Krishan Kar

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kmra pravarea madya nagarepradyumnaphe sthit

devi saptaka sayut bhagavati r rik ptu na.

Shri Sharika Devi is the Divine Mother,presiding Devi of --Predhumna Piitha,which is the Sharika Parvat/Hari Parbat of Kashmir. The
traditional Prepyun--Naivedya Mantra of Kashmir Paddhati/prescribed system,describes Shri Sharika as the Divine Mother. She is adored with
the Thousand Names--revered in the Sharika Sahsranaama.

Literal translation of Sharika is Ha'air in Kashmiri. The Bija Mantra of Shri Sharika is of SEVEN syllables. Seven syllables refer to the Sapta
Matrikas , according to the Shakti Agamas.

It has its own Gayatri, which is invoked at the time of the Homas--Agni Hotras of the Agamic nature. The Sharika is also invoked in the
kdi vidy bja akara----KADI system of Mantras. It has its origin in the Kavarga family of the Sanskrit Varnamala. Its explanation is
found in the Sharika Sahsranaama itself.

Pandit Krishan Joo Kar has sung this Rahasya Purna Stuti---in praise of Shri Sharika Devi,who is Ashta- Dash Bhujaa Dhaarini Devi. The
language of this Stotra is in Kashmiri, with some Sanskrit and Persian words. Pandit Krishan Joo kar happened to be the Guru of Reshi Peer

(It will a great service to the spiritual heritage of Kashmir, if the portrait of Swami Krishan joo kar could be provided to the Editor of the Shehjar
E-journal , along with some details about the history of this great saint of Kashmir. I have learnt this Stuti , while reading it from a Nastaliq script.

The Stuti runs as;

Shri Sharikayai Namah

( Vande Shilatan Ishvari Shri Sharika Devi Namah
Mehre Charachar Ishvari Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

Our obeisance to Shri Sharika Devi, who has manifested in the form of a sacred rock--known as Chakreshwara at Hari Parbat. She is the
Supreme Sovereign Mother of this world and the world, which is transcendental.She is the luster of the Solar galaxies. 1

(Noor-e- Jehan Sundari Tabinda Mehr-e Anwari
Mahe Afroz Akhtari, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

She is the brilliance of this universe.She is the radiance of the universal flux. She is the lunar luminosity, where in the stars and the planets shine,
to reveal her wonderful excellence. We make our prostrations before Shri sharika Devi.2

- 3
(Sihme Gazanfar Vahan Ast, Shiv Shakti Zere Ahan Ast
Lalo Jawahar Daman Ast, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

Her coach is the lion, Shiva and Shakti are complementary to each other for undoing the web,which it has spun. she is adored with all the
diamonds and jewels. We make our prostrations before Shri Sharika Devi.3

(Bar Har Seh Karan Bartari, Dar Har du Alam Sarwari
Bar Farkhe Andar Afsari, Shri Sharika Devi Namah)

She is beyond the three causal principles of Divinity. She is the Divine Mother of the immanent and the transcendental world. She is having the
free will of administring the universal flow of creation, sustenance and absorption. We make our prostrations before Shri sharika Devi.4

-- 5
(Garde Rahat Kohle Basar, Khake Dhirat Noore Qamar
Sange Samirat Khisht Zar, Shri Sharika Devi Namah)

In her Divine play,she gives the eternal peace, as if being on the banks of a river. The earthly planet is wonderfully filled with the brilliance of the
moon. Her abode is the Sumeru , which is Chakreshwara. Verily,that is the golden treasure of Divinty with glimmering realms 5

(Tuu Char Dah Ratne Garan, Tuu Nav Nidane Javedan
Tuu Khane Gauhar Shudh Ayan, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

You are the treasure house of the fourteen celestial treasures, being the special measure and power. You are ever present in the nine present looks
of the Divine Mother. You are the golden cave of purity.fragrant with clarity.My obeisance to you, O Mother Sharika! 6

You are integrated with the five cosmic elements-earth, water ,fire , air and space. You are Supreme in exercising the Divine authority for
harmony and the mystery behind the nature.

