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Marcus O. Durham and Robert A.



anks and vessels have numerous grounded lightning-discharge halo, equipment bonding, cath-
and protection systems. These include odic protection, stray-current control, power and ex-
static discharge from fluid-movement ternal-line protection, instrumentation connection,
bonding, lightning-protection ground, and instrumentation protection.

Marcus O. Durham is with THEWAY Corporation in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and Robert A. Durham is with New Do-
minion, LLC in Tulsa, Oklahoma. M. Durham is a Fellow of the IEEE, and R. Durham is a Member of the IEEE.
This article first appeared in its original form at the 1999 IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference.

1077-2618/01/$10.002001 IEEE IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001 41

vessel. Activities outside a tank, such as draining
Grounded systems interact and, in some and taking a sample, can cause static buildup.
Static electricity builds due to the motion of low-
cases, interfere with each other. conductivity materials. In nearly all cases, water, a
treating solution, or air is present to provide a
somewhat conductive path. Likewise, wet steam
Each system has unique requirements. In fact, escaping into the atmosphere can accumulate a
grounded systems interact and, in some cases, in- static charge on insulated materials.
terfere with each other. Design concerns, consider- Electric fields develop proportional to the sec-
ations, and requirements for each system are ond power of velocity. Accordingly, linear-flow ve-
identified here. These procedures are appropriate locity should be kept less than 1 m/s, if possible.
for engineers who design, operate, or maintain Dust dispersed from surfaces may develop a
electrical systems for vessels used in any facet of the charge. The effect is greater with smooth surfaces.
petrochemical industry. Although this article spe- In general, a charge will not develop if both materi-
cifically concerns tanks and vessels, the concepts als are conductive.
can be applied to a broad range of grounding appli- These types of static buildup are generally lim-
cations for structures. ited to movement of liquids or solids. Uncontami-
In designing a ground and protection system for nated gases seldom develop a charge buildup.
tanks and vessels, there are many different documents
Preventing Static Hazards
and conflicting ideas. Segments of these are useful.
Several steps mitigate the static hazard. The pri-
Unfortunately, no single guideline provides all de-
mary source of protection is an effective static
sign and installation considerations. A pragmatic de-
ground. Any ground that is adequate for power cir-
sign approach has been identified, categorized, and
cuits, lightning protection, or personnel safety is
presented as a result of successful implementation at a
adequate for static grounding. Because the current
number of different facilities. The difference in
is very low, an electrical path with very high resis-
ground terminology is delineated in Table I.
tance, on the order of 1 MW, is adequate [1].
Maintaining conductivity between fluid move-
Static Electricity
ment and metal surfaces will decrease static effects.
Problems with static electricity arise with three
Conductivity is achieved using a number of proce-
conditions: an explosive mixture, an electric charge
dures that are specific to the system.
accumulated in a low-conductivity material, and
an electric-field discharge that causes a spark of Fluids
sufficient intensity to ignite the mixture. Metal storage tanks should be grounded, and all
Static electricity is generated when two dissim- metal frames and pipes should be bonded. How-
ilar materials are in relative motion. A static-elec- ever, external grounding cannot control sparks and
tricity charge is developed by relative motion to a ignitions inside tanks.
metal object, such as a tank, which is insulated Any conductive objects inserted into tanks
from the earth. Similarly, filling an insulated con- should be grounded.
tainer with charged material creates a static field. Hose nozzles should be bonded before fill-
The third source of charge buildup is solid or liquid ing starts.
movement of a low-conductivity material, such as Steam jets should be grounded before cleaning.
a hydrocarbon. The static effect on hydrocarbons is Drums should be grounded before steam is
enhanced if dispersed water, aqueous solutions, or let out.
conductive air is present. Nozzles and funnels should be metal and
Splash filling, agitation, and mixing are fre- must be grounded (Fig. 1).
quent causes of static electricity inside a tank or Insulated tanks connected to insulated lines
should have a grounded metal pipe section in the
Table I. Types of Grounds line (Fig. 1). If there are no other grounded metal
objects, insulated containers should have a ground-
Type of Ground Description Uses
wire insert.
Grounding Metal paths commonly Maintain minimum potential Mechanical strength, not electrical current, de-
Conductors referred to as the ground between metal and earth termines the ground-wire size. The minimum self-
Grounded Current-carrying wires connected Neutral of power systems as well supporting size is #4 American wire gauge
Conductors to ground at one point as the common or negative of dc- (AWG). The minimum size for burial is #2 AWG.
instrumentation circuits Flexible ground wire should be used for bonds that
Shielding Metal foil, braids, or pipe around Intercept extraneous signals and are disconnected often.
Conductors a signal conductor noise, then conduct them to ground Ground conductors may be insulated, but unin-
Bonding Wires that connect between metal items Keep the potential differenc sulated wires make it easier to check for continuity.
Conductors that may become energized between metal equipment to a Connections may be made with pressure-type
controllable level clamps or exothermic welding.

