJC and D&B
contractors. An overarching security plan for high risk areas (e.g. LRT/Metro stations, bus
stations, and water dockage) will be prepared in agreement with facilities authorities and/or
government departments. Separate System Security Management Plan will be developed
for the commissioning phase of the Program.

Hazards and risks associated with design activities will be assessed and mitigated as part
of the MJC design process which will address hazard and risk areas associated with
infrastructure, construction, installation, operation and maintenance that will affect persons,
including construction labour, operating staff, maintenance staff and members of the public.

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

1.2. Status
This HSE Plan is a controlled document authorized by the MJC. The signed master
controlled copy of the plan is maintained in the MJC Electronic Document Management
System (EDMS), and is controlled accordingly under the requirements of Document Control
and Records Management processes. It is available electronically to all Program Team
members as a read only PDF document. Any printed copy is considered an uncontrolled

2. Scope
This document covers the dissemination and implementation of HSE information which
applies to all JPTP Team Members, and sub-consultants appointed on behalf of the MJC.

The plan provides an outline of the Program HSEMS and activities for the Program. More
specifically, the remit of the plan includes the need to:

Outline the Program HSEMS, including HSE organization, responsibilities, management

Control, procurement, and implementation.
Identify HSE studies, reviews and deliverables.
Assure that HSE deliverables are achieved in line with the overall Program objectives.
Specify reviews and audits to be performed, including audits by MJC.

Quality and HSE is managed as one entity for the JPTP. Refer to the Quality Management
Plan for quality related matters.

3. Definitions and Acronyms

Refer to the following Metro Jeddah Company Acronyms:

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

CI Continual Improvement
CIR Continual Improvement Register
CA Corrective Action
DRL Document Review Log
DCN Design Change Notice
DWG Drawing
DVE Contractors Design Verification Engineer
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
FUA Follow Up Audit
GCR General Contract Requirements
IAR Improvement Action Report
IA Internal Audit
ICE Independent Checking Engineer
IR Inspection Request
ITP Inspection Test Plan
CMS Company Management System
ISO International Standard Organization - (BS EN: British Standard English)
JPTP Jeddah Public Transportation Program or the Program
KPI Key Performance Indicators
LLR Lessons Learnt Register
MJC Metro Jeddah Company
MR Management Review
MoM Minutes of Meeting
MQPR Monthly Quality Progress Report
NCR Non Conformance Report
NCP Non Conforming Product
NTP Notice To Proceed
OBS Observation
O&M Operations & Maintenance Manuals
PA Preventive Action
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PQP Project Quality Plan
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
QHSE Quality, Health, Safety, and Environment
QHSSE Quality, Health, Safety, Sustainability and Environment
QMP Quality Management Plan
QMS Quality Management System
RA Risk Assessment
RCA Root Cause Analysis
VE Value Engineering

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

4. Program Description
4.1. Approach
A top down approach has been applied in establishing the definitions for the Program
based on the objectives defined under the national planning framework and a review of the
existing available materials developed, or currently under development, by various partners
within the Metro Jeddah Company.

It brings together outputs from many of the current work streams already underway into an
integrated document, as reflected in Figure 1 JPTP Definition.

Where gaps have been identified, international best practice and industry governance
standards have been used combined with expertise gained from practical design,
construction, operations and maintenance.

Figure 1 JPDP Definition

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

4.2. Definition

The Council of Ministers approved an integrated transportation system for Jeddah within
Decision Number 131, dated 29/4/1434H. Primary elements are shown in Figure 2
Jeddah Public Transportation Program. General alignments of transportation components
are reflected as Graphic 1 Integrated Transportation System.

Figure 2 Jeddah Public Transportation Project

Graphic 1- Integrated Transportation System

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

5. Health, Safety and Environment

Management System (HSEMS)
This document outlines the structure of the Program HSEMS that will operate as an integral
management tool and will drive continuous improvement in the delivery of HSE, including:
Management Controls (processes and procedures); and
Audit and Review.

The Program HSE Policy and HSEMS are based upon the Plan, Do Check Act (PDCA)
Management Cycle, as explained below:


Establish goals, standardize working processes and train JPTP personnel to deliver results
in accordance with the HSE policies.


Carry out the work according to the plans.


Verify compliance with HSE policies, goals, legal and other requirements, via audit and
review and report the results.


Take action to continually improve the performance of the HSEMS.

This document has been developed in accordance with MJC Health and Safety Policy.

5.1. Risk Based Approach

MJC recognizes that risk management is an effective methodology for improving the HSE
performance of any Program and is critical in enabling HSE objectives to be achieved.

