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High voltage disconnect switches:

critical to smart grid deployment
by Patrick Lalong and William Morse, EHT International

With the massive investments globally in smart grid architecture projects as part of the economic stimulus packages injected in the world
economies, we are witnessing new strategies in the high voltage industry internationally.

The challenge is serious; to build

architectures capable of integrating
multiple innovations developed to
improve overall practices in the electrical
production, transport and distribution
cycle. Technologies such as wind or solar
devices, specialised monitoring devices
for high voltage equipment and household
energy management devices will all speak
the same language and rely on smart grid
architecture to communicate.
Utilities are in the process of determining
the strategies to optimise their operation Fig. 1: Pantograph disconnect switches.
and maintenance practices. In short,
they are determining the equipment they
will monitor, the parameters that will be
recorded. It has become apparent that
utilities all agree to monitor high value
equipment such as power transformers,
circuit breakers, alternators and turbines.
But we notice the strategies for monitoring
high voltage (HV) disconnect switches
is far from being unanimous. This article
discusses the reasons why many utilities
are not integrating or simply ignoring HV
disconnect switches in their smart grid
monitoring strategies. It also demonstrates
the technical and economical value of
monitoring this equipment. Finally, it takes
a look at the progress that has been
made in the field of monitoring disconnect
The main reason utilities are reluctant to
integrate the HV disconnect switches in
their smart grid strategies is that disconnect
switches are relatively inexpensive
compared to other HV equipment and do Fig. 2: Vertical break disconnect switch.
not attract the attention of management.
There has been no development in HV the grid operators. Every time a blackout HV disconnect switches can be
disconnect switches technology in the past occurs, utilities and their customers lose monitored primarily from the motor
30 years. Surprisingly, disconnect switch millions of dollars in transit loss penalties, operating mechanism. To do so, the old
controls are still electromechanical and and operational losses. This statement electromechanical technology is replaced
have not yet been converted to electronic shows the immediate relation between by an intelligent electronic controller
controls. Therefore, when utility decision outages and HV disconnect switches. and an optical positioning system is
makers set their priorities for monitoring However, economic costs caused by incorporated for precise position control
devices, HV disconnect switches are disconnect switch failures are not limited to and measurement of the arm of the
generally at the bottom of the list. But is these isolated events. We have determined disconnect. Ironically, this technology can
this attitude justifiable? that between 10 and 20% of the total be installed in most existing disconnect
annual maintenance costs in substations switch housings at more or less the
In a document titled the Smart Grid:
is allocated to HV disconnect switches. same cost as utilities pay for refurbishing
an introduction, prepared for the US
Considering the human resources, and the the electromechanical technology of
Department of Energy by Litos Strategic
economic costs related to the equipment their old motor operating mechanisms.
Communication, we learn: More
Electronic controls allow for variable speed
blackouts and brownouts are occurring breakages, we determined that hundreds
control and monitoring of the following
[in United States] due to the slow response of millions of dollars in maintenance is
times of mechanical switches, a lack of allocated to HV disconnect switches every
automated analytics, and poor visibility a year. Therefore ignoring disconnect switch Disconnect mechanism position
lack of situational awareness on the part of monitoring does not make sense. Motor current, voltage and torque

energize - November 2011 - Page 26

time, energy and labour. The preventive
maintenance is replaced by just-in-time
maintenance. Therefore, maintenance
is performed only when required prior to
failures saving time and money.
Energy loss reduction
Re a l t i m e m o n i t o r i n g a l l o w s f o r t h e
detection of failures before they occur such
that energy losses caused by substation
equipment failure are significantly reduced.
Energy losses can be reduced by ensuring
better contact pressure by monitoring the
Fig. 3: Disconnect contacts. position of the blade in the jaw of the switch. Fig. 6: Intelligent motorised control cabinet.
Mechanical failure rate reduction
the utility and other devices within the
Electronic monitoring has the ability to substation on the proper opening and
detect a significant change in the motor closing of the disconnect switch. Over time
torque, according to predefined values, the cams become loose and they can
and adjusts the operational speed to no longer be trusted. Also, since they can
avoid mechanical failures. Motor current lose their positioning with time, they may
is continuously monitored such that not maintain the proper closed position
overcurrent situations can be prevented of the disconnect switch itself over time.
thus increasing motor life. If the blade is not properly seated within
Detection and intervention time the jaw of the switch, there will be losses
significantly reduced and the switch will overheat. iCOD ensures
that the proper position of the blade in
Intelligent controllers generate alarms the jaw occurs at each closing. If not, an
to notify operators when a problem alarm is raised. This positioning system has
occurs or when motor torque exceeds eliminated the need for cam switches
predetermined parameters. Error codes completely. The optical positioning system
are displayed to help diagnose the (Fig. 5) provides the added smart grid
problem source. Operational data is stored abilities whereby the user can now trust
Fig. 4: Conventional cabinet with cam switches. within the controller for diagnosis when an the signals sent by the controller. Since
alarm is raised. the unit now knows where the arm of the
disconnect is, at all times throughout
Equipment and grid life time increase due manoeuvres, the devise can now be truly
to reduction of harmful harmonics operated remotely. In many cases, with the
Electronically controlled HV disconnect conventional technology, crews must be
switches with the variable speed motors sent to witness openings and closings of
can decrease the duration of the electric disconnects. This can now be eliminated.
arc reducing the harmful harmonics All monitored parameters can be
injected in the grid. Decreasing the communicated to substation control
harmonics, which damage the insulating rooms via many popular communication
paper of current and power transformers protocols. Alarms can be trigger remotely
will, therefore, increase the operational life or simply by the local display. As more than
Fig. 5: Optical positioning system. of the transformers. a year's worth of operations are stored
in the unit, stored data can be used to
Monitoring of the controller The development of a motorised control diagnose incipient faults in the disconnect.
Temperature cabinet with smart grid capabilities
Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that
Humidity Five years of research and development including HV disconnect switches in smart
Operation time have culminated in iCOD (intelligent grid deployment would benefit utilities by
control operation disconnect) and iMCC optimizing their maintenance practices
Benefits (intelligent motorised control cabinet). and increasing their grid reliability. It is
Based on the recorded data, the Designed to provide utilities and heavy not justifiable that utility decision makers
operator benefits from real time alarm industrials a level of security for their ignore this piece of equipment in their
generation and various time and substations and grids not previously smart grid strategies. The last major piece
position based analysis allowing for available. Disconnect switches by their of equipment found in substations now
just-in-time maintenance. As well ageing, ver y nature are used in part to isolate has the ability to be controlled more
maintenance, and mechanical studies areas within substations in order that efficiently, monitored in real time, predict
can be performed to increase life of the maintenance can be performed, thus failures and alarm when required. Proper
equipment. On an economic perspective, they are an integral part in the security and monitoring of the lowly disconnect switch in
electronically monitored controllers safety of substation personnel. However, the end will save millions of revenue dollars.
decrease the HV disconnect switch conventional designs have elements that The savings will come in the form of less
operational costs thanks to the following cannot be relied upon should connection maintenance required, less load losses due
aspects. to a smart grid be required. One main to overheating, predictive maintenance
component that requires much attention instead of preventive maintenance,
Preventive maintenance time reduction of substation personnel is the cam switches catastrophic failure prevention and less
found in conventional motorised control human intervention.
The monitoring of the disconnect motor
cabinets (Fig. 4).
operation allows for the substantial Contact Mario Kuisis, Martec,
reduction of the preventive maintenance The cam switches are used to signal Tel 011 485-2717,

energize - November 2011 - Page 27

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