Your Divine Throne is the celestial quitneessetial of absolute stability.My obeisance to you, O Mother Sharika! 7

(Devi Zagat Mata Tuhi, Shiv Shakti Guru Trata Tuhi
Mata Pita Bhrata Tuhi, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

O Mother, You are the Supreme Mother of the Universe. You are the integral One in the form of being in Ardhanarishwara as Shiva and Shakti.
You are preceptor and the Savior.You are mother,father , brother and each kith and kin. My obeisance to Shri Sharika.8

(Za'ihir Tuhi Ba'itin Tuhi, Hazir Tuhi Nazir Tuhi
Awal Tuhi Akhir Tuhi, Shri Sharika Devi Namah)

You are apparant everywhere, You are hidden as well. You are present every where. You are the coordinator of this universal flux. You are the
Primal cause. You are the ultimate Shakti every where. My obeisance be to you ,O Mother Sharika!9

(Jage Ra Sarva Saman Tuhi, Shahe Shan Shahan Tuhi
Jisme Jehan Ara zzan Tuhi, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

You are the essentials of the universe.You are the Supreme Sovereign Mother,being all knowledge and glory. You are architect of the universal
plan,with Divine thoughts of sovereignity. You are the most beautiful expression of Divinity. My obeisance be to you ,O Mother Sharika!10

( Lakshmi Jahan Ara Tuhi, Maya Dishane Afza Tuhi
Buddhi Maha Vidya Tuhi, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

You are the Lakshmi par- excellence. You are the wonderful play and the breeze of this world within various directions. you are higher intellect.
You are the sacred knowledge of the Vedas.My obeisance be to you ,O Mother Sharika!11

- -
(Chakreshvrat Hajat Rawa Saz- O- Gada Ra PadshahWah Wah Cha Lakshmi Thapna, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

You are present in the Chareshwara,which provides all what is needed to sustain for.The kings and the beggars , one and all are seen at the great
throne of Chakreshwara, revered as the Lakshmi Thaapna, which is wonderful in all expressins of the Chakras---sacred geometry.My obeisance
be to you ,O Mother Sharika!12

(Man AzTu Nadi Chakra Man, Dhyan AzTu Zapmalay Man
Pran Az Tu Pranayam Man, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

My mind needs to be absorbed in the Chakras of the Chakreshwara. My mind should be focussed on the Shri Vidya Mantra of Shri Sharika ,while
repeating her Mantra on the Japa Mala--a garland of the Rudrakshmala.During Pranayama, my vital energy must be in tune with Devi's breath.
My obeisance be to you ,O Mother Sharika!13

(Man Arizuyam Be Navah, Uftadame Ba Dast-O-Paa
Dastan Bageer Az Tu Daya, Shri Sharika Devi Namah).

My mind is wandering in all the directions, I know not where my feet would take me and what actions my hands may make me to do. I am lost in
the whirl pool of Samsara--this world. I seek your blessings, I long for your compassion.My obeisance be to you ,O Mother Sharika!14

" "
Hee Ishta Devi Sharika, Das Chon Chhu bhakt Krishan Kar
Goyam Tvataa, Joyam Daya, Shri Sharika Devi Namah.15

You are my Ishta Devi--the Devi of my clan. I am your servant,but I am your Devotee. I sing your praises, and make laudation, to pleaseyou for
getting your Saksharkar.I need your infinite grace.My obeisance be to you ,O Mother Sharika!15

These Fifteen Shlokas are very mystic in nature and fully vibrant with the PANCHADASH AKSHARI BIJA MANTRA. The essence of
the Kadi Vidya is found in these 15 shlokas.
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ShArikA stotra
December 1, 2016 animeshnagar stotras from Kashmirhari parvata, sharika devi,sharika stotra

This is stotra of sharika devi who is one of kula and isth devta of
kashmiri pundits. There is a paNchAnga of ShArikA in devi rahasya
( ShArikA parmeshwarI )
jwAlAmAlinI stotra
In "Tantra"

JwAlAmukhI stotra
In "stotras from Kashmir"

RAjNI stotra

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