MJC understands that risk management needs to be integrated into the Program delivery
life cycle to increase the HSE focus on the planning, design and delivery stages of the
Program. All program partners, currently and subsequently involved in the Program must
satisfy the requirements of the HSEMS through the execution of risk assessment activities
as part of their HSE Management systems including implementation of control measures
and the continual review and improvement of the residual risks based upon a prioritization
methodology, thereby supporting the aim of Zero Harm and drive towards a positive HSE
culture is achieved.

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

MJC will ensure that a Program HSE Risk Register is developed in line with the Risk
Management Plan and that the Risk Register is reviewed and revised (as appropriate) on a
periodic basis and updated at appropriate stages of the Program.

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

6. Metro Jeddah for Public Transportation

Company HSE Policy and Objectives

6.1. Policy
MJC has established both independent Health and Safety Plan and Environmental Policies
for the Program, as provided in Appendix B and C, for fostering a commitment to HSE from
senior management and providing core objectives for the Program to achieve.

There is a responsibility on senior managers to take an active role in ensuring and

enforcing good practice throughout the Program and to demonstrate through their actions
and words the importance of proactive HSE Management.

MJC HSEMS is in line with the requirements of OHSAS 18001:2007 and ISO 14001:2004,
with a clear requirement for our Program partners to attain certification that includes their
respective programs and/or projects as part of their certification scope.

6.2. Objectives
The MJC CEO has set objectives for HSE Management to be achieved in the delivery of
our business and program. Refer to Appendix B and C.

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

7. HSE Manual, Processes & Procedures

The Program partners will establish a HSE Manual, processes and procedures for the

The HSE Manual is developed to ensure that HSE hazards and risks to which JPTP
personnel may be exposed during the execution of the Program are identified, effectively
mitigated and appropriately managed.

The initial focus in managing HSE issues revolves around design and construction
activities. Therefore, each Program partners will develop project specific suite of
procedures to ensure that the same attention is given to all locations, either in the office
environment, or out at site as appropriate.

As assets for the integrated transportation system are created, operational HSE procedures
will be developed and communicated as appropriate.

Program partners are responsible for developing a robust HSE management system
including processes, procedures etc. applicable to their activities that meet the
requirements and no objection of the MJC. The HSE management systems will be subject
of audit and/or inspection by the Program Management Office (PMO) and Project
Manager/Construction Managers (PM/CMs).

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

8. Roles and Responsibilities

8.1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Approve HSE policies and objectives for the JPTP; and
Ensure provision of a healthy, safe, secure and environmentally considerate workplace

8.2. Chief Program Officer (CPO)

Responsible to the CEO for implementing the HSE policies throughout the program

8.3. Senior Project Director

Ensure implementation strategies are outlined in the HSE Management System and
implemented; and
Ensure a common HSE reporting system is established, monitored and complied with
throughout the Program

8.4. Project Director

Implement strategies outlined in the HSE Management Manual;
Ensure the Program Management Office (PMO) and Project Manager/Construction
Managers (PM/CMs) implements the JPTP Management Plan, Policies, Processes and
Ensure appropriate controls are in place for HSE requirements of JPTP personnel;
Ensure the safety of any third party affected by Program activities is effectively managed
with suitable controls;
Ensure the implementation of the HSE Plan;
Ensure a system for the identification of hazards (including hazardous substances),
assessing risks and implementing appropriate controls to reduce risk to an acceptable
level is implemented;
Issues no objection to risk registers and action plans;
Approve Program material within the HSEMS;
Ensure necessary induction and training with respect to HSE procedures is conducted
for Program team members, sub-consultants, visitors and members of the public under
the control of JPTP as appropriate;
Ensure that safety equipment, including PPE, is available for Program staff and that staff
have been instructed in its use and maintenance;

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Ensure incidents are reported, investigated and resolved in accordance with relevant
HSE procedures;
Ensure contracts with other parties provide for compliance with legislative and other
HSE requirements; and
Ensure third parties engaged on the JPTP have effective, safe systems of work
complimentary to the Program HSEMS