42 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001

Containers must be filled slowly. Turbulence
from filling operations should be minimized by us- No single guideline provides all design
ing a bottom connection or filling tube extending
nearly to the bottom of the tank. Grids, gauzes, and
and installation considerations.
gratings in the inlet of the tank should be elimi-
nated since these cause charge separation. Projec-
tions that can cause a discharge should be avoided. While it is impossible to protect against direct
Adding a combination of conductive salts to the strokes, lightning energy can be dissipated to mini-
flow stream can reduce potential buildup. For spe- mize damage. A low-impedance, metal path to
cial considerations, a floating-roof tank will pre- ground should be of sufficient size to carry the tre-
clude the development of a hydrocarbon-air mendous energy from a lighting strike [4], [5].
mixture that may be volatile [1]-[3]. The three components of a protection system
However, floating roof tanks can have problems are: air terminals, conductors, and ground termi-
where flammable mixtures exist. These can be nals. Air terminals provide a contact point for the
above open-top floating roofs when the roof is lightning discharge. Conductors (down-comers)
high, when the roof is low and there is a leak in the provide a safe path for the high current produced.
seal, or when there are two seals and vapors are Ground terminals provide a location for dissipa-
trapped between them. This is so common that the tion of the lighting energy.
area above the floating roof is defined as Class I, Di- Nonferrous materials are preferred for each of
vision 1. An effective protection is to bond the up- these items in order to reduce rust or corrosion.
per roof to the metal tank walls with Type 302, Similarly, dissimilar metals in the circuit should
28-gage 2-in-wide stainless-steel straps. be avoided as they create problems in the form of
corrosion, high resistance, loose connections, and
Dusts voltage drop.
Systems for handling dusts are very similar to any The system should be constructed in the form of
that handle other flammable material. Conductive a cage. Since the impedance of the protection path
dust clouds or layers can contribute to a static-electri- is inversely proportional to the number of routes,
cal discharge. The spark occurs between an insulated use two or more down-comer paths. As lightning
conductor and ground. It does not occur within the operates like a high-frequency source, sharp bends
dust itself [2]. Therefore, appropriate grounding is or narrow loops should be avoided (Fig. 2).
critical. There are two additional considerations. Down-comers on metal structures, like tanks
First, the air where dusts are moved should be ion- and towers, are generally ineffective. In the case of a
ized. This prevents the development of a capacitor direct- or induced-lighting strike, the surge will
with the dust as a dielectric. Next, the container must arc from the down-comer to the structure. There-
be made inert to prevent conduction. fore, dissipation of the energy is handled by effec-
tive bonding across joints or pins and by effective
Personnel grounding of the structure.
Personnel clothing and activity has been known to The ground-surface contact area is more impor-
contribute to sparks, equipment damage, and inju- tant than ground resistance in eliminating dam-
ries. Appropriate attire must be required. age. Distribution of the ground system places all
Personnel filling tanks should wear conductive points at the same potential. This mitigates surge
shoes. Rubber or synthetic soles that provide a ca- problems, even in very high-resistance soil. The
pacitor dielectric should be avoided. Outer cloth- ground network or a branch must be extended at
ing should not be removed in the vicinity of least 2 ft from any buried concrete to prevent dam-
flammable mixtures. Separation can cause static age to the structure.
sparks. Metal hats should also be avoided.
Synthetic fabrics have a greater tendency toward
static production than natural fabrics. Natural fibers
and approved flame-retardant fabric should be worn
to reduce personnel injury from ignition sources.
Computers or other electronics should not be
used in a classified area unless they are approved for
the area classification.

