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oR CHILD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LIVE UNITED I rf OF OTTAWA COUNTY, INC. Chita Hart i e Relea eae Services a Lakeshore [cad Start ‘Community Partner EHS/HEAD START TEACHER Performance Evaluat First 90 day Review uw Spring Review: Name: _Jessica Caudill Date: 3-A\-lb Job Title meaitanvaa Center:_Mduplewordl Supervisor Instructions: © There are 3 categories, 1, instructional Planning, 2. Instruction, 3. Professional Re: items for each performance level © Assess which level provides the best overall description of the teacher within each line item and check the appropriate box. Consider and ist evidence gathered throughout the period being assessed during pre-observation conference, the observation, the post-observation conference, and classroom walkthroughs as applicable. sibilities. Within each competency there are 1-5 line Performance Levels Ineffective Well below expected performance level; immediate improvement needed, employment at risk Developing: Some areas lack the expected performance level Proficient: Meets expected performance level Accomplished: Exceeds expected performance level; models to other staff and shares knowledge Effective 8/2/13 Updated 9/2035 Page 1 of 12 1. INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING Ineffective Developing Proficient ‘Accomplished a a z a ‘The teacher does not demonstrate | Theteacher communicates afocus | The teacher demonstrates a focus | The teacher establishes challenging clear focus or cidren's earning. | forchilden’s learning. develops | forchilrers learning, with and measureable goals for Focus FOR LEARNING | gs_| teaming obectwesaretoo general | learning objectives that are appropriate learning objectives | chidrens learning that aligns with F | toguice lesson planingand are | appropriate forthe chidren and | thatinclude measurable goals for | school readiness goals and reflects ee ee E | inappropristeforthe chidren, | reference school eadiness goals | chidrens learning aligned with | the developmental ability ofeach 5 | anijordonotreference school | but do nat include anything school eadiness. The teacher | child. The teacher demonstrates Lesson Plans easiness goats measureable. emonstrates the importance of | how the goal tito the broader Indlvidualtzations the goal and ts aparopriteness | scope of schoo readiness. for preschool age eileen ‘ssi submits leston plans on Indviduaizations are developmentally appropriate. Jessie actively participates in cXaT smestings Effective 8/1/13 Updated 9/2015 Page 2 of 12 ineffestve Developing Proficient ‘Accomplished a or a a # £ | teteachershowslimited orno | Theteachershows someregard | The teacher acknowledges ‘The teacher encourages children’s 2 & | repastorchire’sperspecive. | for chlerens perspective. children’s perspective perspecthe. 53 Tsse's CLASS cores were 8 Consistently nthe high angen the z ‘area of Regard for Student a Perspectives throughout the school_| z eae a 3 a | g_| The teacher demonstrates lack of | The teacher demonstrates sme “The teacher demonstrates an KNOWLEDGE OF CHILDREN | 2 © ramirty with chiens Faria th eileen’ fama wth Understanding ofthe purpose and & | packrounaionledgeana has | backround inowedgean sate tachround row and Yalu of taming abot ciren's sources of evidence: | % & | madeno attempt ofind his to describe one procedure wed 0. | describes mlile procedures class 8 | inormation obtain this nformaton. sed to obtain tisinforation. Mental Heath Classroom to obtain this information. Observation form Tessi's CLASS cores were nthe : low/tid range inthe area of 8 Quolty of Feedback. The teaching sa ppumunl g team showed improvement in Case Management E scores over the school year. a a z a The teache’splanforinsvuction | Theteachers lesson pan draws | Theteache’'sleson plansare | The teache'sleson plans are A Upon porlonolytetcidens | saflded to meet the needs of | corsistemy stafolded to meet he | development, readinessfor indvdualchldrenorgroupsot | needs of indvitual chidren or | © | development and/or backgrounds. | learning orbacaround ren froups of hiccen g formation, and/or the planis 4 Inappropritalytallored Specie population of chidenin theciercom “esie’s CASS sores were nthe towr/mid ange in the area QuoltyofFeedbock. The