8.5. Program Management Office (PMO) Quality and HSE

Management Lead
Accountable for monitoring the implementation of the HSE Plan and fostering continuous
Recommends no objection for material within the HSEMS of the JPTP;
Provide a consultative forum for JPTP personnel to meet regularly for constructive
discussion of HSE issues;
Ensure Risk Registers and Action Plans are developed, reviewed, maintained and
corrective/preventive actions are taken;
Ensure the identification of best practice across the program is actively shared with all
program stakeholders both within JPTP and other stakeholders as appropriate;
Ensure the development of objectives and targets in consultation with all stakeholders;
Encourage active leadership and employee involvement with respect to implementation
of this document;
Ensure the HSE plan is followed, and complies with legislative requirements;
Develop HSE policies and procedures for the Program as required, in consultation with
Regulatory Authorities, the Pre-PM and other key stakeholders;
Ensure Program HSE statistics are collated to identify trends of incidents and injuries,
monitoring positive indicators, and communicating these to JPTP personnel, Regulatory
Authorities and the Pre-PM;
Ensure lessons learned are identified, captured and communicated;
Ensure the effective coordination development and implementation of remedial action
where accident or incident trends have been identified;
Ensure effective Monitoring of the Program HSE performance and process
effectiveness, and make recommendations to the PD on improvement as appropriate;
Develop and monitor a trend report based on near miss reporting; and
Establish HSE KPI measures

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

8.7. Program Partners

Care for their own health, safety and well-being and for that of others who may be
affected by their actions or omissions whilst engaged on the JPTP;
Participate actively in HSE initiatives including training, reporting unsafe conditions and
complying with HSE requirements;
Comply with the requirements detailed in this document and the HSEMS,
Use and maintain equipment provided in line with HSE requirements
Carry out reasonable instructions relating to HSE on the Program (including use of
personal protective equipment)
Follow safe work procedures
Follow HSE procedures as set out in the HSEMS of the JPTP, as required by legislation,
and as specifically developed for any work activities
Report problems (such as unsafe working conditions, unreasonable HSE instructions or
ineffective arrangements intended to protect HSE to the Project Director or Quality and
HSE Management Lead and their line supervisor
Report incidents, including near misses, with the potential to injure personnel or damage
property or the environment
Take appropriate action to protect themselves, which might include stopping work until
the hazard has been eliminated or controlled
Identify any hazards that present an unacceptable risk in the workplace or that are not
covered by this document and bring these to the attention of Project Director or Quality
and HSE Management Lead
Compliance with HSE requirements and their continual improvement is a condition of
engagement for all JPTP personnel and program/projects partners.

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

9. Competence, Training and Awareness

HSE induction and ongoing training will form an integral part of mobilization for personnel
assigned to the Program, which will include the following information:

Program Information;
Organization Structure;
Emergency Contact Numbers;
Location of HSE Policies, Procedures and Forms;
Location of Office Plan and/or site plan(s);
Office Safety Requirements;
Accident and Incident Reporting Requirements;
Site Visit Safety Requirements, including PPE;
Emergency Procedures including Fire and First Aid;
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment;
Information related to significant identified hazards and control measures; and
Welfare facilities.

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

10. Audit and Review

This plan will be formally transmitted to the PMO, PMCMs, MJC consultants and D&B
contractors for reference in production of their own plans and compliance. The Designer and
D&B contractors will be audited for compliance and implementation as part of their internal
audit strategy and compliance to this and their own organizations HSE plan, as appropriate.

10.1. Internal Audits

The Program HSE Plan will be reviewed and amended in response to the findings from
incidents, improvement comments and lessons learned. As a minimum, this plan will be
reviewed every three (3) months, in the event of significant changes to the scope of work,
resources or the environment and updated as required.

10.2. Program Audits

Program HSE audits will be undertaken in line with the HSE Management System, based on
OHSAS 18001 and ISO 14001, in line with an annual audit program. The audits are
conducted with a no-fault attitude towards personnel and in a spirit of achieving excellence
through problem identification and corrective action. The audit process provides for reporting
observations in addition to the assessment of nonconformities. Program HSE audits and
internal audits are the primary tools for assuring HSEMS capability, implementation and
effectiveness, which includes the activities of JPTP personal and program partners.

10.3. Regulatory Authority and Enforcement Audits and Inspections

HSEMS surveillance audits and inspections (planned and unannounced) may be conducted
by relevant Regulatory Authorities or Enforcement bodies to verify the implementation of
JPTP processes in meeting legal and other requirements. Where a Regulatory Authority or
Enforcement body issues a Corrective Action Request (CAR), Non Conformance Report
(NCR), and/or improvement, MJC and/or the program organization responsible party will
submit details of proposed corrective and preventive action plan as stipulated by the
auditing/inspection authority. Where a program organization is issued with an improvement,
corrective/ preventive action or notice, this information will be communicated to the MJC
prior to submission to the Regulatory Authority. All planned and or unannounced audits and
inspections will be formally communicated to the MJC by program partners via the Pre-PM.