Lightning Currents
Lightning effects come in two forms: direct stroke
and indirect currents. Lighting tends to strike pro-
trusions, high points, and edges of structures. Light-
ning causes damage as a result of heat and mechanical
forces when traveling along a high-impedance path. Fig. 1. Grounding for nonconductive vessels.

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001 43

the soil resistance, the amount of energy to dissi-
The goal of ground system design is to pate, and the available structures. Techniques to
build an effective ground system are discussed in
make conflicting requirements for each subsequent sections.
type of system connected to ground
compatible. The Effect of Lightning on Tanks
Additional lightning protection for tanks is not re-
quired if three criteria are met: they can withstand
direct strokes if they are electrically continuous,
As with all electrical signals, lightning current have adequate thickness, and are sealed to prevent
will flow through the path of least impedance. The the escape of liquids, vapor, or gas. Nevertheless,
inductance of copper wires used for grounding is bonding remains a criterion for safety reasons.
nonlinear but is approximately 0.5 mH/ft. The rapid Experience has shown that tanks that have sheet
rise time of a lightning pulse creates a frequency steel 3/16-in thick and are electrically continuous
greater than 1 MHz. At these nominal values, the are not susceptible to lightning puncture. How-
impedance of the wire exceeds 3 W/ft. [6], [7] ever, all vapor or gas openings must be closed or
provided with flame protection [5].
Z = R + jX L An arc that would cause no damage to the tank
XL = 2 f L walls itself can contain enough energy to ignite a
flammable atmosphere. It is common practice in
X L = 2 1 Mhz 0.5H ft = 3.14 ft . some locations to leave the thief hatch open or un-
sealed. This creates a potential hazard in the case of
The nominal resistance of ground wires is 0.3 lightning discharges.
W/1000 ft or less. The inductance is four orders of Larger tanks having adequate contact with a
magnitude (10,000 times) greater. Resistance of conducting pad or surface are self-grounding. A
any size wire is insignificant in the calculations. tank at least 20 ft in diameter and setting on earth
Using very conservative estimates, a surge con- or concrete is self-grounded. A tank at least 50 ft in
tains in excess of 3 kA. Often it exceeds 10 to 20 diameter and setting on bituminous pavement is
kA. Thus, the voltage drop along each foot of wire self-grounded. All other vessels must have an addi-
is at least 9,000 V [8] tional grounding path.
Metal piping may protect metallic tanks not
V drop = I surge Z wire resting on the ground. However, cathodic protec-
tion systems will generally result in isolation of the
V = 3,000 3.14 ft = 9,000 V ft.
drop vessel from metal-piping systems.
Metallic tanks insulated from ground should
Just a few feet of interconnecting wiring will have bonding jumpers to ground to reduce electri-
create a very large potential difference between the cal potential and to prevent damage to the insulat-
ends during transient conditions. ing materials. Tanks become insulated when
The above calculations demonstrate that there membranes or liners are placed under the vessel to
is no such thing as a common-earth potential prevent soil contamination.
point. Nevertheless, plant-grounding systems are Tanks with outside electrical connections for
connected to the earth as a point of reference. The motors and instrumentation also need to be
effectiveness of the earth connection depends on bonded and maintained at a uniform potential [9].
For equilibrium bonding, use a minimum of
two grounding terminals with less than 100 ft of
separation around the perimeter of the vessel to
be protected.
Copper Wire
8 in Min Radius Ground Ring Protection
Clouds and lightning can create different poten-
tials between locations in a large plant area. In ad-
Well, 6 in Pipe dition, differences in soil resistivity can contribute
to potential differences. Another problem can arise
from currents caused by faults in the electrical
power system. Moreover, instrumentation signals
with ground loops and leakage current can also
contribute to potential problems. To mitigate
these conditions, it is imperative that a reference
ground be maintained at equilibrium throughout
Fig. 2. Bending radius. the facility [6], [10].