teaching gy team showed improvernent in 2 scores over the school year a Effective 8/1/13 Updated 9/2015, Page 3 of 12 ineffective Developing Profiient ‘Accomplished a a a a & ,, | Theteacherstesson does not bulld| The teacher makes an attemotto | The teachermatesclearand | The teacher uses the input and BE | onorconnecttochlden’s prior | connect theless to chien’s | eoherent connection with contributions of ales, clleagues, 3 2 | knowledge, orthe teacher may give | prior inowledge, o previous and othe professionals in E | anexplanation thats ilogcalor | lessons or future learning buts understanding each chil’ prior 5 & | inaccurteastonow the content | not completely success knowledge and supporting thei & ~ | connects to previous and future development. teaming Tessie’ CASS sores showed improvement in the area of g Concept Development over the g course ofthe schoo year. a a z a § | Theteacher does not plan and | The teacher makes an attempt_| The teacher plans and sequences |The teacher plans and sequences B | seauence instruction. taplan and sequence instreton to include the instruction that reflect an Zé netrudion. Important content and concepts. | understanding ofthe relationships PRIOR CONTENT £3 among the important contents, KNOWLEDGE / sequence / | 5 E concepts and curriculum pr Panne cTioas 2 2s wells mip pathways for z Teaming depending on clren’s needs. Sources of dence Tae Tein pare carand e ‘eveloprentaly appropiate. She cLass 8 ‘updates her individualizations and 3 eae ol a a a SE §] meteacher does not use The teacher makes an attempt | The teacher uses rearentation and | The teacher uses revientation and © = | reorientation and summarizing | to use reorientation and summaring statements summaring statements :° 8 statements. summarizing statements. ‘consistently. Tesi's CASS scorer waren the imi range nthe area of ¥ Instructional Learning Formats é ‘The teaching team showed 3 improvement in seores over the school year. Effective 8/1/13 Updated 9/2015 Page 4 of 12 2. INSTRUCTION Ineffective Developing Proficient ‘Accomplished LESSON DELIVERY Sources of Evidence: Observations Informal walkthroughs CLASS a a a a = ‘The teacher's explsnations are ‘Teacher explanations are accurate | Teacher explanations are clear and | Teacher explanations are clear, | uncea,neoherent or naceurate, Decarate. The teacher uses Coerent and precise. Thetearher_| E | snare eenray ineffective in developmental appropiate | useswelltimed, individualized, B | totdingetarer's understanding. | develapmentty appro Stateges ondbngaage desianed | developmentally appropri : to ecvely encourage independent | sateiesand language designed to $ ‘and creative thinking. actively encourage independent and z reste thinking Teste's CASS scores were nthe tid range inthe area of Quay of Feedback Te teaching team showed improvement in scores . over the school year 3 7 3 zw a se o| Te teacher fist address ‘Re teacher attempts toemploy | Theteacheremployseffctive and | The teacher develops understanding 1g 2 9) chitden’s contusion or frustration | purposeful questioning purposeful questioning through effective uses of varied '§ 2 | and does not use effective techniques. ‘techniques. levels of questioning. ' 8 | questioning techniques during the SF) lesson. Jess's CASS scores ware nthe midrange inthe aes of Language ‘ver the schoo eat Effective 8/1/13 Updated 9/2015 Page 5 of 12 Ineffective Developing Proficient a a a 2 | Thetescherdoesnotattempt to | Thetescherreisona single | The teacher supports the leaaing & | maketne lesson chalengingtor | strategy orset of materals to | needs of children through a variety © | mosteniaren,orattemptsare | make the lesson challenging to | of stategles and materi that 2 | developmentally inappropriate, or | most chide though some make learing challenging. B | materateare not access children may not beable to access 2 certain pats ofthe lesson and/or é some may nt be challenged Teas’ CLASS seores ware Inthe md range inthe are of Instructional Learning Formats. The teaching team showed improverentin cores over the schoo year. INDIVIDUALZATION Sources of Evidence: Classroom walkthroughs Mental Health Classroom- | Observation form 8 cass g Effective 8/3/13 Updated 9/2035 Page 6 of 12

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