10.4. Management Review

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Management reviews will be undertaken to ensure that the HSEMS continues to be

adequate and effectively manages HSE risks identified from all Program activities. The MJC,
Program Management Office and Project Manager/Construction Managers (PM/CMs) will
review the effectiveness of the HSEMS periodically to ensure compliance of Program

10.5. Corrective and Preventive Actions and Control of

Nonconforming Items

Corrective and Preventive Actions will be implemented as necessary to respond to non-

conformity and opportunities for improvement, normally as a result of audits, or formal
complaints as defined in the Corrective and Preventive Action and Control of Nonconforming
Items processes, respectively.

Where a Corrective Action Request (CAR), or Non Conformance Report (NCR) is issued,
the responsible party will submit details of proposed corrective and preventive action plan
within fourteen (14) days of receipt, or as stipulated by the request/report depending on

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

11. Health and Safety Performance and


The Quality and HSE Management Lead will ensure continual monitoring of all HSE related
performance for personnel engaged on the Program.

HSE related performance within the JPTP will be reported in accordance with the Project
Controls processes

HSE incident related reporting within the JPTP will be reported in accordance with the Metro
Jeddah for Public Transportation Company HSEMS.

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09-Safety Health and Environment Plan

12. Emergency Preparedness

Emergency Preparedness will be managed based upon risk. In particular, it is mandatory
that all personnel are made aware and understand what actions to take and when to take
them in the event of an emergency situation. All Program partners shall implement an
Emergency Response Plan (ERP) specifying how any particular occurrence will be
managed in the event that an emergency situation shall occur and ensure that the Program
Director is informed on a timely basis of any such events.

All program partners shall ensure that these plans are sufficient and fit for purpose and no
conflicting information/course of action is present and provide such information, instruction
and training as may be required to assist personnel to respond appropriately, in the event of
an emergency.

In order to verify the suitability and capability of arrangements, the Program partners shall
ensure that a testing schedule is in place and that exercises are conducted on a regular
basis. After the completion of any exercise, or an actual emergency response, the Program
Partners will ensure, in consultation with all stakeholders that a review and revision of the
Program ERP is undertaken. Any lessons learnt are to be communicated to the MJC for
potential cascade to other areas of the program.

Records of exercises conducted, and actual emergency response situations are to be kept
together with details of follow up actions and performance assessments for audit purposes.

Program Partners will develop and implement a Security and Emergency Plan for the each
location, covering the following topics and scenarios:

Emergency Contacts (Internal);

Emergency Contacts (External);
Emergency Response Plan (ERP);
Emergency Response Instructions;
Evacuation Assembly Points;
Medical emergency;
Suspicious mail and packages, including Bomb Threat procedure and checklist;
Armed intrusion, threat or hold up, robbery;
Internal emergency building damage, gas leak, chemical spill, illegal occupancy;
External emergency natural disasters, air crash, civil disturbance, etc.; and
Essential Services Faults.

ERP are subject to audit by the MJC, PMO and PM/CMs at their discretion in order to verify
the suitability of the arrangements to meet its policies.

Operational Emergency Preparedness will be developed during the course of the Program

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08 February 2015
Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09-Safety Health and Environment Plan

13. Environment

MJC will implement an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to ensure that adverse
impacts of the construction, operation and decommissioning of all infrastructure and
physical works, and physical activities related to JPTP projects are minimized; and that the
positive benefits of the Program are enhanced.

The scope and detail of the EMP will largely be a function of the outcomes of Environmental
Impact Assessments (EIAs) for the projects under review, and will be guided by Aspects and
Impacts Registers and the Environmental Legal and Other Register. EIA processes are
defined and implemented through appropriate phases of the Program. EMPs will be
approved by the Ministry of Environment prior to the project receiving authorizations (e.g.
permits) to commence.

14. References
The HSE Plan will be implemented in conjunction with the MJC HSE Policy and in
compliance with the following:

OHSAS 18001:2007 standard in conjunction with ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004
OHSAS 18002:2007, Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Guidelines for the implementation of the OHSAS 18001
International Labour Office: Safety and Health in Construction 1992
Local legislation

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Appendix A
Program Plan Hierarchy

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PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Appendix B
Program Health and Safety Policy

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

Appendix C
Program Environmental Policy

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Jeddah Public Transportation Program
PMM Section 09 Program Safety, Health and Environment Plan

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08 February 2015

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