44 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001

If the facility occupies a surface area greater than cased in pipe or concrete. A cover should be placed
500 ft2, a ground-loop conductor should be in- over the well.
stalled completely around the equipment (as illus- Fences should be bonded to the ground loop if
trated in Fig. 3) that creates a grid with cross- they cross or are within side-flash distance of 6 ft.
connection conductors. A maximum spacing of 50 The fence should have bonding across gates and
ft should exist between the conductors. other discontinuities, such as end or corner posts.
The ring electrode should be buried a depth of Implementation of these steps will provide an
not less than 30 in. The ring needs to be kept a effective earth connection.
minimum of 2 ft from the foundation or exterior
footings. Alternately, the ring electrode may be en- Incoming Lines
cased in the concrete footing or in at least 2 in of External lines often come into an equipment rack
concrete over 20 ft long. The conductor should be or building that is protected by a grounding grid.
at least #2 AWG bare copper. These lines include power, data, communication,
Lightning down-comers, ground rods, and telephone, and antenna cables [11].
other grounding systems need to be bonded to the Incoming cables should be bonded to a local,
loop and to any noncurrent-carrying metal that is single-point, common bus. This bus may be a sepa-
within 8 ft vertically or 6 ft horizontally of the rate rat-race ring or a common-connection point.
loop. All structural steel must be bonded to the Ultimately, it will be bonded to the ground ring.
grid. Wires and conductors bonded to the protec- Lightning protectors installed on electric- and
tion system should not be painted. The resistance telephone-service entrances and on radio- and tele-
of any bonded object should be less than 1 W. vision-antenna lead-ins provide protection for the
Bends in conductors must be maintained to an structure as well as the equipment. If possible, these
included angle of less than 90 and a radius of at are mounted and grounded at the local common bus
least 8 in. Suspended conductors should be sup- at the entrance. These lines should also be protected
ported at least every 3 ft. again before distribution in cable trays. Where data
Exothermic welding or listed devices, such as lines are exposed to transients, using fiber-optic seg-
lugs or clamps, are preferred for connections. Con- ments can effectively isolate the noise.
nections not observable must be compression-type Lightning protection for power lines depends
or welded. on the load. The voltage, number of phases, and
Inspection wells should be placed at points configuration describe the type protection. Non-
where the ground rod connects to the grid (Fig. 2). electronics can generally be protected with shunt-
The well should be at least 6 in diameter and en- type protectors. The protection devices may be


Instrument 9 10

Power Ground
Power Pole
MCC Logic Power Panel
Pump Jumper

Ground Rod
Pole Or Tower
Ground Wire
Conduit / Conductor
Mechanical Piping

Anodes Cathodic

Fig. 3. Ground systems.

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001 45

transient voltage-surge suppression systems (TVSS) total ground-path circuit resistance must be less
or isolation transformers. than 6 W.

Ground Rods I trip = V fault Rgnd

Ground rods should be 8 ft long and have a diame- = 120 25 = 4.8 A, < 20 A.
ter of 0.5 in. The material can be solid copper, cop-
per-clad steel, or stainless steel. They should be Electronic circuits are particularly susceptible to
separated to minimize interference. Greater sepa- transients and shifts in current levels. For these de-
ration will reduce (improve) the contact resistance vices, a ground resistance of less than 1 W is desired.
with the earth. There are extensive calculations for
determining the most effective distance between Concrete Resistivity
ground rods. For most conditions, a minimum dis- In an attempt to improve soil resistivity, designers
tance of 2.2 times the length of the electrode have added various chemicals. Chemical electrodes
should separate the rods. are often proposed to accomplish reduced resis-
A grid and ground ring will maintain equilib- tance. However, maintenance requirements and
rium potential. When installed in conjunction expenses make this a less-than-preferred option.
with a system grid, ground rods should be less than Concrete is an effective medium for fill around
50 ft apart. Where soil resistance is greater than ground conductors for several reasons. Concrete is
5,000 W/cm, an alternative should be evaluated. quite conductive because of the retained moisture
Lowering the contact resistance by concrete or ad- and the alkalinity which provides free ions [15],
ditional rods is recommended. The rods must be [16]. Buried concrete has a resistivity of about
bonded together, preferably using a ring arrange- 3,000 W/cm, which is considerably less than the
ment [12]. average earth resistivity of 6,500 W/cm.
Where an isolated electrical device is installed, A 5/8-in 8-ft ground rod in average soil will
an alternative grounding electrode system is via- have a resistance of 23 W. This satisfies the NEC re-
ble. Instead of constructing a ground ring and grid, quirement. If rock is encountered the soil resistiv-
a triad of concrete-encased rods should be used. ity goes to 50,000 W/cm and the contact resistance
Electrical-system grounding can not be used in is 177 W. The same rod placed in concrete will
lieu of lightning ground rods. Nevertheless, the lower the circuit resistance to 10.6 W according to
systems must be bonded together. Dwights formula [17].

Ground Resistance R = [ 1915 [

. L] ln ( 48 L a) 1 ]
Traditionally, ground-circuit resistance has been
measured with a three- or four-point method. Test [ . 8
R = 3,000 1915 ][ln( 48 8 0.625) 1]

electrodes were installed to permit measurement of = 10.6 .

the resistance range with an ac instrument. How-
ever, a clamp-on instrument now allows direct Construction of a concrete electrode is simple.
reading of the resistance by inducing a signal on Drill 12-in holes and backfill with concrete. Place a
the conductor [13]. ground rod in the center of each concrete hole (Fig. 4).
Variations in temperature and moisture will af-
fect the measured ground resistance. Dryer soil
will have greater resistance. Similarly, cooler soil
will have higher resistance. To ensure protection,
designs should be based on the average or higher
resistivity conditions.
The grounding system should be tested visually
every seven months for corrosion or broken wires and
electrically every 14 months. Over time, this cycle as-
sures tests in all seasons and weather conditions.
The resistance of the ground system depends
on the application. The goal for power grounding
systems is a 25-W ground resistance. If this is not
met, the only requirement to satisfy the National
Electrical Code (NEC) is to add a second ground
rod [14].
For a 120-V circuit that is faulted and touching
earth, 25 W allows a current of 4.8 A. That is an in-
adequate amount of current to trip a 15- or 20-A
circuit breaker. In order to trip a 20-A breaker, the Fig. 4. Concrete-encased electrode.

46 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001

To verify the suitability of the ground, calculate Only 3 ft of separation is required through solid
the effective resistance of multiple ground rods us- materials, such as concrete, brick, or wood.
ing the empirical-relationship example. The terms
are R for resistance of one electrode, n for number of Cathodic Protection
electrodes, and Rn for resistance of number of elec- Cathodic protection is designed to protect metal
trodes. The net resistance is calculated by this rela- from corrosion. This is accomplished by selecting a
tionship. material to sacrifice. A connection is made between
For three electrodes in concrete, the contact re- the sacrificial anode (positive) and the metal to be
sistance would be reduced to 4.6 W [12] protected that becomes the cathode (negative).
Then the protected metal is made more negative.
Rnet = [Rone n] 2 e
0 .17( n 1)
] Often the connection between the anode and cath-
ode is through a rectifier or power source to create a
= [10.6 3] [2 e ]
0 .17( 3 1)
Rnet greater potential difference.
The cathodic source should be connected to the
= 4.6 . power system in the same way any other electrical
power device would be connected. Equipment
Although this is not an unusually low value, it grounding and a neutral ground must be provided.
is considerably better than the 177-W resistance in Lightning arresters of the appropriate voltage
the native soil. should be connected to all incoming power leads.
Low-voltage arresters must be connected on the dc
Halo Systems side if the rectifier is outside a ground ring.
Structures that protrude above the surrounding The positive lead of the rectifier or source
structures are more prone to lightning damage. should be connected to the anode. This circuit
Additional protection can be provided by halo sys- must be protected from any contact with soil,
tems. However, the key ingredient that makes metal, or other grounded elements.
these protection schemes appear to work is an ex- The negative lead needs to be connected to the
cellent ground network. It is more important that vessel being protected. Other dc negative leads
the grounding system extend under the entire should be connected to ancillary pipe to be protected.
structure than that the ground is a low resistance
[12], [18]. In an effort to control cathodic protection, the
metal being protected should be insulated from
We have observed lightning striking a halo sys-
tem and the flash traveling along the down-comer other metal by pipe or connections. Any metal in
on multiple occasions. There was extensive damage contact with the vessel or the negative lead will
to the electrical equipment because of an inade- draw current. This draw may be so excessive that
quate low-potential ground grid. the vessel is not protected and develops holes.
The zone of protection of an overhead shield is The pipeline is commonly isolated from the
beneath a 100-ft radius arc from the overhead vessel. Furthermore, the pipe and vessel may each
ground conductor. Conductors can be on a single have their own cathodic protection from two dif-
pole or mast. Alternately, wires can be strung ferent sources. This creates a real challenge when
across the protected area. both systems must be bonded to the electrical
Wood masts should have an air terminal ex- grounding network.
tending at least 2 ft above the pole. An overhead The systems are bonded together through a
ground wire or down conductor extending above or controlled-resistance jumper. However, the elec-
across the pole acts as an air terminal. trical system should not be bonded directly to a
Insulated structures should have air terminals line isolated for cathodic protection. A bonding re-
within 2 ft of the outermost projection of the roof sistance of a few ohms is adequate to restrict the
or vessel edge. The terminals should be greater stray current. Moreover, the resistance must be low
than 1 ft above the structure. The separation be- enough that fault current will trip protective de-
tween terminals should be less than 20 ft. Termi- vices. This implies the maximum resistance should
nals greater than 24-in high may be placed no more be about 1-5 W for 120-V circuits.
than 25 ft apart [5].
Conductors should interconnect all air termi- Stray Currents
nals and provide at least two paths. One path may Stray current is any current flowing in paths other
be used if the terminals are at a lower elevation than than those deliberately provided for it. These can
the top roof terminals. Down-comer wires should be the result of faults or from ground return paths
be #2 AWG or larger, and the down connectors of other circuits. They can also arise from cathodic
must be connected to the grid. protection as well as the galvanic currents resulting
Side flashes can be prevented by bonding be- from corrosion of metals. Seldom are measure-
tween metallic surfaces or by adequate separation. ments made to determine the existence of stray
Greater than 6 ft of separation is required in air. currents unless corrosion or sparks are observed.

IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001 47

Cathodic protection can create stray current Twisted-pair cable bundles will mutually cou-
problems, but the input voltage is comparatively ple the total available surge energy to all the pairs
low. Therefore, the incendiary or shock risks are in a cable bundle. More pairs share the energy and
low. In addition, galvanic potential may be present permit less to be imposed on one piece of electron-
but does not exceed 1.5 V because of the battery ac- ics. Regardless of the number of pairs, all unused
tion. Therefore, these risks for ignition are low. pairs are grounded to the local, common, sin-
However, both effects can cause corrosion to any gle-point bus. Any surge energy induced on these
metal exposed to the currents. lines will then be directed to the earth.
Stray currents from faults and ground returns For more than six pairs in a bundle, shunt-type
can create serious problems if the path carrying the protectors are usually adequate to dissipate the en-
unknown current is broken. For dry air, the dielec- ergy. For less than six pairs, more energy is present
tric strength is about 30,000 V/cm. For the short- on each pair, so inline protectors are required. The
est measurable air gap, the arcing voltage is about inline protectors include filters as well as shunt
350 V. This level is not generally available on bro- protectors.
ken or separated lines. Instrumentation and communication cables
Nevertheless, intermittent connections can cre- run more than 5 ft from high-voltage and high-
ate arcs. The arc may ignite flammable mixtures if power cables eliminate the majority of the induced
the potential exceeds 35 V. Above 50 V there is noise. If it is necessary to cross power cables, the ca-
also increased risk of personnel electrical shock. bles are run at right angles to avoid induction.
It is preferable to isolate the source of the stray To provide a more complete shielding of the
current, if it is known. The fix for remaining terminations and to protect the equipment in dirty
stray-current problems is to bond the systems to- environments, the complete electronics could be
gether in a known format. The accepted permanent placed in a National Electric Manufacturing Asso-
connection is a #4 AWG conductor or a bonding ciation (NEMA) 12 enclosure. If this is done, suffi-
resistor. cient air circulation must be provided for cooling.
Stray current arises from multiple connections to
earth. The offending grounding electrode should be Protection Devices
isolated from the earth and the grounding connec- Protection devices are often added to the electri-
tion ascertained through the grounding conductor. cal system to aid in managing surges. The de-
Stray current can also create disturbances of in- vices may shunt current, block energy from
strumentation signals. In addition to the other traveling down the wire, filter certain frequen-
sources, instrumentation stray currents can arise cies, clamp voltage levels, or perform a combina-
from shield conductors and conduits being tion of these tasks.
grounded at more than one location. In one instal- Regardless of the function, only a few basic
lation, we found 14-A leakage current flowing to components are available to economically build the
the grounding electrode. protectors (Fig. 5). Protection devices are selected
Shield conductors are normally terminated only based on the voltage, frequency, and ground sys-
on the source end. These must never make contact tem of the circuit.
with metal or the earth at any other location. The simplest arrangement is physical separa-
tion. Gaps may be used to provide arc paths above a
Shields are grounded at one end only to prevent
certain level. These may be air gaps or spaces be-
circulating currents. A contrasting consideration is
tween conductors in a dielectric material. Classical
to keep the potential on a shield to less than 25 W.
lightning arresters fit in this category. Often the
On long runs, this may require multiple connec-
devices are built so that the path will become low
tions to ground.
impedance once breakdown occurs. Silicon carbide
Similarly, a conduit that is used to carry logic- is often used in high-energy devices. Gas tubes and
level signals should not provide a continuous me- other breakover materials also fit in this category.
tallic path. A polyvinal chloride (PVC) conduit This is the slowest class of protection equipment,
stub or a cable run can isolate one end of the con- but the energy handling capability is very large for
duit. Nevertheless, one end of the conduit is still
bonded to the grounding network.

Instrumentation Wiring
Transients and other extraneous signals create
noise. In order to cancel induced noise, twisted-
pair cables are used. The same noise will be induced
on both wires, but the twisting will cancel the ef-
fect at the end. For analog and higher frequency
discrete signals, shielding is used. For low-level, Source Hi-Energy Filter Block Lo-Energy Load
high-frequency signals, coaxial cables are preferred
[19], [20]. Fig. 5. Protection scheme.

48 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001

the cost. Properly designed gas tubes can work to is to make these seemingly conflicting require-
the limits of lightning levels [6]. ments compatible.
The next common arrangement uses passive For lightning protection, a uniform ground grid
electrical elements. Capacitors and inductors are ap- is desired under the entire area covered by the tank or
plied to the circuit. Bypass or bandpass filters can be vessel and all its connected equipment. A static-
constructed. Inline filtering uses inductors. Air core lightning shield will protect the area under a 100-ft
is preferred to ferrite-core inductors. The air core has arc. If used, it should be inside the grid network.
less attenuation, a higher cutoff frequency, and is For personnel protection, the vessel, all other
larger. However, it is preferred because the fer- metal, and the electrical equipment must be
rite-core characteristics change with the magnitude bonded together. For power grounding, the con-
and frequency of the current to be dissipated. nection to earth must be a low resistance. For in-
Semiconductor devices are the most advanced strumentation signals with protection to ground,
arrangement. These devices are faster, but they there must be no shift in the level between the
generally handle less energy than comparably source and the instrument. This is accomplished
priced alternatives. Because of the limited range of with a single connection to the grounding system.
operation, these devices must be more precisely For cathodic protection, current is applied to metal
specified. Silicon devices fit into two groups; volt- that is connected to the ground system. Isolation
age or current-protective elements. and controlled bonding prevent stray currents.
Metal-oxide devices are primarily voltage trig-
gered and are manufactured to handle very precise References
[1] Protection Against Ignitions Arising Out of Static, Lightning, and
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IEEE Industry Applications Magazine November/December 2001 49

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